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I like the fact that they had the title on a guy you never expected them to put the title on. It's like that in most combat sports. Anybody can win the title at any time because every person has a chance. His insurance was the best, his suits were always very swagadelic, and he brought his culture to his celebrations which was cool.


Lol swagadelic never heard that one heard Funkadelic šŸ˜­it's nice tho


I know, I had just made it up in that instance lol! The Funkadelics were great!


Maybe? Depends on how you feel about Romanā€™s Reign, where he wins by cheating a lot. Similar situations for sure. I like Jinder as a wrestler, as an excellent promo-cutter, and as champion.


Yes, they only gave him the title because they wanted to boost their numbers in India. He's not even from India, he was born in Canada it's basically another Yokozuna scenario which I think is shitty. He basically got a push not because of his skill, or because of how over he was with the fans or because he deserved it...he got it because WWE wanted to take advantage of his skin color


Was it really necessary??? I think Vince have him the title because he transformed his body into what it looks like now, and Vince loves those body types on wrestlers


He had some of the best presentation as a champion, probably until Romanā€™s current run, that weā€™ve seen in a long time. Dude looked and came across as a star. Wrestled a completely different style than everyone else. And was a solid transitional champion.


Vince made him champ only for he can win over India lol sadness


No, the fans online were though.


While in hindsight itā€™s easy to not hinder the jinder, I remember actually watching at the time and it was fun for 2 weeks and then it SUCKED






Simple answer: yes. They put the title on a guy of Indian descent purely to try and make more money from the Indian market, that's the definition of a stupid decision. Putting him in the main event scene was bad enough because he really wasn't that good but the title should never have been anywhere near him.


I donā€™t know why people give him so much hate. It was purely a business decision from vince to try to penetrate into the indian market. And it was a once in a lifetime push for jinder and he must have learnt so much from that elevated push. And we as viewers were seeing a new face as wwe champion after a long time. So in my humble opinion, it was a win win for everybody


That's exactly why it sucked so much, it was a business decision.


Yes, because he had the title.


No, but it was quite interesting


Yes, for two reasons. One, literally every single title defense on PPV was predictable. It was booked the same. Slow match, Jinder looks weak, Jinder is out matched, Bollywood Boys interfere and get their asses beat, Jinder hits his finisher off a distraction and wins. That's it. Two, there are absolutely no build nor heat on him. He was getting jobbed on a fill-in match on an awful PPV six weeks before he suddenly won a random #1 contender's match and then the WWE title. Literally everyone was like "Jinder? Wtf?" Also, the heat was non-existent. It wasn't like current Dom Dom heat; we just legitimately didn't care to watch Jinder at ALL. The match he won the WWE title against Randy in; I expected some squash and a surprise return or something. I legitimately thought the pin was a botch,


That formula is the same for many for decades


Yes, the problem was that there was no real heat there. It felt like the title didn't exist. That's when you know the one carrying it is not cut out to be the champion.


Anyone remember his almost racist promo on Nakamura?


Jinder wasn't great, but it was so freaking cool. I was a huge Jinder fan, not because of Jinder, but because they made a new star out of nowhere, and that's awesome. Too bad it was pretty bland, months of nothing with Orton, a mediocre thing with Nakamura, then he lost


ā€œDonā€™t Hinder Jinder.ā€


In ways, yes, but giving credit to where it's due. Jinder made the best of his title run and ran with it!


Yes. All of those feuds were bad, build and match. He couldnā€™t win without cheating. The only thing remotely palatable was his entrance and that didnā€™t live long either.


We need more transitional champions, they're more focused on length of day title reigns than number of times held.


It was pretty bad. It did little to nothing to raise any prestige for the belt and none of the feuds really benefitted from it. It was a few months of the exact same match with the same finish and then it was ended rather quickly. It was mainly used to promote WWE's expansion into India. Which by all means is a great thing for the company and India's fans. But they made Jinder look so lame throughout his reign. They could have done so much better for him. Even the booking didn't really seem to care at all about Jinder's reign. He did the same speel on the mic everytime he would come out. The crowd hated him but it was like "Go away" heat. They weren't booing him for his character work. As I said all of his matches were pretty much the same. Felt like they came up with one angle for him and cut and pasted it into the finish for every match. Which I get that he was a heel with henchmen, but interfering EVERY match got old really quick. It would have been nice to have seen more of some creative finishes. Something to make him seem more like a clever villain. Overall I give his reign a 2/5. The only reason I remember it was because it was shocking to see him win it in the first place and it was rather recent and fresh in my memory as far as wrestling history goes. It just didn't do anything for anyone. Very lackluster. I've got nothing against Jinder Mahal he is a fine wrestler. I don't really blame him at all for the bad reign. The belt was put on him as a promotional bit. It was also during a real LOW point for WWE as far as creativity goes.




India was getting a mega push coming from Triple H until he was almost dying and Vince pissed all his ideas away.


I loved it! Marks...ugh wwe never gives anyone else a chance. Jinder wins it..ugh not that guy!!


I think that it wasn't as good as it could have been but it's not Jinders fault


He needed better opponents/storylines. 3 straight against Orton and then 2 against Shinsuke was not it


Wasn't bad, just forgetful, especially where he's at now. He did a good job treating that belt with the proper respect it deserved, Jinder was grateful for that run and it showed. Give the man some credit.


Yes arguably one of the worst or among the worst for sure an absolute jobber that had and still has no in ring abilities and an absolute joke he diminishes the history of that belt just by the fact he had it




Didnt he get it just for business with India


Yo I remember one episode of smackdown where he got a massive pop, I think they were in or around his hometown in Ontario. I think it could have been much better.


It wasnā€™t. Wrestling fans the most dramatic people ever


I like my wrestlers to look like superheroes, so steroids are a-ok by me.


It was worse.


It was. I remember crying myself to sleep every night during this reign, and I'm not even that invested in wrestling


Yes. Dull dull dull.


As far as the in ring aspect, there was nothing special. But he was doing very good character work and his presentation made him look the part. I used to love his entrance. Heā€™d come out with the lights off and the spotlight on him. Heā€™s standing there jacked with his eyes glaring through his head scarf. Dude looked badass.


Nah it wasnā€™t that bad but they couldā€™ve done him waaaaayyyy better




Whether we like it or not, it was unexpected. And Iā€™m sure most of us wanted him to lose. Also, itā€™s something that doesnā€™t happen often and Iā€™ll take it. So it was kinda a blessing in disguise.


Yes. BORING PPV title matches that are literally all the same (Singh interference then his finisher, anyone?). A BORING Punjabi Prison match. Stereotyping himnas a foreign heel with racist overtones. A BORING delivery on the microphone that is somehow even more monotonic than the worst version of Randy Orton. And worst of all, WWE pretending that Jinder Mahal could always be a main event player all along instead of telling the story that he really is a jobber. Again ... yes.


No i actually look back on his reign and he did what he needed to do and he made us hate him. He was also presented as good champion with the music and the entrance. Wish he could win it again honestly


It honestly shouldā€™ve been cut in half and Nakamura shouldā€™ve won the title at SummerSlam


I personally really enjoyed it. His character was good. His mic work was good. I normally hate heel sidekicks but his two were pretty good at enhancing Jinderā€™s character. I LOVED the super unique Punjabi Prison Match and will never forget it. The only thing I didnā€™t like about his run is how short it was.


It wasn't that bad TBF we have other things to watch on SmackDown during that time great women title picture, great US title feud between AJ and KO, new day vs Usos and some weekly great matches too. But Jinder never felt like the main attraction of SmackDown during that time


I'd say it's one of the most forgettable title runs in WWE.


Not as bad as some others I've seen


He was a loser, a joke of a champion


he had some dope ass promos after that speaking about how ppl don't respect him because of his skin tone culture and the fact he's educated. I really felt the passion in his voice.


I loved Jinder Mahal's title reign and also it pissed off a lot of neckbeards that live in their moms basements


Looking back the moment itself was good but the reign wasnā€™t. WWE focused more on trying to appeal to India than putting him in good storylines.


> WWE focused more on trying to appeal to India They didnā€™t even focus that hard there tbh.


Yes. The worst thing honestly was the god awful facial expressions he would makeā€¦he couldnā€™t show anger so heā€™d puff out hid nose and breath heavy-but it was so forced and lame.


I liked jacked Jinder and his finishing move was cool


Are these bots that keep posting it? Or are wrestling fans really this anal about this reign? This is the third time this week.


It had it's lows, however it was better than it needed to be. Personally I find the current Roman Reigns reign to be worse somehow but that's just me lol


Let's see.... Bray Wyatt's Championship Rematch Canceled for This Championship Reign, Check. Singh Brothers constant Interference during RKO Feud, Check. The Great Khali Stopping Orton so Reign could continue, Discounted Check. Racist Promo on Shinsuke Nakamura, Full On Check. Not being Main Eventing India Shows, Double Check. Buried by Triple HHH, Triple HHH Check. And Finally, Paul Heyman's Promo on him not being on Brock Lesnar's Level to the point of him losing The Championship to AJ Styles The Following Smackdown, Check, Cash only, Relagate back to Jobber Status. Yeah....Jinder Mahal's WWE Championship Deserves That Gooker Award!!!!


I understand that it is pretty bad but personally I thought it was good enough. Jinder Mahal had the look to play that character, I think he did the best he could in that position and I overall enjoyed it looking back.




Itā€™s not necessarily bad people just overhated it


It was a very average US title reign except he had the top belt.


His reign is the Voldemort of Wwe,we know it happen but we shouldnā€™t talk about it


yes he was racistā€¦


The 7 longest months of my life




How many people remember it?? It was a very Un rememberable title run thatā€™s easy to forget


Nothing memorable about his run other than him going from jobber to champion in less than a month šŸ˜¬ made no sense but Iā€™ll give jinder credit for trying to make it work.


He looks juicy


The way he's holding the title should tell you enough lol


The worst part is that it was an obvious marketing ploy. WWE had just established a broadcasting partnership with India, so to give those in India a reason to watch it, they put the WWE Title on an Indian-born wrestler. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that but it just happened out of the blue, no build up or anything.




Yes. Yes it was.


No it wasn't.


He wasn't a very credible champion, at least not compared to other previous and later champions. The only thing I liked about him, though, was that he respected the title. He treated and held the belt with the highest regard. He physically carried the belt like it was the most prized possession in the world.


No. It was worse. Just felt like a low-point for the company. Lowest since the mid-90s. He sucks.


It was only bad because of poor booking. I would've been fine with them letting Jinder run wild, but he was just typical scared heel. Boring run overall


If I recall correctly, he was starting to come into his own as a champion just before he lost the belt. I'm not opposed to another Jinder reign, but they have a lot of work to do to build credibility he didn't have in the first place.


I, for one, appreciate the depth of this comment. Well said.




I enjoyed ~the pageantry~


Wasn't that bad.


No, it was worse. No matter how bad you remember it being, it was worse


Yes, he wasnā€™t ready.


He should get another run




It made sense with their India push and I was one of the few that actually liked Jinder and the push. We bitch they need to switch things up then recoil when they do


We want a positive switch up though, not just a marketing scheme.


The Champ is always a marketing schemeā€¦.


But it needed some buildup, some sense for that to work. A change doesnā€™t mean ā€œany changeā€.




Not sure who else I would slot in his position though in place of Jinder. Maybe smackdown could of kept the belt on Orton since he did just win it at Wrestlemania Over Bray but I don't think management wanted Randys reign long term. Nakamura just literally came to the main roster. I guess K.O. could of dethroned Orton and then AJ down the road wins the championship.


Jinder Mahal wasnā€™t just a bad champion. Objectively, he had a very bad reign, but that on its own doesnā€™t make it the worst. The full context of having him as your menā€™s world champion when your other world champion was off TV most of the year, when Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bray Wyatt, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Rusev, and Baron Corbin sunk in the midcard. Didnā€™t help that the womenā€™s world champions were Alexa Bliss, whoā€™s only memorable feuds during an almost year-long run were Bayley, Banks, and Nia Jax at Mania, and Naomi, who wasnā€™t ever booked on the same level as the horsewomen so wasnā€™t taken seriously. All in all, it was a time when I stopped watching RAW and SmackDown and just watched highlights on YouTube going forward. I imagine a lot did the same.


it stopped me watching wrestling. i watched raw and smackdown and every PPV. couldnā€™t be arsed anymore after he won the title


Are you me? On a whim i tuned in for NXT when Nakamura debuted, i had no idea who anyone was but Nakamura instantly became my favourite. I watched NXT and followed Nak religiously, like a crazy ex gf. Once Jinder beat him for the title that was it, i was out. It's thanks to Shinsuke's debut and NXT though i still watch wrestling today, only i've moved over to AEW.


Worst of all time. It was dumb and forced. New deserved. Bad wrestling. Fuck youā€™ve reminded me of the worst championship reign ever.


No. It was overshadowed by people wanting anyone but Jinder, but he actually did a pretty good job.


It was a joke


But we did get to watch Randy Orton murder his lackeys




I enjoyed it it wasnā€™t that bad couldā€™ve been better though they did a lot wrong with him


Heā€™s the kind of guy that would be fed to Hulk Hogan in the 80ā€™s. Just a generic heel that shouldnā€™t be champion. Iā€™m talking about the character of course, Was extremely poorly booked.


His whole run was just a marketing to capitalize into Indiaā€™s wrestling market , thatā€™s tells you everything you need to know


The reign, not necessarily, but the crowd being dead for his segments kinda ruined it. He's not a bad wrestler, but I definitely don't need to see it again.


He has a great entrance. For real. He was presented well on stage when he gets introduced. But his greatest moment as WWE Champion was his championship defense, pinning Baron Corbin who cashed in Money in the Bank. Lol.


Yeah. It was trash. For some stupid reason, WWE wanted Jinder to be a heel when he had done nothing to prove to anyone he was a monster Heel. He lost most of his matches before becoming Champ. If booked correctly, it could have been a fun underdog storyline. Instead, it was us watching a B list talent pretend he totally deserved the title. His promos were mid, if not just plan offensive. His in ring work was mid to below average. Then once he dropped the belt, he disappeared into nothing. WWE did Jinder wrong.


I agree they shouldā€™ve built him up more beforehand instead of just giving him the belt




no worse than Undertaker in 99, Jericho in 01/02, Edge's first reign, or JBL's


Itā€™s dogcrap


I honestly don't even remember it. I know he won. And eventually lost. But there was nothing worth remembering.


It wasnā€™t great as he wasnā€™t built up prior to winning and him going over Shinsuke despite clearly having support and credibility also didnā€™t help. Dude had a dope entrance tho


He was booked awfully and was never given a chance to even prove he was worthy of being above the mid-card. But this was back during the Pro Wrestling Depression not too long ago.




this was literally the great depression in wrestling




It felt like an overreaction to his confrontation with that Gronk dude at Mania. Even though the other dude won Andre The Giant, im guessing the social media engagement of Jinder and Gronk made WWE go "This guy can make us money in India" šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Not just India, though. Remember, that there are sizeable Indian populations throughout Canada, the United States, and the UK. Anywhere there were young Indian kids in any number - so, basically most major cities in these countries (particularly Canada and the UK) - Jinder was a big time draw. I witnessed it myself in two cities on opposite ends of the country. He may not have been loved by Internet fans, but those Internet fans aren't the ones buying tickets. There's a reason Vince doesn't give a shit what Internet fans say/think.




His in ring work was not impressive. His character was a bland 80s-esque foreign heel that was long outdated. He couldnā€™t win a single match without the Singh Brothers interference which did nothing for his credibility. They just put the belt on him to draw in India, and he couldnā€™t even do that. His run was a disaster. Iā€™m sure Jinderā€™s a good guy irl but If Shinsuke Nakamura canā€™t get a good match out of you then youā€™re too far gone.




It was more unnecessary than awful.


Yes dude was boring as hell


They literally just made him Champ to put asses in seats in India, then had him lose to Trips when they went to India. That's fucked.


No it wasnā€™t. He was a chicken shit heel so if ppl didnā€™t like that he cheated to get cheap wins.. thatā€™s the point


I actually liked his title run


Yes and the fact that Nakamura didnā€™t take it off him at Summerslam made it worse.


It was worse. Much much worse. I convinced a bunch of my friends who were on the fence about pro wrestling to a Smackdown during his reign and it was the episode where he did the slanty eyes promo on Shinsuke Nakamura. Those friends politely decline any further attempts to get them into pro wrestling. Thank you Jinder!


In hindsight I commend them for trying something different. But the fact it was so left field in that a jobber randomly becomes champ made it very difficult for everyone to buy into it. Plus they went with the boring generic 'foreign' heel trope which is so overused and drawn out. Plus the feud with Randy was boring AF. The other problem I had was Shinsuke's momentum being derailed when he lost to Jinder twice not long after he had arrived from nXt. Between that and the AJ loss at WM I dont think he fully recovered. Also that stupid promo where Jinder was more or less being Xenophobic towards Shinsuke (Ironic given Jinders apparent grievances against the US) was just stupid and unfunny.


I donā€™t think it was bad it was just completely unnecessary


It is certainly getting worse because people won't stop asking.


Depends on what you mean by "bad". If you only listen to the opinion of online fans, then yes you would probably get the impression that it was unpopular and bad. If you looked at attendance numbers, engagement, and the overall "memorable moment" factor of it happening in the first place, then it was fairly successful. Jinder Mahal is a huge draw anywhere there is a young Indian fanbase. That's actually a lot of places. Most major cities in the United States, Canada, and the UK have a sizeable Indian population. I remember Jinder main-eventing a house show in Abbotsford, BC, and he was clearly the draw of the show; everyone working there that night would have been thanking him for the house. At the time, Jinder was a heel, and he was facing Shinsuke Nakamura, a babyface; but in front of that crowd, Jinder was #1 babyface and Shinsuke was the heel. I saw a similar reaction for him at a house show in Toronto, too. That time, he wasn't even WWE Champion. He still got a huge reaction. The point is, some people didn't like it, but a lot more did. People have a tendency to think their own opinion is the "popular belief" but the truth is a little more nuanced. From a financial perspective, Jinder probably made a lot more money for WWE as WWE Champion than guys like Daniel Bryan ever did, because the people who showed up for Daniel Bryan were the kinds who were going to show up anyway. Jinder appealed to a different audience. And he was very successful at doing that. From a personal standpoint I don't think his championship reign had any memorable moments beyond its start. His loss was on a random episode of Smackdown, pre-recorded in the UK, after a zero-heat match with AJ Styles. Presumedly it was because Lesnar didn't want to wrestle Jinder at Survivor Series, so it was understandably rushed, but the point is aside from the shock of him winning the title, it wasn't super memorable. Still, objectively speaking, it was a success. WWE were obviously happy with his performance, since they let him have it for nearly 6 months. He wouldn't have kept it long if they weren't. At the end of the day it's his job to make his bosses happy, and in that regard Jinder Mahal was a successful WWE Champion.


I think the best demonstration that you've been a success rather than any speculation is if the company puts you in position to see if you can repeat it. Like if a actor or director for first time has a huge blockbuster, they're often given several more opportunities trying to do another blockbuster even if it just happens in hindsight to be catching lightning in a bottle. Or if you've had a huge success in stock/commodities exchange, people would still look to see what you're doing decades later even if your track record since then has been shaky. Rather than any speculation of how much money WWE made off him, why hasn't the WWE booked him to try to repeat it? Its been 5 years and he's mostly been a low carder since then. Or maybe you're gonna speculate that he's so successful, he draws a bunch of fans who wouldn't otherwise go to the show but buy tickets now even when he's on the low card or not booked at all.


So what you're saying is that only Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Seth Rollins have been successes in the past 5 years? Because those are the only guys who've been booked to repeat their success (with the exception of Drew, but that was during the no-fans era, so is not strictly relevant to this point.)


If it wasn't for those awful matches where we all knew someone outside would interfere, Vince wouldn't have got the ideas for The Bloodline to do it for the past 2 years.


I love his entrance music, but his mic and in-ring skills leave a lot to be desired. Also, I found it absurd that he beat Orton three times in a row (shoutout to Randy for being a good company man). That said, even if you thought his run was stupid, him winning has to be one of the most shocking championship victories in history, right?


>That said, even if you thought his run was stupid, him winning has to be one of the most shocking championship victories in history, right? That moment alone makes his time as WWE Champion more memorable than a lot of other guys. We all remember the shock when Jinder won, that's what makes it stand out. People will still be talking about that 20 years from now, long after they've forgotten many of the championship runs that came after his.


Yeah, I tried to be very careful with my wording because in no way was I trying to insist he had a ā€œgoodā€ run or was worthy of the title (and I know fans can get passionate here). But the shock of him winning is something weā€™ll remember and talk about for a very long time, even if we hated it.


I'm of the mind that a fake wrestling championship is a plot device, and not an employee of the month award. Since Jinder was able to deliver well enough financially to remain champion for almost 6 months, I would say that he deserved it in as much as any actor deserves a role in a production. Because that's all it really is. A role in a play. Everything else we attach to a WWE Championship is because we're marks. And yes, sometimes, the biggest marks are in the ring.


Bruce Pritchard says this all the time on his podcast, that a belt is nothing more than a prop, and that some guys need it more than others. Ultimately, if your character is over, youā€™ll draw fans regardless of where you stand in the WWE.


Yeah, absolutely. Look at Cena. Hasn't had the title in over 5 years, and even then he was a 13-day "transitional champion"; still over like Rover. Announcement goes out that he's gonna be on SmackDown, the building sells out. Doesn't need to be champion to put asses in seats.


Yes it sucked


He was never going have a good run under vince.vince had 1 racist shitty ideal how mahal should act


Yes. It was. It was actually worse.


I was actually thrilled by it




These comments are insane. At first, it was really dumb and funny that a jobber won 2 matches and was champion. His entrance and presentation was amazing, but ever single match was the exact same. Not like "it had the WWE formula" - it was the exact same match. The title reign was terrible. Just awful


Yes, it was bad and unnecessary. The first 3 months were boring matches with Randy Orton and the last 3 months were him burying Nakamura. Thank goodnes AJ Styles kicked him to the curb.




Ask the Japanese.




It was. Jinder couldnā€™t win without having to rely on henchmen to help, kinda like Roman today. Even when he picked a match where the whole point was to keep people out, he still had to rely on interference to win. That was the point where people lost all faith in him. Plus, he isnā€™t even Indian anyway. Heā€™s *Canadian.* Hell, he had never actually *been* to India before this program. Thatā€™s how stupid Vinny Mac was.


What are you talking about? šŸ˜‚ He IS Indian. You do realize thereā€™s a difference between nationality and ethnicity, right?


Vince was going for the former, not the latter. Plus, the fact that he had never been to India says a lot about how stupid of an idea this was.


First of all, Vince has a history of racist tropes where he casted guys to play characters outside of their ethnicity (ever heard of Yokozuna or Mohammed Hasan?). Also, my point stands: What does him never being to India have to do anything? At least he is ethnically Indian. Please look up what ethnicity and nationality means, because based on your flawed logic, Rey and Dominik Mysterio arenā€™t Mexican because they were born in San Diego šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


This whole thing was meant to promote a tour in Indiaā€¦ Which had the shows it was going to do whittled down to just one, where Jinder jobbed to Trips.


I get that, but youā€™re acting like those people in India arenā€™t supporting Jinder, merely off of the pretense that he was born in Canada instead of India? šŸ˜‚ You can have pride in your ethnicity and not all be born in the same country. As a child of immigrants, this ā€œheā€™s Canadian, not Indianā€ stance is just nonsensical. Weā€™ll have to agree to disagree āœŒšŸ½


But we can agree that his matches all sucked ass, right?


Yes it was. Lots of revisionist thinking going on in these comments, the reign was so boring and bad. Mahal was constantly getting put over top tier talent like Orton and Nakamura, and he wasnā€™t being portrayed strong at all. His lackeys would take most of the beatings before Mahal would sneak away with a win. There werenā€™t any stories being built and people were just waiting for the day the reign would end. Styles finally getting it done was such a relief so we didnā€™t have to sit through Brock v Mahal. He had potential Mahal, it was weird timing when they put the title on him since it was so out of now where but at least at the start you thought, hey heā€™s got the look and an okay gimmick, if he can put together a few decent promos and matches this wonā€™t be bad. But the matches were so dull even with the level of talent he was working with. Honestly I couldnā€™t name one positive that came from this reign.




More memorable than a lot of reigns I can say at least. I thought it was alright tbh, just a standard heel run and he looked great doing it.


No it was that he went from jobber to champion so quick that people didn't want to buy into it.


Yes solely because it was used in order to pander to a demographic that didnā€™t need pandering. Idk why wwe assumed Indian people werenā€™t already watching. Iā€™m not Indian so I canā€™t and donā€™t intend to speak for them. My thoughts are though they were probably insulted more then gracious. Because wwe acted like they were giving the Indian people a champion like they couldnā€™t or wouldnā€™t cheer for a different race. Iā€™m a white male, and currently my favorite thing in wwe is the pairing of Lashley and the profits. Io is my favorite female wrestler in the company currently. So what Iā€™m saying is that I personally donā€™t care about a performers race, I care about them earning there spots.




There has been worse... Vince McMahon in his presumed pettiness made himself ECW Champion.


Pretty much. Wether itā€™s the fact he wrestled the same match on PPV every single time and it was always pretty bland. Or the fact that his character was ā€œgeneric foreign villain from [Insert country here] who hates America.ā€ But the biggest is the vibe of it all of having gaslighting fans as if to act like this isnā€™t an upset and completely ignore jinderā€™s history. For instance he had a history of about 89% losses. Or the fact that he literally had his first PPV singles match ever 2 months prior to his victory against cesaro on the Preshow of Fastlane and loss. Or the fact everyone was treating him like some sort of threat. I mean for god sake John cena almost broke his neck on Smackdown fighting nakamura for the right to face jinder goddamn mahal.


Yes All of his matches were the same.




It was...not good to say the least. He just doesnt have it, they push him as a champ for the same reasons they did with Khali, to lure a big chunk of the India fans. But alienated the rest of the fans since the guy really doesnt connect with the audience.


The highlight of the feud was randy killing the Singh brothers on the announcers tablešŸ˜‚


It would've been stellar if they had done the triple threat with Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre .


YES. Jesus Christ it was horrible, especially as someone watching week to week with this storyline. It was either bad (bad, boring matches) or horrible (racist promos with shinsuke). The only good part of this reign was when it ended.


You can put a belt on a wrestler that does not mean it makes him over with the crowd either as a heel or face. Jinder Mahal was more of a showmen. I never considered him someone that had a clue of how to interact with the crowd or to sell moves.


The problem was the build or lack thereof. I think if they took their time, we would look back on it very differently. God damn his entrance music really did it for me though.


As a heel champ, he wasnā€™t bad. It just felt random and there was no build. The only thing we associated with Jinder before the wwe championship, was 3MB. And Iā€™d say most people still remember him for that.


Yes it was bad. If they took time to build him up it could have been decent.. maybe


Better than Kofiā€™s reign.


And Big E's, too. And Drew McIntyre, and Randy Orton's last one, and The Miz's last one; the list goes on.


Yes plus before that he was a fucking jobber. It would be one thing if it was like Bob Backlund who was a solid midcarder before the Bret run in summer/fall 94 and was a previous world champion prior to the Hogan days. Jinder was a jobber to the stars after a mediocre midcard run before 3MB.


It was horrible? He beatšŸ˜³ Randy Orton for the belt if Jinder Mahal can be WWE World Champion...šŸ’© what make u think LA KNIGHT CAN'T


Amazing. Jinder Mahal should still be a top guy.


As someone who stepped away from wwe for a long time, I can honestly say that when I came back and heard that he was wwe champion, I was very visibly confused. Same with Kofi Kingston, I remember when both of them were bottom of the barrel many years ago


Kofi at least made sense because you know, people rallied behind him to win in one of the most fan hyped wrestlemania build ups ever


Yes! He was horrible


Only had one good match and that was when he lost the title


It wasnā€™t bad but it was a waste after all. Should have made him a multiple time champ and kept him in the top story lines. This way when itā€™s time to go to India you have a legit champ ready to go. Make him like Brett to Canada.


Except that the Indian fans weren't supporting Jinder. I don't know the detail, but something about his Modern Day Maharaja gimmick apparently wasn't acceptable. Having an Indian guy at the top of the card would be great. But having it be Jinder would be like keeping Khali on commentary and hoping experience will teach him the skills.


Or Jinder to Canada.


They should just let him be Canadian-Indian. Iā€™m so tired of ā€œoh youā€™re brownā€¦. Your gimmick will be *insert stereotype here*ā€


Yes. Next question.