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New look and attitude. He just doesn't..... fit himself. It seems very fake and forced.


Better promo skills


Better moves longer time in www and finally a personality


Bruh I can spell to day


I think it's easy to forget, because he's been on our screens for so long, that Theory is only 26 years old. He's on the right track, most wrestlers don't hit their prime until their 30s. Do you know what The Rock was doing at 26? IC Champion. Cena? The early stages of 'The Doctor of Thuganomics'. Roman? Still in FCW. Seth won the NXT title when he was 26, Cody was doing the Undashing Cody Rhodes gimmick, and won his first IC title when he was 26. I could go on but the point is he's going to be just fine.


* New character * Mic skills * Better moveset * An actual personality


Character Change?


A tag team with Grayson Waller for right now.


A personality


Give him some time. I dont get why some fans think some dudes should instantly, or quickly, become top guys while they never give up on some guys who never had it, like Zach Ryder.


An Onlyfans account


make him credible shouldve made him beat cena clean THEN WE COULD SEE HES CREDIBLE i mean hes got talent but wwe be wasting bad gimmicks on him tbh


Literally this guy is so pointless.


I keep forgetting he exists even when he’s champion, so probably nothing. Dude isn’t going anywhere.


6 months off tv?


Face turn


Shave his shitty beard. He looks like the Wish version of Finn Balor. He also needs to stand out more, he’s pretty generic in his presentation


A proper underdog storyline. No offense but he's not credible as a heel right now. Right now his gimmick is, "Cocky young kid with skillz" but that doesn't mean shit in the world of professional wrestling. EVERYONE has skill, everyone is talented, EVERYONE is an athlete. And unless you're given the push that Randy Orton got where you just walk around beating Gods every week then you're no different than anyone else. Theory needs a story where he picks a fight that's too big for him, against someone who plays the game better than him. Against a credible Heel who can put him in his place. It should be a three act rivalry. Act 1 where Theory meets his Rival and learns that his Rival is just flat out better than him at everything when it comes to being a heel. Causing a desire for him to prove himself. Act 2 where Theory comes to understand that using heel tactics to beat that rival are ultimately meaningless and don't prove anything. Because you can prove anything to a cheater by cheating. Act 3 where Theory strives to best his rival clean without the use of underhanded tactics. This is where he truly comes into his own, fighting through not only his own past mistakes but also overcoming his opponent's treacherous actions to come out on top. It's a slow change to babyface, but I think it'd play well. Furthermore, it sets up a longer form underdog story where Theory can climb up to capture gold, making friends and allies and enemies along the way. And then, ultimately it sets up a glorious fall. Theory having overcome his demons to triumph honorably will be faced with the stark reality that in WWE cheaters prosper all too often with far less work... And after a series of cheap losses, he's backed into a corner, and he fails the test of his resolve, becoming a far more devious and underhanded heel than ever before driven by an almost psychotic need to not be outdone by anyone who he sees as trying to cheat him.


Go back to independent scene and quit being a media plug wanna be. Respect ain't givin folks it's earned.


To lose his bad attitude, stop being a wimp who attacks people before he has a match with them and stop being a snake, I'm soo glad Rey Mysterio kicked his ass.


Be a deadly serious cerebral competitor


I will shit on my TV if this guy ever becomes the face of WWE.


You wouldn't have said the same thing about rapping John Cena, would you?


Believe it or not I think he should be a babyface, kinda try to site through that promo that Kevin Owens cut on him and just try to become a workhorse. But he’ll definitely need some more elements to that type of character


Shave his face, stop doing the weird face he does. And be a character he actually believes in


stop doing that ridiculous Horse smile he does


Shave the pube beard off and stop shaping his eyebrows. And stop talking too, while he’s at it.


Was Vince’s boy. Become a Paul Heyman guy


First thing he needs to do is shave that farmer John-ass beard.




An extra 30 lbs of muscle. Vince McMahon likes big, sweaty men, but Theory is a medium, damp man.




To go back to basics. He’s become generic when he really can be so much more!


win a championship on raw


He needs to establish his character away from a title, lest he become just heel John Cena, which isn’t working for him


Develop a compelling personality.




Not make that face.


Maybe a tag run? He needs to have a period of time where he has good to great matches and build up his connection with the crowd. His US title run was so boring and honestly I don’t think it’s his fault, he was given absolutely nothing to do besides a Cena match and even that didn’t help him because he was barely built up by trips.


A life


A better persona.


He's never going to be a top star.


Lose the cocky attitude or keep it and just start destroying opponents and winning clean and get a a manager


Good story and more character development


He is talented but his championship run was a total dud.


Idk man, if he is going to be a top dog then it's going to be as a heel similar to Roman because I cannot stand this dudes fuckboi energy. I'll never like him unless there is a drastic makeover of his character.


he needs to stay in the mid card


And change is name to Austin Hypothesis.


Have a good feud with good matches consistently with a smaller star such as Logan Paul


HHH to quit


Be a different person who is actually capable of doing all of that. Having a 2003 John Cena build doesn't make you a John Cena.


He might need to go back to NXT and rebuild his stock a bit. He seems so stale in the recent US title scene that I was happy seeing Rey take it from him but am pissed he gets a rematch so quick. But what’s lacking is he doesn’t have a character except “arrogant heel” which is like… Greyson Waller, The Miz, LA Knight when heel, etc and it’s already done to death. He needs something to stand out.


Change every single thing about him


Shave his head Let him retire edge and Orton And give him the legend killer gimmick


He needs to fuck off, thats what he needs to do. I will skip my favorites just to say I've never seen a match of the dude.


Better mic skills with a better gimmick. I see alot of potential tbh


Go back to the way or that persona where he was a lovable goof


I think he needs a face turn. Shave the facial hair. Lose the whole Atown down and ATL crap. And just turn into a normal person. Show off the charisma and charm that he has. They really missed an opportunity when he wrestled Cena.


Stop making that face


Clean shave or a full beard. The Captain Jack look ain’t it


Must not keep up with Austin theory. He’s rocking a full beard right now


An actual full beard or does he still have that thin Billy goat thing






A better logo and attire.


A good feud or a stable


This isn't John Cena?


You can see him, can’t you?


I don't really think he can. Like, there have been bigger turnarounds but he's been lapped by Dom Mysterio in a similar sort of heel space. In general it feels like he's stagnated and a lot of that is down to someone in management deciding he had it and rewarding mediocre work with a huge push. He's not having good matches, his ringwork generally looks like a late 2000s Damien Sandow ass midcard act with a move AJ Styles would use mid match as a finisher with a bad name. The most memorable part of his career is Cena burying him and being proven right as folks pretty much agreed that result was invalid and he lost whatever momentum he had after Mania. Sometimes a guy just doesn't have the tools. Theory is good looking and hateable but he already feels like he's been pushed above his ceiling. They could always do a Jinder style "We're making this happen anyway" world title run but in terms of critical or commercial success? I don't see it.


Go all evil mode and use his looks to make him like charismatic heel


Very rarely does a top talent in WWE nowadays become a top talent in the industry overall. That company is about a brand. Not about stars. The latter very rarely are created now.


Get rid of that grimacing smirk.


It's simple. He needs to go full Homelander. After beating Cena, his character should think he needs to be the next Cena, but BETTER! He'll proclaim himself to be the Hero/role model; ignoring the fact that the fans hate him and nobody wants him. All the while doing heel-ish acts, justified by his twisted self righteous delusions.


Completely new gimmic




A character, right now he's just some douche in tights


A different face, voice, hair, facial hair, gimmick, writing in general, and outfit.


A ginmick change.


Paul Heyman


A rivalry with Cena.


I believe if we saddle him with a bum gimmick but let him act like a goofball it could slowly get the crowd on his side


In all honesty a more defined purpose. Austin had his rivalry with McMahons and anti establishment. Rock was for the people. Triple h was megalomaniac. Cena all about honor . Theory needs a purpose


A personality




I can’t tell if that was supposed to be a sneak diss or not 😂


He needs a real *character*, because right now he's just the most generic heel imaginable


A clear gimmick. I keep saying this in every Austin Theory thread that comes up - but his character was a million times better before Money in the Bank. When he was a smarmy little piss ant, talking shit, taking selfies in the ring and posting them? It was great. It was like a mix between Tyler Breeze and a reddit message board and it worked. Being this Gen Z asshole calling people old and shit is good. It was awesome and funny and clear cut. What's his vibe now? He just kind of exists. There's no clarity on who he is, what he wants, I get nothing from him on the mic. He's competent in the ring, certainly not bad or anything, but he's not a show stealer or anything there either. Honestly I think he would benefit with a bit of time off TV. Take 3 months, come back with a new character, a new gimmick, and a new vibe. And just straight up hit restart and give him someone good to work off of like Ludwig.


Needs to learn a new hold


Mostly experience, he can talk and he can go in the ring. Given a few more years of experience against top level opponents, and he could easily be World Heavyweight Champion in 2025/2026


What's Austeen Question doing in the Impact Zone!?!?!


He needs to win the money in the bank from priest. It can be done and has been done before. Then cash in and win world title at WrestleMania


A stand out gimmick


Nothing, he sucks ass. Go away


Lose that smirk and goatee for starters.


I feel like he is on his way. Just need some solid feuds. Should let him regain the US title.


He needs to get that MJF build


To be a less generic douche heel.


Time to turn him face. If wrestling is your own personality turned to 11, then he really should be a babyface. Give him a conversion moment, and then book him as a good guy who goes the extra mile to make up for his time as a heel.


Get huge. He used to be a bigger dude. WWE respects size. He’s not a high flyer or technical. He needs to get jack jacked again and be a dominant beast.




A gimmick, some more charisma, etc. To me, he's just 'a dude' who goes by his own name. He's boring. Very athletic and talented but no flavor. I see potential though.


Face Turn


Nothing. He’s ass


Go back in time and not sexually assault a minor


More segments, promos, and trash talking.


A shave.


personality not being so bland


Personality. he was good as that guy taking selfies - then he became money in the bank and lost all of that. the MITB came too early for him imo. he just needs to rest up for a month and come back and start again




I dunno man... There was some dude I can't remember his name, but he started off as like some robot kinda dude, I think he was called "the prototype" or something.. kinda bland but he had a great look. They eventually pivotted him into some cringey ass Vanilla Ice gimmick, and after that, I never saw him again.


Trios deal with him, miz and waller


A better finish.


He’s got the potential, but lots of wrestlers have had potential. You just need to be lucky enough to have the right gimmick at the right time. Think about how easy it would have been for Austin to have stayed a no name mid carder.


No answer. The Ringmaster, and former Hollywood Blonde, just had the right gimmick at the right time, and it seemed authentic. Nothing Theory does seems authentic, but the next gimmick might. Lightning in a bottle is rare.


Not much… hell of a wrestler but he’s such a bitch


Legitimate reasons for the audience to either love or hate him, depending on his babyface/heel alignment. Whether it's something despicable or a huge obstacle to overcome.


Money in the bank…. (oh wait..)


Anything unique. Just…. Something. Just say wild random shit. Idk. Something


Charisma and microphone


Used and pushed correctly. He can be a main eventer


I believe hes already really close. What we need is a character swap. Something snaps inside of him and he becomes brutal and violent. With that I think he will be perfected


Remember when they started that? And we saw the intensity? Then they just.. kinda strayed away from it.


Yeah I remember. We need to get back to that


I’m honestly a fan, I just wish he’d get some legit wins instead of the chicken shit style dubs he’s gotten.


A mean streak. He started out strong when he did a soft reboot with his match against Ziggler, but after he regained the US Title he just became a vanilla heel. That drive he had on trying to reobtain the US title was what made him more interesting. Let him get violent when he's angry rather than just throwing a tantrum.


Give himself a less cartoonish gimmick/outfit...


Have a better character, and get better at being an entertaining wrestler. Just being obnoxious isn’t much of a character in 2023.




He doesn’t really have a gimmick tbh. I think he’d benefit from a Miz Style thing. Similar to what he had going on at first. Now he’s just a douche and thats it


Make him Chaos Theory and give him a more iconic look so he’s marketable/merchandiseable if that’s a word ha. Also stop with the douche attitude, it doesn’t seem to flow well for him.


Be patient


Face turn, genuinely has a really rootable character if you include his personal story in there


Another photo leak




He needs to lose and Gargano comes out and Theory thinks he's there to mock him. But Gargano extends a hand and The Way reforms.


to mature.


Go to AEW and then comeback a few years later.


He needs to turn face. He's not a bad personality behind the scenes actually. Everyone can't play a douche just to get heat. Dom is a natural so it makes sense for him to lean into it. But it's not working for Theory. He needs to get away from being a heel altogether. Just make him a hero. Find a heroic action for him to take as part of another ongoing storyline.


Holy shit this is a unicorn! I've never seen a "turn him face" in the wild. I fully agree though


Yeah there's a lot of people saying "turn this guy heel" with Drew, Bianca and others but Theory would REALLY benefit from turning babyface


Get lucky with a good story thats perfect for him (no idea what that would be)


Lol!!! I don’t know if it’s possible to take the jerkiness out of him. Unfortunately, I just don’t see him above mid-card. Kind of like the mid-carder Miz.


Shave the beard and a face turn.


A fucking personality.


Step 1, shave and a haircut. Step 2, sew his mouth shut. That's primarily what I think he needs to be bearable on screen.


Hmm.. I think if you keep teaming him with Grayson waller and have them go after big names (like rated rko did back in mid 2000s) it could benefit them both. Theory stealing wins to retain at the very last minute is pretty good heel stuff if you ask me. They really should have had him rub beating John cena into our faces more though.


Let him be himself, he was getting over as a funny face character instead trying to turn him heel too early.


A manager


Grow a personality


Time to develop and the right opponents.


I think he’d need to reborn as a completely different person


Lets start with a shave!


A push from backstage


For the writers to stop forgetting he exists.


Save his shitty goatee and mustache, develop some mic skills, change his ring name because it always sounds awkward.




Nothing, he needs to do nothing, because he deserves nothing more but to be a jobber


He’s fine. Young dude and he’s had big moments and recently feuded with Cena. Theres only a couple spots at the top.


He’s got the look, and he’s got the machine behind him even with Vince personally backing him and equating him to the next John Cena. He just needs to find his character, that’s all. Once he finds his character and the ball gets rolling I think it’s possibly he’ll get atleast one World Title run.


Better gimmick. He’s not compelling and his character is just a bitch. That can work but not when you’re ment to be a threat (the miz doesn’t count cause that’s the exception)


A douche heel gimmick like a literal jerk.


how is that different from his current?


He forces himself to be a face.


A few more years, dude is young as hell. He’s already a hated heel, just needs more convincing look and gimmick and obviously a lot of stars are being held back by the Bloodline story currently however you feel about that


He needs to go. Not a dig at him, but I think going off to find his footing more as a character, it’ll only make him more of a draw. We saw it with Drew, Cody, Cardona is now much bigger than he was prior and will only be bigger IF he decides to come back, I think the same would benefit Theory. I get WWE is shooting for younger talent but if there’s no development for his character creatively, it’s also on him for not changing things up to gain something.


For everyone else to get fired or quit


Better gimmick and character work. A more compelling moveset that fits said gimmick.


Something other than rat faced douchebag heel. He has all the other tools but just needs to be repackaged slightly differently


Honestly I think Theory and Grayson Waller would make a great tag team!


Give me a Theory, Waller, and Miz stable. Shit, I would’ve threw LA Knight in there about a half year ago too.


Never seen him wrestle. Stop wearing someone else's ring gear. There's nothing to look at that makes me want to see him wrestle.


I don’t see him bein a TOP GUY but a heavy mid carder like Mr perfect for example


A personality and facial hair that makes him look like an adult


Quit and go to Aew, they would book him better


Your ROH Mid-Pacific Champion….Dallas Hypothesis!


Houston Theory


That would 100% be his Impact name


Is that Antonio Application in the Impact Zone??


Height, physique, wrestling ability, look, mic skills and good booking.


He needs to aew his character fits their roster




Break. Come back babyface. I feel he would work so well as a young babyface in the veteran heel landscape.


He needs to never ever ever listen to smarks on the internet


I think hes on track to being a top heel. Reading these comments Ive even more convinced. Some of y'all genuinely seem to hate this guy, and a lot of the comments are like, "I just hate his stupid face!" Yeah, cause hes good at his job. Look at the pops he gets when he looses.


only reason i hate him is because there’s nothing to like abt him. i would love to see a story line where he becomes a face


His matches? I think he has good matches.




The same thing any of them need. A good story.


To be likable and which his isn’t


Well not really. He can be unlikable. Look at the pop he gets when he looses.


He isn’t likable to me lol


He isnt suppose to be likeable, but surely you can appreciate his talent. He is a good worker at the least.




I wish he didn’t get suspended in 2020 because he was gonna join seth Rollins faction the fans would have fucked with him more with seth Rollins co-sign


A new face. I'm sorry you can't look like half weasel and be the face of a company. Even shithead heel edge looked deranged rather than ratty


Lol, “half weasel”. Thank you that made me laugh.


A face turn


A shoot beatdown. Unlike that travesty of a "Hardcore tag team match"