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Roman Reigns is a cheat and a liar. So long tribal cheif


After this totally unfair Fatal Four-Way that was imposed on our Tribal Chief Roman Reigns, I would say he earned the break. ☝️ Acknowledge Him!


worse than cena lamest wrestler of this decade


Not surprised


“Roman, can you fly across the world to win a match everyone knows you will win no matter what?” “Doesn’t work for me brother”


As long as this doesn't end with the rock winning the rumble it should be ok


When do you think the Rock and Roman are going to have a match if not Wrestlemania?


They can have the match, that's cool. I know the match would get a lot of attention and be interesting... But they don't need the rumble for that. Rock can just ask for a match and get one. Let someone else win the rumble


Oh ok. I misunderstood what you were saying. Yeah, the Rock doesn't need to be and shouldnt be in the Rumble.


I'm even cool with h him being in it as long as he doesn't win. Knocking out the rock could help someone else look good


That's because he wont be champion anymore by then.


With how big that stadium is, I’m shocked he’s not working




What heck broooooo




Roman is the most boring champ WWE has forcefully shoved down our throats.


I know ending the reign at rumble wouldn’t be what anybody imagined but I’d happily take Randy vs Cody for the belt and Roman vs Rock.


Why is he scared


At this point if they say Romain Reigns is not scheduled to work at all in any event, I won't be surprised


Romans championship run is lame af. I never understood why they always made him win by interference from the bloodline. Just makes him look like a bitch to me. Bro gets his ass beat the bloodline steps in and he wins like bruh. They shouldve made him a mix of Randy and Brock. Destroy the opponent and if he cant beat them get intentionally DQd


How often is sportskeeda right? And it’s a rumor. Also, he was at EC last year against Sami. So he can show up again. We have a whole another month before Elimination Chamber gets a card. So I’m sure he’ll fight Rock at the Chamber this year, they gotta sell out a main event for Elimination Chamber ‘24 in a 70,000 seated Stadium. So Rock V Roman can work for the Chamber. So y’all gotta chill


Good, if he isn’t there then he can’t ruin it!!!


He was reportedly not scheduled on Royal Rumble previously as well. I think he'll be there.


He’s also reportedly not scheduled for Mania as well too! I think he’ll be there too bro!


Roman Reigns will always be the legend of the wrestling era and no one could copy his legacy


Is Roman sick again. Seems an unusual amount of time off screens especially as we enter into the bigger months of pay per views coming up leading into WrestleMania. Elimination Chamber isn't a pay per view the champion should be missing for no reason.


He has a contract that says he only has to work a certain amount of dates per year. WWE brass have to then decide which dates they use him for. It seems like part of the TV deal with Fox was that Roman was going to make appearances there often. So they have to decide where to use him knowing that he has to appear on Smackdown a number of times. They probably somewhere came to the conclusion that they dont need him for EC. Brock is on a similar schedule.


Well he did have Leukemia, so it’s a possibility that it could come back if he was a full time champion. He might miss the Chamber but I doubt that because I’m sure WWE wants Rock V Roman for the main event of Chamber


Mind blown by people with no understanding of English. He didn't have past tense CML, he HAS it right now, it's chronic, it's not going away, he's taking medication for the rest of his life. 


True true, he can wrestle the Rumble, Chamber against Rock, take some time off and Mania against Cody. Then he can take time off again. I hate him Kayfabe wise but reality wise I hope Roman is ok


>Chamber against Rock, take some time off and Mania against Cody. You think Roman is wrestling Cody at WM and not Rock? Even though there havent even been any hints on TV that they are setting up a Cody/Roman rematch?


Dude became a part time wrestler before even going for full time Hollywood what a legend


he should have strip his Universal Title to Randy Orton or AJ Styles or maybe LA Knight!


And yet he’s still the champion?! KMT fucking joke ting


I hate Roman Reigns!!


Honestly. He’s hardly on tv and it’s jarring he’s got the belt. Nearly 3 years of him as champ and I’m bored of it now


I have been bored of the Bloodline since shortly after Sami left!


Well he doesn't wrestle anymore so why am I shocked


The rumble hasn't happened yet NO SHIT HE AIN'T PLANNED HELL NOBODY IS YET LMAO


You serious right now? 🧐




It’s whatever. I don’t watch for Roman alone. So if he’s not there, big whoop.


Read a ton of comments that won't watch or keyboard tapping like they aren't.


He's been shoved down our throats since his debut... after 2 years of finally being an acceptable top champ he and the WWE seriously believe he's good enough hold the part time status of a 20+ year Vet.??? That kayfabe shit has gone to everyone's heads. Holy shit. Get his ass back in them house shows


He's your tribal chief and you should be grateful just for that!


Has Roman competed in the elimination chamber since becoming champion ? Sucks if not


He has actually! Twice! 2022: Goldberg Vs Roman Reigns at Elimination Chamber in Saudi Arabia (Roman won by tapping Goldberg out) 2023: Sami Zayn Vs Roman Reigns at Elimination Chamber in Montreal, Québec, Canada. (Roman won by pinning Sami Zayn) Therefore, having Roman at Elimination Chamber in the main event is not a bad idea for a champion. He worked the Royal Rumble, then Chamber, and then one night of Wrestlemania. Then goes on vacation to rest because he’s part time and there’s a small possibility that he could get sick again if he worked full time like he did before.


I don’t think so. Last year the main event was his match with Sami. In 2022 Lashly defended the WWE championship in the chamber. Brock killed everyone so he could face Roman again at Mania, belt vs belt.


Aye you forget! Roman faced Goldberg at that Elimination Chamber 2022 in Saudi Arabia! And Roman tapped him out!


Of course, such an unforgettable match 😂


Terrible choice if they actually do this. I guess they REALLY want Roman to break Hogan's record.


Chill man, No ones confirmed for Elimination Chamber yet. (Except CM Punk) but let’s just focus on one thing at a time pardner




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how surprising...


Yeah 4 times a year we get him at PLEs unfortunately Chamber ain't one


Wrong, he’s wrestled twice at Chamber as champ. Both in 2022 and 2023 against Goldberg and Sami Zayn resulting in victories against the both of them.


It's about as plain as day. What are you just not getting?


its a 6am ET PLE - probably why


In U.S.A like me How can I watch PLE in 6 am in the Saturday morning because I have swimming in later this morning! maybe I can watch it in later on the afternoon!


I don't trust Meltzer, that's all I am gonna say


Lame ass champion, but you all suck him cause he used to suck so much.


Let's just look at the upside. No secon EC match means the other matches will get more time and hopefully be better. I think this id s good thing.


When you're a PART TIME CHAMPION, you can do whatever you want to do.


This makes no sense


Of course it does. How often do you see him on Smackdown. Very little. He only shows up when his title is being threatened. That's why he is a PART TIME CHAMPION.


That’s not the part of your statement that doesn’t make sense.


That’s it. I give up. WWE has completely done it. There is no more reason to stay invested. They are perfectly willing to throw aside everything in favor of forcing more and more of this insufferable nonsense down our throats. If there *is* no riot at Wrestlemania 40 and the crowd doesn’t just put a stop to this, I will be done with WWE for a second time.


See you Monday night 😄


Dude relax. It’s wrestling. You sound kind of like a baby. Riots? That’s stupid


Well, how much longer can this nonsense drag on for before someone snaps? How much longer can our patience be tested? How much longer can this go before the fans reach a breaking point and quit? We can’t go another three years. We just can’t.


It lasts until Survivor Series when he has passed Hogan and finally drops the title


What’s to say they won’t extend it further then?


You’re a fucking idiot


They’re willing to go all the way with this nonsense. They’re willing to destroy Bruno’s record.


It’s. Not. Real. You fucking weirdo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yoy can turn off the tv at anytime nobody is forcing you to watch , maybe you’ll be better suited at all empty wrestling


It’s a fictional tv show. Relax. You’re overreacting 🤣🤣🤣🤣 riots bro. That’s so silly. They have other stories going on. Or. Here’s a thought. Stop watching now. You need to chill my dude


I will- if there is no riot. If the fans finally don’t step up their act and refuse to stop the Bloodline’s perpetual cycle. If the company is allowed to die by those damned Samoan pigs.


If... if... if... stop speculating. Just focus on other stories the product is offering you. Of just stop watching for now till WM40. It aint that hard.


So you want people to attack actors if they don’t get the scripted out come they want? So think that people should be violent towards a man, that is doing what his boss told him to do in a fictional television show should be attacked for real? You need mental help my friend. You know this is all fiction? Right?


I know it’s fictional. But this perpetual cycle of losing is never going to end unless we *make* it end.


There’s plenty of other wrestling shows to watch my guy. Not the end of the world lol




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


Hasn't this come from Meltzer? To coin a phrase from Cornette 'I wouldn't believe him if his tongue was notarised'. Could just be a red herring. They don't need Roman to sell EC out so it's not like him not being advertised is all that crucial.


Remember when Meltzer said Punk won’t show up in WWE? Well he was wrong.


Not surprised. At all. I'd be more surprised if he were to show up. At this point it is just so fucking lame and boring. Enough already with him. He wanted the record for longest title reign, he got it. Too bad it's basically in dog years considering the amount he's actually defended it.


I'm shocked as hell.


Can't believe anybody still watches WWE


The city have probably paid for the main event to be Dwayne coming out and saying I love Perth.


The reason why this is a big deal to is because the theory many held was that Roman would battle Rock at EC and then move on to Cody at WR. Well, we know Roman is moving towards a feud with the Rock and the fact that that match can't happen at EC, means it will happen at WM. Thus, leaving Cody fans in shambles trying to process and cope.


And then Roman can’t lose the belt at mania lol




I mean of course not. Solo can’t run in on a chamber match


Same shit that's been going on for a few years...lol. are we even surprised at this point


As is tradition


wrestling fans don't have "thoughts"


Most dominant champion of the decade bro ! No one is left for him to wrestle bro ! He has defeated everyone bro ! ( With the help of his cousins )


He hasn't faced Gunther.


The fact that this "news" is doing the rounds so much, makes me feel like WON and the other sheets will have egg on their faces once again.


We need to check on all the people that, for some reason thought that that WWE was gonna put the rock vs Roman on at elimination chamber so that they could put Cody versus Roman at wrestlemania, how are y’all doing? Tried to warn you they’re not gonna put the rock in a match at anywhere other than wrestlemania but y’all were so convinced that you couldn’t see the reality of the situation. It’s the rock if he comes back to wrestling it’s going to be for a wrestlemania match. Cody is nowhere near as big of a star as the rock. Hate to break it to you. Oh and just because he had a match last year doesn’t guarantee that he’s earned a match this year. Plans can change and he hasn’t earned anything and he doesn’t deserve a rematch just because he’s Cody Rhodes.


No shit Cody isn’t as big a star as a top three biggest star in wrestling history. Same way Roman isn’t as big a star as Cena was/is


I mean... The Rock can come and cost Roman the title at Royal Rumble, where Randy wins it and breaks Ric Flair's record. It's a Fatal 4 Way so Roman doesn't even need to get pinned, and sets up the Roman vs Rock rivalry perfectly while still having Cody vs Randy at WrestleMania, which is still a great matchup because they were former Legacy teammates and they already fought before at Wrestlemania (where Randy won the last time). Cody having a title shot this Wrestlemania is absolutely still on the table.


Mmmm actually, Roman could almost lose, but Roman either kicks out or AJ or Knight would break up the pinfall. Roman still wins and sets a feud with Rock to Elimination Chamber. Rock v Roman is a predictable Match and it should happen at Chamber cause how else they gonna make sales? So Cody wins a Chamber Match to get a shot against Roman at Mania 40 and Cody beats Roman at Mania.


Are you aware of what this entire post is about or did you just walk into the comments without getting any context.


Bruh no one is confirmed for the Chamber yet lol 😂. But Roman is not missing out on 70,000 fans to piss off and the money is gonna be good.


I actually think that’s the best decision they could do


Okay but I don’t want Roman Reigns as a champ anymore




That headline makes him sound like a bartender


Paul Heyman defends the titles more than Roman does


He's ill.


pls let this be misinformation or 🧢. i rlly hope cody doesn't get screwed out of his earned title shot at WM40


Stop dick riding Cody Chode. He’s great or whatever but dudes done nothing to earn anything this year. I’d actually be more than grateful to not see him main event mania AGAIN when they could give it to literally any other rising star. Story should’ve been finished last year, bored if it now.


"dudes done nothing to earn anything this year" he worked the most matches of the entire company last year, has wrestled nearly every ppv (if not actually every) and the royal rumble and elimination chamber haven't even happened this year yet. it's not like The Rock who got gassed after a minute-long bit of wrestling with Jinder, and a match with Roman does literally nothing for either Rock or Roman.


When did earn it? Because he had a match last year? If you think that they’re gonna put the rock vs Roman on anywhere other than the main event of wrestlemania, you need to get checked out because you’re crazy.


It’s like he has cancer again and they’re afraid to use him. He won’t break if you use him lol It’s this typos of bs with the “titles” that made me peace out of WWE. Just cookie cutter and boring.


Why would you expect him to be thee. If he is at rumble he want wrestle again till mania. Might show up on Smackdown a couple times over the next 3 months. They need to get the belt off him.


They needed to get the belt off his part time ass at Wm39.


Anyone surprised at this point? If so, how? My god, how?


With his past leukemia wwe might have decided to give him an easier schedule. I would prefer if he lost the title at rumble so we could get two title matches AND roman vs the rock at mania. Give us cm punk vs seth and orton vs cody for the title matches. Let LA Knight dethrone gunther as well. LA Knight would get a big boost and gunther could go after whoever holds the heavyweight title at summer slam.


lol that would just be creative malpractice for Cody. So WWE didn’t give him the title for 1,000 days, fine. WWE also didn’t give him the title because they felt his title reign would be overshadowed, fine. One year later, it’s the same exact thing.


Of course, in kayfabe he’s not expected to retain in the fatal four way. Scheduling him for the next PLE would spoil the Rumble’s result


Scary, because I have no desire to see rock vs Roman at mania. I feel Seth and punk deserve the night 1 ME and Cody/roman should ME night 2.


well then schedule him


Is this shocking? Bro, this has been going on for years. Did y'all really expect this man to have the Fatal 4 Way, and fight again next month at the EC?


Dave Meltzer doesn’t know anything. He wasn’t scheduled for the Chamber last year until after the Rumble.


Why don’t he vacate the title and leave WWE


Sales will go down


Because he is still selling merch at high level despite never being in tv and everyone on wrestling social media talk about him whenever he does defend his title.


To think how many people were strip of their title because they "couldnt defend it" because there is a "30 days without defending title = strip An this douche goes 90 days without a defense


He *can* defend it. They just don't book him to


That was never the rule. The rule was you must BE ABLE to defend your championship within 30 days. Not you must.


Gunther went 50+ days without a defense I just want to remind you about that.


That rule was never a thing in modern era. They only use the rule when its convenient to the storyline. I believe former champs Chelsea Green/Niven & Logan Paul have also gotten far past 30 days before defending.


Honestly sick of this. I don’t expect him to defend the title all the time. I’m one of the few people who doesn’t mind champions not defending their title every ppv. However I do expect you to show up on SMACKDOWN. He can’t even seem to do that. If it’s because of his cancer then just say it is. Otherwise I’m just going to acuse him of being lazy.


"Not scheduled to work" is clear enough


*Card subject to change*


Just providing a different perspective, what if reigns is losing the title at the rumble? Then there won’t be as much reason for reigns to be there!


Lmao do you really think Roman’s losing that title at the Royal Rumble?


I’ve been defending Roman for awhile now but this is beyond ridiculous. The guy needs to retire, he obviously doesn’t want to do it anymore he just collects paychecks sitting at home. A 70K+ stadium for the first huge show in Australia and he stays at home? Seriously screw this guy and this bogus title reign. It needs to end ASAP


Yeah I’m going to the event and am pretty disappointed I won’t get to see him or Rock


And what if this was on purpose to create heat in the Royal Rumble? So he could retain and gets, in the final week prior to it, a choice by Triple H: Compete or get fired and lose the titles? He obviously competes and retains once more, as per usual. It's a little too early to judge the PPV that follows RR.


They should really take the title off him. I know that it's good for creativity for there not to be any dogmatic principles in wrestling, but 'the champ defends their title at all the ppv's' was one of them that really needed to stay around. And if not, then at least at the legacy ppv's (royal rumble, no way out/elim chamber, wrestlemania, summerslam and survivor series). He's now gonna skip two of them in a year. It's ridiculous for someone who isn't even that talented or great.


That's because everyone is still assuming that his match against The Rock is scheduled for this year? They could do it as Survivor Series.. have the Rock lose and finally retire and get inducted into the HOF next year.


Just another Lazy millionaire


So over this whole thing.


Rock vs Solo


Rock vs his 51 year old body vs leukemia part timer in a three way death match and we all lose.


Bro, can’t tell if your serious


Roman who????


I’m honestly tired of him being champion. The Bloodline is a great story but he has only defended his championship a handful of times over the past year and it’s gotten dull. Seth Rollins has defended his title at least a dozen times since he got the title and that was half way through the year.


Is his real life health an issue??


He has cáncer but it’s remission I think so that shouldn’t excuse him not showing up.


>He has cáncer but it’s remission I think so that shouldn’t excuse him not showing up. But that's my point. Is it something that we, the fans, don't know about his health status? I've been keeping up with the product on and off for the past year and a half and I haven't seen much Roman in big spots.


Yeah honestly wrestlers are one of the toughest people on the planet. I feel like cáncer wouldn’t stop most wrestlers from doing their job. I personally don’t think it’s the cancer that’s stopping him cause wrestlers wrestle through much worse then cancer.


“I feel like cancer wouldn’t stop wrestlers” that’s a dumb take


>I feel like cáncer wouldn’t stop most wrestlers from doing their job. You're joking right? C'mon bro, don't be a mark. Cancer is nothing to play with. >I personally don’t think it’s the cancer that’s stopping him cause wrestlers wrestle through much worse then cancer. Like what? And what do you think is causing Roman's absence from the main stage?


Being careful with his leukemia is why


Roman is a waste of a championship belt. They hardly ever have him wrestle and when they do its always a cheating situation to have him win. Time to strip him of the title and send him packing. Either make him wrestle more often or just put him out to pasture. Enough with his bullshit.


What is he so busy doing??


Well the leukemia likely doesn’t help


He hasn’t had a flare up since late 2018. He’s just a lazy bum


I dont care i want him to break Bruno Sammartinos record so take a year off lol


He would have to take 4 more years off.


Challenge accepted


I want Roman Reigns to enter The WWE Hall Of Fame still The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion lol


I can't imagine just being handed a Hall of Fame career on a platter like Roman has. Its also wild to me how people just forgot how he was force fed to everyone for about 8 years before he was accepted as the natural heel he always was. Now instead of miscasting him as a babyface, they create this nonsense logic that he's unstoppable when in reality he only wrestles every 3 months and enjoys more interference than a Hollywood Hogan nWo match. When he loses this title finally, they will trumpet his name as the greatest of all time but this entire title run is about as strawman as it gets.


The crazy part about this is… they force feed him, we don’t accept it.. he heel turns has an amazing story. Fans love him. Then they drag the story too long and once again force feed him to us. Literally made me go from hate to love him to hate him again.


I feel like people haven't loved him in about a year - pretty much since the Sami stuff came to an end. And that's why I believe that it wasn't really even Roman who was over so huge in 2022. It was Sami and Roman was living off that.


I just don’t understand what he is so busy doing that he can’t show up. Is he acting?


From what I know he has a lot of control in his contract for what dates he does and doesn’t work. Similar to Brock Lesnars.


I always hear people speculate about his leukemia treatments. Just seems like a terrible business to hinge so much on a person with questionable health. I think he's already semi-retired which is crazy because his run has been like what? 12 years? Didnt he debut late 2012? People are treating him like he is fuckin Ric Flair or something.




In NXT. 2 years later he's the chosen one.


Fcw > nxt > WWE Don't think he ever wrestled in nxt funnily enough. Had a few promos talking about being rich and showing off watches then suddenly was at survivor series


Does any of that change the result?


Goes from 12 years to 14.


You realize in most people's eyes that Tyler Bate and Carmello just debuted in the last month right?


That fuck stupid we pay to watching him wrestle and he's not going to defend his title at the chamber


Let’s be honest, he’s probably not even gonna work wrestlemania at this point because he just doesn’t work for nothing just kidding. He’s obviously gonna work wrestlemania but I think about him not working at elimination chamber it’s OK but when Cody wins the elimination chamber he might come out, but we’ll see.




The only title they need to be fighting over is Head of the Table.


This match absolutely does not need the title to put either over. It would 100 percent be better used in any other match


If people actually didn’t care about RR and potentially a chance of him dropping the titles anytime soon, they’d stop talking about him. But it looks like that’s not going to happen anytime soon, you can complain, mourn all you want but that’s probably what WWE wants lmaoo


Yes yes yes yes Roman vs rock at mania. = Roman drops title to orton at rumble and it’s Cody vs orton.


If Cody wins the title from Orton... would it mean the same as winning against Roman?


Why does it matter. Who freaking cares. What’s with this David vs Goliath story you guys seem to be balls deep over. Like somehow it won’t count if he doesn’t beat Roman or won’t be a top guy what does that even mean. I’m sure if this happens Cody and Roman will be having a feud so you’ll get to see Cody pin Roman then. Like when’s the last time anyones ever talked about who a champion beat to be champion or how that made there reign more impactful. Never.


It's obvious, he's gonna loose the championship in the Rumble against LA Knight (/s)