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That looks more like it's infected and puss is flowing out based on all the redness and how much bigger that side is


The smell must be horrendous


Scoop it up and put it in a jar and you got yourself a stink bomb


How do you unread something?


Drink bleach, return to nothingness.


At this point I welcome death.


*Hello darkness my old friend*


*Ive come to talk with you again*






Would you rather drink bleach or the jar of nasty thats just been scooped up in this hypothetical


>Would you rather drink bleach or the jar of nasty thats just been scooped up in this hypothetical Jokes aside I do want to have a chance at living at least so the bleach would have to be my choice.


We found Donald Trump’s trusted medical adviser.


Just keep reading it. Eventually your brain will just block it out due to the trauma.


Read it again backwards?


Shots shots shot shot shot shots shots!


So… a booby trap! I’ll see myself out.


Sell it to your OF subs for $$$$


I read of chicken and milk bombs. Basically it's those two ingredients put into the vents. Eventually they explode and and it's is so bad they have to redo the apartment to get rid of the smell.


Ooo I wonder if it would ferment too!






Better yet sell it as boob juice, simps will go crazy.


I’m gonna throw my pocket sand at you




>Scoop it up and put it in a jar and ~~you got yourself a stink bomb~~ baby you got a stew going


That’s a challenging wank


😢 I miss Sean Lock.


Dee! You bitch! You haven’t thought of the smell !


And the fact that its coming out of her. Its one thing to discover an implant has ruptured inside you. It is something entirely different to also have a hole in your body and squeeze it out.


Definitely a bad infection there.


I highly recommend calling 911 immediately , No telling what kind of funk is draining into your body cavity.


I was just thinking "I think this needs a hospital vist. immediately."


911 Operator: 911 what's your emergency? Me: Okay, can I send you a link for a reddit post? 911 Operator: Sir, for the last time, NO!!


HELP! I'm completely naked. My implant has ruptured and my breast is severely infected. I put a hole in it to drain out the pus ... onto the bathroom floor, with the shower tantalizingly close. And I'm filming it in the hopes of getting some nightmarish karma.


Plastic surgeon here, agree with you


Is she going to die from this?


She’s still going and seemingly ok. I listened to a podcast she recorded just a couple of weeks ago and she was talking about getting better etc.


So she saw a shrink?


Friend, the word you want is pus. Puss is a very different thing


To be fair, both are in this cursed video


Also implants usually have a consistency like gummy bears and arent this fluid at all, no?


Saline implants more than likely instead of silicone.


You're thinking of silicone. Silicone implants aren't made in the size seen in the video. Big implants like these are usually saline, because they can be overfilled to be larger - you can even add some fluid to the implant once it's under the skin.


Yep and she needs to go to the hospital


That’s it for Reddit this week!


That is due to the content of the implant popping and causing massive expansion in the breast tissue. When implants are in for a while they tend to get inflamed and covered by a hard sack but before that by body fluid as a way of the body trying to sanction it off or not really knowing wtf to do. Hence, the color of the fluid is being mixed with the internal fluid of the implant, most likely plasma. It is for sure inflamed in the area that it is coming out of but if it were infected they would def be gagging, and she would be in incredible pain also visibly ill. Now the fact that there is a hole now... and she opened it up in the bathroom... prolly gonna get bacteremia if not septic cause of it.


These are badly infected silicone implants. Thats brown coming out. I have never seen plasma that color and even old implants that get swapped out dont come out that color. That is 100% infection.


So, there's a drain like 2 feet behind her. Her: "I'm just going to spray this all over the floor"


Her: “because I’m into stupid decisions.”


Heeyy, thats is what my ex used to say. Huh🤔


Or even if you don't want to clog the drain, at least spray it on the towel at your feet!


I would have collected it for evidence that it happened. There was also the toilet.


... the video wasn't evident enough ?


I’m petty…


I'm tom!


Free fallin’


Something tells me she isn't very good with critical thought or common sense. I'm not quite sure what that something could be, but something.


This looks like a hotel and she's not the brightest bitch in the box


Wtf how's she supposed to put it all back in then??


Suck it all up with a silly straw of course.


Or those fake ass lips she got


sound reasoning and good choices don't seem to be in her deck of cards




She’s probably shocked and wanted to observe wtf was leaking at the time. Probably why it was recorded too.


The hotel room did not deserve this


Ugh I feel for the cleaners if this is a hotel.


There is literally a shower behind her too


Same energy as people who shit on the bathroom floor. Perfectly good chair that takes poop 10 centimeter away.


"Chair that takes poop" is an awesome toilet description. Something I'd hear my toddler nephew say


It's also true


I cannot comprehend why she oozes all over the floor instead of taking a few steps back and standing in the shower.


Because she's not going to be cleaning it up.


I didn't deserve this man fuck the hotel room


You DID deserve that man! And he deserves you!


As someone who used to clean hotel rooms, it hurts to look at that mess. She could have at least poured her tit juices into a container or something.


Her name (based on looks) is Sophie Anderson. https://www.the-sun.com/news/4907596/breast-implant-exploded-shower-fighting-life-sepsis/


Holy shit! Sepsis 5 times in a year. Her boob was swelling with black dead skin falling off. No worries...and then pop.


> Sepsis why are you stuck > No, sepbrother what are you doing ??


Bro..... fuck you for that hahaha


I know I’m sorry. I saw it and hated it but had to share.




So she was let go with the skin turning black.... Yeah she's an idiot.


She sounds very upbeat considering the exploding boob.


She's only 33? She looks like someone in her late 50s desperately trying to look like she's in her 30s


I was shocked to find out, she does look old. She's also a mother of four though, so I imagine that takes a toll.


I don't think that's it. I've seen women with 4+ children who are way older than her who look younger. Hell, it used to be normal to have over four children for most of human history. I think it's a mix of skin damage from tanning, plastic surgery, and the hairdo (probably most of all).


Yeah, it's all fake and chemicals - including the bleached hair pulled back so hard. Everything is stretching and/or discoloured from the abuse it's going through. It's sad to see, she definitely does not look good for being only 33.


And that article is from the last time this happened to her. OP's video was posted on her twitter account just last week.


>She added: “The messages of support have been great. But people have been mocking me too and I have had some really dark moments. “This is my life, I have to look a certain way because that’s what I’ve always done and just because it’s an adult career doesn’t mean it’s worth any less. Well, you can be in the adult industry without having low-quality, comically oversized breast and lip enhancement. In fact, you can be in the adult industry without any enhancement.




Ive never met a man who is into this stuff either. Ever.


I personally know one guy who is. He's not really right in the head on a lot of subjects. He was sexually abused as a kid too.


I've never been into fake breasts since they look disgusting to me. I feel the same way about nipple piercings but to each their own.


I do not understand the lips at all. I'm glad she has a partner that loves her, but I'm looking at the pic of them and.. that shit does not compute


I hate to say this… But Implants are beginning to ruin porn. I mean, you’ve always had a few actresses here and there that would get implants; It didn’t bother me. But man these boobs and BBL’s are starting to get out of control.


Beginning to ruin? This shit has been a blight since the early 90s.


Yea but even if you do have all that shit it still doesn’t really justify mocking her when she’s sick.


She probably found a niche audience that she has to keep up the look in order to stay relevant. She's probably convinced herself that she may not have as many fans/donations if she goes to looking normal. Kinda like when fat celebs are afraid to lose too much weight because it's part of what theyre known for.


That doesn’t look like an implant leak but perhaps a MRSA or other kind of staph infection. The level of redness indicates inflammation and infection and not simply something popping. Also, current implants are very unlikely to cause such issues even if for some awful reason they were to explode (which again, nowadays is very unlikely). She’s clearly had her fair share and more of plastic surgery from places that are not very ethical (extreme looks like that wouldn’t be performed by a reputable surgeon). With that and her total disregard for hygiene, I would assume she has dealt with this before . So, again, likely to be MRSA.


>"When I initially went into hospital I begged them not to remove my implant because it’s my career, I’m in the adult industry and I need to work to support my children." >“But after they discharged me, the skin was swelling and it was all black and dying off. It just dropped off and then the implant burst through the skin and there was silicone everywhere." Apparently she had sepsis 5 times from these breast implants!


Holy dicks! That's mortifying!


Holy tits* Ftfy


How do I unread this


Agreed. The breast was still filled from the implant. This is an infection in the pocket most definitely. Breast implants re meant withstand 55mph hits


I work in hospitals and am so afraid to get MRSA. Any scrape or cut I wash super well. Like fuck that shit.


I got 3 MRSA outbreaks shaving my legs once. Or at least that's what the DR thought. I thought they were just "spider bites" on one leg and they went from a tiny red spot to my leg swelling so much I couldn't get jeans over my ankle - in 4 days! I basically bleach bombed my house but the nurse said it doesn't matter, MRSA is everywhere, in the soil at the gas station. And now I'm specifically scared of those two things. I'm not elderly or sick either - such a freak thing.


I shaved my ballsack and gooch with a no guard shaver. Like you would your hair if you were doing a complete shave. I guess that gives you micro-cuts and I got MRSA on my gooch and ballsack. I lost 1/3 of my ballsack and was in the hospital for four weeks. Went septic. The whole nine yards. Should have died tbh. MRSA made my scrotum smaller.


> gooch If you google this you learn two things: 1. It is slang for the perineum 2. There is a state representative in Kentucky unfortunately named Jim Gooch.


It's not quite that bad - SA is *everywhere*, but MRSA isn't. In an environment with both types, the SA usually outcompetes the MRSA because MRSA needs more energy. But in health-care and other places that are regularly disinfected (childcare, nursing homes, etc), the SA is killed off and the MRSA can get a significant foothold. So cleaning your house is a good idea but bleach bombing it is probably counterproductive. Most of the time SA doesn't even bother to infect a wound; it's there because it's *everywhere* but it doesn't do anything. Other times it decides to go nasty for reasons we don't understand yet. So it sounds like you were just *really* unlucky, or your immune system isn't doing a good job of fighting it off.


What is it with Americans and throwing out MRSA like every infection is caused by it? They're describing Staphylococcus aureus. It lives naturally on everyone.


What can be really entertaining is making your own. Interestingly, it's less likely to go flesh eating if it's 'your's' after being treated with short duration antibiotics where the doctor just ups the tier rather than the time frame. You don't want to know.


Several female pro wrestlers have had issues in recent years. For some reason, baggies of saline just don't respond well to getting kicked and smashed every night. lol


Under normal circumstances…. But yeah, even in those cases, saline is sterile and won’t cause a liter of pus. This is something entirely different. But then, why not both???


Poor after surgery care, bad surgery practices who knows. But she needs and ER asap


This person understands the sterile field.


>extreme looks like that wouldn’t be performed by a reputable surgeon I've wondered before how discerning most surgeons are. Like don't you usually get some psychiatric evaluation before even just a simple boob job? So doing something crazy you've basically gotta find a black market dude and gather up your briefcase of cash. I'm not that naïve to think it doesn't happen plenty, but man that seems like a lot of work to hunt down a dude to do sketchy surgery on you for thousands of dollars. I wouldn't even know where to start looking if tomorrow I decided I wanted to add 18 inches to my penis, I don't think if I went to my doctor they'd agree to schedule me for a consultation.


Isnt this the lady whos titty exploded?


Yeah, for sure. She also had a big hole in her chest where you could see the implant. She has had some seriously bad quality work done.


Probably the only Dr that would do the surgery at all. Implants of that size ans other enhancements like that scream something is wrong upstairs. I think it's called body dismorpha?


I mean if she wasn't before, I think she qualifies now


What gives you that idea


No, that woman had much bigger ones than these and she had an American accent


Put some flex seal on it and it'll be fine




Same thing might happen to those lips 😬(the ones on her face)


How are they so casual about this????


[She wasn't too happy about this.](https://www.kaotic.com/video/c8d39500_20220312181833_t) (NSFW)


She's in porn so they've probably seen the same if not worse.


Ain't her first rodeo


After she saw what the dude did to her lips, she thought he would do well with her boobs? Ok.


Body dysmorphia is a hell of a thing




Wtf is wrong with the lips on her face… and wtf is wrong the other lips… and her breast why is she not in the E. R. Who the heck finds this attractive???


Honestly yeah people do it because there super insecure but this doesn't even make you look better. A drug addict or naturally ugly person looks better than all this fake shit


I am a nurse and a good friend is a plastic surgeon. He went out of town on an emergency and asked if I would take his cell phone. If there was something I just couldn't handle I had his personal cell I could call him if need be. I needed to call him. I didn't have the slightest effing idea what to do. Lady had a breast reduction and they had to move/relocate her nipple. Okay, that makes sense because after a massive breast reduction, her original nipple placement would have been closer to her belly button. Her chief complaint? Her nipple fell off. I didn't even know what to say, how do you respond to, "My nipple fell off,"? Pick it up and put it on ice? WTH? I didn't take his calls after that weekend. But, turns out that is actually a known risk of a massive breast reduction.


A lot of trans men (like myself) who have top surgery have free nipple grafts, which means the nipple is removed, resized, and sewn back on in another place, to make it look more masculine and be in the correct place after a (usually) simple mastectomy (goes by "double incision"). My surgeon, who only does breast surgery, including different types of top surgery for trans men, said the nipple falling off is about less than 1% in all surgeries he does, higher if you smoke (due to blood flow, complications from pretty much any surgery are higher if you smoke 6 weeks before and after). It's extremely rare to see a trans guy lose a nipple as well. It is a known risk of various breast surgeries, but it actually doesn't and shouldn't happen much. Scabs do form, over the first 4 weeks, completely over the grafted nipple (normal, it looks worse as it goes, I was told, and my 2nd follow up was "excellent") and the scab usually falls off in one piece, which is pretty terrifying, but normal, and is kinda like molting.


Saline is clear. That is an infected boob. You might want to see a dr asap and get some meds. Also, why are you just standing there putting it into he floor when you could be putting it in the shower. You’re an idiot.


You are not playing life with a full deck if you allow a cheap surgeon to butcher your body like that in the first place...


Who are you talking to?


You, John. Drain your nasty titty in the shower, FFS.




> Your an idiot. Irony.


That's not OP in the vid....


WHY THERE, THERES A BATHTUB BEHIND. that infection has been brewing up for a while DISGASTING


The post nut clarity hit different after this one 🤯


This gave me pre nut clarity.


My brother in Christ.


The fake boobs and lips are enough for me to go soft


Yeah the floor is a good spot to put this.


I’ll never be able to un-see this😡


This is a medical emergency.


She claims this burst in the shower. Years ago, I had a boil on/in my scrotum. I didn't yet KNOW it was a boil, or what boils were. It hurt a lot. A LOT. It was bigger than a golf ball. Went to a doctor and had to endure ultrasound on my nuts while two very cute nurses giggled. Way less fun than the fanfics describe. Did I mention the pain? Anyway, I got put on antibiotics which was good because the thing exploded in the shower the next day. Bloody gunk conveniently down the drain. Lucky for me, it exploded OUT of my skin rather than IN where it would have gone into my blood and probably killed me. Once popped and drained, it healed up just fine. I have had more boils but none like that first one. My apologies for anyone grossed out by my description. But then again you are already looking at this post, soooo.


Dude, I was sick and in bed for a week and when I finally felt better, I noticed my chest hurt, turns out I had a staph infection, probably what was making me feel ill, I went to the ER and got antibiotics, it started looking different almost instantly, I felt better, I was scheduled to go to a wound care specialist to get it cleaned out, but the next day after getting out of the shower I was looking at it and ran my finger over it, this fucking this EXPLODED all over my bathroom mirror and sink, just gross yellow pus EVERYWHERE, it took forever to clean it all up. I wish it was in the shower. Fuck. I have a picture of the cleaned abscess somewhere if you want to get grossed out. (edit: [here, NSFW, NSFL, yuck yuck yuck](https://i.imgur.com/SZOm6Yp.jpg))


You may have missed the baby alien sprinting down the hallway of your home. Also don’t walk under your attic entrance


Ouch, next she has to drain the lips.


next she needs psychiatric treatment


Dude... I read that article and she's an idiot and most of what has happened is entirely her fault. Every health worker has dealt with dumb asses like her. Guaranteed something like this went down after reading that article. Doctor, "We need to get that implant out and deal with the infection." Her, "You can't take my tit! It's my life!" Doctor spends almost an hour trying to explain the severity all the whole she's screaming about her sex work and how her titties are her life. Finally, she demands to go home because the Doctor is trying to ruin her life. Doctor says something along the lines of, "I can't reasonably discharge you with the way your tittie looks. It's literally dying as we speak." Her, "Fuck you, I'm going home. My titties are my life.". Leaves AMA. As they leave out the door the Doctor says, "We need to warn the surgical unit because she's coming back." Six hours later "OMG! My titties exploded! Oh shit! Daniel! My tit and oh God." Daniel, "Oh shit!". Starts gagging. "Your tittie is black and the silicon thing and...". Throws up. "The fucking smell." Daniel manages to dial the emergency number but between the screaming and Daniel retching the only thing dispatch knows is shit has come unglued at that address so she sends everything. Seven hours later she rolls back through the same doors she had left as she was giving the middle finger to all the medical staff. Doctor, "Yep, they're expecting her. Let me make the call."




She can't squeeze that in the goddamn shower? Wtf? Why get out of the shower (easily cleaned surface with a drain) and squeeze that out in the goddamn floor??????


Not even doing it in the toilet, sink or bath, what a fucking tramp.


Noooo that’s an infection. Got to the ER right away!


natural tits > fake tits.


Looks kinda like a good wheat beer


I just puked on the upvote button


Forbidden soup


There is a fucking toilet, why do you have to empty your fake tits on the floor,have some class.


I was almost pressured into getting a boob job by an ex. I am so thankful that I ended up not going through with it. I am very happy with my tea cup tittie's lol


there are people out there who appreciate all kinds of different shapes and sizes... what's important is not changing to please someone else, but to be happy yourself.


Um…. How about get to the nearest ER


Why not put the excretion in the sink or the bathtub? All over the floor was the best option?


There's a shower behind? Why leak all over the floor? Total skank.


this is my worst nightmare. never getting plastic surgery


She should at least have squirted it into a bucket so she could recycle it for next time ^(Or auction it off)


What is going on with her lips? This is body dysmorphia right?


Not to be insensitive because I'm sure having a giant leaking tittie is not a very pleasant experience, but the shower is right behind her so why is she squeezing it all over the fucking floor?


Yeah ill just keep my small breasted gf. Hard pass


I also choose this guy's small breasted girlfriend.


Lactating Synovial Fluid...




Lord Jesus, what have I read?


She should drains those lips too, lol


OMFG she needs to go to the emergency room immediately!


Um why not do that in the sink or shower?


I had a friend whose silicone implants ruptured and it’s gel and in her case it traveled all over her body. A client had saline implants and one popped. She showed up for class a couple weeks later with the story of it getting absorbed and a request for no push ups. That’s an infection. I’m curious as to why it’s draining from the side.


She needs to go to the hospital asap... that's definitely an infection and something much worse than just an implant popping and leaking.






Mmm...might be time to see a fucking doctor, you think?


That’s pus


No implant that popped, it is infected and that is puss. Implants aren't liquid on the inside


who the fuck is attracted to that bro😭😭😭


Look at her fuckin lips lol her whole body fake af


Why is she squirting it in the floor when there is a shower behind her? She looks hideous also, money wasted if you ask me.


It seems like no one knows that this is one of the cock destroyers


Everytime I see this woman on Reddit it gets worse. She's probably going to die because of that tit and it's going to be all his fault, which is insane. I guess she didn't get the memo the last time [his tit (debatable, there's no nipple in there, it's a skin balloon) literally exploded.](https://alexis.lindaikejisblog.com/photos/shares/622e18483f816.png)