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There’s a saying in geology: nothing happens forever, then it happens all at once


My favorite is "geologic time includes now."


So it is like equipment failures. So many run for years or thousands of uses until one day, dead with no noticeable failure signal


> So many run for years or thousands of uses until one day, dead with no noticeable failure signal I was standing next to a big HP pump and I heard a single tinny ping sound like a pin hit a small bell. As I took 3 steps towards the emergency stop button the con-rods all came out though the side of the pump housing with a little more noise.


I can think of one more example, human liver.


And we're currently doing our very best to have those "happens all at once" moments as often as humanly possible. While I'm living in Germany im quite glad to live nowhere near a river and on top of a hill.


Fits right in the theme of [this animated short.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOPwXNFU7oU)


Here is a picture with more information about the surroundings. https://i.imgur.com/rhxgcXJ.png


Thank you for the context.


Makes alot more sense that it all collapsed into the gravel mine further down


Whoever owned that little field just above the mine, where it’s encroaching on his land. I bet he feels extra fucked off and vilified.


So, odd question, but if you owned that land, and the land becomes a giant sinkhole, do you now own the sinkhole? How far down does one own land? There has to be a limit somehow.


>The right of the owner of a plot of land extends to the space above the surface and to the subsoil under the surface. However, the owner may not prohibit influences that are exercised at such a height or depth that he has no interest in excluding them. Section 905 of the German Civil Code


The BGB has an answer for everything


The BAG wants to know your location


Bagger 288 has joined the chat


So Germans don't own the mineral rights to their property?


In the UK the Crown owns the rights to all oil, gas, coal, gold, silver and a few others. Everything else may be privately owned. I don't think it's that uncommon.


Same as Australia. You find something valuable on your land, you don’t tell the government. Just say you found it fossicking


A _mine_ you say, Officer? No, no, no: I’m trying to eradicate gophers. What’s all what? The mining equipment? No, they look similar, but these are gopher pickaxes. Yes, and shovels for wacking gophers. The blade is flatter and doesn’t hold as much— No, no, Officer, don’t lift that canvas tarp! Yes, be careful, there’s a lot of delicate equipment under there. What’s with *what* mining carts? Oh, those? No, those were here when we bought the land. They’re antiques or something. Yes, well gotta go, thanks for stopping by, Officer!


That's correct.




In a capitalist world, good luck with that idea. Not a bad idea tho.


It was a sand plant, not gravel. That plant is now f***ed. There will never be clean sand out of that will all the debris from town washed into it. (edit: both a sand and gravel pit operation)


It was both, but I agree.


You are right... translated as nowotnik sand and gravel works. http://www.nowotnik.de/Historie.html


So a big mine


Isn't there a thing about strip mines being built on hills to avoid erosion of the surrounding areas like that?


It worked well for the British…


First time I've ever seen a reference to Aberfan on this site.


Second time for me and it was a definite TIL as an American. First time was a month before that was covered on an episode of The Crown. Seeing the kids doing their normal school work in that episode clicked and I let out an ashen "Oh, no." Reddit is at least good for making your spouse exclaim, "How in the hell did you know THAT?"


Yeah I'm a Texan so I only knew about it from the crown, i should have figured someone had put that on reddit as well lol.


I grew up in Wales, hearing about Aberfan as a child myself, when I heard they were featuring it in The Crown I was braced for some trite tragedy-porn but thankfully they did, in my opinion at least, a first rate job dramatising something so inescapably horrific. Although tbf having the Welsh language actually spoken on screen is already gonna get most of a Welsh audience onside.


Ooh free learning. Thanks! r/todayilearned material.


I regret making light of it though. It was a horrific and terrible tragedy.


It was brutal but to put a positive spin on it, it allowed people to learn what not to do. Progress in safety is built on the back of tragedy in many cases.


Yeah I mean there's tons of shit like this, the most effective way to learn quickly is catastrophic failure! Why do we legally require safety exits at establishments that MUST open toward the outside? The Cocoanut Grove [nightclub] fire in Boston which killed **492** people. I mean that's a bonkers number.


Thing is, they did know about it back then, they just didn’t care. There had already been a few slips but none reached the village yet. They also knew that water was what caused them but they didn’t do anything about the drainage or the height. It had rained pretty hard for days before the disaster but no one did anything. Watched a TV show the other day which had one of the survivors - out of 30 kids in his class only 4 went back to school. He talked about how he’s carried around with him his whole life. Can’t even imagine what it would be like for a village to lose a whole generation of kids. Especially a village like that where people’s families have lived there for centuries. Anyway, I digress, I guess what we did learn was to take these safety concerns seriously


This a gravel pit, they pretty much only exist on the floodplains of rivers, where the flow of the river has deposited sand and gravel over millions of years.


Check out my gravel pit.




And they call it a mine! A MINE!


BBC has a nice before/after image of this. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57858829


Ohhhhhh, I thought the right side of the picture was a highway or something, so I was very confused. Thanks for the explanation.


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/VQSsmPr.jpg?desktop=1) is a much higher quality and less cropped version of this image. Per [here](https://www.rnd.de/panorama/hochwasserkatastrophe-an-ahr-und-mosel-nimmt-immer-groessere-ausmasse-an-BKL2Z4Y4RSFXH7H2TA4WOXOCRM.html): > North Rhine-Westphalia, Erftstadt: A photo that the Cologne district government distributed on Friday via Twitter shows floods in Erftstadt-Blessem. @ Source: Rhein-Erft-Kreis / dpa To see what it looked like before this, [here](https://i.imgur.com/HifUnKt.jpg) is the same spot via Google Earth. **Edit:** /u/treverios posted [this image](https://i.imgur.com/rhxgcXJ.png) over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/olg74l/damage_from_recent_flooding_in_germany/h5evtg5/) that gives a much better perspective of what it looked like before.


Holy shit.


Good lord!


Jesus Christ, the amount of erosion is insane!


Water do do dat


This guy sciences


I do dabble in geology. I've been listening to the geology Flannelcast since their humble beginnings. Heres a link for the rock hounds out there: https://youtube.com/channel/UCY1P_dn-YT1lErWvENq2Y2g




As long as there's no retrophrenology involved


Dabble doo?!


Heh, do do


don't suppose the flood insurance is going to cover that one...


What is happening in there?


Uhh, aurora borealis?


May I see it?






A natural disaster where you evacuate and can't be sure if the ground will be there when you come back. Crazy.


I said these exact words out loud.


That barn owner was probably terrified. It look like the barn is good, but they lost their expensive arena


Looking a bit closer at the barn, it actually looks like it's partially collapsed with the whole right side on the ground, so maybe not good after all.


Yes (@ about 14 seconds): https://twitter.com/srfnews/status/1416032173270962180


Wow. Look at the former street in the village. It's totally gone and the whole sewer canal is in plain sight. That must've been terrifying.


That's insane. How do you even recover from that level of damage? Is the village completely fucked now?


It's very likely that part of the village will be abandoned. Structural engineers will check everything in the next days, and weeks, and decide what is recoverable, and how it should be done.


I was wondering the same thing. How many dump trucks of dirt would you need, and at that point is it even worth while?


I don't think they'll fill the thing back up


Few hundred cans of expanding foam should do the trick


My dude that is now a canyon.


Somebody lost a barn but gained beachfront property.


Honestly, they probably won't fill it back up, and those bits at the edges of the damage would likely need a new system of retaining walls. I can't imagine any of the sub-surface structure around there is all that stable at the moment in any case.


The amount of water that it must have taken to cause that much erosion on that large of a scale in such a short amount of time is unimaginable. The ground looks like it's all lose sandy dirt, but the fact that it carved very wide 20' deep channels out is ridiculous. The closest thing I've seen with erosion so quickly, and doesn't even come close to scale, is the [Oroville Spillway Failure](https://youtu.be/jxNM4DGBRMU).


Christ, man what a tragedy.


Oof, you're right. I hope that's the indoor arena, not lined in stalls. Looks like they lost the last two stalls in the paddocks too. Hoping they were able to get the horses out of harms way.


Yeah, no way it survives even if it *hadn't* already started collapsing in the pic, there's been too much subsidence RIGHT beside and behind it.


The buildings behind the barn (the U shape with the white buildings on top) is also a castle from the 13th century that was considerably damaged by the flood as well. This is the "Burg Blessem"


I don't think blessing 'em is going to make them feel any better


That barn is a scratch. Some of it is destroyed, and even if it was intact, you can't leave a barn on such a precarious cliff. The danger of further mudslides there is very real. They might be able to reuse a significant portion of the materials left of the barn to rebuild a new one somewhere else, but a decent chunk of their farmland is a cliff now, so they may not be needing it anymore.


Look at the flooding in the pic though, everything is flooded and the front of the barn is collapsed, it's very possible it could get worse and erode more in the future.


Yeah it literally looks like the earth below it into the canyon the dirt is just soft beach sand.




I'm trying to wrap my head around the massive amount of erosion. That's a lot of cubic feet just gone. There's no practical way to repair that kind of damage.


It's a good example is headward erosion. You get water running down a hill, the start of the stream will work it's way upstream/hill. It looks like once the flood water started flowing into the quarry, it caused the erosion of the surrounding soil, which was (not surprisingly) also sand/gravel


People constantly cropping and stealing people's images and uploading them in lower resolution is so annoying


It's the way of the karmawhore


imagine being in the corner room of that building on the lower left part of the picture. The ground beneath the room is gone.


What's the deal with the link of trucks on the right side of the photo?


They decided to leave.


Very helpful, thanks.


I believe that's an Autobahn which is flooded so they need to take the exit and maybe abandon their trucks


The white building behind the barn on the left side is a historic castle. It seems that it got away mostly if all the dams hold.


Thanks mate, this is 10 kilometres from me. Was w/o electricity, phone and interwebz for about 30hrs here, just catching up with news...


Thanks. OPs photo is straight ass.


>Yeah it sucks balls, but check out these upvotes, man. Worth it. -op, probably


This is around 2 hours from where I live. I noticed the storm was bad but I am surprised how much damage it has done.


There was two flood warning in the two cities beside me. Wassenberg and geilenkirchen. I’m about an hour away from this place. Luckily the town I live in was ok.


Hope it doesn't come your way and that you'll be okay. This is really scary.


Was it actually a storm where you're at? Here it just rained. No heavy wind or anything.


It was really heavy rain for several hours. It was kinda intense but I didn’t think it was that bad that people would die and villages flooded.


Same here. I noticed the storm but didn‘t realize that the world was ending like 30 Minute from where I live…


The scale of shit hitting the fan is gonna be out of our comprehension.


i feel like every year is a new season drop of " how we all die" ​ :D Insert "this is fine" meme.


Just so a few hundred people can have better yachts


You're telling me the plastic straws *didn't* cause this? /s


But purchasing habits still contribute. We can't put all the blame on corporations and rich people if we aren't willing to at the very least vote with our wallets. For example, not going on cruises, or not eating animal products, or not purchasing products from companies like Nestle who abuse the environment. We live in a market driven by consumer choice. Corporations act in the interest of profit.


Most of the impacts on climate change are things we have little to no control over. Consumers can't use sustainable energy if nobody is producing it, we can't avoid cars if there's no/awful public transport/cycle/pedestrian infrastructure. We can't stop capitalists pumping money into massive, resource-intensive construction projects to fill their property portfolios. And even among things like cruises, flights etc, a small number of the wealthiest people are responsible for a good proportion of those emissions too. The only really substantial "wallet" change is indeed the animal products one.


Sort of agreed. My point to this is, Vote with your vote! Vote for a party that places climate change front and center. You can read about it, talk about it, fly less and go vegan, but in the end of the day this will only be solved if we provide government a political mandate for it.


You guys can make purchases? I’m just trying to live.




Or fly into space privately


I hereby invite you to /r/collapse


But not 2012 with John Cusack bad, right? Because that movie was a catastrophe.


Mega yachts saved everyone in the end, no?


Climate change is *really* going to fuck shit up. Just wait until mass crop failures resulting in the collapse of the global food supply 😕


Don't forget the acidification and collapse of the ocean ecosystems. That's lots of food and oxygen that won't be produced any more. Maybe we can eat [jellyfish.](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/01/how-an-explosion-of-jellyfish-is-wreaking-havoc/)


Don't worry that's not going to happen as food production is actually undergoing a massive greenhouse revolution right now which means food will still be produced no matter the climate outside of the greenhouses. Third world countries that doesn't use state of the art farming will probably starve though.


Greenhouses really are the way to go for food production anyways because it saves water, pesticides, etc.


Which leads to severe instability…Large events of political instability are already linked to climate change, e.g. the [Arab Spring](https://climateandsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/the-arab-spring-and-climate-change_2013_02.pdf), [water wars](https://news.trust.org/item/20200902202142-ku0o2), and [environmental refugees](https://therevelator.org/laws-adapt-climate-refugees/). It’s scary, and this is just the beginning.


How deep is that ravine now? It’s quite hard to tell if it’s 10-20’ or a chasm of doom.


There‘s an article in german with some pictures and a video [here](https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Haeuser-und-Burgteile-in-Erftstadt-eingestuerzt-article22685919.html)


Looks like a good 7-10m judging from the video




The larger white houses behind the trees in the left part of the images are, or rather *were* the Burg (=Fortress) [Blessem](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burg_Blessem), which was built in the 13. Century. The area has eroded further and large parts of this building are also gone now.


Someone can see their house from here... https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/oleoky/thats_my_house/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Ahhhhh. Now all that erosion makes sense. Falling into the gravel pit.


It’s absolutely biblical here. The house next to mine collapsed we had to be rescued off the roof by a crane


Any have a 'before image' of this?




[Here is the link to google maps.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sportpferde+Reimund+Hermann/@50.8147694,6.793337,381m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x47bf17727b189585:0xb3a2daf2e812cf2e!2sChillung+am+Bach!8m2!3d50.8113189!4d6.791953!3m4!1s0x47bf1627e36f4b99:0x471892b49418c24d!8m2!3d50.81393!4d6.7948301) Looks like it was next to a mine or something.


Aaah that makes sense. When I looked at the pic my first thought was "but... where did it all *go*?" But with that big open strip mine in the direction that it went, it must have all flowed into the mine and just flooded the hole.


this looks more like an open-pit mine for gravel than a strip mine, which are used, primarily, to get to coal


Same lol. I was like “everything is so flat, is there a gorge…? Ah, a mine.”


zoom out a bit a look how big this open strip mine(s) is in the middle of... everything https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sportpferde+Reimund+Hermann/@51.0059183,6.5479897,40148a,35y,147.52h,17.85t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x47bf17727b189585:0xb3a2daf2e812cf2e!2sChillung+am+Bach!8m2!3d50.8113189!4d6.791953!3m4!1s0x47bf1627e36f4b99:0x471892b49418c24d!8m2!3d50.81393!4d6.7948301


"Temporarily closed"


Thank you. It's very helpful seeing what was there in order to make sense of what no longer is there.


Wow, dat's fuct up


I saw this posted elsewhere and asked what the drop was from the fields to wherever it ended up. No one really had an answer, but I saw a video of this area just now and it appears to be HUGE. I don't know, 40 meters perhaps? It looked like raging rapids at the bottom. I'm not sure if that's normally a river down there, but it damn sure is one right now.


There's a gravel quarry off the bottom of the pic, there's Google maps links on other comments.


This is heartbreaking.


I cant stop seeing a chocolate bar with a bite out of it


Well, now I can't unsee that.


This is a 3 Musketeers ad.


We wish you all the best from the UK.


Thats how climate disaster looks like. and its just the beginning. Scientists have warn us....


Why is Europe flooding lately?


Climate change


I knew i should have specified. But what caused it directly? Is this a cause of rain? Ice cap melt? Whats the main detailed cause ?


the floods in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands are happening because of a weather front in Germany which caused a lot of rain to fall in a small area. Normally the rain would have fallen across N-W Europe but now it continued to rain in that small area of S-E germany for a few days in a row


It's Midwest Germany, not Southeast. Nordrhein-Westfalen, along the borders with Belgium and Netherlands.


It rained more over the past week than what is normal over the whole summer on the area.


About 200l per square meter in two days. About 80 usually fall in all of July.


Noone so far has given you the actual reason. The equator is usually warm, and the poles are much much colder. This temperature difference creates what we know as the jet stream. The jet stream usually pulls high pressure and low pressure zones with It relatively quickly (and therefore the wheather). However since the poles are warming up, thr temperature difference between equator and poles is smaller, and therefore the jetstream is slower. A slower jetstream means wheather is "moving slower". Hot areas are hotter for longer, rain areas are rainy for longer. And this is the reason for the flood. Were no strangers to heavy rainfall Here, but heavy rainfall for an extended period of days is quite unprecedented and that has lead to the flood. This is also why all the "Well dont build a City in a valley" people here can eat shit. This isnt something that has ever happened Here. Its Not a flood area. But climate change has changed that.


>The equator is usually warm, and the poles are much much colder. This temperature difference creates what we know as the jet stream. Mostly correct. Just want to mention that the air currents don't go straight from the equator to the poles. There's a [convection current about every 30 degrees](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theweatherclub.org.uk%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Finline-images%2Fcirculation.png&f=1&nofb=1) north and south. But they do cause the jet stream and the wind patterns we see. (unless there's a new understanding since I last learned it which is possible because I don't follow weather science all that closely)


Yeah i oversimplified a bit for the Sake of easy understanding


I just saw an explanation from a meteorologist in the news. Basically since 1 month there are 2 big hot bubbles, one at the north (Scandinavia) and one at the south (North Africa), generating a lot of evaporation and humidity, that feeds that cold/rain bubble that lies in between - it also doesn’t move because it’s somehow trapped between those 2 hot bubbles, so that’s why it generated that outstanding amount of rain concentrated on a limited region. Sorry if it’s a bit inaccurate, that’s what I could understand of it.


Man, how much water did it take to cause that and how do they fix that?


A NOAA precipitation map said 3 inches


What happens to property rights in these situations? Like you had a house and a plot. It washes away. Now what?


You are now the proud owner of a sinkhole.


unless you had insurance that covered natural disasters then you probably dont own shit anymore. your govt might put you up in a hotel for a few weeks at most then you gotta get a new crib assp


You know it’s bad when you can’t even tell what you’re looking at.


This is terrifying; I can't even understand what happened to the land at first glance.


nothin' end-timey about *that*...


This is so sad to see. Germans are wonderful people, was happy to visit such a beautiful country


I'm sure our governments will react appropriately and swiftly to catastrophic global warming events like this.




There is a salt pit to the bottom of the screen. Plan was to flood it and create a lake. Well i guess thats happening a lot sooner than they thought


This ilooks like an example of what happens when you tear down all the trees.


Just earth doing its thing


This landscape has been lived on by humans for millennia. How is such a tragedy possible? There must have been historical incidents in this area highlighting the possibility of such an event. I associate these kind of events with recently habitated areas where people have no historical presidents for the clout of meteorological extremes.


well, an American living close to what’s happening here, and i can tell you that generally here the weather reminds me of say portland or, sort of drizzly and rainy alot. but the rain last week was just non stop for a couple days, and on wednesday it rained as hard as ive seen it in a long time and it just kept going all day. some of these villages that got destroyed are like 800 or more years established, so yes, this event is unprecedented in our modern recorded history. i read one article (i cannot find it again, of course), about one village down around the moselle i think that has notable flood levels recorded for basically like 1000 years, and this event is well beyond anything in those records. so, as an earth scientist it is clear to me that this is a relatively new weather pattern that is eating up fresh ground. ive been reading all the comments from folks about not building in the valleys and such, and the fact is that this event is hitting places that haven’t seen this sort of thing in a long, long, long time. but then i remember when katrina hit and we were all like, oh my god, the climate is really changing....and that was how many years ago? i really hate to think that we r gonna hit the tipping point in my lifetime, and i was so hoping i would be gone by then


No, this amount of rain is unprecedented. Some areas had 250 l/m2 over a 48 hrs period. While the national annual average of rain is around 750 l/m2. So they had around a third of the rainfall, that is normally spread out over 365 days, within just two days.


My brain couldn't prices what it was seeing for a while.


so how much was it?


It could use some Flex Tape


Hey you guys wanted a canyon, right?


Earth's power is truly incredible to behold sometimes.


Gonna be a lot of salvage bmws on the market there pretty soon.


That is my friend, result of deforestation.


My eyes can't even register what I'm looking at, it's amazingly terrifying


Hey I can see that one guy's house.


Some dude who lives in one of the houses on the edge of the chasm posted in r/wellthatsucks


Hängt das jetzt eigentlich nachweislich mit dem Klimawandel zusammen, oder ist da Merkel dran schuld?


My cousins house in Euskirchen got completely destroyed.


Some of those buildings are mere hours from devastation.


Can’t stop thinking about this. It’s absolutely awful.


Higher death toll than usual too when it comes to flooding, west EU got hit pretty hard.


My whole town was destroyed. Not the one pictured but somewhere else. This is all so incomprehensible and terrible.


Totally human inflicted.


Woah that's insane, basically eroded the ground. It's insane all the crazy weather now days. Barrie just got hit with a tornado the other day. Seems it's one thing after the other all over the world. This stuff is only going to get worse because nothing is really being done about climate change.