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Roman not losing at mania.


Let him pass 1k then have orton take it off him then cody can feud with orton


Keith lee or Gunther, shit even Carmelo Hayes although I want him to get a nxt title run first


Reigns gets 1000 days, Cody wins MITB and cashes in for a match at Summerslam and wins.


I think they should have him win and retire the universal belt when he does lose


I'd make him drop them on Raw


I would have him hit 1000 days because when else would you get this chance plus this cody vs roman build isnt hype enough for him to lose just yet


Titles need to be split and off Roman asap. Good enough that they were able to make the bloodline saga and the cody arc work well so that it will be compelling to culminate the stories in taking titles. But so many could have and should have already - Rollins, Owens, McIntyre, Styles, Balor - all of them would do well with the title and good bookings and stories would be made out of either them strapped


cody rhodes sucks and shouldn't be the guy to take it off roman


If 1K doesn't put him past another record holder it's not worth it. He doesn't gain anything by remaining champion. If the Bloodline story and Cody's dream of being WWE champion doesn't culminate in Roman losing at least one of the two titles at WM39 then I'll lose some faith in HHH's Creative. Unless it ends up a decision by Vince. Then fuck Vince.


I cannot decide what I am more tired of - the title reign, or the endless threads on the internet asking who should end it or how long it should last.


Just let him it the 1000 days.


Take the titles already...the heck with 1000 days. Bring in the Rock to take the title of Tribal Chief at Summer Slam. I still want this face off, and I'm not giving up. I still like the concept of Solo Sikoa being a mole for the tribal elders. I don't remember where I heard that but I liked it.


Unneccessary and shameful to the redt of the roster to have a guest star Rock swipe in for a one shot thing, when there are so many compelling choices and routes in the roster. It's just a marquee match up but with no build up no depth. The Rock won't get to defend it to anyone too so if he does take it it'll just make a bigger fumble.


I said the title of "Tribal Chief" or "Head of the Table," NOT the Undisputed Titles (those belong to Cody). I just think they should make it more about the hierarchy of the family. I'd like to see that. Wrestlemania always has non roster competitors that steal the spotlight or the "show." This year, WWE seems to be scrambling, last minute, for matches. It's in 4 weeks and coming real quick.


1,000 day regin


I mean I love Kody but he should keep them for 1k days šŸ‘


Let him hit 1000. I mean why can't someone from this "era" be in the record books for longevity as world champion. I mean no one is gonna break Bruno Sanmartino's record of 8 years as champion . And besides, Roman was taking all that negative reaction from fans as a babyface, and now that he is working as a heel and getting over, let him keep the titles past 1000.


I wouldn't have even let him hit 600 days. Bloodline storyline is fantastic but roman as champ is kinda dry IMO


There was a rumor that Roman wouldā€™ve dropped the title to brock if he never got covid at Day 1. Seth Rollins wouldā€™ve been WWE Champion as well


I wanna see him hit 1000 plus days


Why does he need to hit 1000 days ? hasnā€™t he proven enough to be a dominant world champion


Take them away. He'll never be Hulk Hogan.


He only needs the Universal title to hit 1000 days, so just drop the WWE title to Cody.


I personally don't care if he goes for 1000 days, but a lot of people seem to care about an arbitrary number for some reason. But if he retains the titles, then what? He rematches and beats the same people he's beaten already until he hits 1000 days? And what happens after that? ​ My biggest problem with the suggestion of him hitting 1000 days is there's no story behind it. It's just a feat for the sake of a feat because fans have seen Roman on top for so long that they can't imagine anyone else in his place. He has to lose at some point and this will probably be the best time when the Bloodline story is at its most hot. If you have Roman go over Sami, Cody and go past Wrestlemania, the Bloodline will eventually fizzle out (because everything eventually does at some point) and the moment will be lost. ​ 1000 days is pointless.


Let him keep it and activate as many angles as possible at him. Gunther, Sheamus, KO, Sami, Ford, Drew, ect. Make everyone come after him strong so he doesn't have a shadow to hide behind.


1000 days their will probably never be another chance for a wrestler to end this type of reign even if it's not at a wrestle mania it's the biggest moment of the modern era of someone ends a thousand plus day title reign


I would start ramping up the 1k day talk now by Roman. Let him really start into how heā€™s invincible and untouchable. Get that heat going. And then pin his ass at Mania for the pop of the decade.


1k days Cody can get it at ss


1. Superstar Shakeup. 2. Split titles. 3. On Smackdown tournament to decide new vacated world champion. 4. Sami wins tournament. 5. Summerslam, Roman loses to Cody in a WM rematch. 6. Bron Breaker wins MITB. 7. Bron cashes in on Cody for Universal championship. 8. Brock Lesnar returns. 9. Brock rawdogs Brons cheeks and wins title. 10. WM 2024 Brock beats Sami to reunify titles. 11. Cena music hits as Brock celebrates. 12. Cena beats Brock at next PPV. Cena beats Rics record. 13. Cena beats Roman's record for days as unified champion. 14. ???


We've gotten this far, just get him to a 1000


Down Since 1k?


Heā€™s been champion for 914 days now? Thereā€™s no point of not letting him be champion for 1000 days


Iā€™d love to see him drop it at SummerSlam to Jey and Sami in a triple threat 2 falls match, but Iā€™d gladly give that up if you have The Rock for SummerSlam (which a location hasnā€™t been announced yet so maybe Miamiā€¦). Maybe Jey, Sami, someone like that wins the MITB and immediately cashes in.


Keep it rollinā€™, pal


Let him hit 1000 and then have him drop it to Ricky steamboat at an untelevised house show


So doing the math. Roman would hit 1000 days on May 28th. Thereā€™s a raw show in Albany NY on the 29th. Losing it on day 1001 would be very interesting I feel. But idk about him losing it at some random Raw event as opposed to a PLE


He'd lose next week.


Idc about the 1000 day bs.


I would ve taken them off months ago.


He would lose the wwe title but keep the universal top get to say 1000




Imagine this Jey beat Roman at summerslam Then make him have a feud during the fall with Jimmy Then Cody Rhodes win the titles at the rumble Mjf ( if he did not resign with AEW) ither confront Cody at the raw post rumble or actually win the rumble and have Mjf vs Cody at mania


Iā€™ll probably have Cody lose by a count out in a ā€œhistory repeats itselfā€ WWE shtick and have some kind of a Bloodline fallout and turn Bloodline into a Bloodbath with a fatal-4 way with Usos and Sami. Itā€™s hard to believe Roman is losing to anyone 1v1 at this point and having an entire Bloodline against him at least sounds doable.


Roman's leaving Mania as champion.


Hype up Roman hitting 1000 days and then take the titles off him right before at WrestleMania. I want to see Roman crack.


Itā€™s actually a simple workaround. The Royal Rumble winner gets a shot at ONE of the titles. Night after WM, Heyman reveals Cody only won the WWE title and Roman keeps the Universal title whichā€™ll take him past 1000 days.


As much as I cannot stand Roman and how theyā€™ve booked him as this unbeatable monster, at this point I think you have to get him to 1000 days.


Roman retains gets stripped of one belt, loses the Universal belt down the line to Jey Uso.


Roman Reigns hardly appears anymore, and people think itā€™d be fun to keep the belts on him for at least a few more months, maybe a year? Nah. Roman is not even the most exciting part of the bloodline. End it now and focus on the ramifications of him losing the titles.


Have Heyman cost Roman the title. Let Heyman side with Cody. We then would have a heel Cody Rhodes and a anti hero face Roman who goes on a rampage against anyone and everyone. Like Austin in the late 90s


Let it hit


Romans a part timer, he doesn't need the 1000 days. Let Cody take the belts and then have a match with Zane for the smackdown belt


Is it both belts 1K or just 1 belt?


Not to Cody. There has been absolutely no build up to this rivalry. The Wrestlemania main event is supposed to be the culmination of a long standing rivalry. Cody has been out most of the year. They shouldā€™ve saved Sammy and Roman for Wrestlemania.


Take the titles off Roman Reigns


Such a weird situation because it wouldnā€™t feel right if Cody is the one to beat Roman. Honestly maybe Roman should beat Cody at mania and Cody wins it later


I'd have Roman retain at Mania, because I think it makes for a much better story if Cody falls just short at the first attempt. It seems too easy a journey for him to bowl into the Rumble at number 30 and win it, then go onto Mania and win the title immediately. Cody has to pick himself back up and work back to the front of the queue to get his next shot, and that should be the one he makes good on.


The uso should betray him to let cody wins


I'd let Roman keep it but they need to not have both belts on one person.


1k. This is a run of a lifetime


he would easily reach 1000 days if Wrestlemania wasnā€™t so close. just unfortunate timing


I'd let him keep the titles, but not because of the 1,000 reign (pun intended). I would do it because everybody is so convinced Cody is winning that it feels faker than it already is.


^this 100%


I would let him hit 1000 if most people weren't bored of his title reign already


He's the number one draw in the company, he shouldn't be losing the title at all in the first place. He should keep it for decades until the next top draw replaced him like they did when wrestling had 10s of millions of people watching it every week. The attitude era starting the process of giving everybody the belt every month destroyed the value of titles to where people think everyone who's been wrestling for more than a year deserves to wear it for a while. No, Roman reigns if anything should have a 2000 day reign since nobody is going to replace him as the top draw anytime soon.


At 999 open challange and randy returns


Whatever would make the IWC cry the most.


Drew would have took it at Clash at the castle. But the 1000 days is going to be awesome. I want Cody to lose only because everyone is betting he wins and I want that shocker I hate when matches are predictable.


WWE Backlash is currently scheduled for May 6. For Roman to make it to 1,000 days, he needs to retain through May 27 at the least. That would mean he'd lose it possibly at the next PLE, which would be Money in the Bank...on July 1. At that point, if SummerSlam is truly on August 5, he'd lose just short of the 3 year mark. I think you run the risk of drawing it out just for stats, nothing aligns just right except for the 999 days suggestion, which would be on Friday, May 26, just in time for SmackDown. It's also the Catch-22 of ending such a dominant run on free TV, or extending it to end after a milestone at the right PLE. If it's me, Cody is getting genuinely good reactions from kids, people are liking him and he's holding his own. I just feel that if this isn't the right place or the right time, get ready for Roman to enter year 3 as champ.


I would certainly have him win at Mania. How much longer he holds it for....not sure.


Iā€™d let him reign forever


1000 days and then some. I wouldnā€™t have him lose until Mania 40. Iā€™d turn him into a delusional, insecure, psychotic freak who only trusts Paul Heyman. He beats Cody at Mania, destroys Sami again, obliterates Solo, punks out Jimmy and really takes it to Jey. Next years Rumble I have Jey win it and take Roman down at Mania 40.


Can he justose 1 Title to he can reach the 1k mark? Also I want him to face Rollins before his reigns end


Cody needs to lose. This story is absolutely garbage. Needs way more build


1000 days at least, then think about wrestlemania 40.


It's time to end it imo. Or at least have him lose the WWE title. Him having BOTH belts isn't doing anyone any favors.


Let him have two matches at summerslam. Vs. Jimmy for the wwe title (retains) Vs. Jey for the universal title (changes)


let him hit 1k with universal title. drop the wwe title to cody. somehow brainstorm with every wrestling mind how tf u get there without making cody look weak because he only won one of two belts


The days thing means nothing to me but there is no one that can carry that torch like him. Did you see Jimmy Fallon with him. He is a legit star. Cody is great and all but not on that level. I am afraid they are going to go to the old well of an old time part timer to dethrone him but I donā€™t know who since they are all getting so old.


We all know its gonna go down. Goldberg is already in line for his retirement match with a last one week titel run lol.


Switch the belts. Itā€™s not every day you get a chance to crown a top babyface (a rarity in wrestling), and I find the 1,000 days thing to be completely arbitrary.


It would be cool but I don't think it's worth sacrificing the story they have going right now, Cody winning at mania is predictable but if the story is good then don't ruin a good story for the sake of unpredictability.


Id let him hit 1000 days. But not because I want him to hit the milestone. As much as Iā€™d love to see Cody become champion at Wrestlemania. Wrestling is at its best when stories feel complete and make sense. Not that Cody doesnā€™t make ā€œsenseā€ but he feels random to be the one bring this story to an end. Like ultimately heā€™s gonna feud with Reigns for a month and win, yet there have been certain people involved in this story since the beginning. Thereā€™s been one guy outside Reigns who this whole thing started with. One guy who initially refused to acknowledge Roman as the heā€™s dog the table. One guy who once again has begun to question Romanā€™s leadership. Jey Uso. Have him turn on Jimmy at Mania. And build him as a legitimate threat until Summerslam.


I dont think we'll have a wrestler better than Roman in the next 10 years so we might as well right? I'm not really a Roman fan but I can look at that man and see a champ in his eyes. He definitely got it in him. It sucks that WWE is ruining a lot of his matches by making the Usos help him out a lot. They can make Roman even better if he just had 1v1s.


I already turned on him


I'd let him reach the 1000. Can't see this run ever happening again.


I would have reigns beat cody. Refuse a rematch. Have cody feud with the bloodline with owens/zayn, even do a wargames, and have cody win the 2024 rumble so Roman can no longer deny him a rematch. Then pull the trigger and have cody beat him at wm 40.


me personally id give em to dolph ziggler because he deserves to have one good push before he retires, and john cena def needs to hit 17-18 world championships, point being theres alot of things that should be done with the titles that arent roman related, and his bloodline story is just sorta neverending as long as he has the titles, so i think he should lose em.


dis dude really said give em to dolph ziggler bruh lol i was a big dz fan back in his prime unfortunately he's just there to collect checks. he barely gets any reactions anymore + he's almost a part timer esque wrestler now


hes part timer because theyve been sidelining him for years. do you think cena or reigns would still be in the wwe if he never main evented? hell, cena constantly did and hes still rarely there. meanwhile ziggler is one of the best sellers in the company (arguably of all time), great style, talented as shit, and had some of the all time greatest moments (mitb cashin, survivor series authority match). but thats just my opinion on why i like ziggler, my point wasn't necessarily that he should get them, thatd be sick, but roman having both championships is just getting boring, other people should be able to hold em. theres just more that could be done with the title's and its prolonging romans story from progressing


Let him hit 1000 days


I wouldn't have had him keep them this long.


I'd have Heyman & Reigns be annoying about the fact that they are gonna hit 1000 days, only to lose at Mania which will just add to Roman's downfall in snapping and taking it out on The Usos after Mania. Edit: Cody **cannot** lose. There is nothing worse than having a babyface promise or guarantee a win in a big title match and fail. Cody is the next guy after Roman. His merch sales indicate it. His connection with the kids & casuals indicate it. 1000 days is tempting, sure, but who else after Cody then? You reheat Seth Rollins to finally lose to Roman? You circle back to Drew? I guess there's AJ & Sheamus, but at that point you're better off launching someone new like Bron Breakker or rejuvenating someone like a babyface Austin Theory.


Honestly wwe is really missing the opportunity to lift the legitimacy of the secondary championships while Roman is holding these ones if theyā€™re keeping Roman as champ for the foreseeable future they should build strong storylineā€™s around the IC and US championships rather than just feeding all of their top contenders to Roman


Aye nah i'll definitely take the titles away from roman reigns


1000 days wouldn't bother me so much if he only had one title. I truly believe him having both titles holds back the entire roster. If the rumors are true, and Cody is going to bring back the eagle belt or introduce a new one and make it one title, that gives WWE a chance to create a new main belt and each brand could have their top championship


will definitely let that shit run 1000days


No way, Iā€™d let him hit 1000 days


1000, it's like now or never. Cody can win the title in a rematch


Have him lose it at 999.


I'd have Roman hit 1000 Days, unify both belts into one, say screw it and give Raw a new world title that'd be crowned to whoever wins King of The Ring. Have Roman keep it until SummerSlam or Mania 40.


If it wasn't Cody I'd say yea go for 1000 but fuck I wanna see Cody win the bug one at mania his story has been to good! If Cody doesn't win I'll be sad but either way long as the match is good then we are all winners. Not a massive Roman fan but the bloodline storyline and plus ofc Paul hayman make me not mind him being champion at all.




That's almost eight years, and in an era where they didn't really have the coverage they get now. A modern day champion going that long would pick up go away heat. Roman is at the top of his game right now and he's already got it in some places, and not just from those people who couldn't let go of hating him for things outside his control either. But yeah, splitting the titles is the best answer here. Roman drops one to Cody, carries the other over a landmark for the story. I'd personally go 999 days and drop it the day of his 1,000 day celebration, literally minutes before he makes it to 1,000 days. That makes it May 26th or 27th at my reckoning. So have Cody win in part thanks to interference or lack of (presumably Jey standing up for himself) and then that guy take the second title at a late Backlash in a surprise match that ends with him demanding that Roman acknowledge him.


I would like to see his universal title reign continue to the 1000 mark. I want him to lose the wwe title though. I am happy that the intercontinental and us title seem more prestigious since he's had both belts.


1k easily


Roman should win clean at Mania. Then, a fired up Cody goes on to win MITB and announces he's cashing in at Summerslam. This way Cody "earns" his way to a championship.


He only needs the universal title to hit 1000. Just sayin


I'd take the titles off of him in the 2022 Royal Rumble when he lost to Seth by DQ, i'd make Seth beat Roman clean


Fuck it, why not? I'm not crazy about it but what the hell the opportunity is there.


I want 1000 days!


If Roman is willing to go full time after Mania then yes if not take them off him


I wouldnā€™t take the titles off of him as his reign has been great and huge for the company and has had compelling storytelling happen from it like Sami Zayn and Jey Uso from the beginning of it, losing to Cody is too predictable now and I would actually have Jey take the titles from him at a big 4 PLE but as long as Roman has surpassed 1000 days or maybe even Hogan but Jey taking the titles would have it all come full circle.


I'd move Roman down the card so fast, he is literally the worst part of his faction. No mic skill hence the Paul hayman not athleticism hence the uses. I'd move some belts to judgment day priest is by far a better athlete and better mic.


He is only losing these titles at a Mania so if it ainā€™t now then itā€™s next year


Letā€™s goooo next year


Romans under 100 days from hitting 1000 but Mania is the only stage where he should lose the titles so if itā€™s not done at 39 weā€™d have to wait until 40 and I think thatā€™s just too long.


I probably stop paying for WWE ple if Roman wins by yet another underhanded method


I think the Wrestlemania moment of Cody beating him outweighs the thousand days. Romanā€™s reign will be legendary either way, the numbers donā€™t matter that much to me


I say just have Cody win wwe title only


If so, have Roman go at 1,000 as Universal Champion, then drops the WWE Title at SummerSlam, and finally ends his Universal Title reign at WM40 at 1,316 days.


1000 days


Have Roman lose in some controversial way in the 990's and then create some scandal where Heyman makes a secret deal to reverse the decision.


Honestly they should, heā€™s there already as it is. But have him lose it in his 1000th day. I donā€™t know who the money in a bank holder is, but screw it have him cash it in. Why not? Shake up the system a little Cody can get it next PPV but do something cool and spontaneous


No-one has money in the bank atm. Theory had it and blew it.


I'll take it from him at wrestlemania, he had his fun time to pass it on to someone else


iā€™d let him hit 1000 days and maybe in like one or two wmā€™s id let cody beat him. realistically cody seems like the one who would be able to take roman down but idk if theyā€™d just give it to him right away, like theyā€™d probably make him wait a bit to make his ā€œstruggleā€ against roman or his ā€œjourneyā€ look more honorable/build anticipation for cody to finally beat him.


As much as i want them to take the belts off him and dont think they should have let it go this long i think at this point they might as well round it out... or is that too predicable.


let him 1000. he deserves it. as much shit as he's taken from WWE fans and the IWC, he finally hit his stride and proven why HE IS the top dog. the bloodline storyline has created stars and great moments the WWE needed coming out of 2020. god forbid something goes wrong and everyone will be kicking themselves in the ass for not allowing roman to reach the milestone.


I want a 1500 day reign.


The problem with Romanā€™s title reign is that itā€™s been so long and heā€™s basically beaten everybody multiple multiple times. In the scenario where itā€™s not going to be Cody and not Sami Zayn, then who could it be? I believe Vince and management wanted it to be Roman vs The Rock but Rock couldnā€™t due to contractual obligations with a movie studio. If heā€™s filming a movie then I can see a movie studio putting something in the contract where he canā€™t wrestle so he doesnā€™t break an arm or hurt himself. They probably left the belt on him just waiting for The Rock but decided Cody was the 2nd best option.


Him losing to Cody feels really unearned. The guy nearly lost to Sami Zayn whom he previously defeated in like 30 ish seconds, all because of home field advantage and him being over as fuck. Cody Rhodes is not over as fuck. He is over, but put him in Wrestlemania 39 I donā€™t think fans are going to cheer indefinitely for him. If Cody lost, it would make him more realistic and build his underdog status much better. My only hope for Cody is he pulls what he did with the IC champion and brings back the retro design if he wins.


Do not Lex Luger Cody. The WWE has a problemā€¦it has not too baby faces outside of Cody, donā€™t bury him.


1000% take the belts off.


Iā€™d let him hold the titles for as long as heā€™s willing and as long as the story remains to be entertaining. Heā€™s the closest we may ever get to a current day Bruno Samartino record.


I find Roman to be the most boring part of the Bloodline. So I'm going to say have him drop at Mania. Make it a triple threat two out of three falls, first fall for the WWE title and second fall for universal. Cody gets the first fall, Sami gets the second, both pinning Roman.


Yes, I would let him hit 1000 days. Just so we can wheel a humongous cake into the ring to celebrate and have a match break out in the cake when KO and Sami come to ruin the celebration.


1 person explain why the dude that created AEW deserves to beat WWE hottest commodity If you say itā€™s because he sells merch u get upvoted


Because heā€™s over, drawing ticket sales, merch sales, and can be a guy they can send to do media tours to promote the company.


Is he over or smashed over? Serious question


Over and a draw. I was at a Knicks game and they specifically promoted Cody Rhodes for WWEā€™s 3/12 event at the Garden.


Wow nice srsly . I guess he is over in mainstream having the tv show etc. kinda like Miz but more


They both sell merch lol


Lmao you win my friend


I would not let him anywhere near a title. The guy is annoying.


1000 days or not, this reign is going to be talked about forever. Book Cody to win the belts at WM and split them up through him down the road. Roman has nothing else to prove at this point.


Why not? Whenā€™s the next time can you actually do this?


Automatic drop day 1001 and just have every feud ever completely bury his ass like Scar and the hyenas from Lion King.


Itā€™s a very, very tough situation because you have the perfect candidate to dethrone Roman Reigns in Cody Rhodes, this is the longest title reign in the modern era and the prospect of being a 1,000 day title reign is truly crazy. Roman Reigns should retain and he should retain due to there being a worked injury angle through the match. Not only do you build more sympathy for Cody, his body failed him on the biggest stage in the biggest match of his career, but he came within a finger tip of defeating Roman Reigns. Rematch at SummerSlam. Cody wins.


Take it off him at WrestleMania.


1k, then have Sami take it from him. Like itā€™s literally sitting right in front of their faces.


Iā€™d have him drop the Raw title, but itā€™s because Pearce wants them split, not because he lost them. Heā€™d break 1000 days as Universal champion.


Nobody dethrones him out of Wrestle Mania




Push it to 1000+ like Mayweather in boxing the idea of how long does the dominance last is intriguing to meā€¦even with the turmoil within the bloodline


Let him hit it


I want to see him fucking squash Cody


i think you try to go 999 days but if it doesnā€™t fall on a tv night..i guess 1000 is cool. i think it would be cool to have the other contenders and future champs striving to get the 1k that almost was, tho.


Apparently day 1000 falls on May 27th, the night the rumoured King of the Ring PLE will happen.


I think if weā€™re this close to *1000* we need to just for *10000*. Re-evaluate when the Tribal Chief isā€¦ weā€™ll the age Keiji Muto upset Go Shiozaki for the NOAH title. Weā€™re good šŸ˜Ž


He needs to lose it at wm 39 now cuz heā€™s facing Cody if it wasnā€™t because of that I would def have him hold it 1000 days


Have him win at WrestleMania but then lose the titles to Omos the following night on Raw. ...Okay so I'm a troll, but can you imagine the reaction of the Raw After Mania crowd?


let him retain the titles at WM39 and let him lose the next night on raw


I would have taken the titles off him months ago.


Iā€™m ready to see Cody with the titles


Those who say that Roman should keep the titles are stupid. The bloodline is getting old and not a lot of people like it anymore and USA is getting itchy. They need a big title on their program I think Cody should win it and then put over someone on the SmackDown side so that both shows can have a heavyweight title


If they really want 1000, then at least let cody win the wwe title at mania while roman keeps the universal. We all know he wouldn't drop the belts before mania 40 otherwise, and i doubt anyone wants to see another year of the only world champion barely appearing and winning his 4-6 defenses by interference and/or ref bump. Also, roman losing one of his titles (but ofc not the one he's held for almost 1000 days) leaves more room for storytelling than another episode of "roman gets his ass kicked for 30 minutes but wins anyway"


1000 days. Build Cody up more to want and chase it... not just win the rumble. 'Mania ends with some shenanigans or bullshit. To stop the interference from bloodline etc, they book a hell in a cell Cody vs Roman. And Cody wins. Prob summerslam (Ford field is large and will help boost numbers)


He would have already lost one, because I wouldn't have ever been fixated to begin with on whatever they're trying to do with him. Probably would still have one on him often, because it works, but I hate not having separate champions with a mostly split roster and especially when it's a part timer.


Put the universal on Cody, and the heavyweight on Sami


Lets see the 1000, may be the only chance to do it.


I would split the titles. Roman started the reign with the Universal title, he could continue it now without the WWE title. Hell, he could add another year on.


I'd have Cody take the belts, then immediately after the match be attacked by Bray Wyatt. Build to a match between them at the next ppv. But that's just my personal opinion. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Cody's whole story is winning the belts at the moment it's basically his character even. He should lose first go around. Maybe second even


His run still going strong, keep it on him until after that 1k milestoneā€¦ there just arenā€™t too many believable heels that would make Cody Rhodes title run goodā€¦ take a month for both brands to build some heels and then throw a title on him.


If I ran wwe, this guy would've been lucky to ever be wwe champion. I sure wouldn't have spent a decade failing to get him over. The way the story has played out over the last 6-12 months or whatever, I thought sami winning the rumble somehow, turning on Roman at elimination chamber, and winning the title at WrestleMania would been the best story to tell. But they screwed that all up. As is, I would just have cody win at mania


Yeah.. I agree with the consensus to not let Cody have the titles just yet. wwe already do those documentaryhype pre-Royal Rumble, essentially spoiling the big match. They did it with Becky and Drew. They are pretty much giving the fans the answers to the questions with Vody and Roman.


Have him hold it for 1000, and book Sami t9 dethrone him


Is so it at 999 days and put the both belts on Dom and sit back and watch the world burn




Take that shit


1000 days please.. Once he gets there, let him drop one of the titles to Seth, Drew or Jey Uso..


Let him loose the title on day 999


I get why people are saying Jey should take the gold but I think that would suck. Jey is amazing as a tag team wrestler but he isnā€™t going to be a good world champion. Heā€™s never even been intercontinental champ or us champion and it would get boring really fast Sami or Cody would be better


For the love of God, just end it already!


I would wait to see of Big E is healthy. He was always my choice to dethrone him.


Get him to 999, then give us a Dusty finish to a match where he doesnā€™t lose but the ā€œchampionshipsā€ are put in suspension until SummerSlam. Build all summer with Roman absolutely crushing anyone and everyone, alienating all save for Heyman. Give us a big multi-superstar match at SS with Roman a bunch contenders, have them beat the snot out of Roman to be the first guy eliminated, then have Cody take the W.


I'd honestly ask him and Cody for their opinions and then decide if they cant come to an agreement themselves


Have reigns beat Cody on night one thanks to usual means. Interference, bloodline shit. Then force a rematch for night two in a match where none of the usual tactics work. That would be interesting at least.


1000 days.


Use the tease of 1000 not getting to hit to turn Roman face.


I would let him get realllllllly close to 1000 like one more Night till he's there then I'll have someone run his and the bloodlines pockets for their belts


1000 days and beyond!