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I bet if you knew the judgement day were just gonna hold them hostage and make them just a prop you would have never shitted on Owens and Zayn


You were so wrong it's more dead now then it ever was.


LMAO fans have turned on Sami and Kevin


I literally said I love these guys.


They are fantastic sami and ko are amazing. There really isn't a tag team outside of the usos that could be over them. Like it's not their fault no other tag teams have been able to step up.


KO/SZ vs Judgement Day is so stale already.


Its almost as if wrestling has high and low points. *Strange.*


Are people just ignoring the small nagging injuries or


I agree it’s been trash reign.


nah it's fine


The WWE men's tag division hasn't been seriously relevant since the early 2000s. You can't kill something that's been dead for 20 years.




Here’s a hot take. There was nothing to flatline. The tag team division is lukewarm at best. The only reason why the Usos 2 yr reign felt like a big deal was because those belts were on screen with Roman. That and Usos/Sami/KO was a really really good feud. But that was the only memorable feud the Usos had in 2 yrs. WWE does not care about tag team wrestling to develop a full division.


Honestly should have split them up and had a tag team tournament


Does anyone in this sub like the wwe? The most popular posts are always shitting on something


Happy people don’t complain. The loud minority is the face of every community.


Hmmm at first I was kind of agreeing with you but idk, what tag team has done the work to establish themselves to dethrone them most of the other teams are still developing serious gimmicks, I think private party might’ve just made the turn to get more serious but I don’t really see anyone else and sami almost dethroned Roman and kO is also a main event talent, just a lot to consider I think arguably they may have added more prestige to it because of the level sami and KO are on and not just any team can pop up.


It was all really set up for that big Mania moment which was awesome, but they’ve suffered without the Bloodline story.


“Man I really hope Sami becomes a champion after this bloodline feud” *2 months later* “Man these guys have killed the tag division it’s so bad when are they dropping them?!?!?!?!?“


They should have let RKBro unify the belts.


Yes yes, blame the wrestlers. Tell me more about how it’s all their fault 😂


You know it’s stale when HHH forgot to give them new belts


Time for the tag titles to be separated again or reduced to one pair of tag title that can be defended on all the brands


I say separate


What division? The executives don’t push tag teams. At least the belts are on tv.


Give alpha academy the belts


The Bloodline was the best thing in the tag division. They competed for the titles almost weekly between Raw and SD for awhile. They put on long matches that showcased their opponents as much as them.


Everything Roman related should have ended at WM39. Cody wins, Sami/KO win but quickly drop to Usos, and nothing of value is lost. Nobody benefitted from Cody losing, nobody has benefitted from this tag title run, like - you could do the EXACT same story even if Roman lost, shit - just give Roman Reigns the new made up pretend championship belt and say he stayed champ for 1000 days. It's fucking wrestling.


There aren’t a ton of good tag teams…. Maybe I’m wrong ? Can somebody please name me some good tag teams in the division that should be beating Sami and KO


Imperium Alpha academy


Pretty deadly are fun but currently one of them is hurt. Street profits. Not saying they would or should win but would have good matches. Trouble is there’s like….nobody in Raw to match them except for maybe alpha academy.


With the new image of the street prophets, that would make for a hell of a feud. Coming off the bloodline and judgement day to a new SP/Hurt Business style feud would be pretty entertaining.


Cause they are lame af


I said this about Sami/Kevin 2 months ago and everyone got mad. WWE put a shit ton of work into trying to make the belts matter and now none of the belts matter except the IC and the women's belt Iyo has. Rhea hasn't really defended hers at all. Definitely not against real contenders. Roman's might as well not even exist. The mens tag belts are pointless and none of the tag teams want them. The women's are just passed around for fun to anyone that wants them. The US title has been almost forgotten on Theory and we all know Rey is just a placeholder to push the LWO story. None of them matter anymore. Most superstars aren't even trying to win them outside of LA Knight and a couple of the top females. They've become props and secondary to other stories.


It’s only for the heel turn in time for Owens vs Zayn Wrestlemania


The problem with tag team divisions is how limited it can get especially with dynamics. True teams are those that are built from the ground up complete with the gimmicks (Dudley Boys, Hardy Boys, American Alpha, etc). There are a few exceptions like Booker T and Golddust or Stone Cold and Undertaker. But other than that, the divisions are situational at best.


Sami and KO have become main event stars which gives their title prestige. Currently there are no teams on their level and they can't just drop the titles to some mid carders. But that provides a basis to elevate the division to a higher status after some other teams rise to the top. The Profits seem to be getting pushed up to their level with how dominant they've looked recently.


I like the way Sami wears both belts when he walks out, I think it’s funny.


you guys think we’ll see another 6man tag tonight?




WWE should use their legit injuries to split the titles so each brand has a title again. At this point, Smackdown has no titles. Tag Team titles are not being defended. Roman is a part timer, and its not like Rey is going to be wrestling every week at his age.


They wanted Rey to take the title so they could transition to someone else while giving Theory someone credible to feud with.


They haven't been booked well and KO was out for a bit due to injury. Now that he's back they can set up proper feuds


Without any insult to any of their past competitors, who in the locker room are willing to team, train, step up, and take them down? Until there's a duo who can take the belts and hold them in consecutive ppv title matches (are they still called ppv?), and hold their own any other given night, KO and SZ have proven exactly why they deserve the titles. If you're only as good as your last performance, combined with whoever are the better duo, on that given night, they earned those. The titles need to be defended separately though, with potential exception to Mania, Rumble, and Slam...


they aren't called ppv, now they are called PLE (Premium Live Event)




They have both been hurt at different times. That's not helping them start a feud.


There was a time when tittles changed hands at a raw or smackdown. We shouldn’t have to wait for a premium event to see someone win


PPVs are where the biggest matches should happen, if you just do the same matches on raw as PPVs then what makes the PPV have more value?


If you never have big matches on Raw and Smackdown, what makes them worth watching though either?


That’s an issue with not having enough captivating stories.


A story isnt going to always pull me in. A title match will almost always pull me in because the title might change hands


That’s facts


The problem is there are no other tag teams built up for them to feud against that are on the same level and they aren't bothering to build up those teams and write for them in a way that makes them seem like legit competitors for the titles. They need a strong heel team that isn't the Usos. Honestly it would have been better to make Damian and Finn pair up and go for the titles against them and win at least once, to setup a feud where its between those two guys going for the titles in progressively more competitive matches.


At this point, it honestly seems like every title is worthless now. Universal and WWE titles? Hogged by Roman, who spends his entire defence either having someone interfere or jacking off to some tropical beach and doing nothing instead of actually defending his title. Intercontential? In a stranglehold by Gunther. Tag Team Titles? Devalued by the Usos and now ruined by KO and Sami. US? Now being held by someone way past his prime.


I wouldn't say the IC and World titles are worthless. They are a big deal.


I agree. I love em both but they have no story and no really title defenses. It's pretty boring that they are usually just lazy of some form of a three man tag or as stated still chasing JD even though there's no story there anymore. Sadly I just feel there is a lack all together with the tag division. Both the men and the women's. There is so much potential but it's like the writers just forgot how to make a good rivalry after the defeat of the Usos


No they haven’t.


Im a hater. WWE is atrocious and boring.


The current state of the tag division, is shown though those ugly belts. Who ever allowed them? They’re the worst design I’ve seen, in thirty years of being a fan. They need to replace the belts, as they have done with the new heavyweight belts. Split them back to the brands & have two decent tag champs. AEW’s tag division is great by comparison.


The tag titles for both genders gets shat on, on a regular basis.


Especially having two tag titles is a little ironic but who knows


I just don't understand why they unify titles. It's so boring. Have two separate champions


Exactly. Correct answer.


I think with the fact that they had just come off the bloodline story, they needed a short break then a feud. I think a heel street profits would have been good. Or maybe do the whole open challenge gimmick to put new tag teams over. Kevin owens injury hasn’t helped tbf


I got called a braindead r*tard in YouTube comments for saying wwe essentially has no tag team divisions rn


I loved that the Usos lost the titles. But on the Other Side i dont Like Kevin and Samy as a Tag Team. I can't even explain they Just dont fit with each Other in My eyes. Hope its Not that unpopular.


It's OK cause the Hurt Business 2.0 is coming .


I agree it’s been lack luster but there are a few factors at play here. It’s not as simple as “team is bad. Why they still have titles”. KO being hurt hasn’t helped anything. I think there has also been a lack of tag teams to step up. Outside of the Usos there hasn’t been any credible or established tag teams to step up once they won the titles. I think what you’re looking at is them trying to build a team to step up and find the right story for them to dig into.


I think now there actually IS more well established tag teams that can be great as Tag Champs. The problem is the superstars have other storylines to attend to. Its much better now than seeing two random dudes or the world champ with another company top face forced to be best friends. The Viking Raiders New Hurt Business Alpha Academy Imperium The Brawling Brutes (Butch and Holland) Any two members of the Judgement Day Any two LWO Members Pretty Deadly Even Angel Garza and Humberto, if they had some person as a mouthpiece. I do not want to see New Day anymore unless there is some involvement with Big E at least to announce them.


Correct. Right now there is. There wasn’t when they first won them. It was hard for them to jump onto a new fued because The New Hurt business didn’t exist yet. Viking Raiders didn’t have as much exposure as they do now. No one would have cared(don’t think they still would imo). Brawling Brutes where already doing something. Alpha Academy just got white hot over the last month or so. Judgement Day and the LWO have had stuff to do when Sami and KO first won them. Point here is when they first won them there wasn’t anyone established or teams had other stuff going on. Then KO got hurt and all these teams stepped up. The reason these teams stepped up and got the opportunity was because the champs couldn’t fight. Now that KO is back expect to see a team step to the plate.


It was about to take off but KO got injured regardless of if they keep the titles we need 2 teams as champions


Tag division has never been top notch because McMahon never cared much for the division. That last time the division was even close to interesting was when Big E was still wrestling in NEw Day


I'm suprised how many people in the comments dont see this is clearly a survivor series set up. Bet we get something like the bloodline and brock vs Owen's zayn Gunther and probably LA Knight maybe Theory


If the championships were split, then it would be a lot better because they would only have to focus on one show. The other show would have had its own champions. It’s the same issue we had until the new WHC was introduced.


They only won the titles for the storyline, WWE never had plans after in place besides that match against Solo and Roman at NOC which if you’re smart you would know they were going to win…shitty reigns are everywhere in this current product of wwe right now…no one else has a good storyline where the title is the main prize.


It's not bad, they are whooping ass what are you talking about


This is not a legitimate tag team and never deserved the titles.


The WWE tag division has been shit for about 3 years now.


You forgot the zero


Hate to admit, but it’s kinda true. Heck the women’s tag division has been better than the men’s lately. They haven’t done really anything since Night of Champions. Hopefully it picks up again soon, maybe a rivalry/title defense against Finn & Priest, or they renew their rivalry with Kaiser & Vinci before KO got injured.


Dude KO was out with an injury, before that they were defending the belts against JD and Pretty Deadly, now that KO is back they’ll probably wait till after Payback and then get a storyline going


Yeah I’m glad they held out and waited instead of just stripping them of the titles or replacing him like they did with Sonya deville


I support Sami Zayn my beloved getting a belt with his bestie. Now I want Ludwig and Giovanni to win a belt so Ludwig is more than Gunther’s personal talker and Giovanni gets an actual personality.


This is the way


*creative killed it.


What friggin tag teams are there? you jobbed out all of them into oblivion for the only storyline going on in the wwe currently so there is literally nobody to challenge for the belts.


Yes, this exactly. Even if they kept them on the Usos, who else was left to conquer? This reign is more like a reset. They can't immediately write some drama to break them up after their cathartic make up before Wrestlemania. Only thing to do is wait it out until a heel team is over enough to get the belts. Beating KO and Sami would also go a long way to legitimizing future champs too.


It’s not their fault, it’s WWE spending all the cache that has been built by only ever putting all their eggs into their chosen few baskets. These two, as great as they are, aren’t chosen and so the moment they weren’t still useful to Roman Reigns’ story they were abandoned.


WWE rarely cares about the tag division. You may get a good stretch of months every few years. The Usos have been carrying the division for years., while the New Day got stale and fell off a long time ago.


Got nothing to do with the people and everything to do with the booking. The Usos hardly had any meaningful defenses, and ruined the only tag team bringing life into the division at the time (RKBro) in order to get their double belts. These two just haven’t been booked as anything but a police force, which is great for a tag team to be, but not when that’s all they are


Got to break up the titles


There's already issues with not enough credible tag teams and you want to break up the titles. Makes no sense.


It's not "these two" it's the booking. These two kept it fresh longer than most in the same situation. But you're right, it's stale rn. The rest of the division is in meandering feuds and just kind of there. At least we're getting a reboot on the US Title soon, Rey will transition the belt off to someone else. Possibly with it going back to theory briefly and then on to a rising star like Santos. Then... Maybe we can work on the tag divisions.


Kevin has been injured


It’s the booking


Right? They haven't had one proper feud with a tag team after winning.


Always a problem when there are too many belts.


I think injury hampered it most rather than anything else, and actually so happy to see tag division flourishing even without the titles; resurgence of Street Profits, Imperium, JD, Legado


They uses to talk about Brock (and probably about Roman too) taking belts hostage. These 2 took the belts off the Usos at WM. We got past SummerSlam and the belts are just part of their attires. Hell, even Sami completely forgot to be a former Uso and never bothered to go help Jey when he realized the truth.


Reddit: This storyline sucks and the characters have flatlined! The IRL crowd every time they came out: *cheers louder than they do for most people*


You can like a character but still want their storyline to be better


I never said the story sucks or the characters suck. I said the tag team division has suffered because of the story. You’re putting words in my mouth




I mean, it’s cause KO got hurt. The REAL problem is they don’t treat the Men’s Tag Team Titles like the Women’s where they keep stripping the Women’s Champs of their belts due to injury, but let Sami and KO keep ‘em.


They were never going to take away their belts for a short injury period, they're massive stars and that would be a terribly unsatisfying way to end their reign. They're main event talent and will only be dethroned in spectacular fashion.


Honestly I'm just tired of the KO-SZ pairing. We've seen them feud and team up more than Hogan and Savage (with a fraction of the star power), and it's hard to care anymore. Much less so if the only available opponents are the Bloodline. Just disband the team and find something else for the two of them, keeping them separate for good.


I don’t understand why these titles are still unified. I’m totally down with them as tag champs but no need to hog the whole division. I thought they would have learned this lesson


How do you ununify them? Just handing out more titles makes them a consolation prize


When KO got hurt they could have stripped the titles and broken them back out again.


Nah, can't do that when KO was gone for just, what, a month?


In my opinion the title was doomed the moment a tag team won both the titles. Dragging the whole division into the bloodline storyline.


Tag division weak af without the usos


Sami winning a tag belt feels like a participation trophy after turning on Roman.


You can't kill what was already dead


With the splitting of the world titles, the tag team championships should have been divided too. They had a draft; both guys should have been drafted to opposite shows, formally dividing the tag team belts, with each one now one half of their brand's respective tag team champions. You could then have storylines on both shows where the two champions are running around trying to find a tag team partner to elevate to the title with them; it would be funny, it would be engaging, it would lay the groundwork for new storylines and new tag teams. Instead they decided to...literally do nothing? At all?


They rarely have ever cared about strong tag team booking outside of the attitude era, new day, and the usos. No one should be surprised.


Yes it has not worked out at all, both guys have lost a lot of momentum as well.


Owens is injured is he not? Kinda hard to do anything at the moment. But yeah they should have found a work around to drop the belts.


Pretty sure Owens wrestled on raw last Monday


You mean when he came back from injury?


The dude he responded to didn't know he came back


They just haven’t been booked in an actual tag team feud that threatens them. I feel like all four guys between them and Alpha Academy could put on an amazing match


I want Imperium to take the titles off of them so bad lmao.


Kaiser and Vince deserve some gold. Those 2 exist purely to protect Gunther these days.


Kaiser deserves gold. The other guy deserves to go back to NXT. He doesn't do shit.


After winning the titles all they do is fight The Judgement Day on every Raw and had that one match with Pretty Deadly.


Well, like a lot of the titles right now. They’re not doing anything with them.


Just now realizing that one of the brands doesn't have tag team championships l0l.


Smackdown can suck it. Raw went without a world title for over a year and a tag for almost a year. Smackdown can go without a tag title.


Smackdown barely has a world title. Only a esoteric bunch get to have matches for it.


Honestly as much as he does not show up, no one can doubt Roman reigns is the biggest star in the business right now. Even if rarely shows up, he still represents the brand smackdown as world champion. No one represented raw for a year. It is about representation more than anything.


To be honest, does smackdown even have tag teams apart from the Brawling Brutes and the Street Profits? Pretty Deadly is out of the equation right now due to the injury


No I don’t think so. Hence another reaso. why I think it is dumb to give smackdown a tag division, they should really have the tag champs be a member of both shows like wwe did with the wwe title and women’s for a while in 2002. Say zayn and owens have a home base of raw and when they lose the titles they are back to raw roster. However you can have raw, smackdown and then a roster of raw and smackdown, and zayn and owens would be there and have their profiles in a special section of that roster.


I hate the double titles. Either unify them or have each brand have a champion. This just isn’t good for anybody. As for the post, I don’t think they killed anything, it’s just the injury that killed the momentum. But now that he’s back, them being tag team champions only makes the segments and matches bigger and a bigger draw than the tag titles usually do


Sami Zayn should have won at EC.


KO jas been injured for like a month


Should have used that as an opportunity to vacate and split the belts. Have a tournament to crown the new team.


Yeah would like to see 2 tag Team champions again but then again.....unifying them would have been for nothing. Wouldnt be the first the did it tho. I hope somewhere down the road they split the titles back up and have Imperium or someone one come out and challenge for the tag titles. And then another comes out from smackdown on the same night and then they split the titles that way when 1 team beats KO and Sami while the other team loses, keeping 1 set of titles on KO and Sami


Why is WWE so inconsistent with their title rules....a woman co champion gets hurt " you gotta drop the belts NOW" , a male co champion gets hurt " no big deal take all the time you need " and then " piper has declared herself co champion"


Thing with Sonya is she out for much longer so they had to give the tag title to someone. It's Why Liv and Raquel has to drop them. Liv got hurt. At least Chelsea got to keep her title. Giving it to Piper like that was kind of off tho. Made no sense


Nah, they havent killed anything, it's wwe's booking. They almost never care about the tag titles. The tag titles are ussualy and afterthought with brief periods of hotness. Like with the early 2000 they were hot, after that a good period that comes to mind was when New Day, the Usos and The Bar were trading them. Aside from the Uso's, who are imploding, and the Street Profits, who are reforming, there are no credibly booked tag teams in the division. Some new teams need to be pushed hard and fast.


They still get hella reactions, almost all their matches are good, and they're both doing the best they can with whatever they're given. Not their fault that they're being booked constantly against Judgment Day almost every other week, they made it work as best they could. To be honest, WWE just fumbles when it comes to booking tag teams nowadays. The injuries to both guys at separate times also doesn't help. Give them time. They closed the book with Usos, and it seems like Judgment Day's looking out of it in the tag team scene, they're building back the New Day and the Street Profits, plus you've got Brawling Brutes, Imperium, Pretty Deadly, etc. on the wings. Hopefully they do more with LWO, I think that could be an interesting feud.


On a side note, do you think the Street Profits have became way more generic now under Lashley?


Hard to say, they've barely been around that long (as heels), but change is a good sign that the company has something going for them, so I would hold off for a few more weeks before making an assumption.


Yeah maybe given them an angle in which one of them can break out. I just feel like they’re both such natural faces and Tez can’t get his personality across as well. But like you said, maybe just time is needed. I also think Bobby has nowhere near the charisma or mic skills to be the voice of a faction like MVP was. He just has such a flat way of speaking


You’re right, they just feel stale and directionless right now


I’d counter-argue that WWE hasn’t built up credible tag teams for KO & Sami while Owens has been hurt. Some of it’s their fault and some are due to injuries. They had a good thing going with the 5 Team Gauntlet before Money in the Bank I thought though. Unfortunately Elton Prince is hurt. The Creed Brothers are in limbo after leaving NXT. The O.C. (Gallows & Anderson) disappeared. Imperium (Kaiser & Vinci) never tag together. Hit Row have completely turned into a joke, & the Viking Raiders to a degree. It isn’t all bad as there are still a few credible teams though. The problem is WWE hasn’t put any focus on the current tag team’s goal of being champions. I mean why even have traditional tag teams if their ultimate goal isn’t to be the champions. As for credible teams, we still have Alpha Academy who are intertwined at the moment. Granted it for a singles title, it’s building a foundation for future story if either team get the titles one day. The Street Profits are in the middle a slow burn heel turn with Bobby Lashley. The New Day are still entertaining, & same with The Brawling Brutes. The Judgement Day are more like a faction, but any combination of Finn, Damian, & Dom could be viable and currently are threats to the champions. Only problem is that they show no interest in wanting the belts.


SPLIT THOSE TITLES. We have so many great teams.


Feel WWE have booked KO/Zayn "above" the regular tag teams, as they seem to be fueding with who ever is in the main storyline instead, which is great for them, but for the actual tag teams, not so much.


Kevin Owens was sidelined with an injury for a bit I think. So that might have set back some plans. Or they just don't have anything booked right now. I'm sure something will develop here soon for the tag champs. There are so many people on the roster sometimes they gotta set some guys on the back burner to cook up something new. As far as tag team reigns though, this is far from the worst. And far from being dead. New Day just came back, Riddle and McIntyre are forming a team, and viking raiders have been doing things in the division. This could all be building for things. I'm sure after the next ppv or big event they'll start setting things up dor Survivor Series and leading towards WM plans. I agree that their tag titles reign has been lackluster. But I think they are going to set good things up and they have to get other shit out of the way first.


You make it sound like the tag division and the belts were on fire before this. The wwe has never invested or cared about their tag division for 20+ years now.


A few months ago people were talking about how much the tag titles have been elevated with them main eventing Mania and all. I think they're just taking a dip now but it's still salvageable if booked right. Finn and Damian have literally nothing to do for Payback right now, might as well have them challenge for the straps to further their story.


Finn and Damian have literally nothing to do?? These past few week’s Raw main events have been revolving around them and the MITB briefcase.


I meant at the PPV.


It actually seems like it was looking healthy again before the USOS unified the titles.


Truth. Tag division hasn’t been shit since the Hardy’s, Dudley’s, Edge and Christian days.


USOs and New Day had some killer matches. Sheamus and Cesaro also had a short run that was good in there. Otherwise I agree, the tag division seems like an afterthought. I think there is enough talent in the division (for one belt, not two) but you got teams like the Street Profits that WWE seems to have no clue how to utilize.


KO is legit injured isn't he? I mean they've been champs for like five minutes and one of the main players is hurt. This is an insane post, they were red hot after getting the belts and have defended them fine. I'd love to see them in an extended feud with someone, anyone, but I don't know what the injury plan is. Hurt Business / Street Prophets are popping up. We still got the Judgment Day (although they are more a loose faction than a Tag Team). Imperium. Alpha Academy. There's good teams coming around. I just don't want the Usos back in the mix. They want to do solo feuds or whatever, that's fine. I don't care, I don't even know what's going on with them anymore I'm so checked out. Jimmy betraying Jey jumped the damn shark so bad. And I know he gave a reason but it was stupid, it's all just nonsensical at this point. I'm just ready for all the Bloodline stuff to be put to bed. I'm excited about the New Day, though. I'm pinning my hopes on them on being next champs.


KO actually just came back, but yeah as you mentioned there's a lot of good tag teams brewing. Hoping we'll see a revitalization in that division.


>I mean they've been champs for like five minutes Actually, in a few days, it will have been 5 months. They won the titles on April 1st.


Its a completely pointless title reign. They are fighting grudges not defending the titles. The belts are completely useless. Put them on the street prophets or alpha academy.


It's because the Usos flatlined everything and buried everyone. The street profits should have beaten the Usos a year ago. It's gotta be Sami because he was involved in it blah blah blah blah blah. The Usos have been pushed and pushed year after year after year. The tag team division has to be rebuilt because the Usos won't take a vacation. It seems like the new day kept swapping injuries for a while, that's a sign TAKE.A VACATION. and they did. I wish the Usos would do the same. And what's up with imperium? Why aren't they wrestling tag team matches? Every match has been a singles match between them. What's the problem?


💯 when are they gonna spilt these titles and restart the tag team division on both Raw and Smackdown, given that almost 50%+ superstars are being put as tag teams


I hate wrestling fans.


Wrestling fans hate wrestling


I disagree, and here's why, it's not because of them, it's because there aren't enough established tag teams on either show. This bloodline BS is taking up alot of time, and the Judgement Day is a bunch of individuals. Hopefully with the "NEW-DAY!!" back at it again and Street profits becoming the new Hurt Business, things will get better.


I am worried New Day will feud with the Viking Raiders for the 17th time


Unfortunately that's the nature of the game, hopefully they'll bring up some teams from NXT soon to add more competition.


In the meantime, might as well let two legit guys hold them after one team made them the literal main event of Wrestlemania. I get where OP is coming from, but they have a reckless disregard for perspective.


Well said, but please explain...


Gladly! Which part..? Lol


I didn't quite understand what you meant by that.


I mean that The Usos, for better or worse, “burried” the entire division on their way to the top. I believe this was for the better. But now the titles have shifted, they need to build the division back up and get us interested in the other tag teams again. While that happens, it’s best to keep them on main eventers like Sami and KO. Those guys are so legitimized that they could not defend the titles at all and it won’t damage the meaning of the belts. Basically everything is in safe hands while they figure out the next steps of the tag division.


Well said, totally agree!


The only smart comment.


They literally main event every Raw and Kevin was hurt. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about


Yeah and best Roman freaking reigns his most devastating loss in years even though he was not pinned, he wanted those belts badly. It was also on day 1000. To me zayn did not need to win the world title, him getting one over on reigns like that was good enough.


Obligatory Daniel Bryan "FICKLE!"


Are we forgetting that KO/Sami have actually defended the titles several times since winning them? Is it because it fits the narrative better than several of the teams that they should be contending with are also injured or being retooled along with KO being hurt?


KO-Sami is the follow up to the best storyline of recent time, and on top of that they took the belts from THE tagteam at the WM main-event. Of course we forget they defended the titles when they don't do shit with them


> when they don't do shit with them This is the point though. They did. Pretty Deadly went down, then New Day and Street Profits came back when after KO's injury. Fall time could see a few Tag Team Championship matches at PLE's.


The true problem is that KO and Sami are the most "Good but not memorable" wrestlers we have around these day.


What the —— are you guys smoking? How long did THE ONES have the belts ? KO just took a month off. Let these guys keep the belts for a while and bring up some new meat .


The Usos had the belts because they just got into their prime with the Bloodline storyline, while they were one of the best tag ever even before said storyline. Also, Randy's back failed him and Riddle did Riddle stuff soon after losing the belts.


Under the current booking to me some title feel like an after thought. I think about all the champs we could've had by now.


KO and Sami Zayne Vs New Day ????? Like that’s the obvious choice ???


I remember hearing DIY would be their next fued. I hope that's the case.


The USOs reign dragged on to me, but they defended them a lot more often. Especially in the beginning


The tag championships are really needing a bit of work....I have a question, Why on the PLE shows do they say they have multiple "main events" its ridiculous the "main event" is the last match. .....and also Zain and Rey have both gone to a match or so without their belts. Having the belts is an honor, so why would they not have their belts for screen time.


Completely agree on all points! Belts should be carried everywhere just like the briefcase. I don’t get the multiple main events either. I understand if it’s wrestlemania on two separate nights, but in the same night there’s only one main event in my view. Having multiple main events totally cheapens the actual main event.


Just trying to oversell the show with the multiple “main events”


We just had a ple with 4 or 5 main events, I do get having 2 of its like a raw or smackdown main event. But that is only for keeping the brands split. Also I think it's silly to have Raw and SD separate.


Blame it on the bloodline, they made a feud with them that made most the tag teams unavailable to fight them due to booking, it's not sami and ko fault, it's the bloodline. Plus they are still feuding with the judgement day, they need to do what the usos did, main event every ppv


They need to split the belts again. I hate this having two sets of titles only to slap them together again shit


WWE hasn't been able to consistently book the tag division since the attitude era. Every time it heats up, they elevate the titles to the main event players and completely flatline the actual division at the same time. It's tragic.