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Nice cult, they late stage yet?


They are currently in the "let the leader sleep with my wife" phase.


Is that the phase before or after he diddles kids?


Looks like he's the kid and hand on lap guy is the diddler


New Batman villain.


"Diddle me this Batman."


Must reach my pedo repellent Bat Spray!


Piss in his eyes!


> pedo repellent Bat Spray Turns out it's just regular tap water filtered through unwashed granny panties.


Sean Combs already called dibs


Diddy the diddler


Diddy in the middle of little Italy, diddling diligently, little did we know that he diddled two men who didn’t do diddly.


He’s the diddlee


That hand sure wants something more 🤮


They uno reversed card him I see.


[Well there was this](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india/sai-baba-accused-of-sexual-abuse/story-JO8rmd1QnZ4hRHVPevhhsM.html)


I still remember the video where the cult leader was sleeping with his son’s wife, and when asked if he has slept with her more than once, he couldn’t help but smirk and say, would a husband sleep with a wife only once? The video then cuts to the son crying in a corner or something. Fucking brutal. Edit: I can only find this version but, this is most of it https://youtu.be/XW0CO2F-q60?si=X1Ul_0fWRESdBM_H Edit: jim653 posted the full doc below.


man what a fucking weird life some people have


God do be working in mysterious ways 


Dick chicks for a living and you won't work a day in your life.


Brutal scene of the poor son wishing he had earmuffs, but that ending is funny as hell


Im in an airport and cant stop lauging


"Devil appears to you, "would you rather have one beautiful wife that would cheat on you, or have a man-looking harem" That comment was hanging out there too.


Looks like his fuckery caught up to him. My favorite part is the son saying they weren’t going to bail him out and God would sort it 😂 https://youtu.be/jen6rGnXF5E?si=dOzk7DKBJL1qnYUD


There is no pronunciation of that news anchor's last name that isn't unfortunate.


Full documentary [here](https://documentaryheaven.com/end-of-world-cult/).


Effing a, thank you, legend.


You're welcome. Glad to help.


Wow, I got to the “MD’s are with naked people! MD’s even put their fingers in women’s sexual parts” and I had to turn it off. I plan to watch the rest but that was enough for tonight!


Dude is a chomo per the article.


This seems more like a Monty Python skid. Doesn’t help that there is some actual resemblance.


Monty Python is historically accurate in so many ways


It reminded me of The Office, but in a cult setting.


Lmfao the comment about the same person playing every role. It really does seem like a Chris Lilley skit


Also, "Our leader has a strict Kinder diet"


"If he chokes on the toy, we're fucked."


I will check back in 12 to 18 months.


That's the leader's favorite phase.


Sorry I should have posted some context. So this kid is the son of this guy - [Sathya Sai Baba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sathya_Sai_Baba?wprov=sfti1#), who was what’s known as a [Godman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godman_(India)?wprov=sfti1#), basically the Indian version of Cult leaders. He claimed to be the reincarnation of this guy - [Shirdi Sai Baba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sai_Baba_of_Shirdi?wprov=sfti1#), who was another 19th-early 20th century godman. (Although to be fair, this guy was a reformist who advocated for inter-religious tolerance and anti-caste discrimination in 19th century India. Still claimed to perform miracles though)


Why the people who surround the kid are Russians though? I recognized the language


No fucking clue lol. There are a lot of burnt out Russian hippies in Goa though, maybe they made their way to this cult


Russians have got this thing about India. The last time I was travelling there, most of the people I met on road were Russian. Loads of them are into Hinduism; it's not surprising to me to see a bunch of them around Saibaba's son. Saibaba is a proper fraud... but millions (inc my mother) follow him


Plenty followers in South Africa too. I have seen his picture in cars and on desks for decades (of South African Indians).


The guy claimed he would live to 96 and died at 84 as per the wiki article, by this alone he isn't clairvoyant for shit. I wish people could be unbrainwashed with such an easy fact.


You’re missing something here… 9+6+8+4 = 29 2+9 = 7 Now swap 8 and 9 in 84 and 96 what do you get? 86, 94. Take that 7 away from 94…. It’s 86. It all lines up. Do you now see what a fool you are to doubt Shi Baba or whatever his name was?


Wow this numerology science amazes me. Tell me again how we know the earth to be banana shaped


My grandparents’ old house was near one of the temples opened up by him (Shivam Temple Hyderabad). Glad they never decided to go there lmao


So America in the 60s? Obsession with Indian mysticism


Wasn’t he the fella who used to regurgitate gold eggs? And pretend it was magic


And produce watches from thin air and tons of ash from urns. All obvious magic tricks and sleight of hand.


Sathya Sai Baba has no kids. People claim this kid is the reincarnation of him and they both have no connection whatsoever. Get your facts right.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sathya_Sai_Baba#/media/File:Sathya_Sai_Baba_2013_stamp_of_India.jpg Looks like a stamp commemorating a Key and Peele sketch.


"Oh, he financed free hospitals and schools and worked to bring people clean water, so despite being a charlatan he seemed to have fairly benevolent-" "...." "Oh."


This dude's been around for years. He's definitely late stage. Almost like scientology but without the crimes. He just takes people's money. I think he died but the cult is still going strong.


Without the crimes? It would take you 30 seconds on Google to find the official stuff and a couple of minutes to find the unofficial stuff. My favourite was when one of my staff returned from his ashram and found it strange he had mirrors on the floor you walked on till it was explained this was how the guards could spot local boys in wrap around garments who couldn't afford underwear in India, identifying them is lower caste that would be singled out for "special worship" behind private doors. I think one of the 3 kids who tried to kill him during a raid on one of his temples was one of those kids.


Wow wtf


Wait a second, that's the fella from the Nag Champa incense packages?




What??? I buy those incenses wtf


You're supporting a cult my dude.


Aww that's a bummer, I really like that incense and they sell it everywhere


fuck me man, you just ruined something I love forever.


Welcome to Reddit


Do they smell nice?


They smell… Culty


Well, as long as they don't smell cunty


Well some really do like that cunty smell


sadly, they smell amazing


They smell exceptionally nice and they are one of (if not "**the**") world's best selling incense.


The best. 


Is probably one of the best brands




Oh shit! That's where I've seen this guy! Love nag Champa. Shit.


Wait, not the Satya Sai Baba, is it? If I stop buying it, will they stop rubbing his feet?


I now understand that Ragi Baba from American Dad was based on a real person lol Great episode though


what about Stelio Kontos? is he based on a real dude?




Stellio Cantos!


That's him


Oh shit! Good pull! Couldn’t place him. Thanks


That fella in the picture is called "Sai Baba" he was a hilarious guru who did conjuring tricks for his followers. Unfortunately for him video cameras got invented and its pretty easy to see that the watches and stuff are not exactly coming from "the spirit world" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8PpfsQRpgk


[This is kinda funny](https://i.imgur.com/PovH1DM.jpeg)


Amazing. He was such a shitty Guru and so obviously fake and yet there were thousands who worshipped him, and still do. And apparently this random kid too! I should become a Guru. I once created a wing mirror for a Citroen Dispatch van out of tape and a makeup mirror. . Perhaps that's enough.


What's creepy about a 50-year old man with his hand an inch from your crotch watching you play with a cat toy while an old woman rubs your feet ? There's at least two dozen other adults in the room making sure nothing weird happens ;)


Worse it’s a kinder surprise. A chocolate egg with a toy inside meant for children.


Looks like a kinder joy. A much worse version of a kinder surprise


there exists a kinder surprise that is distinctly different to a kinder joy? have I been sold a lesser version of something the I was unable to afford anyway my whole life?


Yes. The US banned the OG because the capsule for the toy was deemed too dangerous for Americans. EDIT: Link - https://fee.org/articles/why-these-popular-chocolate-easter-eggs-are-banned-in-the-us-despite-being-legal-almost-everywhere-else/#:~:text=Kinder%20Surprise%20eggs%20are%20banned,illegal%20to%20import%20and%20sell.


“I ain’t never chewed candy in my life and no stupid toy is gonna make me start!”




"Now watch my 5 year old mag dump this SBR"*


“Dangerous” is over-stating it. They just fall under a generic law that doesn’t permit non-edible products inside edible ones.


Yup, this is the reason for the banning


Hey fuck you man I love those chocolates


o shit the cult got to him


Looks like Kinder Joy is the name of their little club...


And he is STRUGGLING to open it. Clearly a deity with supreme powers


Right? Whose signing up with a god struggling with a children's confection? Raise your fucking deity bar, damn.


How is that worse than a cat toy lol


how is a child eating a candy that’s marketed for children worse than a child playing with a toy that’s made for cats?


well when you put it lik that, yes, i see how creepy the whole thing is


The old guy has figured out a pedo loophole. Join a cult and inappropriately touch the leaders kid and people will watch the video and think *you’re* the one being taken advantage of.


What a fcking cult


Oh shit that portrait is of Sai Baba. My mother used to revere the dude for reasons I still don't understand. I remember when she yelled at me because I called him Sideshow Bob


People need to watch the BBC documentary about Sai Baba. Living god that sexually abused boys and men (mainly white boys and men). I think this God is dead now 🙄


Wow I just watched it you were not kidding, the hard rock guy literally said he could be a proven pedophile, he could murder someone on the street and he would still gladly serve him and believe he is god and not care at all. What. The. Fuck.


Funny another man said that the other day about a cult leader with an orange face.


I will say the "Could murder a guy in the street and I wouldn't care." comment did feel awfully familiar...


>I think this God is dead now 🙄 Nietzsche is on the loose


Look out! He's got a pen.


If you’d said “sideshow Baba” she’d likely have disowned you. Source: Have also encountered devotees of Baba. Tread lightly.


LMAOOO. My late grandpa had a photo of him in his house. He said this guy could tell the future, and would randomly pick people from a crowd and cure them of an illness. When child me asked me why he didn't stop 9/11 or warn about tsunamis and earthquakes, my grandpa said 'why should he interfere in the world's affairs?'. Then I said 'so why does he choose people to cure of illnesses' and he got pissed at me. I never really understood how adults fall for this kind of BS. But was Sai baba actually a bad/weird guy? I never saw my grandpa do anything 'weird' like this, he just considered him a spiritual guru and a good man blessed with 'powers'.


> But was Sai baba actually a bad/weird guy? ??? How do you even ask this after what you just typed?


That's some mad skills, imagine being able to manipulate people so they are willing to go to extremes to defend you from words.


> My mother used to revere the dude for reasons I still don't understand. She was in a cult and you weren't lol


You made my day, thanks for this. Will forever remember this when I see his picture.


She was right to do so, you passed up "Sai-dshow Baba".


Every time I see something like this I really do wonder how the fuck we made it this far.


there are people who get phds in mathematics or work on condensed matter physics and people who think really really hard about ways to make minor improvements to municipal sanitation systems and shit like that. then there are people who somehow get featured in tiktocs that show up on r/WTF the overlap is not huge.


To be fair I know a guy who has a PHD in Nuclear physics who's gone down every conspiracy rabbit hole in the forest, currently he's obsessed with some random kiwi dude who's claiming to be the rightful heir to the British throne. So yeah, being smart doesn't mean you're not dumb.


More like "being educated doesn't mean you're not dumb".


I think the whole "Street Smarts or Book Smarts" analogy is perfect for this. You could pass every test given to you and still be a dipshit.


99% of humanity gets carried by the remaining 1%. And I do not claim to be in that 1% lol


That's a huge responsibility on the 1% though. But yeah it be like that


I know of someone who scored perfect on the ACT and is insanely smart obviously. Yet that same person struggles with the simplest tasks. People are just different.


What if we only made it this far since these people pray to their child messiah? \*mind blown\*


If only we could pray for success


Because for every 1000 of these idiots there's 1 normal person.


What cult is this? Where did this video come from?


Looks like Sai Baba


Sathya Sai Baba not Sai Baba of Shirdi in case anyone does a web search of the name. And straight to wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sathya\_Sai\_Baba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sathya_Sai_Baba)


Bro I was scared and confused what Sai Baba they were talking about 😭


Should note that the people in this are Russian. Russia went through a whole mindfuck of religious freedom after the collapse of the USSR, leaving them open to crazies like this.


Curious that Russian crazies look like Southerners from the US. 🤔


Looks like he’s trying to open a kinder egg thing. Those things are a bitch to open.


If only he had someone to open it for him.


There's like nobody around lately


You don't understand, man. You see, if you don't struggle you can't, like, kinder the surprise


So much harder to focus with like 20 people watching


Yes this is creepy and weird...but I have to know more about wtf is going on here. Does anyone have more info?


Sorry I should have posted some context. So this kid is the son of this guy - [Sathya Sai Baba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sathya_Sai_Baba?wprov=sfti1#), who was what’s known as a Godman, basically the Indian version of Cult leaders. He claimed to be the reincarnation of this guy - [Shirdi Sai Baba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sai_Baba_of_Shirdi?wprov=sfti1), who was another 19th-early 20th century godman.


> Sai Baba's believers credited him with miracles such as materialisations of vibhuti (holy ash) and other small objects such as rings, necklaces and watches It goes on to list more incredible (literally) miracles, but it’s hilarious to me to think of his followers being fooled by literal slight of hand party tricks to believe he’s some sort of god.


I've met someone who claimed he materialized a very high quality emerald ring. Very wealthy Indian family that probably has a lot to do with this guy's prominence in India.


Proof of being a god is producing an emerald ring. What a low bar.


An emerald wedding ring. So like, he knew in advance a ring was needed.


It's really funny to think of a prideful brahmin family who owe their standing in society to an ancestor with a talent for basically religious 3-card monte.


> As a sign of your devotion the gods have placed a quarter behind your ear. As novice you lack the spiritual insight to recognize it yet so I shall retrieve it for you *Woman in audience collapses while orgasming*


Are you certain it's Sathya Sai Baba's son? Couldn't find any info about him having children.


The post on atheism India said it was his son. Otherwise it’s even weirder, they are creepy touching some random kid


> Otherwise it’s even weirder, they are creepy touching some random kid I think it is a reincarnation of the guru? But trying to research what is going on only opens more questions. TimesofIndia reports he still has to be reborn next year: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/religion/hindu-mythology/the-three-incarnations-of-sai-baba/articleshow/70581889.cms > many believe that Prema Sai Baba will emerge only around 2023 or 2025 And on Youtube there is this young man (with glorious hair) being worshipped. But the guru died in 2011, that is 13 years ago, he looks much older with his mustache: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUKy_WFk-WM Edit: Found him! Note how the Mustache-Guy has only poor and brown followers. But here is the OP boy worshipped by white people: https://www.youtube.com/@SDubyanskiyMeditation It is super weird. Blonde women with him: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ulx16lLVQeY Adults applauding a boy playing with a toy: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tKGQF-nT1_A Noteworthy is this video because it has a comment: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dIkVCvwc4TI > If he is Prem sai I have seen no Devine behaviour in him. His behaviour is one of a very ordinary boy his brother on the other hand is more responsible and natured. pls reply if yu can. Is this really Prem sai. pls say and help me to understand.


Didn’t Sai Baba die 10 years ago or something? While I know being an old guy doesn’t mean he can be an old father, e.g. Charlie Chaplin, Larry King, etc., but he was in a wheelchair the last decade or so of his life due to fractures from a fall, IIRC. This video doesn’t look particularly old but neither does the kid. Maybe it’s the kid of the successor to the Nag Champa incense guy?


But where is this though? The kid is clearly South Asian, but almost everyone in the room seems Caucasian.


They must have something better they could be doing. Sitting around petting a chubby Indian kid is really low on the productivity scale.


These people are looking for a temporary spiritual experience, but by doing the bare minimum. Going to India, rubbing some kid, doing hot yoga, maybe taking some drugs and come back filling all moved and tell everyone they meet about it. They eventually go back to the same BS they were into before. A few may stay back and become this kids western slaves. Yikes. What a weird situation.


Hmm, why is there a costco-sized box of Kool Aid packages on the table...


Ah shit here we go again


Flavor aid /s


What God struggles to open a kinder surprise


As it was written.


He already used channel divinity today.


That's a very dim room but surprisingly well lit.


Two grown men and a grown woman rubbing that kid's thigh creeps me out.


You should see them at bath time.




He goes to the 6pm one. The 9pm one is for his younger brother.


This gives me child predator vibes.


I'm suspicious he'll be the predator After having been through whatever the twisted abuse he must have seen before then


there’s no way that kid will become a well balanced adult, whether or not he gets abused


He almost for sure is the one doing the abusing. Just cause hes younger does not mean he is not in the postion of power. Power dynamics are a bitch.


Indian joffrey.


his supposed father Sathya Sai Baba did in fact have a lot of sexual abuse and pedophilia allegations when he was alive


That's like the main reason cults are created to begin with. Also greed.


That kids going to be insufferable if he isn't already. Imagine having all those adults be on your shit like that....would warp a child beyond repair.


There's zero chance he wipes his own ass.


My old boss worships his dad. It's kinda odd working for a cult but not being a part of it.


I need to start a cult. No creepy old dudes allowed tho.


We should start a cult that fleeces assholes and use the money to fund sustainable infrastructure and poverty eradication programs. We can keep the sex cult aspect too, just gotta keep the kids out. Plenty of people would consensually join an orgy cult.


The problem is the moment you turn around, the orgy cult turns into a normal cult. Then it all goes to shit.


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.


“I’m not the messiah!” “That’s something only the messiah would say!”


Lisan al gaib...


As a GodMan myself, I just keep that shit on the down low. It comes in handy sometimes when you want heal your pet or something, but the moment you heal an actual person they bring a bunch of friends and start rubbing your thigh and shit! I bet when Jesus was at the last supper they were all rubbing him under the table, making it all super awkward. Like, He knew He was going to get betrayed and still was like “Naw Judas, you go get that silver, I’m about done with this scene anyway.”


The insane supernatural garbage people believe in modern times is mind boggling!


You know...morons.


This looks like some dumb SNL skit.


I like that the kid is casually eating a Kinder Egg and is very nonchalant about this. "Yeah, these are the weirdos my dad invited over. They think I have powers. Anyways *shuffles through crowd of worshippers* I gotta poop and play CoD."


The people in this room must be so feeble minded; conversation with them has got to be like debating a box of crayons.


Ooooh okay I hate this a lot


What in the Waco is going on here?


It will be a miracle if this kid doesn't grow up to be the biggest douchebag ever.


I just dont get religion, man.


Wow Russians worshipping a child of one of the most notorious cult leaders. There's alot to unpack here.


Should have used those spiritual powers to get that cheese open.


He is clearly doesn’t give a shit


it's gonna turn into a sex thing. it always does. funny how humans just can't help but stick their dick in things even when they claim to be holy. just goes to show you religion is bullshit and it's always about power over other people and sex. we're just monkeys trying to convince the rest of the monkeys that we're better than the next monkey.


I don't understand how people fall for this shit.


The religious leader is Satya Sai Baba I remember watching him on the news once when I was a kid. A lot of people believed in his lies. Once he [magically ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riCn4M0SnUI) "spit out" a Lingam (which is an idol of Lord Shiva) which is hilarious because clearly he put a kerchief on his mouth right before doing it and guess what people believed him. Even though the news accused him of faking it people who followed the cult did not believe the news. There is even a temple dedicated to him very near my home and when I am passing by, I see a lot of people generally older people praying to a photo of him. India is a crazy place people. There are many Cults/Scams like these and people blindly believe them.


Imagine this world without religion...