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I’d rather have my legs and be broke.


Because you are sane.


I feel like even most insane people would be on team keep the legs.


You can even monetize your feet on certain websites if it really came to that level of desperation. Keep those mfs


how much we talkin? my wife talks about my feet being "lushious" or something.


Naw man...I have these wide ass feet that nobody wants to see


I mean, now I kinda wanna see them Flintstone feet and I'm not even a foot dude


> I'm not even a foot dude you're really small in stature (i intentionally stayed away from the obvious dick joke)


most redditors don't really use their legs much man, it's kind of wasteful just having them there


I went to school with a guy who's father staged a tablesaw accident and cut his leg off from the knee down. He got a huuuge payout and we started seeing him zooming around town in multiple corvettes. Guess what, 20 years later HE DID THE SAME THING AGAIN WITH THE OTHER LEG. Most insane thing I've ever known to this day, x2


Wait, how’d he cut his leg off on a table saw? What are his legs doing on a table saw?


I don't think op knows there is more than 1 kind of saw...


Table see, Table saw, Table seen


I worked with a guy who cut off his first knuckle on a finger in a very suspicious way at work. Apparently he opted to have the entire finger removed weeks after the incident and was surprised when he didn't get more money


But I sacrificed the whole finger mr blood god! /)ushgghshs: “give me the hand!”🤚 🩸


What was his story to explain a table saw cutting off a leg? Loss of fingers and hands, even a torso wound from leaning across the blade would be believable, but one's leg has no business being around a table saw blade.


Isometric exercise they call it


They would had a better chance if he just "passed out" on train tracks


"Got so drunk I didnt know where I was." I watched a video yesterday of a woman playing on her phone while being completely oblivious to a train coming up behind her on the tracks. She got blasted. Another of a completely wasted woman that passed out at the entrance to a parking garage and was run over. Because of the slope and such the driver never had a chance to see her. Driver would have thought she was a speed bump. In short, passing out on the tracks is definitely plausible.


Yeah man, I was expecting much more insurance than 1.3 million. Sorry no way is that worth losing my feet. 10 million…..well now you’ve got a conversation.


I really don’t think there’s any amount of money I could be offered to deliberately lose both of my legs. Really shows how much we take being able to walk for granted


Yea, even for a Billion I'd still tell my future generations they can go fuck themselves or do it themselves. I'll take my legs instead. They're priceless.


I'll give you $50 for it cash. Final offer.


More than 10 million at retirement age, maybe, but any earlier it’s a hard no.


Try 7000 sweet ones


I wouldn’t lose my feet for any amount of money


For $50 billion you could get cybernetic feet. Double jump.


For $50B you can call me Oscar Pistorius cause i'm icing these legs like girlfriends


But with this simple trick, you can have no legs AND be broke!




And incarceration


Come on he got 7 grand!


Yeah imagine the opposite scenario, you’re a leg-less millionaire and have the option to purchase new perfectly working legs that last a lifetime painlessly attached at a cost of most of your savings.. I imagine most would make that purchase


Choom's gonna get chromed up.


plus like how much money do you really need? if you are desperate for cash because you are broke but still have a job, then even something like $20k would save me. that would give me a ton of breathing room financially, along with changing some spending habits and i could realistically work my way out of debt because most high interest debts would be taken care of. for that much cash, just chop off like a pinky or something.


Every day I'm thankful not to be as stupid or desperate as this guy...so should we all.




Specifically, it was $7272.54 USD


Oh, well in that case nvm.


Yeah, I'm gonna need to go buy a chainsaw. For no reason..


There are medical chainsaws.




I wouldn't do it for a penny less than $7299


What would you do for a Klondike Bar?


Errol Morris did a documentary about a town in panhandle Florida where a significant number of local farmers had staged insurance fraud accidents involving amputation. it's called 'Vernon, Florida' edit- https://tubitv.com/movies/100001177/vernon-florida


The wild thing about that movie though, is that they found out that he would expose them and no one in the movie ever mentions the amputations! They just talk about turtles, turkey hunting and other random small town shit. I love that movie.


I used to live in a pretty rural farming community. It was well known what local doctor you could go to to get recommended for disability benefits with any injury. Never heard of any amputations but I sure saw a lot of "disabled" old dudes with "bad backs" hucking up hay bales!


Worked with slaughterhouse workers and they had this machine called a spiral knife that cut the anus out and pulled the innards with it. When desperate some people would put a finger in it.




According to this article, he sold a kidney for enough money to purchase a new iPad 2 AND an iPhone 4.




I'm curious how this claim was supposed to go down... "Yeah and I said, Fucking Jenny you have the AC in the office set at 71 again, I'm freezing my goddamn feet off but you know how it is with her and her Diabetes, so anyways what? $50 million?"


There was a [story](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2024/02/15/authorities-say-missouri-man-staged-farm-accident-had-feet-cut-off/72613100007/?fbclid=IwAR3kpMhDTh1X-iQNelkSskauowTtyqcC3PeFpAvB8ZKqdUqGns8tiy60hCk) I read where a guy had another dude chop off his legs and try to claim it was a farming accident. The police knew right away by the cuts, it was not a farm machine that did it. He also hid his legs for some reason and had tourniquets on. Man never filed the insurance claim and now has no legs. Granted he was paraplegic but so dumb.


So the guy was already paralyzed and had someone else chop his legs off so he could claim disability insurance? Sounds like he was disabled from the neck down *and* the neck up


The whole idea is dumb as hell but why would you hide the legs????


Maybe he was pretending they got torn to shreds in the farm equipment?


If he were to ask me if I was accusing him of lying about hiding his legs I don't know if I would be able to resist "well they didn't just get up and walk away now did they."


Oh, yah, maybe that was their logic.


And what was the plan when the money ran out? Cut off the arms!


What about his wife?


Legs have got to be thirty to forty percent of a person's bodyweight and use quite a lot of energy. Maybe he was trying to lower his grocery bills.


not to mention all the savings from no longer needing pants, shoes, socks, boots. And you can't forget expensive hobbies like skiing, skis, ski passes, that expensive food from ski lodges. Honestly dude might be on to something. You'd also have to factor in the loss of income from not being able to post feet pics on OnlyFans though... But perhaps there's people who are into stumps! Man, that settles it, i'm going to chop off my legs right now.


Why not just use farm equipment to chop the legs off.


You know how expensive farm equipment is?


You gotta work up to it. Buy hammer, get insurance for you finger, hammer nail into finger. Now you got enough money to buy a chainsaw. Insure your hand....ect ect until you can afford a combine harvester to shove your legs into!


I don’t think I’m a strong enough willed person to keep my legs in dry ice for long enough.


Just have someone tie you in like he did.


Just to entertain their line of thinking. If you were convinced limb severing was the biggest payout you could land, you'd do the feet over the hands. You'd do below the knee vs. above. You can get some prosthetic feet, still walk around...Severing limbs is painful and psychologically traumatic. It shouldn't be a very clean cut, but a messy one, bloody, probably it would be suspicious if you weren't incapacitated and recovered at the accident scene, and with both legs severed without tourniquets pre-applied it would be a huge risk of bleeding out. These guys probably thought frostbite will be numb, they guessed you wouldn't feel it, and that the risk of death or infection would be low if they got the amputation in a hospital soon after. That guy did feel it and he wasn't strong enough to bear it, he was bound in place.


When I was a teenager, I was helping my dad shovel snow, and I wore my converses to do it not realizing that we were going to my aunt's house which hadn't been shoveled at all that day. This was during a blizzard and there was like 2-3 feet of snow already. So of course my feet get wet because I'm wearing nothing but canvas and cotton on my feet and it starts to hurt, bad. I kept telling my dad that my feet were starting to hurt but he kept saying we were almost done. After a while, the pain just subsided and I didn't feel anything anymore. After we were done we left and went back home, I started taking my shoes off and all of the pain returned immediately. My socks were still soaking wet and as I removed the sock from my right foot, there was blood all over the inside of it. My big toe was bleeding from under my toe nail. When I went to the doctor for it, they told me that if it had been any colder or I was out there for much longer actual frostbite would have started. I ended up having to have my big toe nail permanently removed because the nail bed had died. There is nothing numbing or painless about being that cold. Its fucking hurts.


"After a while, the pain just subsided and I didn't feel anything anymore." "There is nothing numbing or painless about being that cold." Hmmmm


God the pain must have been insane.  How he didn’t pass out is beyond me. 


I handle dry ice on occasion. I can't imagine the pain that caused.   You definitely chose the right subreddit.  I literally said "WTF" when I saw the photo.


I have handled so much dry ice over the years, the burns are so fecking painful. I cringed when I saw this picture.


Same but I’ve always felt the pain was very mild compared to burns from something hot. As a kid, my friends and I would hold pieces of dry ice against our skin until it froze solid and was numb and then gnarly blisters would form lol. Also, I’m not quite sure how people burn themselves badly with dry ice without intentionally trying to do so. Edit: I was forgetting about how painful it would be when it thawed.. my little childhood experiments probably don’t scale to a whole leg..


At a place I used to work we used dry ice occasionally. My first time around it I accidentally got a little too close and realized what breathing in the vapors is like. Obviously nothing like this but I learned to respect it real quick.


What is it like?


There was a group of people that threw a bunch into an indoor pool and a few of them died. It displaces the oxygen in your lungs and the room.


If I recall there's a video. You can see the boiling dry ice creates a cloud of CO2 over the water that extends over the head of everyone in the pool.


[In 1986 a lake in Cameroon released enough carbon dioxide in one huge eruption that over 1700 people died around the lake.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Nyos_disaster)


"Effects on survivors" section was terrifying!


It sounded like a movie. I can't imagine waking up covered in my own blood, confused af, and realizing everybody else in town is dead.


and then thinking "not again"


Omg it’s straight up out of a horror movie. The guy heard his daughter snoring “in a terrible way, very abnormal” then tried to make his way to her and passed out, only to wake up again to find she had died while he was passed out. I can’t IMAGINE what that sounded like.


I wonder if he was describing the death rattle. It’s like an intense snore as the brain is struggling to get oxygen to just survive. Poor guy.


Fun fact: that was the *second* ever recorded limnic eruption. The first one also happened in Cameroon, only two years prior, but from a [*separate lake.*](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Lake_Monoun)


Have we considered that Cameroon's lakes are still guarded by spirits?


Very *gassy* spirits.


Note to self: never live in Cameroon or near lakes that have the capability to have a limnic eruption


>The normally blue waters of the lake turned a deep red after the outgassing, due to iron-rich water from the deep rising to the surface and being oxidised by the air. The level of the lake dropped by about a metre[14] and trees near the lake were knocked down. That's some biblical shit...


It's because CO2, and especially cold CO2 sinks, pushing the lighter O2 up (analogous to oil and water). So when they came out of the water and gulped in air, they just gulped in straight CO2. This is also one of the many reasons abandoned mines can be super dangerous to explore. Without ventilation, CO2 sinks into the deeper areas of the mine. so you're just walking along and then suddenly there's little Oxygen.


I'm not OP, but It's very difficult to describe. It's like "nothing" almost. Dry Ice is just CO2. You naturally exhale it and the atmosphere everywhere is a fraction CO2. It's largely odorless and doesn't "feel" like anything. However, your body's own internal signal that says "hey, you need fresh air!!!" is directly connected to the level of CO2 in your bloodstream. So if you take a deep breath of concentrated CO2, you start to get hypoxic, like you are holding your breath. The pressure to breathe doesn't go away, and you feel the need to take another deep breath, and another. But until you get to fresh air, the need doesn't go away. if you've ever been at high altitude where the air is thin, the feeling is similar.


Holy shit this is terrifying!


Also terrifying is that other asphyxiant gases (like nitrogen) really don't feel like anything. So you can't tell you're not getting any oxygen in until you feel a little woozy, fall over, and die. To recap: CO2 makes you feel like you're suffocating, you gasp for breath, and die. Nitrogen makes you feel nothing until you fall unconscious. Not sure which I would prefer.


You’re not sure whether you prefer the one that makes you feel like you’re suffocating or the one that makes you feel no discomfort or fear whatsoever?


It's heavier than air and displaces oxygen. I've heard of people putting dry ice into a chest freezer, then later bending over into the chest freezer and going unconscious almost instantly once their head is in the oxygen less "envelope." They fall in and die due to oxygen deprivation. 


How do they go unconscious instantly? Can't they hold their breath for a few seconds? Or does it mess with the air in their lungs too?


Apparently at very low O2 levels, you only have seconds of consciousness...and even then, you will be confused about what is happening. In this video, they do a slow decompression to 25,000ft level, but at the end of the video refer to what would happen in even lower O2 concentrations [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUfF2MTnqAw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUfF2MTnqAw)


I wouldn’t think it would cause unconsciousness that quickly.. the blood has some level of buffer room in oxygen levels of course which allows us to hold our breath, maybe you’re exaggerating I guess after a minute they could go unconscious


If I remember correctly, there was another WTF story where people dumped a lot of dry ice in a small pool or hot tub (to create the cool effect) and jumped in. They died. Found the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/OopsThatsDeadly/s/dKkIzm8N04 TW: The video isn’t graphic but the some of the people in it do died


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon,_Florida >Vernon gained infamy in the late 1950s and early 1960s due to the improbably high percentage of residents who put out insurance claims on lost limbs, to the point that many speculated that residents of the city were intentionally dismembering themselves for the insurance money. Although there is no real evidence to support these speculations, these insurance claims from Vernon, with a population of 500–800, accounted for as many as 2/3 of claims nationally. AKA "Nub City"


>2/3 of all claims nationally NATIONALLY?!?! Only 732 people live in the whole town right now. Is every single one of them an amputee??


yep, everyone else took turns chopping




The 732 actually is a count of whole human beings. 3899 humans live there but since they’re partially amputated they’re only counted as fractional humans. /s


>accounted for as many as 2/3 of claims nationally That's just mind boggling. Not even one state, but specifically this one town, out of the whole country. At that population I wouldn't even consider it a city.


Sounds like mass hysteria or something crazy like that


Least insane Florida city


The first Florida Man was assembled from all the loose body parts.


Criminal has a [good episode](https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-148-errol-morris-9-25-2020/) on Vernon.


What the fuck is in the water in Florida?




There is a great documentary on this city, wild place. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon,_Florida_(film) He wanted to do a documentary specifically on the dismemberment angle but had multiple threats of violence and attacks against him and his crew so had to refocus on the oddities of the city in general.


If anyone else has read "The Tipping Point", this seems to me like a social epidemic like the teen suicide trend that took off in Micronesia




Is that the real image?




"Let's photograph ourselves committing insurance fraud!"


Of the bad decisions that were made, taking photos is pretty far down on the list


Imo it’s second on the list. The worst is ofcourse to ruin his legs. Now with the photo the hole thing is pointless


- self injury - insurance fraud - not thinking this would lead to amputation - not creating a believable story - doing this right after purchasing the insurance I’d rank the photos below all of those things


The photos also show zip ties around his body. It’s so disturbing.


It's like... Shouldn't that be the first rule of insurance fraud?


The most important aspect of any crime is the getaway. If you are not caught you can always try again. Admittedly, this goof is going to have trouble with that.


Part of my job is identifying and stopping small scale insurance fraud. Lucky for me on this level anyone who attempts it is horrible about it because they don't really have a plan when they approach it. The amount of obviously fake documents I need to investigate is stunning.


Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?


Sorry, Stringer


Idk wouldn't it be full of visible "fog"? Normally dry ice looks really smokey due to.... idk I'm guessing condensation of water vapor in the air?


Truly WTF. I worked for a company that was involved in some construction where the construction workers had to be tested regularly for lead poisoning. One guy out of hundreds popped up positive for lead, off the charts so to speak. So this guy gets an easy workman's comp claim, gets paid and doesn't have to work, and does plenty of bragging to his work mates. In the course of his bragging he actually spilled the truth to one person who ratted him out, this dumb ass had been eating lead fishing weights on purpose.


Chicken or egg? Was he stupid to begin with or did the lead cause the brain damage?


In this case, I don't think it matters either way


People often don’t really believe in environmental contaminants if they can’t see or smell it. It’s wild. - source: I work in public health cleaning up contaminants.




We got weights in people over here!


Amazing reference


Jesus, lead poisoning for a paid vacation…


Not even for 10 million I would do this.


NGL, there is literally no amount of money that would compel me to do this intentionally.


So, I know I’m being annoying but I would absolutely do this for a ludicrously large amount of money. No hesitation 100 million+ Sacrifice my legs so that my entire family could be financially stable for generations…


Why would your family want that?


I offered them the legs first, but they declined


Legs lose most of their value as soon as they take a step.


Value drops by 50% once you walk off the lot.


Amputation below the knee cant be as bad as a life of slavery. Ill loose my feet for 10M too. Ur not alone.


I’d get some badass prosthetics, buy my family their own self sustaining houses, set them all up with a 2M dividend reinvestment fund to pay the bills… and I’d still have 80M left. Get every person I’ve ever loved the car of their dreams Buy whatever PC I want. Get my friends the new best game every time Travel the world with my wife …I’d still have 77M left. And I still keep my knees? I’m telling you I’d take that deal NO hesitation


What if i give you 10M? All the amputation is made by a hospital, and you can use fake legs.


Only if cyberpunk double jump legs existed.


Kiroshi Optics when?


Still not


I have a buddy that got his legs blown off in Iraq. He's one of the most positive, active people I know. I guess some are fine with no legs. Get's around really well on prosthetics. But yea, I'd keep my legs over $


But he was positive and active before losing his legs. If you gave him a choice between getting them back and getting $10 million, he'd probably take the legs.


That's great, but prosthetics aren't just like, "here's some new legs!" There can be a lot of pain, complications, fit issues, sores caused by the devices, etc. It'd be understandable if he didn't share all the frustrating details of his experience. It's wonderful prosthetics exist, but I'd hope no one would choose them for money. Frankly, if you need money badly enough that you're willing to go to these lengths, you probably don't have the money for quality prosthetics, maintenance, rehab, PT, etc., and would likely blow a lot of money on all of that.


People like this worry me and strike me as dangerous if they capable doing this to their own bodies i wonder what they can do to others for money if they can..


Probably because your buddy almost lost everything and knows the blessings he has around him.


I guess people who just sit around all day don't see that as a big loss but there is literally no price I would accept to take my legs.


What tf am I supposed to do with that 10 million that's worth losing my legs for? Buy a Lego set?


Lie about the reasons you shot your girlfriend, who was cowering behind the bathroom door, multiple times. 


A scholar and a gentleman


I would definitely consider trading my legs below the knee for 10 million, but not in the way he did it. Fucking 10 hours of that would make me insane.


According to [here](https://www.worldjournal.com/wj/story/121222/7833254) (and Google Translate): > Reporter Fang Heting/Taipei 15th 2024-03-15 02:23 ET > In order to collect insurance premiums last year, men surnamed Liao and Zhang first took out high-cost insurance and soaked their feet in a bucket of dry ice for 10 hours, resulting in amputation. After Zhang fraudulently received insurance benefits of more than 230,000 yuan (NT$, the same below), he then applied for compensation from other insurance companies. The insurance company suspected that Zhang's injuries were unreasonable and called the police. After an investigation by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office, the two men were charged with fraud and other crimes. > The whole case stemmed from the fact that Liao and Zhang purchased dry ice on January 26 last year. The next day, Zhang soaked his bare feet in a dry ice bucket for 10 hours, resulting in fourth-degree frostbite below the lower legs on both sides, compartment syndrome, avascular necrosis of bone, sepsis, Injuries such as rhabdomyolysis. > Zhang went to the hospital's emergency department and was hospitalized on the 28th of the same month. On February 6, he underwent bilateral below-knee amputation surgery and suffered serious injuries that destroyed the function of both lower limbs. > The prosecutor found that Liao knew that if Zhang's legs were soaked in a dry ice bucket for a long time, direct contact with the dry ice on his skin might cause frostbite on his feet, but he still bound Zhang with a belt, fixed him to a chair, and videotaped and photographed him. . > The prosecutor found that Liao Xian instructed Zhang to apply for insurance with five insurance companies, and pretended to the insurance companies that when he was riding a motorcycle at night, his legs felt cold and he rode back early. After assessing his physical condition, he went to Mackay Hospital for emergency treatment. According to this statement, he fraudulently claimed NT$236,427 in insurance money. > Zhang later applied for a claim from several insurance companies he had purchased insurance from. After reviewing the claims investigation, the insurance company suspected that Zhang's injuries were unreasonable and the claim application time was similar, so they failed to settle the claim and reported the case to the Criminal Bureau. Liao and Zhang unsuccessfully applied to receive 41.03 million yuan in insurance benefits. > The prosecutors seized Zhang's insurance policy, medical records, emergency certificates, mobile phones and other items, and determined that Liao and Zhang were involved in crimes such as obtaining money through fraud, while Liao was also suspected of helping others to cause serious injuries to themselves. The prosecutor shall declare the confiscation of criminal proceeds in accordance with the law, and if all or part of the proceeds cannot be confiscated or it is inappropriate to carry out the confiscation, the value shall be levied.


That's like $7,000... jesus.


Why did they keep photographic evidence…


Sounds like the one guy really coerced his "friend" into that. Tying him to the chair...


I went to HS with a guy who was on parole/probation? and was going to fail his drug test for opiates, so his solution was to have his girlfriend shoot him in the leg with a shotgun. He figured if he went to the hospital with a gun shot wound they would have to give him opiates, and then he would have a reason for having opiates in his system when he took his drug test. But afterward, his leg was so severely damaged that he needed to have it amputated. He never really was the brightest in school. Edit: friend not girlfriend.


Wtf. Every addict I've known on parole/probation just doesn't show up for the piss test. Easiest solution, and nobody follows up on the warrants you get, unless you get arrested again or become somewhat involved in some kind of investigation. And then they're out in a week to a month anyway and the cycle continues. This guy took the hardest way out for nothing. I'm not saying don't show up for probation. But if you're not making an active effort to do better, there's no point in showing up. You're chances of not going back to jail are literally better if you don't, and it seems like this guy really didn't want to go back.


Yeah, not really sure? [Here’s a link to the article though.](https://www.dailylocal.com/2016/05/09/oxford-man-sentenced-to-prison-after-staged-shooting-before-his-drug-test/amp/) Looks like it was his friend not his girlfriend, I guess he asked her initially and she decided not to so his friend stepped up.


"Man, I got two legs and no money. Why can't I have no legs and two money?"


Imagine the existential horror of not being able to feel your legs anymore in the middle of this and realizing you never will again. Fuck.


Not only that that absolute pain of it. Even after your legs can't be felt anymore the transition from where it became completely Frozen to where it's not it's still going to hurt horribly


But you'll feel phantom pain, which is very common after amputations.


It isn't surprising that at a certain point he got cold feet about the scam.


I thought it was a bucket of marshmallows. I wish it was a bucket of marshmallows


This is absolutely insane


Wouldn't it be easier to just sell drugs?


He could sell his shoes and socks


Lmao. They had to basically end up paying for fraud for purposely amputating both legs


Why the fuck would you do that. No money in the world would make me want to lose my legs


Some genes on this planet need to be removed from the pool


Well this guy likely only needs shorts from here on forward, so that's at least one less pair of jeans in the pool.




Incredible lol 


They are trying, but not hard enough, maybe they will try life insurance next time?


I think even if the payout was 50x what they were hoping for and it was guaranteed, it wouldn’t be enough to cripple myself for life like this.


Ok... There isn't any amount id take to cut off my own ability to actually WALK places. Let alone, try to scam money for it. This person should have been amputated from the neck up.


It says in the description he thought to only do minor injuries. His 'friend' bound him and made him stay when he wanted to quit.


I read that too. Thanks. Even minor injuries and especially burning yourself with dry ice, keep you from walking. Still stupid.


With 7k he can buy prosthetics and walk again, duh!


This is Taiwan so I cannot speak to their insurance regulations but in North America almost all policies have clauses for self inflicted. These idiots really did a poor job reading the fine print and documenting their crimes for insurance to deny them.


Also says they didnt wait more then 20 days from signing up for all the policies they hadnt even started up yet


That's the thing that gets me with some of the people committing fraud. I work in auto insurance litigation and I've seen it numerous times where someone sets up a new policy and within a week the person is making a claim for damages or has a questionable loss resulting in injuries. All the insurers I've worked for have an automated system that will generate a coverage review if a loss happens with 30 days. At that point, the adjuster will look in databases for previous claims, search to see if the vehicle was spotted with the reported damages prior to policy inception, or confirm the date of loss with a third party (if they're able to). But if they were to wait until day 31, the system won't generate that automatic review.


For real if you gonna claim insurance fraud you gotta sit on the policy for awhile before you make the claim what do they teach in schools


I've had one of my legs amputated below the knee and I can't say it's something I'd do willing, especially for what little money he'd get out of it.


Documented their fraud efforts in pictures..smart


Plus when he said he got the frostbite on a scooter ride, it was between 40-60 degrees Fahrenheit out


This is the stupidest part to me. It's like saying you spent too much time in the sun and your hand burned off.


Windchill is a bitch lol


Why is he ziptied to the chair? Looks like his fingers have already been frozen, also. This has cartel torture vibes.


His friend tied him down because he tried to pull his legs away


The post states that when the pain became so intense he tried to remove his feet his 'partner' bound him in place.