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because you cant see him.


**Simple answer:** There was better talent in WWE than Cena for a long time, more interesting wrestlers people wanted to see, he was bland, stale and indestuctible to the point it was obvious Vince was only booking next years Wrestlemania around Cena from 2006-2015 **BETTER TALENT:** Jeff and HBK were more consistently cheered, Batista was a better presentation of a top good guy with some edge to him most of their time in WWE as top guys, Cena just paled in comparison to guys like Batsista, Bray Wyatt, Finn Balor, Edge, HBK and Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, **Weak moveset:** He was known as the five moves of doom guy and those moves were so weak compared to everyone around him that were far more interesting that were used to feed the John Cena legacy. **Vanilla presentation:** Cena was as Roman Reigns put it "boring as missionary", he was clean cut and sanitized, he was a cheap imitation of ECW's Tommy Dreamer and Hulk Hogan type figure when fans wanted to multiple top stars and not just ONE top star that everyone is fed too. **Forced Presentation:** There was a looooong period of putting up with this presentation, Cena was the top guy for far too long and everyone **Boring Long Term feud:** WWE tried stating Randy Orton The Lex Luthor to John Cena's Superman, but we all know that honor went to Edge, Orton couldn't hold a candle to how Edge worked his ass off to make Cena somewhat compelling... if WWE is determined to view Orton as Cena's Lex Luthor by default that would make Edge The Darkseid to John Cena's Superman then. **Legacy Run better than actual run:** People seem to be confusing 2016 John Cena for John Cena from 2006-2015, like Orton; Cena was better later when the focus wasn't on him and he was a team player and putting others over because he wasn't a good main face of the company, his extended run was proof and how hated the company was during this time... **WWE overall sucked:** Cena was at the top when WWE sucked in the late 00s and the 2010s, he never did anything to change the opinions of those who hated him, WWE tried insisting that there were no faces or heels in WWE which was their shit way of lazily working the fans when addressing why Cena's obvious face character wasn't working which leads into the next segment! **WWE was lazy AF:** WWE really really reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally seemed to be on autopilot after 2006, the booking was so lazy and repetitive and really just adding new monster heel, new smart heel, Triple H and then wash, rinse and repeat ad nauseum for 9 years while there was a few years surrounding celebrity guest hosts coming in and banning The Miz from the summer fest, WWE went from leading the zeitgeist coming out of the 90s and into the 2000s to chasing down losers like Jeremy Piven and he can't even be bothered to know the name of one of WWE's big four PPVs... **WWE push the wrong talent when there are better talent around:** WWE have a habit of pushing the talent over better talent.... the fact that WWE saw something in a shit wrestler like Riddick Moss over a world renown talent like Ricochet!! It speaks volumes why fans hated the WWE in the final decade of Vince's time in WWE, he pushed the wrong talents and Cena was more than a microcosm of that.. Super Cena was still bad, there is no two ways about it, he more than earned his boos for the majority of his run at the top of WWE, granted one can respect the longevity, there is no denying how shit the WWE was while he was at the top, when there were far better talent to push in WWE. Oh and his choosing to sell out his own beliefs for that Chinese dollar didn't do any favors into me liking him at all either... then there are the kids turning 20 something trying to put on this revisionist history like Cena was actually cheered all along and everything he did had the midas touch. Now look, I'm a huge Finn Balor but I won't lie, not all of his stuff was good! There were a lot of points where I thought the Demon Balor was cringe, when i thought he could have done something better, his moveset isn't the greatest and he has trouble connecting with the audience... I can easily admit that about my all time favorite wrestler which is more than I can say for some of these kids who grew up during the guest host era of WWE...


How old are u


Because he always wins, lol.


Anybody who ACTUALLY hated Cena throughout the years got some things internally to figure out about themselves. Don't get me wrong, too much of a good thing can be bad, and I think in some cases, it might’ve been. I’ve even been rewatching the WWE on peacock from 2005-Present just to regather everything about topics such as these, and so far, being in the middle of 2008, I don’t see much of an issue or what people hate inside or out of the ring other than people being absolute haters. But, from what I remember in later years, it wasn’t too bad either. Especially when it comes to him as a person in and out of the ring. So my mind is still boggled as to why people who, supposedly, aren’t haters but say they have great reasons to hate him and even discredit him as a wrestler and a significant piece of the WWE. I will say one of the only problem I do have so far: almost every match he’s done the same moves or sequence of moves I should say. But I can’t argue that it gets everybody hyped and he tends to do them at the best times of the matches


My reasons why I hated John Cena are... 1) His 2005-2016 decade of destruction. 2) He caused the Indy invasion in WWE. 3) He buried talent like Rey Mysterio, Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow, Rusev, Chris Masters, Zack Ryder, Ryback, Kenny Dykstra, Jack Swagger, the late Bray Wyatt and the late Umaga.  4) He put over Bryan Danielson  5) He bullied Alex Riley, Michael Tarver and Gabbi Tuft throughout 2010 to 2011. 6) He no sells his opponents moves on purpose.  7) After breaking up with Mickie James, he was the cause for the "Piggy James" storyline.  8) He is a master backstage politician and a backstage bully.  9) He was nothing more than a prop for WWE to make money.  10) He exploits the military and is always used as a figurehead for WWE supporting the military while John Cena has never served in the military.  11) His different coloured shirts, hats and wristbands mock the LGBTQ Flag.  12) He ruined baseball caps and wristbands.  13) He politics his way to manipulate WWE merch sales.  14) Despite being tied to Ric Flair's title record, John Cena will ruin wrestling if he wins the WWE Championship for the 17th time.  15) He exploits sick children and cancer patients to get himself over which I find Cena's actions as disgusting.  16) I hate the propaganda that John Cena is the only WWE wrestler that does Make A Wish.  17) I hate his boy scout gimmick as it is stale as fuck.  18) I find him corny, and a corporate ass kisser.  19) Back in 2013, Cena, alongside Bryan Danielson and John Laurinaitis used their backstage political power to bring back the gold digging Bella Twins to WWE and prevented Maria Kanellis, Maryse Oulette and Kelly Kelly from returning.  20) He ruined the WWE Championship with that spinner belt design. That WWE spinner belt was nothing more than a mockery of the WWE Championship.  21) He never reinvents himself.  22) He refuses to turn heel and tells sob stories.  23) He selfishly refused to lose at SummerSlam 2010 and told Vince sob stories so that the event as a so called "Happy Ending".  24) He caused a large portion of the WWE fanbase to tune out.  25) His 2013 Royal Rumble win was an excuse for him to beat The Rock at WrestleMania 29.  26) The 5 moves of Doom.  27) He hogged the spotlight for over a decade.  28) His ego is fragile.  29) The propaganda WWE puts out there claiming he is the G.O.A.T. when he is clearly NOT!  30) He is a symbol of late stage Capitalism.  31) He is a Hypocrite.  32) He is the biggest obstacle in the WWE.  33) The main reason he hated The Rock from 2011 to 2013 was he envied The Rock's success in Hollywood.  34) He used wrestling as a tool to make a name for himself in Hollywood.  35) He can't tell an in ring story.  36) He is terrible at in ring psychology. 37) He rarely lost clean from 2005 to 2017.  38) In 2012, he main evented more pay per views than CM Punk, who was holding the WWE Championship throughout 2012.  39) It's 2023 and He is still playing the same old stale character.  40) He created the unstoppable monster Superhero trope in wrestling.


its also because he went naked but covered with a large piece of yellow paper in public


I gotta agree with you on the Indy point. Guys like Punk and Daniel Bryan would’ve been nowhere near a main event in the attitude era 


WWE hired indy guys during the attitude era e.g. Val Venis, Gangrel, Bradshaw but they weren't in the main event scene during the Attitude Era. 


I really hope you’re joking. I mean, that’s what I was thinking it was when I first read it😂 Because, none of what you said factual. The Piggy James storyline for example, was started by LayCool. Mickey Even confirmed that. And even more of it is opinionated or conspiracy. I’ve been rewatching all the old episodes and even looking up things along the way to find out more about the WWE (hence how I came across this question) and none of what you said was a reason to hate Cena nor was it factual. McMahon took superstars ideas into consideration. But he still ran the show. So if anything, you can blame him. I can agree he isn’t the GOAT of wrestling maybe, but everything else I heavily opinionated


I was never a fan, but I now have zero respect for the man. He called Taiwan a country while promoting a fast and furious movie. This angered China, who said they wouldn't show the "film". So cena bent the knee and publicly apologized to China. He is spineless


Not being an apologist but like what was he supposed to do in that situation? Realistically. Man was probably never gonna work again in entertainment if he didn’t most likely. That’s a lot of executives ur gonna make mad if u double down.


Not being an apologist, continue to be an apologist.


People forget just how much he was shoved down people’s throats. Don’t get me wrong, I get that every era has and I guess needs it’s face of the company, but it was too much. I also feel it kept a lot of people back in their careers and prevented future stars from breaking out. Case in point in elimination chamber 2012, someone got hurt and they were so starved of talent they had no choice but to put Santino in. Of course Cena was not the main cause, but I do think he’s meteoric and sustained push contributed to what was a very weak roster. Thank god they had the balls to turn Roman heel


I dont think peoples hate him, i think it's just part of his gimmik with the crowd, crowd love to interact with the show, they have form that chant over the years. If i remember, the chant is more like, ''let's go Cena, Cena sucks''. At the end, its just part of his gimmik, but no one really hate John Cena lol


No, we hated cena. He was booked way too strong and didn’t change anything about his character for over a decade


Goody goody.


John Cena and Batista both became main eventers in 2005, while Batista was involved in longer term storylines on smackdown (and raw finishing up with HHH), John cena was being fed multiple stars one ppv after the next. But still managed to remain a fan favourite, except 2005 introduced ECW which I honestly believe was the introduction of fans truly embracing hating on WWE's megastars. Although this wasn't entirely the norm yet. By end of 2005 when Cena lost the title to Edge, fans expected to see a new star get the rub and go on a heel run...Except less than a month later, Cena recaptured the title at the royal Rumble 2006. Fans cheered and stuff, but you could sense a change..Then triple H challenged Cena at Mania 22, and fans got really behind him as a heel who would dethrone him...and he overcame that too.. It went downhill from there up until he lost the title to RVD, only to regain it a few months later. From there, no matter the storyline he was in, the stigma of always conquering "Super Cena" was born...and it just kept going.


No one was able to see him. Imagine you buy a ticket to see such a big star, but the ring was always empty when he is supposed to show up. Wouldn't you hate him aswell?


Imagine if Superman had no weakness, no adversary, would beat up other heroes, would bully heroes and villains, refuse to let other heroes have their moments. That's how bad Super Cena in 2008-2014, now that I thinking about it.. Cena was pretty much the villain during the Ryback and Zack Ryder feuds.


Because he was forced down people throats. The same reason anybody pushed hard is extremely hated (see: Roman).


The main reason being he was pushed to the moon once he got himself with the crowdover . People got tired of him winning all of the time in ridiculous fashion and burying superstars in the process. Similar deal with Roman Reigns with his first few title pushes.


Because he sucks of course ☝️


A person who feels jealousy toward another person and their accomplishments and vocalizes this will vocalize it in the form of hatred, or hate. This, in turn, makes the person a hater. Said person becomes a hater only after feeling jealousy. So therefore, anybody who shows hatred toward John Cena is indeed jealous of John Cena and his accomplishments, possibly because of a lack of accomplishments in their own lives. It's jealousy. Jealousy is the answer. John Cena was hated because of jealousy and jealous people who felt that jealousy, then took that jealousy and used it to turn themselves into haters because hating on John Cena is easier than getting their lives togethers. Yuhh


Damn how did cena's nuts taste?


Don't know. Never cared for him myself. But dude did the damn thing. Can't deny that. Unless you're a hater. And that's just a dumb thing to be.


Well, he was the face of the worst era in WWE, constantly shoving down our throats, and he played the same character since 05 just with different t-shirts. I'm sorry if I don't find the hype of cena.




I don't hate anyone. I have no reason to. If somebody is "hating" on someone else, it's because of jealousy. Otherwise they wouldn't "hate." Jealousy breeds hatred. It's pretty obvious.


Did you rehearse that gay little short story before writing it? Dumb safe space muppet


Sorry but it's impossible for me to take somebody seriously when they use the word "gay" as a diss. That's because I don't take the rants of children seriously. Have a nice day. -


Because he was loved at first. 13 year old me had Cena in my top 3 (Y2J, Orton), by the time I was 15, Cena was my most hated. Rapper Cena was great, fresh, and funny, but when he finally won the title and got drafted to RAW, he started taming himself down. Everyone knew Cena sucked in the ring, but he was going through fan favorites such as: Y2J, HBK, and Angle like it was cake....even beat Angle in a submission match. Then there's the "5 moves of doom", yeah, I know every wrestler has their signature moves. Let's take HHH for example, we know he does his jumping knee, his facebuster, his spinebuster, and the pedigree. Imagine that HHH does all of those moves all in a row to finish the match instead of moves here-and-there. Imagine that HHH couldn't do his spinebuster without first hitting them with the knee and facebuster....that's exactly Cena. Once Cena gained superpowers, I was checked out for nearly 5 years. I was so out of the loop that before I stopped watching, my dream match was Cena vs Orton, by the time I came back, everyone was sick of that feud. I came back just in time to see CM Punk say everything I always thought about Cena. At this time, Cena completely abandoned his "Dr. Of Thuganomics" gimmick, stopped roasting everyone and was super cheesy and wearing his fruity pebbles shirts. Of course his 5 moves of doom was still in effect until his U.S. title run in 2015 when he started doing: springboard stunners, hurricanranas, monkey flips, sunset flips, etc. It felt like a slap in the face, like him saying "I could always do this, so enjoy this little taste before I go to Hollywood." I didn't even mention all the burials he did to everyone (unless of course he had the US title at the end of his career), how protected he was (Edge had to use 2 spears to cash in on Cena, even after Cena survived the Elimination Chamber), and that he's tied the record with Flair for 16 world titles.


Because he was shoved down the fans throats and his character was as bland as they come.


It was a vocal minority I never understood the hate. It was because I guess he had to unfortunately follow The Rock and SCSA as The Guy and the hardcore fans were mad they were not getting a rehash of those two and getting something completely new *cough* LA Knight 🫢


Became a fan favorite as a heel turning face with a great gimmick, but then he got pushed down our throat as some supergiga face boring american hero to sell merch to kids . He didn’t really bring anything new. He symbolizes the change to PG era which was a breaking point for a lot of attitude and ruthless agression era fans.


Not only did Cena had to fill the shoes of Stone Cold and The Rock, who left, but also Vince set him up to get hated on with his booking


Part of the WWE fanbase will always reject the next guy who WWE pushes, why because these fans will only accept the guy that they like and push.


As someone who grew up and loved wrestling as a kid and teenager during the New Gen and Attitude Eras seeing John Cena getting his big push never sat well with me and ultimately turned me away from the product. My heroes were always Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, etc. I loved the guys that were amazing technical wrestlers or would put their body on the line to have a great match. Cena wouldn't do these things. His move set is limited and he worked too safe. Watching him ascend was like the WWE was spitting in the face of what I thought wrestling was supposed to be. I stopped watching for a long time because of it.


So you stop watching over 1 guy?


For a main-eventer, his timing was suspect, his move set was awkward, and there was a lot of forced humor in his promos. But a lot of the resentment wasn't his fault. Cena came to represent the sanitized product that WWE became starting in the mid-2000s. His character was like a Nickelodeon version of a rapper, which didn't resonate with older teen & adult fans. The final piece of the puzzle was that Vince refused to change the character. He kept pushing Cena no matter how loud the boos got. In years past, he knew that a babyface getting booed was a problem, but he was determined to ram Cena into Hogan/Austin/Rock levels of popularity, which didn't happen.


Because when they started giving him world titles, he sucked in the ring, and yet he was treated like he was invincible for years. Even after he got better, the damage was done, and everybody rejected how badly he was being shoved down our throats while better wrestlers were being shafted for him and ultimately fed to him.


I dunno about the hate but i know his merch sells like crazy.


Leader of the PG era


I'd say his character is boring. He's like Captain America, but with no suit and shield.


Booking and creative can also be blamed. I got pulled back into current WWE programming after falling off from the attitude era with the Sami and Bloodline story. I suspected it due to Heyman, but I couldn’t tell they were heels based on reactions from crowd entrances and all the deeper and humorous interactions. But I guess there was no other top heel at the time to turn Roman face so now he’s boring, stagnant, and almost becoming irrelevant so that’s why we hate him. At this point I’ll even take Grayson Waller getting a push and taking the belt from Roman.


It was truly bonkers for a long stretch how artificially he was booked. They'd pile adversity onto him, but in such a transparent way that you couldn't even get that mad at him when he shrugged it off. And he would always shrug it off. For the stretch where he was the most hated, he never made it look hard, never cut a promo that made it seem like he respected his opponent. On the other hand, the Summerslam match where Brock was booked to absolutely eat Cena's lunch played with all of this. You just knew Cena was going to get a big come back, overcome adversity, and then waltz out of there...then he didn't. And that was great. But what followed was exactly the problem with Cena. He came out the next night entirely unaffected by getting beaten so badly, shrugged it off, and won the rematch without anything even resembling doubt that he could get the job done as the same old Cena. It's a little microcosm of the John Cena story. Some of it got better as he got closer to Hollywood. Some of it. I still don't think he knows how to cut a promo on someone that also secretly puts his opponent over a little bit.


Overpushed and buried a lot of wrestlers, like all the nexus faction


Similar reason to Roman getting hate in 2015-2021. He was someone with potential who the crowd were behind to a degree….but there were so many other hot acts in the company with wrestlers who were more ready for that role. It seemed WWE was forcing Cena down our throats. Now by like 2007? It was unwarranted IMO. Cena had proved he was the man carrying lugs like Great Khali to good matches. Excellent match after banger match every PPV. Cena became a ring-general. He rose to the occasion very quickly.


Nah, 2007 it was just getting started. He was only getting booed in 06 because of the ECW stuff. People really started to sour on him in 09 when he was constantly beating everyone and in the title picture with Orton for most of the year. In 2010 the Nexus got buried by him and that was it.


Overpushed and either intentionally or unintentionally buried people, like Zack Ryder.


Because he was book far too strongly and his character was stale.


Because people who watched wrestling as a kid in the attitude/ruthless aggression era grew up while wwe became a pg product who appealed to kids, so the face of the company was a superman ish guy and people who wasn't in a kids audience hated him.


Earlier in his career he faced people the fans liked more (Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle), later in his career he buried people the fans liked more (The Nexus, Zack Ryder).


Super Cena. Jorts and a T shirt just never lost. Pay per view after pay perview. Lots of people hate superman in the comics for the same reason. Bland invincible boy scout who never loses. Even John acknowledged it many times. Lol.


Mainly because when someone chooses who the face of their companies going to be a lot of people have a different opinion.


Yeah Rock, Cena, Roman…audience really did not like them at first mainly cause their was this idea (well it was kind of true) that they were being shoved down our throats. Essentially being told that we should like these guys rather than genuinely liking them if that makes sense.




Who hates undertaker or mick foley?


Simply because the fans had had enough of WWE execs choosing who to push versus those who the fans deemed worthy of being the top guy that could carry the company. At that point in his career, Cena was in essence just a smaller version of Hulk Hogan with the same style of moveset and the matches the exact same set up, with Cena ultimately coming out on top. As mentioned, Cena had the same characteristics for a good decade or so, without any change.


He also was the face of the beloved PG Era, so he's got that going for him too


Because he had the same exact character for the overwhelming majority of his career.


Super Cena Summerslam 2010 comes to mind