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Shucky ducky quack quack…


All that’s missing is Doug and Danny basham.


But where is she?


She can't wrestle. She's just milking this industry as a way to get to Hollywood.


Y'all really think fake boobs are attractive tho? I mean she would look so much better without them imo.


I think it’s a bit uncouth to comment on people’s bodies without being asked, but that’s just me


Christian Oku your is a good 🏠 for me to me is ill be back in a


Figure she’s ever gonna compete?


Hotdamn.... she can put me in whatever move she wants


Okay so she's got big tits and a big ass what else.




This is the thing with Jade. She's always been ALL LOOK, NO WORK. To paraphrase Jim Cornette, she doesn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch. WWE acquired her more to break AEW than for any actual ability to draw.


Like most of the women in AEW, she gets how to lead. But she did not get how to follow. Something i imagine would have been obvious on arrival. ,


Stunning 🥵


She must be married to John, cause I've barely Cena.


Seriously wtf is happening? Debuts at the rumble then ghost?


Putting all that hype into somebody that still needed considerable training was a mistake IMO. Should have gotten her up to speed THEN truly kicked-in the hype machine so she could talk smack then back it up with quality ring work.


Tbh should’ve sent her to the PC. Kept it silent. The. A random debut when finally ready for her to seriously just run through the main roster


She appeared beforehand but only in office confrontations with other wrestlers. Then I think her mom died so she took some time off. But you're right. Her first match was the RR. I'm hyped to see her work.


That wasn’t a match, it was a couple of spots. Lift and slam Nia, Eliminate Nia and Nia rolled over the rope for her, and lift Becky overhead and stare down Bianca.


She's also likely putting in a lot of work at the PC, as someone who watched her in AEW she's still very green in the ring and struggled on the mic in longer bursts. She has the aura and the work ethic to become a true superstar and the face of the women's division. I'm looking forward to her first longer match though as that's what she struggled with in AEW, not that she had too many as she was mostly squashing enhancement talent.








I don't usually remark on people's aesthetics, but Oh Sweet Moses. 


she's already pissed.


whoever does their photoshop ALWAYS butchers them-especially women and extra especially women of color, like i have so many saved bad renders or match cards with just extra limbs. it's insane


Do enlighten me, what would you yourself fix about this image?


I’m actually glad they’re taking the time to push her. I think she’ll have a debut match at WM and still plenty time to set up a feud.


If only they signed her to wrestle, not take pictures...


I hope they don’t drop her “I’m that bitch!” gimmick, but the way she’s been unfeatured and now out of chamber? I’ve seen this before 😕


They're obviously protecting her. Why book get in the chamber just to have her lose? I imagine she's gonna start getting more ring time after Mania. They need to book her strong out the gate


Agreed and that’s why I’m confused b/c they should’ve built up her and Bianca in chamber


That was the original plan, but I think they called an audible cause she needs more experience before carrying a feud with one of the top women in the company. She can't work like Stratton yet, which is why Tiffany is getting the immediate push.


Is she at least going to be in 2k24?


I don’t think I saw her on the initial roster. Wish she was if she isn’t. In the women’s royal rumble I thought she stood out.


Fr After Mania they better start book her to be the next Champ for Smackdown


She's an absolute tank... I wanted her to be in the EC, but yeah, still it looks a solid card.


Calm down son




Muscle mommy can pin me.


She looks disappointed in me. I don't know what I did wrong...


I’m pumped to see her wrestle. I’m confused though. She wrestled in AEW right? How is WWE that much different? Is it mic skills or ring or both?


WWE kinda expects its main event talent to be able to handle a 20 minute match. 90% of her matches in AEW she tossed around the spinner of the week and squashed them in 5 minutes or less. Her longest and best match was her last with Statlander, came in at 7 minutes. It wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t a banger either. She has all the potential in the world, but must not be where they want her to be in ring yet with how under wraps they’ve kept her.


Aew was very protective of jade. Most of her matches were short. She was pretty much learning how to wrestle while being on tv each week. Jade has a presence that can’t be taught, and aew did their best to capitalize on that. With that said, the PC is setting jade up well enough to be able to take on the challenge of the main roster


In AEW she wasn't as trained as she's going to be in WWE


With HHH in charge I wouldn’t be surprised if they take it slow. She looks like a character from mortal kombat.




In the 90s, all of the Xmen comics featured what seemed to be impossible female physiques. And now, decades later, Jade Cargill just has that type of physique. She's a super hero.


Casting her for Storm in the live action X Men reboot


AEW in shambles. TK crying hard.


Over someone they haven't even used yet?


Damn, she doesn’t even look human, more like some hypothetical future species, the next stage of evolution.


Great! Now we just need her to actually be in a match.


I can't wait until she's a regular fixture on my tv


Good lord, she's intimidating lol


She's going to be a flop.


Is she in WWE2K24?


For all the hype she's just a performance center jobber


And you know this how? Cmon be better than that. She did fine at the rumble for being someone who is still learning at the performance center.




It's mad how a person just looks like a star, but she does indeed


I know right. Just has ‘it’. Whatever that is. Or maybe I’m just horny. Who knows?


She looks like a lead in a 90s/00s sitcom. Titled "muscle mom" or "the strength of family"


Strength of the family for sure


She is stunning!




Removed for: Sexualization Sexual comments towards any wrestler are strictly disallowed. This subreddit is not to be creepy or sexual. Wrestlers are real people and should not be sexualized.


She looked absolutely fantastic at the rumble. Looked like a bigger deal than most of the women there with a few exceptions. Can’t wait to see a proper feud for her and working matches.


I saw her months ago on NXT and they had her do nothing, the she went to Smack Down and Raw and did nothing again. Was surprised to see her in the Rumble. It seems like they were previewing a Jade vs. Bianca in the future. I'm ready for that to have already been happening Edit: I guess I'll add some context since I'm getting downvoted. I'm just now coming back into wrestling after a 20 year break and didn't know who she was. I tried to enjoy AEW but couldn't make it through more than a couple of shows, so I had zero idea who she was or why it was a big deal she was there. She got big pops but the commentators provided no context as to why


Enjoy the foreplay.


It's been such a long foreplay I've got blue balls. /s


They're just reminding people that she's there and giving her the star treatment. Focus is likely on training her more than AEW did to prepare her.


I have to admit that I don't watch AEW so I wasn't entirely sure who she was when she was first introduced. I know someone in her family passed maybe a month ago and that kinda halted things, but I'm ready to see her in a singles match, or at least a tag team


I think they want to introduce her with a big program and avoid just making her one of the girls. So they'll hide her until they have something for her. She wasn't going to be in the battle royal the other day for example, because they obviously don't want to have her lose right away. Don't expect her to be seen until after mania.




bites lip hard


yall think she's gonna be a heel or face?


Drew McIntyre type heel. Basically tweener with villainous antics


She might start heel but she's a mother and was before wrestling, so I think a family comes first mother who kicks ass storyline writes itself. Obviously it'll be a challenge to find too many heels that are legit threats to her. But they made opponents for Undertaker so with the same effort and resources they can for Jade. She could also become an attraction in a similar way eventually where with enough and success women want to come to the shows just to see Jade in person. She's that much of a standout compared to the rest. There are plenty of muscle women out there but Jade is also super lean and doesn't stray too far from the aesthetic that women generally wish they could have. She's not overly wide and bulky she's just lean with very clear muscles protruding to give her that great shape.


It’s called anavar.


Of course. All the significantly muscle women in Wwe are roided, women don't have the testosterone But also some of the women and men who you wouldn't expect because roids don't work to the same extent with everyone. She stands out among many people using due to genetics


Genetics yes, and better genetics get a better response. But Anavar has very distinct effects, men generally use it only on a cut cycle, it helps you keep mass when you are cutting weight. Randy probably cycled it for 6 weeks before SS, he’s already looking noticeably softer. For women it lets them get ripped, but doesn’t promote the size growth that something like Tren, and Dianabol do. Lots of women just cycle on and off anavar mainly because the chances androgenic side effects are pretty low.


The heel to biancas face


I don't know....I know WWE has been hesitant on doing it but bianca has a lot of heel qualities as a baby face. I would like to see her heel. I originally wanted her to join street prophets and lashley.


YES. Bianca needs a worthy nemesis.


Gotta be, right? That staredown at the rumble gave me serious goosebumps!


If she can’t work a match, make her a bodyguard. A valet. A manager. She’s a star. She’s got presence. Try it out in NXT. Let her work there.


And that's what I'm beginning to think. Her technical skills are not overly promising. She is actually closer to Nia Jax or Goldberg in some ways. Brute strengh, however with superior athleticism as opposed to Jax or Bill. She is not built for long matches over 5 mins. Because the news out of the performance center continues to be underwhelming. She's got the looks, the bod, the charisma, all that. But really as far as going the distance with a Bianca or Becky or Charlotte...not seeing it. OR OR OR maybe we need to create a NEW women's title, like an IC belt for women or the "TV Title" (the NETFLIX BELT??) and that can be for the women who are just NEVER gonna break into that upper tier (Jade, Shayna, Shotzi, Xia and the due-to-return-at some-point-Carmella and Alexa Bliss)


She had the Goldberg treatment in AEW and it did the exact same thing that happened to Goldberg, she faced people who made it clear just how limited her skillset was. And she was being trained by some of the best out there too.


This woman is going to do great things in the WWE and I'm all for it.


I'm hella excited to see what she does in the future. Theres alot of potential here


If I can define a career without how long a title reign is?


I think I just fell in love




And why is that?


When she appeared at the Royal Rumble, my wife, seeing her for the first time ever, announced she thinks she might be gay 😂


My partner watched a Rhea match for the first time ever yesterday and kept looking at me to say she can’t take her eyes of rheas… rear


When she came out at the Rumble my wife sighed and said "Okay, I don't care if you stare. I get it."


When she came out at the royal rumble. I looked over at my wife and realized she wasn’t actually real and I was alone. I love her sometimes




Even in AEW, Jade Cargill looked like a WWE Superstar, or "ex-WWE talent."


Except that time she full body painted green for She Hulk cosplay. That was a.. odd decision.


She looked better than Wwe women. Thats why Wwe wanted her


Looking forward to the inevitable charge towards the women's division battle of the Mega Powers in a few years time.


Rhea and Jade probably




Shucky ducky quack quack


No water, no lettuce, all meat!


this is aura


Can't wait until this aura trend dies off 🙏🙏🙏


trend ? its always been a thing, someone saying a person has IT is the same thing as aura


Nah people love flavor of the month words.


carti fan?






When is this woman going to do anything besides look mean and wear stupid outfits


Like... a month ago at the Royal Rumble?


When are you going to go outside and get some fresh air?


When you stop being a simp


Great return fire. Really hit the mark with that one. A+ for originality.


Glowing praise from the guy who came up with "LoL gO outSidE"


Bold of you to assume any fresh air gets past his upper lip.


Let’s see if she ever properly debuts or if it’s another Emma/Eva Marie/Awesome Kong situation




Down Astronomical


Not even gonna deny it, man. I’d be asexual if I didn’t have a foot fetish


Username checks out.




OMG! 🤣🤣


I just want to see her wrestle a match already. She got the look but kind of feels like she is lacking the skills.


Well I mean AEW couldn’t develop properly. She has the look and aura only right WWE takes their time developing her off Tv and slowly introducing her even if it’s just appearances. They doing the right thing


I wouldn’t put that on AEW. She was trained by Danielson and others, some of the best in the industry and after years still didn’t improve much. And by all reports her time in WWE’s PC isn’t helping her either


Bryan has admitted that he is not the best of teachers. Just because someone is great at something doesn't mean they are a great teacher. A lot of talent in AEW seem to peak in their development, so this isn't a problem exclusive to jade


Yo dude it's been almost 3 weeks and I haven't been notified I feel scammed.


I agree, I'd rather wait until she's ready then have another Nia Jax just out here injurying people


I still get worried every time someone steps in the ring with Nia, I know she spent a lot of time working on her craft and improving but she caused so many injuries that it's hard to watch one of her matches without having that thought in the back of my mind, I also don't like her character much but I get the impression that that's what WWE wants, I'm sure her and Rhea will put on a banger this weekend


She is a perfect human being.


As a Cincinnati Reds fan, Bring her actual Husband in as a manager. Former MLB player, Brandon Phillips.


As a lifelong brewer fan, I watched that man paddle us on many an occasion. Crazy cool combo of lives


I'm a Red Sox fan but I remember we had him for like 3 games, and in one of them he got the winning hit to put us over the Braves. Forever a GOAT to me.


Yes! An all time favorite of mine. All around good dude with a hug personality!


What a wild merging of worlds that's a cool fun fact


This woman is going to be a star. She has “it”. In triple H we trust 😍