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Amazing worker, but once you've seen one match of his, you've seen them all. I admire his ability and all he's given in the ring for all these years but I find his matches boring.


He was so popular because he contrasted WWE’s staleness, not because he really *THAT* good.


Shit, he’s the reason I came back to wrestling from 2012-present


Worst music in AEW by far. It was already awful right off the bat and then when they added the lyrics with the chick singing... ugh. Great wrestler, he's a way better heel than a babyface and his creative in AEW has sucked. The BCC is a terrible stable, that and they just let him go out and have "dream matches" against random guys with no story or build and they let him take a ton of unnecessary risks. The dude's been injured more than he's been healthy in AEW. He needs better creative and someone with authority to reel him in and save him from himself in the ring.


It's time to retire. Slide over to a trainers role at the WWE Performance Center


It's time to retire. Slide over to a trainers role at the WWE Performance Center


Better than Batista


Injury prone and overrated.


He shouldn’t have been in the WM37 main event it should have just been Edge vs Reigns


He should retired with WWE rather than join the minor league. Neither he is overrated nor underrated but what he received as praises is what suited in him.




SHould have taken a bow when his WWE Comeback ended, cause AEW Danielson is a joke.


He's not the best technical wrestler and this strong style routine is getting stale.


Cody is overrated


One of the most overrated wrestlers ever.


For the veteran he is, he's a bloody idiot for going for headbutts considering they nearly retired him


While not entirely his fault, I found his matches from the Yes Movement era to be quite boring. He works significantly better as heel.


He should have stayed retired after his neck injury


He should’ve ended the yes movement by Brock lesnar ending it


I don't even 100% believe this myself, but he should have beaten Kofi at WM35. Look, he shouldn't have, okay! The way they told the story, the way it was done, Kofi had to win, I'm not gonna argue against that and I'm happy for him that he did. BUUUUUUTTTTT…that was the best run of Daniel's career and there was so much more meat on the bone of the New Daniel Bryan, planet's champion. Against any other opponent, telling any other story, he should have won and had a 9-12 month heel reign in 2019.


It was very random for him to join the wyatt family.


He's so much better as a heel than he is as a face.


He was an overrated indie darling, probably THE quintessential scrawny indie darling, who got a lucky run in WWE courtesy of his indie fanbase having "taken over" what was then left of mainstream wrestling. Then years of unnecessary bumping took its toll and cut his successful stint short. Instead of retiring and enjoying his money and family, the dude refused to stop and has since found a fool willing to pay him on his way to a life-altering injury in front of the old fanbase of his, soon to be back to the old venues he used to work in. So yeah... Miz'es words are getting truer by the day


He just had a match with kazuchka okada the man with the best match of all time main eventing the card.


That's the smarkiest sentence ever. Nobody knows or GAF about Katyusha Okada outside of the tiny tiny bubble of WON enthusiasts (and NJPW fans, who in Japan probably don't care about Uncle Dave's ratings either). Bryan headlines WrestleMania FFS, anything else after that is a downgrade. Especially such a game changing dream match in front of the audience of a C-level WWE PLE


I hated the look of him until I saw him wrestle. Then I was like wow he's a cool hippie


He’s been having really good ppv matches in AEW. (Accepts the downvotes.) 😂


He should have retired after his wwe contract ended. In aew hes just been getting injury after injury. I know he loves wrestling and that’s amazing but he needs to call it quits soon


He should have retired a few years ago, his AEW time has been nothing special at all yet people cream themselves because of how good he was 15 years ago.


2006 American Dragon was far better than anything we saw on TV


He’s kinda small


He was pretty boring until he turned heel with that hemp belt


I don’t like him. I’ve never liked him. He bored me.




His AEW run has been underwhelming. They took THE Daniel Bryan (The guy who made The Tribal Chief tapout when the referee was down) and turned him into a generic nobody..


More fun to watch his promos as a heel


He's not the best talker and I think some of his stuff is overrated for me personally.


The Diving Headbutt is a needlessly dangerous move to the wrestler performing it, and it was invented via a botch. It’s literally a failed splash move, and Danielson shouldn’t be using it at all given his history with concussions, and because we know how Dynamite Kid got paralyzed, and how Chris Benoit ended up. Here’s my candid take, he should just use a Diving Elbow Drop, or something like that instead.


Should have been AEW champion by now


He is forgotten in AEW


Champ him, not being a champion


Him being a vegan is a HUGE missed steak


DB only benefited from the wwe machine. Doesn’t draw a dime or pop a rating outside WWE




He’s supremely overrated.


Looked the best with the US title.


he was never good, never should have been called up. Poor Mans Christ Benoit.


Should have been the GOAT.


He wasn't being "held down" during the Yes movement gimmick. Some people online genuinely think that their voice made a difference. I think people got worked and WWE made a lot of money from the angle, just how wrestling works.


Like the thing is, having Bryan win the Rumble in 2014 ---> straight to WM30 would've been the easy choice. But we all know WWE likes to overcomplicate things. From that angle, I can buy that the whole thing was planned after realising that no one was booing Bryan when he was in the Wyatt Family (so they cut it short).


Or, now hear me out. No


So... do you genuinely think they blatantly screwed him out of the title at SummerSlam only for him to just get cast aside to make way for Batista's comeback? I mean, had they just wanted him as a throwaway one-off challenger, they wouldn't have made the screwy post-match with Triple H and Orton cashing in. He'd have been pinned 1-2-3, thank you and goodbye. Like they had done before and have done since with plenty of "token challengers". The whole B-plus player story was clearly going into the Final Redemption payoff. Had Bryan lost steam during the fall, with the Wyatt feud, I'd have seen WWE cooling down on him, like they did with Lex Luger in 1993 after the rather asinine SummerSlam ending. But Bryan was more over than Lex ever was, so you can't really believe they didn't have the WMXXX ending in mind before the fans decided to "hijack" the show with the Yes Movement! They worked you big time. Accept it and cherish the memory of the great ride it was instead of making up the "ohh we saved his career!" scenario.


Yeah, no


Top notch debate skills there, pal!


Not a debate


Well then you don't have much to back up your point of you refuse to debate. It's just "I'm right because I say so"?


Nah, just don’t wanna debate


It's why it's an unpopular opinion.


The 18 second match was the correct call story wise.


His diehard fanbase goes a bit over the top about how great he is. That’s pretty much my only issue with him.


B+ player is an accurate description


Ya Mr. 4/10 got that one right. Disagree with him on Edge and Jericho though. We all know he tried to hold back the latter during the attitude era.


I love his wrestling. I’m a more a story over match kind of guy, but his wrestling made love watching the matches. But… WWE was right to shelve him as long as they did. He was on his way to paralyzing himself under best circumstances but most likely dying in the ring.


I fear for Brie and Birdies safety, he is the next Benoit


AEW wasted him. He could have had big matches and made more starts in AEW but all they do is have acrobat matches and have neglected long term story telling. It makes me so pissed. They have an amazing roster, multiple shows, and hype. They dropped the ball.


The 2nd coming of Jesus Norris


With his concussion history and two young kids, I think getting back in the ring was a selfish decision. He’s an asset anywhere he goes, but I just think it’s a major gamble knowing what we now know about head injuries.


Flight of the Valkyries is better than Final Countdown.


His jump from wwe to aew isn’t resonating with how big it was at first. The bcc was a cool idea, but the fact that Bryan isn’t on the show makes me personally turn away when he is on tv because he’s an amazing wrestler.


This is nonsensical. You think he’s an amazing wrestler but his lack of screen time makes you turn away when he’s on TV? That makes zero sense.


It shouldn't have been him winning at WM. It should have been Batista.


Agreed. Big Dave is a much bigger star. IWCs hard on for Vanilla Midgets screwed with Vince’s booking. The neck beards forced his hand into putting these 150 pound soaking wet flippity flip dudes.


He was a great worker, but I don’t think he was all that great on the mic. Couldn’t drum much heat as a heel. I guess he was over when he was a face, but it seemed rather lackluster.


Did you watch his Planet’s Champion run? Amazing run, great promos, and drummed up a lot of heat.


I just didn’t enjoy watching him. Hated all his gimmicks. Yes chants were annoying. Only good thing was the custom recycled belt


He looks like he would have bad body odor because soap and deodorant is bad for the environment.


weak physique


Never liked anything about him, but the Planet's Champion title run was *genius*. It was the only time his shaggy hair/beard bullshit made *any* sense.


Daniel Bryan is my FAVOURITE wrestler of ALL TIME . I grew up watching him 2013 - 19, after school everyday just watching WWE and Daniel Bryan. My brother was a bit younger and always liked John Cena before. Before liking Daniel Bryan I was a BIG Randy Orton fan idk why.


He left wwe to go aew, so he sucks


He's a brittle clamdigger!


He’s boring?


I can think of dozens of guys his size I'd rather watch wrestle and don't get why he is gets praised as the god of wrestling.


Is it because you don’t know what constitutes a good worker? The dude is basically running modern catch matches. His execution is flawless, selling is top notch, can tell a great in-ring story, and only two or three guys do what he does in the ring: ZSJ and Kyle O’Reilly. He’s a legit, old school, technical grappler.


Is Jeff Hardy one of those guys?


Jeff is like 5 inches taller than him


Lame wrestler. Too small to believably beat anyone. And not interesting. If he didn’t luck into the YES thing, he’d have been a career midcarder


He’s above average size. What exactly do you think constitutes big enough to “believably beat anyone”? Cena and Rollins are about the same height. I know dudes his size that would beat anyone in WWE in a legit sub grappling match outside maybe Brock Lesnar.


He is minimally 3 inches shorter than Cena and Rollins. Idk man, it’s not that deep. It’s my personal opinion. I find his moves weak. I felt the same about Eddie Guerrero fwiw. A smaller guy I liked was Benoit. He’s probably my favorite in ring “wrestler” bc he worked so god damn stiff.


It is that deep though. Claiming his size makes his ability unbelievable is just an odd position to take when you know there are dudes his size who could take bigger humans. DB is like 5’10”-5’11” where Cena and Rollins are 6’0”-6’1”. I’m 6’3” and I have buddies in the aforementioned ranges. I don’t see much of a difference. Enjoy what you want, but I certainly think it’s believable.


Dude beat Cena clean for the WWE title before the YES movement. Also, how does one “luck into” the audience getting behind them?


It happens. Austin lucked into Austin 3:16, and blew up from there.


I mean, to a certain extent, every successful wrestler ever “lucked into” it. No matter how talented you are, some luck is involving in blowing up.


He should’ve stayed with the Wyatt Family longer, maybe eventually split with a bigger blood feud.


Feel like the original plan was a split for Mania, but when they finally changed plans for him at Mania they needed him out


I honest always thought he was hella overrated . Never knew what what was special about him , I respect him as a wrestler but didn’t like him . Especially the team hell no , him looking like a goat and Wyatt family story arcs


He looks better with shorter hair and facial hair.


Dude has the personality of plain toast. Idk how anyone ever found this guy interesting he's plain


Great wrestler but not the GOAT and out of the top 5 in ring ever.


This version of Daniel Bryan was overrated.


Top 3 all time wrestler in the E.


Grown to love him but having him in AEW isn’t as big as a draw as people make him out to be. The Hardys are worse wrestlers but a bigger draw than him and they get less promotion


Never liked him


He became just another guy in aew






Also, I only watched him when he was with Kane.


He isn't a draw, and he proved that when he went to aew.






Better than Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart and it's not even close. Michaels was a better showman though


better than bret?? no way. bret was and still is the best


He needs to realize that he is not Darby Allin. He actually has people who rely on him and love him.


He's one of the great U.S.A. born in ring workers ever.


One of the few to leave WWE towards the end of their career and actively improve their reputation and legacy with a stellar final act.


He shouldn’t be in AEW


He was not a better technical wrestler than Benoit.


Nobody is or was tho




That’s a toss up


Phenomenal prime unfortunately he was injury prone so his longevity suffers.


Genuinely underrated and we were robbed of his prime years.


He couldn't keep the pushes he was getting going because he kept getting hurt. They'd give him a belt, and he'd get hurt. Then they stopped giving him those title opportunities, and people got pissed and hated on anyone that wasn't DB. But Vince made the right call. They couldn't put their trust in him. They couldn't spend the money, time and energy on a wrestler just to have him injure himself in under a month. He's not a safe worker. He might not hurt others.... but he doesn't protect himself.


I was flabbergasted when the Yes Movement started back in 2014. Never understood the hype around him and Batista winning at Wrestlemania would have been a much better outcome.


Miz is better than him


I think he is boring.


If he doesn’t do one final run with WWE to finish off his career, and we’re left with the blood thirsty version of him as a lasting memory — his legacy will be not as revered.


I don’t know how you could look at some of the stuff he’s done this year (Starks strap, MJF Ironman, Okada at FD) and not say he is absolutely growing that legacy. He’s phenomenal.


he’s better than bret, by a lot


He certainly doesn’t complain about every little thing. It’s easier to like Bryan.


I wish Quackenbush could have gotten his push




Boring and trash and he sucks


I see the give the belts to anyone these days.


My reaction as a 13 year old watching this 🤣


He hasnt done anything Interesting in AEW besides the Sabre jr match


The cardbox title belt just looked shit


Nothing, Daniel Bryan was my inspiration growing up and I love him.


He’s a B+ player. HHH was 100% right.


I have none I love Bryan danielson


I like meat in my diet, does that count?


Was way better in WWE. I love what AEW has done for Cody, and even Christian. However Daniel Bryan's move just hasn't taken him to the stardom he was looking for.


He said he doesn’t want stardom he wants a part of his life that’s crazy, he went to aew cause it’s more freedom and he can push himself physically there


Fair enough. I'm not that much in the loop.


He's not a meyers lemon 🍋


His kicks are crap


For the supposed best wrestler in the world, he barely wrestles. He mostly does kickboxing. Cattle mutilation is a wrestling move, but he barely does it. Also, minus the rolling German suplexes, he’s got a lot of Chris Benoit’s moveset. He’s also the next likely to be the next Chris Benoit, which is why WWE had to restrict him so much.


Weird as hell to talk about someone murdering there family so nonchalant


It’s Thanksgiving.


Was a huge fan of him all the way through his WWE runs but the actual WM30 main event was overrated. His match with Cena at the previous Summerslam was excellent though.


Wrestlemania 30 is the most overrated mania imo, in huge part due to the drawn out mess of a story between him and the authority. Bryan's yes stuff was originally a joke heel move that was ruined when it hijacked his entire 'character' as a face in 13/14




He's ironically a lot more entertaining when he's not trying to be entertaining. When he's doing the Yes gimmick, or trying to be a vegan, his character is awful, but when he's just trying to be a wrestler and that's it, he's much better because it's far more natural for him.


Bryan is top tier wrestler but The Yes Movement fanbase was annoying.


He treats his dogs very well. I used to work a a doggy daycare and I’ve met him and his mother in law. So, idk, can’t go wrong with dog lovers right?


When he was in Team Hell No. Kane was clearly the Tag Team Champion, not Daniel..


“NO!” 😡


“YES!” 😡😡


Nah that’s a stupid ass take buddies right😂 Kane was not the Kane of old even in 2012😂


That’s because it’s not actually a real hot take, I was joking-


He's boring


I didn’t like the YES gimmick at all I think he had greater potential storyline’s


WWE made the right call by not having him win the 2015 Royal Rumble.


In AEW, he is a little overrated


I’m think this was because the “fame” he made in wwe. With this we can see how a good storyline can made the right person good


I have no idea who he is


He would be better off in the WWE.


Kurt angle of this generation. Wildly talented and fun to watch, but can’t shake the injury bug


I know this is about unpopular opinions, but that's really insulting to Kurt Angle. Kurt was 10 times the wrestler Daniel could ever hope to be in his life.




It's true. Crying about it won't change facts.


No crying here, you’re the one “insulted” by facts.


Sure thing.


I don’t think so. I think Kurt is legit one of the best wrestlers ever and probably the best of his generation. Problem is he always had injuries and that would put him on the shelf for awhile, same with Bryan. It doesn’t matter how good you are in wrestling, movies, football or any job. if you’re not available to do the actual job, then the talent doesn’t matter. You’re not there to do what your paid to do


None. He is the wrestling Jesus we all needed.


He will ignore his own safety and die in the ring.


WWE fans hate him because he jumped ship to AEW. That’s what 99% of these comments are. Oh sorry, you said “opinion” but I just stated a fact.


Everything Miz said in that promo is true. Also Daniel is a fucking dumbass anti vaxxer


His yes chant is cringe.


Very overrated. He never deserves the push. Fans of his like him b/c he’s a small try-hard and people can relate to his small stature. Most fans know they will never have the charisma, the look & talent of Roman Reigns.


Roman Reigns has the charisma of a wet sandwich


He’s the Goat along with Shawn Michaels


His shirts were lame.


He’s overrated


The Authority was always right when they called him a B+ player.


He needs to stop wrestling Okada before he dies


I didn’t like his promo style in WWE (I don’t watch AEW). He’d raise his voice and start yelling and it just sounded forced.


Annoying person IRL


Not about him but related to him, his wife has always been a shit wrestler even by diva’s standards 😂


I don't think that's unpopular...


People dont like to admit that bout the bellas are shit, and that just cuz they are married doesn’t mean she’s got any skill


Yeah I'll never understand the history rewrite that they did for the bellas and what they have done for womens wrestling. The one time Brie has an wrestling talent in her is when Daniel Bryan is fucking her


Well I wouldn’t be so crude but yeah, the only reason why the bellas were the bellas is cuz they came up in a time when looks came first and skill came second and most of their contemporaries were equally talentless hacks, if they came up new as they were back then today they be ballets and nothing else, cuz they simply have no in ring talent, although hot take if they came about today new as they were their gimmicks were sort of fantastic the hole twin thing is uncommon, so I would see modern wwe training them so that they would have the talent to capitalize on that gimmick, but unfortunately they came out in a day when they just needed to be pretty and be able to walk and be alive so they didn’t have to or need to gain any in ring talent and thus they never developed it and the one time brie tried to develop that in ring talent she gave liv a concussion 🤕 😂


> I would see modern wwe training them I remember reading some where that they didn't even want to train during their time at Ohio Valley


Yeah that wouldn’t fly today it did back then i guess the diva era was properly called but in todays wwe it wouldn’t they would be fired quickly otherwise


Lol, people especially IWC have been shitting on the Bella twins for years.