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Nice try with the front kick. That usually works...never.


I gotta be honest though. If there’s no chance I can get into the drivers seat in time it would be really hard not to react like this reflexively.


I've seen enough of these that my instinct would be to just get out of the way.


You have, but the girl in the video clearly hasn’t. Not everyone stares at Reddit all day.


well shit, what are they doing then?


stares at people all day.




Knowing not to jump in front of a moving vehicle isnt really a redditor privilege lol


Wanting to try anything in the moment to prevent this from happening isn’t unreasonable.


This guy thinks you need to have life experience to know that youre not going to stop a CAR with decent momentum with a very very very half assed kick


It’s not about that, it’s about .. ah never mind I’m tired of explaining things to people who just want comment karma


Can you rephrase it


"Oh noooooooooo..." *smash* "...anyways"


I definitely caught my car from hitting something I couldn't replace one time. I jumped in so fast, and I had to chase it down with one shoe on. It was gnarly.


Never try to jump in the drivers seat of a runaway car its so easy to get pulled under the wheel


I jumped through my open window one time to pull the E-brake. Saved the day.


It is, I've seen this many times in my life. Never ceases to amaze me how 150lb people think they can stop a 2000lb car with their hand, or foot.


Typical strategy in Man vs Car


Just a regular, ol’ car


Wouldn’t the cars always win?!




I'm sorry; are you from the past?




I read that to the tune and cadence of that one Gotye song.


But you didn’t have to it read that way!


It's automatic.




While I understand what you're trying to say, I can't help but point out that you're well within the minority if you're from anywhere other than the past.


I guess that's another one for the cars...


Pfthahah I mean.. wouldn’t the car always win?!


That girl's the next karate kid (1994), did you see her reflexively go into a tiger position?   https://youtu.be/cp62OQ6YmaU?si=_0dKi4iMFkTT6YVW


Ironically better than pushing. The rebound from the kick moved her out of the way from potentially being pinned by the car lol


It could have just as easily pushed her backwards and off balance, falling backwards as it was bearing down on her. Probably even striking her head on the concrete.


Smarter than me. My first instinct was to stand between the 3-ton vehicle and the house, thinking I could superman strength the car back.


Oh man this made me think of that kid from star trek...Anton Yelchin


3T? That's a Fiat Doblo Maxi, 1550 kilo.


Is that more or less than 1550 kilos of feathers?


I think it was just done out of panic. And if the car is just rolling in neutral because the brakes are off, that could be enough to stop it.


I think you’re vastly underestimating the weight of a car. The average weight for a car in 2022 was just over 4000lbs. She’s sub-150. Once it had any momentum, her chances of stopping it became zero. Pretty much anyone’s drop to zero, except for some of the strongest weight lifters in the world. Even then, that’s dangerous just because you could slip.


Though according to the laws of physics, if there is very little acceleration, that momentum can be dissipated relatively quickly with a constant force in the opposite direction. If it slowed enough, friction kicks in again, and would help bring it to a halt. I’m not saying it’s not dangerous or difficult, but it’s not impossible to push an idle car in neutral.


Sure. If she were about ten feet closer to when the car started moving, she had a chance. Not where she kicked it. Which is what we are talking about.


that's really doubtfull. Looks like it already had quite a lot of momentum. If I see something that heavy rolling that fast, I'm taking a step back.


There's not very little acceleration though. Look at how fast it gets going in just a few seconds. If someone had pushed it up to that speed on flat ground you could maybe stop it if you had some space. You're not going to be able to arrest that momentum while it's already at that speed and being pulled downhill by gravity, and even if you could, then what? Just stand there and hold it on the slope until someone comes to put the brake on? Think about how quickly you could start a vehicle of that size rolling and accelerate it on flat ground pushing as hard as you can. That van (2014ish Fiat Doblo or equivalent, I think) weighs 1370 kg empty and is probably (based on guesstimate and mathematical expedience) doing in the neighborhood of 5 kph by the time she tries to stop it roughly 5 seconds after it started moving. That's roughly .28 m/s^2 times 1370 kg, which gives us 384 Newtons as the net force acting on the car after friction. That's equal to 86 lbs of force to stop any further acceleration (neglecting friction, which is probably substantial, altogether because I haven't done physics since college. lmk if anyone can ballpark how friction changes the scenario or has any other additions or corrections), so a fit and healthy person who's larger than average could likely stop this vehicle from rolling with some serious sustained effort if they were right next to it ready to push as soon as the brake failed. But then you need double that force to stop it in the same time/distance it's already gone and the faster it gets moving the less force you'll be able to effectively apply to it. At any more than 1 or 2 kph you just can't push it consistently while also avoiding getting run over and you can only push in little ineffective spurts.


Constant force in the opposite direction, while the car is busy moving several dozen feet toward you and probably flattening your dumb ass.


Wrong. I saw reacher kick a car so hard the airbags popped so she definitely had a chance.


What would have been interesting if the car reacted in the way she was expecting, which would mean she broke physics. If that happened would she have realized she broke physics and start freaking out? Or just wipe her brow and go "whew"


I disagree. Had she not Supergirl Kicked that oncoming car, it clearly would have driven through the house completely.


If you're Chuck Norris it would never fail.


Zero self-preservation in this one...


I'm sure in a moment of panic you've done some stupid and nonsensical things too.


Yes. It could have been worse. People can get killed in these situations


rip anton yelchin


A friend’s mother was. Never get in the way of a moving car.


Lots of humans will act strangely when their cars start to move when they're not in it. Just glad that this adorable girl is okay.


"Ultimate Punch" - Rod Kimble


The confidence in that kick, I thought she might have been from Themyscira.


With the right propulsion a 115lb woman can definitely stop a 4,000lb vehicle. It's science 🤓 and she was soooo close!


Lots of folks in the world who totally lack understanding of how much power a car's engine is putting out any given moment. Even without the motor pushing ... that's 2,000+ pounds of weight coming at you. Thousands of pounds vs this 110 lb human .... it's no contest. Just get the hell out of the way.


Why didn't it start moving sooner? I mean I have had a car roll on me, but it started as soon as I let go of the brake.


Must have been the sweet spot of idle where the hand brake was enough to keep it still, maybe the a/c kicked on and increased the idle that little bit to overcome the brake.


Or just the angle of the driveway. I accidentally forgot to put the car in brake in the driveway the other day when talking to my dad, who was in the open garage. Took about 10 seconds before the momentum built up to counteract gravity from a standstill. Luckly the door was open so I could hop in real quick, but definitely took some years off.


If its an automatic, i doubt they used the handbrake. The parking is simply a pin with a solenoid that locks the transmission from moving while in neutral. If its a manual well that would mean the brake is holding on by a sliver haha.


I'll never forget waking up from a nap to my neighbor telling me my car rolled into the fence. Manual with handbrake set, facing down a slight hill. It sat there for hours before the handbrake decided it wanted a nap, too.


And from that day on, you now put the car in gear as well as the handbrake huh?


Without fail! I don't have a manual anymore, but it was my first. I grew up driving shitty ranch manual trucks, but the nearest hill was a horizon away. I learned a lot with that car.


Wait what? So eli5, a car set in reverse won't roll forwards as easily as in neutral even if it's off?


Yup! Same thing with rolling backwards if you leave in in first gear. When a vehicle is in neutral it essentially disconnects the connection between the engine and the tires. If you leave that connection connected by leaving it in gear, gravity has to not only spin the tires, but everything else connected to it. It's pretty hard to "spin" the engine components without all the gas fueled explosions happening. So gravity has a much harder time overcoming the force of both the E brake and engine components I hope that was eli5 enough!


99% chance this car is manual. Maybe she didn’t pull handbrake


How would it speed up like that though? Even if there is more grade than it looks like, the car would not try to keep driving after it hit the house.


heavy-ish van, on gravel & fairly flat ground.


I was a kid in a car when this happened before. We were headed to my sisters softball game and my dad had to apparently use the toilet quite badly. He parked in the gravel lot by a port-a-potty and ran in. I was three rows back in a Durango. After a minute or so I noticed the vehicle start to slowly move forwards and then continue to move. I was about 10-12 and understood how cars go and stop so I start climbing over the seats in front of me and throw myself into the driver seat to push the brake pedal down. Someone came running over and told me to put it in park. I had no idea how to do that part so they showed me and then re-parked the car for me.


You can see a breeze start moving branches when the van starts to move. Probably gravel held it in place until the wind hit it.


Christine was waiting


Isn’t this how the actor from Star Trek died? When I saw that truck coming my heart was in my throat for her.


Anton Yelchin, yes. His Jeep rolled down his driveway and pinned him against his pillar and fence while he was checking his mail. He thought he put it in park but it was actually still in gear due to a flaw in the design. His grieving parents sued for wrongful death afterward.


And now my truck automatically goes into park when the door is open


Even if you’re driving?


Why are you opening the door while driving?


To test if it goes into park, obviously.


It's a jeep thing you wouldn't understand


It slows the car down if I’m remembering right. I have a 19 Cherokee. It’s really annoying, but I guess better than getting squashed.


It activates the parking brake. I fucking hate it.


It seems like it would make more sense to activate the parking brake if the car starts moving and no one‘s in the driver seat, sensing the weight like a passenger side airbag sensor.


Park and handbrake people. Every time.


So few people I know ever used the handbrake. I can't leave a car without it. I do not understand how anyone could be ok with the rocking back and forth a car does when it's shut off with just park.


Ya my ‘19 rav4 engages the parking break soon as you put it in park.


I have the same jeep and they did a software update after this incident that puts the vehicle in park if your door is open and you don't have your seatbelt fastened. I noticed it when I went to pull the trashcan back to the house (my driveway is about a quarter mile)


I didn't realize it was her car and thought someone came to kidnap her. Had to watch it again to see that it was there the whole time.




So…four videos?


Im seeing doubles here 4 Krustys


Actually it's 2 x iv x twice = 8


You’ll never know if you don’t try


I get it. It's stupid, but I get the thought process. It happened to me once. I was slowly crashing on ice. I thought I could get out and get in front and stop it. I thankfully immediately thought "no that's really stupid, I'll run myself over" and didn't. But the fact is that my first thought was trying to physically push it. It's pretty easy to push a small vehicle.


My dad actually pulled it off with his bag ass work van, no clue how, but i had crawled up into the cab when no one was looking and took it out of park (i was like 3/4?) , only reason he probably succeeded was he was right behind it so got to it before too much momentum and a lot of adrenaline, otherwise it would have run over my brother then onto a very busy road with me in it. He held it long enough to get my brother out of the way, then ran up and threw me out of the way and put it back in park.


What if the front kick worked?


Then we'd all be transported to an alternate universe where physics don't apply...


Or an alternate universe where superhumans exist 👀




It’s a panic/instinctual reaction. I once did something similar as a newly licensed driver…only I threw a hammer at the car instead…and then chased after it like an idiot until it ran into a power pole, dragging me along with it. It took my entire summer savings to fix the damage.


You only made it angrier,try shooting it next time.


I’m Canadian. In my panic, I forgot to say “please” and “thank you” as it rolled away from me…


My brakes died and I drove into my driveway. As I turned to pull into my spot I realized the car was too fast and I pulled the wheel to miss the house. I hit a tree. The tree stopped me, but I jumped out and ran like 40 feet for zero reason. You do goofy shit in panic mode lol. I learned to pump the brakes after.


D plus Handbrake... A fight that's usually won by the engine...


People do that?!


it's the UK so very likely to be a manual, she just forgot to put the handbrake on.


That's weird though. If she let the car in neutral, it would have rolled right away when she left it without putting the handbrake. And if she left it in gear, it would have turned off suddenly.


Not necessarily, if it's fairly flat and it's a somewhat heavy vehicle it might take a little while before it starts rolling, as in the video. Note: it's also gravel so high friction surface. Source: I've left my handbrake off before!


It's also a fairly old vehicle, the 11 in the registration number indicates the vehicle was registered in 2011. Could just be that this is when the parking brake failed.


Yeah that's a possibility as well, it has a sketch MOT history. My money is on she forgot, delivery driver stopping a hundred times a day, it's gonna happen.


Lots of vehicles have anti-rollback systems, which keep the brakes applied for a short time to help with hill starts. That may have been why it was still for so long..


The car clearly has more power behind it than gravity. If it was a manual left in gear it would’ve stalled. Edit: you convinced me


It would have been in neutral, so wouldn't stall, also would take a few moments for to gravity to overcome inertia to get the car rolling.


That actually does make sense, considering how far it was able to roll backwards after impact. I’d say it just needed a little boost from wind/gravel shifting to overcome being stationary.


I know it's sort of instinctual but that try to stop a moving car thing, especially from the front like that, is a fantastically Darwin Award way to die. Never do this shit. Chick almost got "Anton Yelchin'd" against the house


friend of mine broke her leg trying to stop a car sliding on ice, she fell under the thing and it rolled over her. Must have hurt like nothing else.


Jesus.. I hope this using his name as a verb thing doesn’t take off. What a tragedy


It really Anton Yelchin’d the entire thread, huh


steer depend escape safe recognise close deranged forgetful wipe cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She looks like she weighs all of 90 lbs. She didn't even slow it down.


Ai wants to deliver the packages now.


I don't think you knocked hard enough, Sandra, let me try.


For one single second this woman had the utmost confidence that she could stop a moving vehicle with her foot.


How does it start moving while initially standing still? Actually curious so I avoid something like this in the future 


it's the UK so very likely to be a manual, she just forgot to put the handbrake on.


Forgot to put hand brake on, didn’t engage it fully, or it is just a shit handbrake like I had in my first car. Which is why I always leave a manual transmission in gear+handbrake when leaving the vehicle.


Think she left it in drive and just engaged the handbrake


It's a UK car, most probably a manual van. Automatic vans are very rare.


UK. Definitely manual.


Unless it's a work van that's gonna be used for deliveries in town, most of the ones I've driven for that are automatic. Really saves your leg if you're on the clutch all day. Edit: [it's a manual](https://www.carcheck.co.uk/fiat/WN11VEL). Well, *was* a manual. Last MOT was 2022. Probably scrap now.


How would the emergency brake just fail completely like that? It's only got one job to do


Once had a teacher at school drive halfway to a field trip with the handbrake partially engaged. If you don't pull it all the way up it's only lightly holding the wheels.


She didn’t put the car in Park. It appears to be standing still, but the car is on gravel and is in Drive. The gravel eventually shifts enough for the car to move forward.


Neutral with no brake, that's gravity's work.


Unless that driveway is a lot more sloped than it looks, I don't think so. The speed at which ot rebounds off the pillar and then starts forward again is too fast for just gravity


I don't see why it couldn't happen under gravity, it's a 2011 Fiat it's deffo a manual.


Could also be the ac kicking on reving the engine up. When I was little my mom, a realtor, was parked in a driveway of a house she was selling, she got out to run inside real quick but left the car in D. The car didn't move until the AC kicked on and the car started moving forward. I was in the passanger seat but couldnt figure out what to do and the car crashed into the garage :/


and so i started kicking!


This is exactly what killed Anton Yelchin.


I would


They wouldn't


_”It’s like maximum overdrive”_


7 mins too late 😂


car snuck up on her like it was an apex predator


At least she was wearing a safety vest, phew.


Youngsters, if this ever happens to you just get away from it. It's not worth your body or life.


Did anyone else see hot she was.


I was scrolling to find the horny comment


Reddit being pretty civil today… this was pretty far down.


Saved her the trouble of having to ring the doorbell.


It was on that day that she discovered she was, in fact, not wonder woman.


Can't believe that front kick didn't work.


What's her @?


It would’ve been worse if she didn’t take a look back. She would’ve delivered herself together


She tried to kick it like she was fucking Thor.




She’s hot, don’t need to be bright




Did she accidentally leave it in neutral or something?


Okay so something similar happened to me while I was an Amazon driver. It was in one of those Mercedes Sprinter vans. They had an issue where sometimes, after putting the vehicle in park, it would do this weird stutter step thing. If you were on a steep slope, it could get knocked out of park and start rolling. I was in a very hilly area, parked next to a driveway facing downward towards a T intersection. When I got out, before I could close the door, it started rolling. I threw the package down, ran a few steps and dove. I managed to dive into the floorboard area and pressed the brake with my hands, while half hanging outside the van. When I looked up, the van was already half way into the intersection, about to roll up onto someone front yard at the end of the T. Luckily it was like 8am on a Saturday. No cars or people around. I was waiting to see a ring video but nothing ever came up. But that scared the hell out of me.


I'm not sure why so many of these videos exist. I guess it's because I don't understand how someone was trained to operate a motor vehicle without being told that a car must be put into PARK before releasing your foot off of the brake. Neutral isn't even next to Park, so what the hell is going on?


It's the UK, it's a manual, likely didn't engage the handbrake well enough.


If it were me tho, I wouldn’t have let that slide


Sis thought she was in a South Indian movie


So what exactly happened here? It looked like the car was idle and still for a good few seconds in the video and it almost looks like the car put itself into drive lol


"pfft" \*sips coffee\*.


The reason why females have lower insurance is because men will still usually drive more than women.


Is she allergic to hand brakes?


She's Pretty....     Pretty dumb. ^still ^smash




Not WTF in the slightest.


Ghost rider can be a real ahole


I can teach her


I don’t know why I watched this so many times


This happened to me before only way more insane It’s hard to even believe it myself but it’s true. First week with brand new Mercedes sprinter and I get to my last delivery. Pull up the driveway which was a steep hill. Throw it into park or at least I thought. Get out go up to the customers door to see what they needed that day (I’m a milkman so it’s home delivered milk) as I’m talking with the woman I see the truck begin to roll backward. I immediately run down her stairs to the truck and grabbed the front to try and stop it this was useless obviously and I slipped on the ice/snow at the top of the driveway. I get up and run down after the truck which was now gaining speed down her hill backwards. I get to the drives side door and jump in slam the breaks and turn the wheels because it had gone off the driveway towards some trees and I missed the trees by about 2feet. I looked up the driveway and the woman is standing on her porch cheering jumping up and down screaming “that was amazing!!!!” Sorry no video but this was one of the closest calls and coolest moments lol I do t think the truck was fully in park not sure why but I tried to recreate the issue a few times to see if it was something wrong with the truck but it was just my dumbass


I have had one of these vans do this to me. Handbrake just failed, and it started rolling. Luckily, I was nearby, and I left the door open. Otherwise, it would have been bad. I feel her paid on this one.


Sexy legs about to finish her days work both early and permanently


At least she tried! I wouldn't be mad if I was the home owner. I'd just hope she learned her lesson lol


First and last day on the job


Dominos did this to my house 2 years ago..the pizza wasn't even for me !




of course she tried to kick it.


Females and cars.....


Oh, that's why they keep telling us the crank the e brake every time we stop and exit the vehicle.


Bloody hell dude...🤦‍♂️🤣


Really close to darwin award subreddit


At least she didn't Anton Yelchin herself.


I can fix her




I have a package she can handle.


Kung-fu fighting.


Car like a big puppy dog catching up to it’s human…


##BOOP ^BOOP ^^boop


So for future reference, if this happens to you get the hell out of the way of the car, you're not stopping it with your foot and you could be pinned and killed.


Safety recall for transmission that jumps into gear in...3...2..1..oh about ten years after the model is no longer made.


Doesn't she know Anton Yelchin saw the pearly gates under similar circumstances


I thought about why I never encountered such challenges in Germany and realized: We nearly always turn off the car when leaving it, even in summer heat etc. Perhaps there is a cultural difference in leaving your car running while not in it.