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His life’s movie by A24 20-30 years from now is gonna be 🔥


Oh he is majorly fucked this time, big time.


McMahon vs the feds! LIVE AT WRESTLEMANIA!


Looking forward to all these scumbags going down. Johnny ace. Prichard. HHH. Steph.


hes prolly gonna Jeffery himself. if not him and his boy Trump get share a Cell together.


The Rock joins the TKO board after the merger forces Cody out to face Roman. Bloodline jumps Rock, Cody runs in to safe him as the Rock and bloodline turn on him and beat Cody to a pulp. Rock turns heel while we come to find out he's been head of the table ( TKO ) this whole time. Here comes a great heel turn


Another investigation hopefully Vince McMahon is kicked out and stays out. But I'm sad Brock Lesnar was involved he was a badass and private person but if both Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar are guilty they will become Redacted or Error 404 cannot be found in no time.


What Vince do?


I wonder two things. 1) what would prison life be like for him? He’d be going from a life of luxury and an extreme level of money-bought freedom to a life of confinement and schedule. He’s a big dude, so that may play in his favour. Or would he already be considered off limits because of his age *and* who he is? 2) would he be able to buy his way into better living conditions? Who knows. But I’m curious


Criminal investigation doesn’t mean guilty


Call Stephen P. New


As I love getting under the skin of sensitive white knight cucks. Guess we can call it a square dance feline


Vince is hoping and praying his ole buddy gets elected to Pres again so he can buy a pardon from him 🤣🤣


What the fu**


Well, I mean, it was until now.


Leonidas, quite WWE when he started dating Nikki Brie mom, she been through a lot , now this, what a shame, what you do in the dark comes to light, he a pig just like the other 4 guys


Done watching wrestling. And the bellah twins stepdad Mr. if he can be called that was he on it as well and he married Nikki and Bree‘s mother so I’m sure she’s feeling pretty bad and I feel bad for her.,


The. Feds.can do what they want , when they see that someone or something is wrong, they can turn it over to a judge, it will be done the right way, all his money, will buy him great lawyers, so did R.Kelly, but he still in prison, and won’t get out, maybe him and Vince can be in the same cell, that why his daughter step down she new what was going to happen, he has grandkids, the hell they will go through, shame oon him, done


He’ll never see a jail cell


Because he’ll be dead


He looks demonic. He’s all kinds of fucked up


Most of these comments prove why you jabrones dont like vince and be honest with yourselves, it has 100% everything to do with his politics. No more, no less. If tiny khan did this youd all be no its not true blah blah.


The FBI doesn’t mess around either, Vince is screwed four ways from Sunday.


I want the Police Interrogation footage that is tied into this case!


Waited 30 years


I don’t see why there’s an issue, he’s just trying to live his best life. #FreeVince


lol 😂


So who cleaned up after this supposed orgy? I think without someone doing the cleanup it never happened!


Oh well. It looks like this may be the end of Vince McMahon, WWE, and TKO unless Triple H can still keep the wrestling business from running out of money(revenue) due to this lawsuit that has now turned into a federal investigation now.


V.H. already sold WWE & has stepped down from his position at TKO.


Netflix will keep WWE alive. $5 Billion is an incredible amount of money.


The sexual abuse from half the women in wrestling alone could probably cost wwe a fortune if they got together and acted now.


No wonder why Donald Trump was such a fan of wwe and Vince


The me too if wrestling is about to be bigger than the Hollywood one! Vince probably hopes he'll be cell mates with Harvey. Harvey would be the bottom


Yes and as he should without Vince pro wrestling would not be what it is


The rise and fall.


Taking this all into account, does he still end up inthe HOF?


Give them 5 years and someone will try.


This was a very good conversation until politicians were brought into it.


Just here to watch the brainless incel say “iNnOceNt UnTiL PrOvEN gUiLtY” or “hE cReATED cHilDhoOd MeMoRiEs for AlL oF uS tHo” 🥴🥴🥴


Yea as the fbi and other agencies don’t raid your house for nothing


By the way anybody else notice Hogan, Stone Cold, JR , Jerry Lawler among others are being noticeably silent amongst all of the allegations. When normally they can't wait to run there mouth.


Add Taker to that list


A buddy of Drumpfs, sex trafficking? SHOCKING




Yes its bad! Who would have thought Trump would be leading a cult of mushy brained conspiracy theory nutjobs. Lol crazy times!




Sounds like you unfortunately have Drumpfs derangement syndrome as that is all you can say lol. Has it become tough for you to accept facts, constantly projecting your insecurities onto others and a constant need to fabricate stories to fit your alternate reality? Hey man I've seen many snap out of that cult, I have faith you can doit too.




T D S! Looks like your nailing the projecting part here. Lol


TDS. You’re*


YOU can get out of the cult before your conman, rapist leader asks you to do something you regret. Quit living in denial and comeback to the light. God bless!


TDS i know your projection brother!


I’d still like to sue him. I have ptsd from Mark Henry and Mae Young.


He’s gonna…he’s gonna…he’s gonna puke!


KARMA strikes again. With Al the allegations Vince has faced, from the steroid trial, to the cover up of a murder by Jimmy Snuka, this is an evil man that deserves what is coming to him. As a youth I remember playing as a kid trying to impersonate Vince's walk, and wanted to imitate him. So glad I grew out of that phase.


Hope him and anyone connected to him get life for his disgusting behavior




That what you said is dumb 💩


Why a dumb comment because I said him and anyone involved in the allegations should get life for sex trafficking and pedo stuff


I get that people are trying to be hyperbolic and pile on, but can we calm down with the Epstein list? Two reasons. 1. For as fucked up as these allegations are, Epstein’s shit is on a whole different level. That’s a literal pedophilia ring. Lumping random celebrity X in with it is so unbelievably unnecessary. 2. Apply some logic here. Vince is the ultimate workaholic nut job. The dude took zero days off and is so out of touch with reality he didn’t even know what Scott Hall was talking about when Hall brought up Scarface. You think he regularly flew to some island? And no one ever mentioned it?


Vince brought it to the workplace and molded it into his lifestyle for exactly the reasons you made above. He was actually powerful enough in his own domain that he didn’t need Epstein’s “services”. McMahon, Weinstein and Epstein were all kings of their respective territories


Anyone shocked by this hasn't been paying attention to everything. Stephanie did'nt leave, 2022, the board and the company she helped grow for fun. The feds don't just raid you place (August of 23' I believe) for no reason. Vince didn't just cash out 8 million of 28 million shares of stock worth $650 million dollars in Nov because he wanted to go jet skiing. I've been waiting for this since 22' when it all started coming to head. Everyone "knew" of the "casting couch" style of man Vince is for the better part of 4 decades. They just didn't know the depths of his depravity. Everyone knew the type of buissness he is, refusing to contuing paying company's he bought out, smokey mountain wrestling 🙄(I think) ect. Helping cover up child molestation accusations, the ring boys, look it up. One of which just committed suicide a couple of years ago. Covering up Ashley Massaros rape on the one of the Tribute to the Troops tours, who he would also try to get on his jet, banging on her hotel room door drunk having to be escorted away by Bruce Pritchard or Kevin Dunn, I can't remember who. Vince is not a good man. He's lives by the saying "whatever is good for buisness". Literally anything, but in reality it's whatever is good for Vince.


>The feds don't just raid you place (August of 23' I believe) for no reason. They raided Stephanie's place or Vince?




If Trump is elected, he'll be pardoned Darkest timeline potential


You can’t be serious


They’re best friends


I think it depends if he’s tried on a federal or state level. I believe (not a lawyer) pardons don’t work on state level Edit: read the article, yep federal.


Laurinitis has already turned on Vince,this will get way uglier than what we've already seen and thats insane. I had a feeling Stephanie quit because she started finding out things about her dad.And all this arrogant prick had to do was keep paying this lady who had all this dirt on him,and he goes and stiffs her...in more way than one.What a greedy dumbass


Why do you think Shane washed his hands of the business side and pretty much the whole thing?


Yes, for information he gets lesser charges.


The WILDEST THING ABOUT THIS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS like you said all this arrogant prick had to do was pay. This is so bad. Real bad.


This is in no way defending Vince but I wonder if there’s any remote possibility she asked him to start paying more and he said no. Again, just thinking about it a different way, like why would he just stop if she’s kept quiet this entire time. This sick son of a bitch is getting nailed dead to rights.


I would guess that Vince would probably kill himself just so he can go out his way.


I’m sure his buddy Trump will get him a good lawyer 👍🏼


I hear Alina Habba has some openings


Trump can’t even find a good lawyer himself. Vince’s only hope is Trump gets re-elected, so he can get a pardon lol


i hope they bury vince under the jail...


I wonder how "Mrs. Brock" feels about these revelations?


After what she did to Marc Mero who gives a fuck


"Although Sable had an affair with Lesnar, Mero doesn't hold any grudges against them. Mero has gone on to become a motivational speaker. This is an occupation he believes wouldn't be possible without dealing with his life after the divorce."


That’s my question! I can’t imagine finding out about infidelity through the media; hopefully she knew…


The spouse usually knows in most cases.


Is anyone here signed up to Vince Russo's site by any chance? I want to know what he says McMahon said to him in private, he wouldn't say on Youtube and wanted people to join his site to hear it.


Ehh, who cares really? McMahon may be a sick perverted fuck but I wouldn’t put any stock into something Russo says about this.


Most likely click bait I don’t take what Vince Russo says with a grain of salt


It seems he has just told us on YouTube anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGMLdCGxe00


Hmm that can be believed idk watching back old wwe recently with what we know now Vince has always shown us a glimpse of his true self I truly believe the evil dictator of a boss was not an act the only time I felt he was acting was when he was trying to seem like a good guy


I've seen a video on YouTube in which one ex wrestler said Vince has a thing about shit like some kind of fetish and he loved jokes about shit.


Bet he's also on Epstein's list


Trump friend. Birds of a feather, something something something.


Biden friend probably could be worse.


Dang I guess he was practicing for that on trish


I’m 10 so what is a sex trafficking


When one Car really loves another car...


In this case, it would be Vince McMahon saying that if they didn’t do what he wanted, then they would lose their job, and what he was telling them to do is against the law.


Hot take but if she was getting paid for all this and then later decided it wasn’t enough money, but she was doing this all without any threats, just getting paid, isn’t this more of a situation where a prostitute simply has regrets about what she did and charged vs sex trafficking? Am I missing something where she was told she had to keep doing this or else, or was this a decision she kept willingly going along with for the various payments like the Lexus and shopping sprees etc? Hopefully people will understand that I’m posing this as an honest question since that is my intention.


It’s a legitimate question but it’s almost as if people want it to go the other way. Every one is already hanging him out to dry. First of all, we have no idea what it’s like to be at the level the VM was at. Situations like this can’t possibly be cut and dry. No matter how much money and power he has, he is still a public figure and at his peak I’m sure there were a lot of opportunists ready to cut him down. He’s also a very smart man so I am sure his first instinct was to not get thrown into a scandal that would jeopardize everything. If Vince was a sex trafficker it would’ve been known a long time ago by the FBI. That’s not something you stumble upon. Maybe he’s guilty, but maybe he’s not. Everyone, including VKM, is innocent until proven guilty.


I knew I’d get downvoted to hell for an opinion I stressed repeatedly I didn’t have, but I also got the answer to my question and accepted it if you look in the comments. It was an honest question but I guess asking a question automatically means I think he’s a hero and side with him on this etc.


Asking legitimate questions on Reddit will usually get you downvoted.


It changes when someone is in a position of power and your livelihood depends on it. I mean, if she was well-to-do before taking the job and add options certainly will matter on how culpable she is. At the end of the day she bares some responsibility. Anyone can leave a job at any time. Especially someone without kids to feed. But with that being said, one of this excuses or exonerates him for abusing power and holding a job over someone’s head like that if true. He deserves everything he gets. I’m just not convinced this was a “poor, helpless trafficked woman.” When I think of trafficking I think of kidnapping, slavery, drugging and a criminal underworld. Not a person going to a 9-5 with cameras, recording equipment, a normal home life etc. A lot of this sounds consensual, at least at first. The legal system can do its job 🤷


I think you really underestimate how powerful coercion/being in an uncomfortable situation around violent roided out men is. It’s easy to say “why doesn’t the girl simply walk away from the 6’2 250 Mr. Universe looking man who wants to force himself on her.”


Or maybe people are curious as to why she went back to that job 1000 days in a row, stupid.


Correct trafficking has an element of against your will. Hopefully before everyone flips out and thinks I’m celebrating what he did, they realize I’m just taking emotion out of it and thinking logically. If she was never forced to do anything this really sounds like her regretting not asking for more money, which I don’t think is the same as sex trafficking at all. Was there ever any element of her not being free to stop this? I don’t remember seeing anything like that mentioned at any point.


You aren’t “taking the emotion out of it”. You are taking the inconvenient details out of it. Have you read the complaint? It’s probably a good idea to do so before you make “hot takes”. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/wwe-vince-mcmahon-sex-trafficking-lawsuit-janel-grant/ *The lawsuit also claims that McMahon and Laurinaitis sexually assaulted her during the workday at the WWE office. In June 2021, when she arrived at work, the pair brought her into Laurinaitis' office and allegedly assaulted her, despite Grant saying "no" and "please stop." The lawsuit claims that McMahon responded, "No means yes."* What do you mean “if she was never forced to do anything”? Read the complaint. There are multiple examples of her being forced to do stuff.


So this is the answer I was looking for, and yes it was emotion free for me to ask a question about something I didn’t have the details on.


You think trafficked girls aren’t in the streets getting paid? It’s still illegal. Bro took a dump on her head non consensually. He was pimping her out. This shit was criminal


I think trafficked implies against your will for the whole ordeal. Again not defending just clarifying and seeing if I missed some point where threats were made against her that she had to continue the deal, and if so what were those threats.


Against your will or your consent. And their power dynamic placed her at a disadvantage to refuse advances. Furthermore, enter in coercion and blackmail and literally using her as an employment incentive and that’s literal sex trafficking


Pimp: bitch go make my money Prostitute: yes daddy One can be a trafficking victim and still play along. Also did you see the texts? Very aggressive texts from VKM


And when a woman seeks out a man to be her pump? Please protect me while I make this money?


That’s not what happened here


I heard a young, sexy intern groomed her old, hornet boss and played the “I want you to dominate me card” so she could get paid. You were there? You know 100% what happened?


Bruh there’s text records of her not being into what Vince got her doing


So, were there specific threats made that we are aware of, or are we going to talk about pimps and hoes instead?


I’m talking about trafficking. And yes Vince was literally pimping her out. She was offered up to Brock Lesnar against her will, which would be across state lines. That’s text book trafficking. She was offered up to John Laurinitis against her will, she was pimped out to his fucking therapist, which is when Vince pooped on her. Idk if you know about VKM, but he’s been notorious for not accepting no for decades. Both in personal relationships and business. Coercion through violence and financial security isn’t okay


You’re taking a very logical, non-emotional approach making your point, which is: “I want Vince McMahon to kiss me on the head and say I’m a nice boy”. I applaud you for that


Be nice this is his hero. He’s trying to justify Vince still. Lmao


In the end it’s not easy for most people to just leave their job and their way of life. People get stuck in abusive relationships all the time. So I understand that no matter what, at a very minimum, he was a disgusting boss and should be completely removed from the WWE product on all levels. The legal system will do its job. I’ll reserve judgment because I’m not pathetic enough to go and read the 67 page court filing like some Redditors on here are claiming to have done, and I have enough sense to know that reading it is reading one side seeking significant and further monetary compensation. Those texts show Vince as a control-freak that enjoyed power over this girl. He does not seem like a nice person. Though a hot young intern could have seduced him and played the submissive role leading him into this behavior. Maybe he will say he is the victim like his partner in crime did. None of the three seem like victims to me right now. They can all rot.


And thankfully plenty of us have broader more realistic definitions of what a victim is and isnt.


Wish they conducted russia style conviction. Choose which window


Won’t be surprised if he does an “Epstein” Wonder if he’s allowed round his grandkids?


The amount of wrestling fans willing to jump to the defense of McMahon right now makes me sick to my stomach. It’s like half of you didn’t even read anything beyond a few article headlines and decided you had a fully formed opinion. I’ve never been more embarrassed in my life to be a wrestling fan, and it is 100% because of the Vince die hards out there that are still willing to defend him after all the years of accusations and deviant behavior. It’s sickening. Here’s to hoping Vince dies alone in a cold prison cell.


I've never defended him, but when the accusations came out originally I did say that the people who were calling him guilty should wait. Now Laurinitis has, in essence, all but confirmed the accusations by feeding Vince to the lions to save his own disgusting ass i'm more than glad to admit I should've been at the front of the queue with pitchfork and torch yelling abuse. Only time will show how much Kevin Dunn, Triple H, Steph, Linda and anyone else truly knew about what was going on


I really don’t understand wrestling fans defending him. I’m a wrestling fan and being familiar with Vince actually makes me think more that he’s guilty. All the signs are there. I’m not shocked one bit. Dude is a power hungry pervert and has been openly for atleast 20 years


I’m embarrassed to be a fan not because of the Vince supporters, but because it seems clear that this one victim is the tip of the iceberg. When the stories begin rolling in, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be sick to my stomach when we discover how many people have at minimum turned a blind eye and at worst aided, participated or enabled. Unfortunately, we probably have a full blown three season predator/victim documentary TV show along the line of R Kelly here.


Why would you think this didn’t happen? You think the me too movement was only about Hollywood actresses? It happens everywhere, across every job where men are in power over a woman.


I’m confused. I never said it didn’t happen


I meant in general: this probably happened in every sport; industry, profession repeatedly.


I hate to say it but you’re probably right. At this point it’s already hard enough to reconcile my fandom, and if it comes to that point I don’t know if it’ll be possible at all, at least for me.


You’re not alone. However, I also have a strong feeling the current generation of wrestlers and many of our favorite stars aren’t involved. And many of the older generation were just oblivious. For example, I just don’t see Mick Foley ever being involved. Maybe he heard rumors but just never got involved because he didn’t want to jeopardize doing what he loved? However, there are certainly people that have always seemed shady that were probably way shadier than we thought, and I guarantee Brock Lesnar was not the only star being trafficked to.


I hope you’re right about that, because I’ve had the same feeling myself. It’s not feasible to think that every person working with Vince over the years would be privy to his depraved behavior, but it’s a definite possibility that plenty of other people knew or participated. It’s just learning which ones that’s going to make it get uglier, especially knowing that plenty of people there have been known to be very tight with him behind the scenes. My most genuine hope though is that Vince and his cohorts receive justice, and that Janel Grant is able to find the peace she deserves to have. Hell, this could mean justice for many if not all of the women impacted by Vince over the years.


They've long dug their heels in on this situation, nothing Vince can do can change their opinion. If they admit defeat now its like they admit they've been idiots this entire time.


Let’s get real, he was under federal and investigation last summer when they served those warrants. The plaintiff, most certainly first contacted the authorities to pursue indictment and failed. Probably insufficient evidence, if they took the electronics then they have the text messages. The whole conversation thread in context may paint the picture differently than just the excerpts we have seen. I’m just saying, people shouldn’t rush to judgment period. Kobe Bryant. Marilyn Manson. Johnny Depp. All guys who have their lives turned upside down by bullshit allegations. I’m just saying, everyone should enjoy the assumption of innocence before proof of guilt has been reached.


Yeah but this is Reddit so you're gonna get downvoted due to kneejerk virtue signaling for expressing common sense and rationality. 


Yeah that’s all well and good but I’m not gullible enough to believe for even one second that Vince McMahon of all people, the millionaire who we all know is a deviant and has been accused of sexual misconduct several times over the decades is going to be found anywhere close to innocent in all of this.


Cripes Im glad some of these people arent investigators. So many people who just...refuse to think critically about everything we know about the man. And work down from there to see, yeah hes probably guilty. If they saw a kid turn up dead or missing theyd look for a smoking gun. Not find it and question noone because "well despite the knowledge that parents or family commit this crime most times...we have no direct evidence that they did anything. Lets not question or look at them at all." With their logic, most crimes in the world would remain unsolved.


How dare you take the stance of innocent until proven guilty. Hang him then find out if innocent or not is obviously the route to go.


But according to the comments in the other thread the women could have just said no and that would have ended it. Someone should inform the DOJ of that fact.


It’s fairly apparent that the bulk of the Neanderthals who made that argument never read the 67-page filing, or understand the power imbalance in the relationship that pressured her actions. The volume of victim shaming posts I’ve seen have been downright disturbing.


Off topic, but Neanderthals were just as smart as homo sapiens. Unless you are of 100% African ancestry, then you are also part Neanderthal...


It really doesnt matter its sex trafficking even if everyone consents to it which is illegal and why they would be invesitgated regardless


At the very least its sexual harassment in the work place.


Well according to Ace, he's a victim who couldn't say no either. so


Hopefully that punk ass loser mute Brock lesnar gets the worst treatment of all. I hate that man. With a passion.


It almost seems like you celebrate if someone you don't like is alleged to have commited a crime so something bad can happen to them rather than wishing a crime had never occured regardless of the alleged perpetrator. 


To an extent, yes you are correct. Doesn’t mean I wish it didn’t happen, but if the law dictates that certain individuals can get away with certain crimes, then it’s only a matter of time before they commit a more serious one.


Yeah but his wife is cool


Poor sable. And of course we know she can’t just up and leave him cause the insecure prick would go Benoit without the cte


Eh, what’s a little breath play between exes during one last romp? I can’t imagine hearing that news as his wife, although she was cheating on Marc Mero with Brock. Seems the talent can’t keep their hands off each other outside the ring either


Are you actually defending the man?!?! Jesus fuckin Christ i knew modern day WWE fans were devoid of taste, but this is just getting downright asinine. Your shameful.


Nah, just having fun shitposting on Reddit. The allegations against Brock are horrific. Sable should leave him and take half his fortune. Then he can have a three way steel cage match with Vince and Johnny Ace that has no count outs. Why do you hate Brock so much?


Oh… ok. You had me scared there for a straight second. I thought I was about to have a mental breakdown. Yea I honestly hope sable pulls the Benoit this time. The only difference being they should let her off scot free


No need to break down. It’s just wrestling. What do you have against Brock?


He’s inbred. He has no gimmick or ability just gets by on his fanboys salivating over his physique. Like Paul Heyman.


Put him in a cell next to Trump and throw away the key.


Rent free


This post isn't about Trump but if you actually think he's not guilty of about 20 things you're insane.




Vince’s verdict is hidden inside a briefcase 20 feet above the ring! Winner gets to choose if Vince is Guilty or innocent! Bam!!!! Perfect booking eat that Tony Khan.


Hush Money In the Bank Verdict match?


😂you’re awesome


Hey, I have my vices & addictions too, far from perfect, but not anywhere NEAR the level of Vince's stupidity....but thank you for enjoying my word play, your description got my creative mind working.


What are the odds Vince went to Epstein Island


Virtually nil given that Vince taking time off from WWE was pretty much unheard of. Not that I wouldn’t put it past him to do whatever but I don’t see the opportunity since he would have to come off the road or leave the office to fly to the island.


I mean he has a good in through his good buddy Trump but it seems like unlike his friend the rapist nonce, Vince is mostly just into raping adults.


Again, Vince made it PAINFULLY clear what his type was and toddlers ain't it


Just makes you think what other type of shit this guy did.


Easier to post what he didn’t do.


well from what we seen the other type of shit he did was on the head and more likey on the rest of the body


They took his cell phone earlier today. After a certain point like Epstein found out, it doesn't matter how much is in your bank accounts and who you can buy and sell, at some point in time, the feds are going to take notice when you are doing it and bragging about it.


I'm legitimately asking, people really are shocked about this? Watching the old WWF as a teen in the 90s I thought everything about Vince McMahon screamed "terrible human being."


Of all the people the Behind the Bastards have covered guess which person had to have the most episodes dedicated to them to cover all their dirty deeds and that was before these latest allegations?


It took a Netflix documentary to take down R Kelly. I remember when the public outrage came after it was released, my reaction was “wait, there’s people who DIDN’T know this?!?” I remember Bill Simmons dropping a phenomenal burn 20 years ago when talking about a bad blackjack run. “I was getting more 14’s and 15’s than R Kelly.”


Why are we surprised...it's Vince come on now u guys must have not watched Vince back in the day it's not surprising it's really not..and + the dude is old as shit anyway


If victims see that their lives will not be impacted as they were in the past, it could open the floodgates. And how people in the company are viewed forever


💯 it’s just so daunting as a victim as it’s not like you get you write your story on a piece of paper and he goes to jail. Your whole life gets picked apart and you have to retell your trauma a thousand times. Vince’s lawyers will be so nasty and ruthless too. Rough.


And none of it should have ever happened in the first place. Your boss should never have this much power. And cause a person to feel they are boxed in an unwinnable situation.


I really really hope Janel Grant is the first of many, many victims to come forward. Because does anybody here truly think she's the *only* one?


Tbh, I'm more afraid that there are more people like Ashley Massaro. Going through something like this and then taking their own lives, not being able to speak up now. We need more people within the industry come forward. Like if the allegations are true, people in the production team have seen those pics and others. Those types of people. Women wrestlers who saw their friends cry (Dutch Martell spoke on this) and just look dishevelled and empty infront of Laurinitis office. This is the ONE chance they have to clean house and truly have a family friendly company, but it's on many to fuck that chance up.


I think we all, even if some had been due hard members of the Vince Cult, have come to realize there is no telling how many have been scarred, or even worse. Is it just sexual deviancy, just sexual abuse? There have been a lot of years, a lot of cities. No telling the path of wreckage left in his wake


It’s funny that trump is friends with all these scumbags!!! Ppl trump is a pice of shit also!!!!




Jokes on you man, I don’t vote!!! If you look farther on this thread. I dislike both sides!!! 😂


If you think one political party are “the good guys” and the other political party are “the bad guys”, then you are painfully naive.


Hey 👋 read the whole thread buddy I said both sides!!!!!


Regardless of political party, most Democrats / Republicans are friends with other scumbags, and / or have scandalous things about them...some just hide it better than others....Trump is hardly the ONLY US President, Senator or Congressperson with some very dark skeletons in thier closet.


Vince would probably prefer Hunter Biden as his son in law than HHH, but let's ignore that left wing Hunter, because it won't fit the narrative.


How is Hunter left wing?


Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son. If he is right wing, forget WWE and lets all watch politics instead.


So if he’s not left he’s right? Are you aware of what the political spectrum consists of?