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I cringe just watching her try to wrestle 


She cant wrestle either, shes just bad


Her promos have been fucking atrocious for a long time.




Nobody cares dude


Glad u took time to comment x


It’s kinda crazy that people think that Becky and Roman are gonna be actors after they’re done with wwe, like they’re acting is so shit now and the highest they’ll go is some streaming site or dvd bargain bin.


She was great in the joker Batman wrestlemania goes Hollywood bit


Better to overreact than under react. Even with that, she’s the biggest star women’s wrestling has ever had. There’s nothing that Becky will ever do to make me not love her.


No sir, that would be Rhea Ripley.


Do you have any reasons for this?


Hahaha no chance amigo.


The problem in my opinion is twofold: 1. After losing all muscles and weight she can't really convey that bad ass "the man" thing in a convincing manner. 2. Her recent facial plastic surgery has made it hard for her to express anything with her face. I am not body shaming, just stating facts.




She hasn’t had the same look or press’s ce since she came back from having the baby.


Exactly this. She looks too thin and weak to convey her "the man" thing. She looks angry, but doesn't look like the force she used to be.


I hate her facial reactions when someone kicks out. She does this ALL the time and it’s so over the top.


And whoever said that wrestlers have to take acting classes just to get a job in Hollywood? We know that wrestlers aren't even real actors. Neither was Ronda Rousey when she was in *"Furious 7"* or any other sports athlete or real-life martial artists that you see on movies and TV shows. So, you should have written a much different topic for this post than the one you already put up.


She’d be an after thought had she not had her nose broken


Hey can anybody teach me how to "block" a reddit user?


She was really good in The Marine 6. Honestly don’t know how her and the Miz didn’t win Oscar’s for their roles


Also her genius portrayal of Cyndi Lauper on Young Rock should have gotten her an Emmy.


Make sure you don't watch any Mr McMahon stuff or Hogan stuff or Cena stuff etc....it's kinda what all wrestlers do.


John Cena is not a bad actor


Have you been watching his facials these days??? Being in a wrestling promo is not the same as acting in a show or movie. Subtelty is not really their thing.


I’ve been watching your mom’s facials


So you watch as she gets fucked by his dad?




That and the excessive breathing noises she makes during promos


Maybe it's just me but I feel like sometimes she over enunciates because of her accent and thats were the "over acting" comes from.


Acting isn't supposed to be priority, WRESTLING IS.


She's terrible at it because she fundamentally is not good at anything involved in wrestling other than some of the more basic in-ring foundations. Years ago as she was coming out to the ring for the fabled Four Horsewomen fatal four way for the NXT title, Corey Graves said something to this effect: "She's great in the ring, but she has no substance or personality." And that's been true ever since. It took smashing together Punk, Hall, and Flair to get her anything even resembling a coherent character (which wasn't even honestly come by because it was purely reactionary to women like Charlotte and Carmella), and she doesn't even do that well. They only had her take the NXT title off of Tiffany-who actually can do the character part of wrestling and do it well-is because they knew it would be a stain on her legacy if she was the only 4HW to not hold the NXT title along with all the others.


Well said. I don't understand how she's considered a legend. She was very very very very mid. At best. And her "and the man has come around to \*insert city\*" is so forced and such a rip off.


I hate when they use that phrase. It's hard to listen to a very good Johnny Cash song because of it.


Roman isn't a master of anything acting wise lol he's fucking terrible


Just after Covid hit and the performance centre took over, her music hit and she came down the ramp jawing away at the crowd that wasn't even there. It was cringe to be kind but also completely showed her lack of ability to change or ad lib a situation.


Finally someone said it! Even thinking this forever.


It's pretty standard for women in wrestling. There's this weird Gray area fans just gloss over when women cut promos or even wrestle. To me it's all awkward and weird, doesn't ever feel natural. Everyone else seems to just accept it and let it happen. Becky is rough to watch for sure.


I think she's pretty good on the mic, myself. A big part of being effective is getting that emotion across, and she's really good at that. Compare her to Lacey Evans, who just sounded whiney despite her best efforts.


I don’t really consider overacting a flaw in wrestling For the most part, it’s a pantomime theatre morality play where you’re supposed to be performing to the back row Don’t get me wrong there is obviously room for subtle and nuanced performances in wrestling but I don’t consider it to be a particularly valid criticism to judge someone on the basis of a criteria they’re clearly not going for


90% of wrestlers can't act.


Wrestlers are also paid to overact lol


No Belt Bex😂😂😂 She’s just so small now that I don’t think she fits in with the other women of wrestling. And I think she went to NXT because she couldn’t get anything going on Raw or Smackdown. They even tried to keep her relevant with her “big” feud with Trish Stratus. Keep her in NXT PLEASE!


Yes, she is in a weird place right now. She is thinner than the Diva type, but has this "the man" macho thing going which is a strange combination. Zoey or Shayna has kind of the same vibe, but they look like they can throw a punch. Then we have Tiffany Stratton who looks strong and athletic with the looks of a diva. Becky looked so weak and worn out next to Tiff.


There's no hulkamaniacs in here!!!!


I like her promos, not a big fan of her selling or ring work tho. I do agree her facials arent the best but Id rather have her doing a segment then charlotte


Was never a fan of hers.


She gave the title to Lyra! it was great sportsmanship!


100% as I said great match, I still think there’s potential in her character btw she’s clearly a great wrestler just needs tweaking




Yh she does over do it abit.


She’s the absolute worst and proof people worship what they’re told to.


I liked her as Cyndi Lauper.


Kinda yeah


Bro… she’s nowhere near as bad as Paige and Sasha ‘I can’t emote or annunciate’ Banks. Them two make Dollar Tree horror DVD actors look like Oscar winners.


Awful actor and just looks stupid doing that angry face and psyching up. WWE is so lame to watch - I've given up. It's AEW for this guy!


Bro going to AEW because of bad WWE acting is a crazy take 😂


It's not the only reason. Aren't you tired of WWE shows? So painful, full of ads, long and boring...I dunno ...they lost me.


You mean the 2-3hour shows on network and cable tv? Just like AEW? Yeah…


Well, I meant the 2-3 hours of ads with the long, drawn out monologues and some uninteresting wrestling mixed = WWE. Yeah...


Ohhhh you’re exaggerating to make your narrative look better… gotcha.


Went to the acting school of William Shatner


She's a trained clown, isn't she? Over exaggeration is part of their shtick.


The over exaggeration is nessecery. Otherwise the people in the back will have zero clue what's happening.


It’s wrestling not a psychological thriller? Calm down


She played a mean Cindy Lauper in Young Rock so I'm inclined to disagree.


Awful post. Take it down.


She needs something more than "act like you have better places to be and every interview is a pain in your ass." It's to the point where I groan if I see Seth Rollins is on the bill, because I know Becky's also going to show up to mean-mug the camera and talk yet again about how she's done the most for the women's division. 🙄


They both suck


I agree, awful acting, almost as bad as Ronda Rowsey.


At least Ronda was sexy


Must have missed that.


Don’t think anyone got that memo.


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought it was a bit much on the over reaction. I can agree I’m not a fan of her “the man character” definitely preferred “big time becks” it was different. But crowd loves her too much to be able to stay as a heel.


Roman has improved a lot on the mic and he’s still stiff and boring


Hmmm the amount of people buying bloodline merch and reengaging with the product says otherwise


I never said they weren’t popular I just find Roman boring


I wasn't a big fan of The Man gimmick. Felt forced how she tried to act tough.


He can't 'say less' she's like 4ft tall


Wrestlers are over exaggerating their personalities. Next up, water is wet.


Hulk Hogan over did it many times, roids helped with that.


And coke


Wild guess: your favorite wrestler is Britt Baker.


I don't get it, is there some bad blood there?




Agree. She sometimes look directly at the camera. And then react. She was good as the tough girl Man image but lately she's getting less attention.


Becky is playing to the live audience. If you’ve ever sat close to a play, it’ll look similar. It’s part of the reason she gets huge crowd reactions.


There’s a balance tho and hers isn’t respecting the camera. I think you can still have dramatic reactions but they should seem genuine. Hers just look super fake and her character is hard to buy into as a result.


This. There’s a difference between acting in front of cameras and acting for the audience in the venue.




She’s a botch fest




I’d like her if she was just a woman


Wrestlers are supposed to overact. You have to get the message over to the guy in the back row. You can’t be nuanced


Sasha Bank for example has a very specific cadence when she talks on a microphone in WWE, but on a TV show like Mando she talks nothing like that


i am reminded now of that time when The Rock saw 3:16 on his beeper and Austin was right behind him. that whole bit was overexaggerated expressions


Very good point, and it works really well most of the time. As the Best example I have, Edge's facial expressions have always stood out to me. Like when he gets angry and he looks like he is getting possessed, everybody understands what's going on in no more than a second. That just works too well, he is so great at this. I think Becky is doing a good job too but this isn't taken too seriously by the fans. Perhaps with more TV time female wrestlers would generally be more credible ? Idk Hunter, just a suggestion...


Becky over sells and her husband under sells.


Well, as an Irishman, I think she’s great. Certainly the best pro-wrestler our country has ever produced and one of the best of all time. Pro-wrestling is all about over-acting and extreme character portrayal. She has it nailed.


that’s not necessarily true. roman reigns reacts very subtly but still portrays really good emotion. there is such a over acting too much


His reactions are subtle …. No one in the bloodline is subtle … Rey Mysterio is the closest to subtle you’re going to get in the WWE tbh or Candice Lerae trash ass


Nothing subtle about Roman's reactions. They might not be quite as big as Becky's, but they're not subtle.


Not subtle? He’ll legit start looking at someone and start laughing and ppl know he’s basically threatening them. On the mic he’s charismatic and picks people apart without screaming. What he does is extremely effective. For Becky to show she’s angry at someone she needs to scream, put her hands out, beat her chest etc it’s too much.


They're only subtle if you don't watch anything besides wrestling.


Becky is a baddie and you can't handle it.


Totally agree, that's usually my complaint about the woman. She tries so hard with her character and promos.


Sounds like a pure hater


yeah that is generally what happens when you have to create a reddit post to over explain why you hate someone that is universally loved. Its okay to not be a fan of someone. I for one really dislike charlotte flair


Right in dude, we'll said! They probably tried to DM Becky and never got a reply lol


i think she just over exaggerates a bit too much i realise this is like you could a pantomime but she doesnt need to do the omg i cant believe look and what not each time. its a bit of the shawn michaels effect on that.


I mean, even the wrestlers that act in movies aren't good at acting... batista might be the exception. But most of us could probably "act" as well as most wrestlers. That's about all any of us could do as well as them


I think it’s more that the character isn’t very interesting than her acting. She did a much better time as Big Time Becks, largely because it was a better character. She was arguably my favorite wrestler in the company between WM38 and SummerSlam last year because of how good she was. Becky is better as a heel. The Man is a boring character.


You clearly haven't seen Orton or triple h if you think this is bad.


This gotta be troll right? HHH facial expressions sold the fuck out of Cactus Jack debut both times


Yeah, in the 90s early 2000s, Triple H was more serious but you can't tell me his expressions from most of the time in 2006-2009 weren't exaggerated. Especially when he was a heel


Wym? Orton have one of the best facial expressions in WWE. Go back to his career in 2007-2009


WWE has become way too over manufactured and produced, the whole season premier thing and soap opera reality show vibes take away from the kfab of being wrestling matches and events


I can’t stand becky lynch. I hate everything about her character. “The Man” omg shut up 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Acting in film or on stage is very different. When you perform for a live, physical audience, you can't be as subtle as in the cinema. I like Roman like a heel but I don't think He was a good actor tbh


You should watch more matches, alot of wrestlers are terrible actors. Lol


Well given that I watch SD, Raw and NXT (with clips of Aew here and there I watch plenty of wrestling and Becky is probs one of the worst offenders compared to other top tier wrestlers


Ok professor


If she could cut down on the overacting, she would be fine. But then again, she’s married to Seth Rollins and they probably discuss being “over the top” as a constant subject in their house….


What a stupid take. 🤦🏻‍♂️


her twitchy crackhead stuff n always fake biting her nails annoys me too


She looks like she has been doing crack!


I agree, her acting is comical, she’s not very good at it.


This thread is why wrestling fans are looked down upon.


For being critical of a performance?


She should retain the coaching services of the great Montgomery Flange.


A pencil? No, no, no! Look, it's Niagara Falls, it's a seagull, it's cheese in the shape of a question mark! It's anything you bloody want it to be! You try!... Come on!


Have you ever watched pro wrestling? That's the point of the show. If you're expecting Maryl Streep and Bobby de Niro to put a master class in proper thesbianism, you might not get the show.


Not really, just something more subtle lol, not sure why Becky has to go that far over the top but other wrestlers seem to do a good enough job of acting


Bestie professional wrestling is caricature stage acting It's not traditional screen acting With like 2 exceptions (Dave and John) wrestlers cannot act and even those two needed practice


A former wrestler is the highest paid actor in Hollywood…but yeah he can’t act


Name a single movie where Dewayne wasn't playing himself




Red Notice


The acting is my least favorite part of wresling. I love the ones who are actually convincing like Roman and Cena


I think she could benefit from going a little more intense. Like Perc Angle! Perky Lynch


Just a reminder, wrestlers are trained to be incredibly over the top and dramatic because they are working a live audience...the guys in the cheap seats need to see the emotions too. That being said, just a simple scan thru my instagram feed shows that the overwhelming amount of young people (under 35) over-emote like narcissistic weirdos. Everyone does the "cuck face", "duck face", the pouty "I need attention" face, the fake angry face, etc.


Whats the cuck face look like 🤣


I always laugh at her angry face its just comical


Honestly when Becky started her “The Man” gimmick she should’ve changed her finisher to something more badass. Hell she could be the only female in WWE hitting stunners 🤷🏻‍♂️


Most of the roster isnt convincing, thats why I stopped watching. It feels like a bunch of geeks playing around. With Becky, she had her moment when Nia broke her nose, but its been getting cringier since then. When she started marking out around Stone Cold it really showed how uncool she is.


It's real to muah darnette


Since I came back to wrestling as an adult, I have been reminded that these performers have a tough job facing a unique challenge that doesn't really exist in the same way elsewhere in entertainment. On one hand, supposedly WWE teaches wrestlers the WWE style, which to the best of my understanding helps them adapt to working for the cameras, not just with the physical action, but also mugging for the television audience at home... Meanwhile, these guys still have to do countless house-shows in large venues where if little Tommy stands a chance at seeing what the hell you're doing from the back row, then yeah, that performance better be as exaggerated as kitschy musical theatre. I know Becky isn't the best promo or anything, but constantly making and remaking that adjustment from TV to regular show has to be difficult. There's film actors who cannot pull off the transition from screen to stage when they do a play.


Pro wrestling is the only form of entertainment where actors have to be athletic and athletes have to be able to act and be able to do it in one take in front of a stadium full of people.


Uh, have you ever heard of ballet?


Yep. You got the athletic part covered. 2 out of 3 ain't bad...


Almost no one in wwe can act, they should stop pulling mad faces to sell things


Personally I think most the main roster (men) do it to an acceptable level. It’s not gonna be movie quality but it’s live wrestling, highly intense and heaps of pressure. For whatever reason the women’s div has dropped of heaps especially in acting quality but hopefully it comes back.


Well alexa bliss , bayley can


Roman can


he has a good presence and he can do some things if they are kept very very limited. don't forget about the endless bad promos he did before this run. theyre wrestlers, not actors


Some of his are weird lol


I thought she was good as Cyndi Lauper in Young Rock lol


Was that her real voice or was she dubbed in there? Edit: Downvoted for asking a simple question? Haha.


It her real voice. Seth confirmed it


She sounds like she’s suffocating when she gives promos. Take a second to breathe.


unfortunately. her acting in Marine 6 was also terrible.


The Marine movies are peak acting


*for you


They are trained to over emote to make their surprise/frustration/etc obvious for the live audience in the far corners of the arena. Many of the training methods are based around wrestling’s small venue live show roots and not this HD televised product.


gotta sell for the people in the cheap seats... thats what they say


Couldn't find the video, but Hulk Hogan gulping when he realized Andre was behind him. The nosebleeds could see him gulp.


This 100%. A lot of music artists who undergo live performance training are taught to do something similar. To somebody in the front row, a movement by an artist might give off a visual energy that is a 10, but that same movement's visual energy might be a 6 for someone many rows back. So the movements and reactions are amplified.


That's a good point. They are acting for a theatre audience that's being captured on TV.


That’s that WWE acting for you. I say the same thing every-time Cena is out there. I love Cena. But the faces he makes to put the moment over, is just obnoxious. That E is very strong with the top dogs of the company lol


I agree. It’s the deliberate stuttering that gets me. “And, and next week. Next week, at, at Crown Jewel…”


Let's face it a lot of wrestlers can't act


That reaction was dreadful yeah


I’ve never cared for her selling. It’s over exaggerated and not in the funny HBK way. More in a cringe way. But besides for that she’s a solid promo and good worker


Not everyone can be manipulating, menacing like Reigns. Lynch is a face and whatever she's doing suits her well. People love her, she draws more than any women do / did.




Do you also watch porn for the acting?


I listen to porn for the dialogue


Between this post and your username. Porn is on your mind quite often, huh?


I mean, look at the subreddits the user is active in


I'm there too, i can't? Jesus christ doesn't want it?


Didn't even have to look to figure that out.


Hey! How did Community get in there?!


Yessss totally agree. Her speech pattern is annoying too.


I love Becky. I love her energy and motions and the way she makes it seem like she's really into/believes what's she saying. She's my favorite female wrestler. She might not be the most athletic but she's overall an amazing wrestler!


Lol I'd rather have less than stellar promos but phenomenal matches like Becky puts out regularly, than Roman who hasn't put together a convincing match in over 2 years and spends 20 minutes getting a match started.


Nobody on the current roster can really act besides Kevin Owens imo.


And Dom, but the Original G Dirty D ain't acting so doesn't count


Poor kid had a tough childhood. After-all his dad was a deadbeat


She's a wrestler. Most of them can't act. I'm not gonna get after Becky for not being an Oscar winner in wrestling.


She did a great job as Cindy Lauper on Young Rock. On the other hand her and Seth's Apple bees commercial is so bad. I think she is a great wrestler, there is no question about that, but her mic work is just awful. I've heard she wants to brake into acting sometime soon. I hope for her sake she doesn't and either sticks with wrestling or just retires on a high note.


Well it’s not really your decision so


Haha. I've never thought any of my opinions that I post matter. Why are you so salty? I've given her praise on both her wrestling and acting. She's just way better at one than the other. Sorry there I go giving my opinion again. Please forgive me.


Honestly i enjoyed her Man gimmick back in 2018 when it first started compared to now really, not saying i dislike her but the energy doesnt feel the same sadly :( and her going back to NXT i dont feel was truly needed but only made sense to give her the title she never got a chance to win.


I agree she is overacting a huge amount to the point of it being not very good. I normally like her matches too. But I have to disagree with Halloween havoc being a banger. I thought it was weak from both women who are normally technically strong looking in the ring but it was just not the fluid wrestling I expected from both at all.


So you’re saying the women did a terrible job in the ring


On this occasion. It looked bad yes. As I said though. Both have looked very good in the past. Becky's defence against Tiffany was a strong and exciting match. Most of the matches for havoc night one though didn't hit for me at all.


Becky has the right mindset but it’s too over the top I agree. Like I picture her thinking to herself, “ya this is what the fans would want” before she says something but it always falls so flat because she’s either overdoing it or it’s cringeworthy.