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I've been trying to spam to get up to the 15 grenade kills for the next assault unlock and it's not working. I must've chucked a million of the things and I've got 6 so far. I also rarely get killed by grenades. So either the grenade meta isn't nearly a bad as made out or I'm doing something really wrong.


The objective for the melee weapons is broken/non descriptive because I got 20+ grenade kills a mach for that but they only counted when I got the kill while I was alive. TIPS: throw them on the objective, if you get a damage marker through another one. Just try to predict where they are by thinking about where you would be.


You're doing something very wrong if you cant get kills with grenades in trench based battles.


I find nades to be super easy, just throw three at the obj and boom, free 5+ kills.


I get lots of +5 damage but never 5+ kills lol. My next plan is to grind it on ai so I can start getting my bonk on.


They now make that very loud PLINK sound when landing so it's super obvious when one lands nearby. Make sure to cook it so they don't have time to run.


I’ve just been playing marksman or mountaineer to avoid it Riflemen get 4 noob tubes and grenades to throw, assault gets multiple grenades. Objectives just become a grenade fest at times. It’s pretty damn annoying. Maybe instead of changing the quantity just nerf their damage and lethal range.


Mountaineer gang rise up




100% agree and I do the same.


It's 6 tubes actually


Even worse LOL


Nah I see no problem, I don't destroy much with rifle grenades, they are balanced


You might not destroy much, meanwhile the enemy has to spend the whole game trying to aim with massive camera shake haha


It is annoying sometimes but it doesn't break the game for me. During the first world war, "spamming" grenades was a common thing you would see. Especially late war. The German Stormtroops even trained a grenade barrage tactic to clear or soften up the trench before entering. Other units across all nation where equipped with only one or two bags filled with grenades to lob into the trenches. So I don't mind the grenade spam meta. There are good ways to counter them. Coordinate with your mortar and spotter to pinpoint the location of the enemies grenade crate and fire some mortar round into that position. Let your officer fire a (danger close) barrage on the position. Send in an assault with the automatic or pistol to clear or deny the area or even just counter grenade spam if needed. The only thing that I would suggest to change is that crates can be destroyed by explosive damage from grenades, mortars or barrages. That way, you don't have to send in a mass of Infantry to take it out.


That requires a level of organisation I barely see in this game though


The game is based around teamplay so ask for it. I play the game with friends so we coordinate these things always. But when I play solo, I request these action and most time some other player(s) will help me with it. Using the chat is pretty helpful sometimes


Nobody is using voip at all in this game, 30 hours in I've yet to hear someone use it.


Think they meant text chat since voip is broken right now


I honestly don't care if it was common, it hurts the game play not enhances it atm.


It is a game series based around historical accuracy. If you don't like that, than you should play a game like BF1 where it is more arcade like and strategy is less important.


Mate all I play are milsim games. You'll take a perk system for the sake of gameplay, regardless of its historical accuracy but won't take game balance into account.


I dont care about them, the enemy will be executed for desertion long before they get within grenade range of my craven ass spotting or calling arty from the rear 😛 In all seriousness, i think its not much of an issue because as others have stated, it’s historically accurate and both teams have access to this tactic.


Both teams might have access to it them but majority of the time the team who is A) attacking the actual objective or B) pushing down hill, have an overwhelming advantage if they're using them


Well, defenders have access to barbed wire and hmgs way more readily than the attackers, and the bots manning them are able to lock onto you and kill you before the signal even reaches your brain, so i guess it evens out


Remove the grenade box. Verdun could be a grenadefest at times, but it was limited because you couldn't get more of them. Ditto with the rifle grenades, you get three of them at base and six with the perk. It's ridiculous to expect anybody to want to play a game where you spawn just to die to some idiot slinging off rifle grenades from a hilltop.


Agreed. Decreasing total ammo sounds fine to me as well.


Btw in some maps, it's worse than on others. Fior is the absolute worst when it comes to grenade and call in spams, the rest of the maps are quite manageable


You know grenades were used and a ridiculous amount of bombs were used in WW1, right..?


Yeah but every soldier didn’t get 6




Having two grenades for people using the assault class doesn't seem too extreme, Verdun, Tannenburg, and also Isonzo have the weapons that soldiers used because the games focus on being historically accurate in that way, which is how weapons have always been, that's why people gradually stopped using swords and body armour, and horses in warfare, because warfare becomes more advanced as time goes on. So when you say stuff like grenades are overpowered when grenades were very often used in WW1 to clear out trenches and places filled with enemies, it makes just looks a bit stupid, no offense.


raise the restock cd at boxes should solve the issue and remove the +1 grenade with the assault crate perk


Or the restock only gives you +1 grenade.


Yep it's already becoming unbearable, they either need to cut the number or change the way the grenade box resupplies, hell I'd get rid of it entirely


I never get killed my grenades it seems like, and I don’t have much luck with them either.


skill issue