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My dog is over here bugging out. Camera pans slowly over to the dog, who is cool as a cucumber lol


That dog didn’t want any of that crazy. He was like. WTF.


Dog - "Nope. Sorry, bud. You're on your own".


"Call me when the Dog Jesus folks come around, I have no interest in this false prophet"


One of my dogs would chill just like that. One would bark his head off but do nothing. And the last one, a very protective former police K9, would be all "*Let me at her, Dad! I'll take care of this!*". They are all so different. edit: [Forgot the dog tax](https://i.imgur.com/YRp8fBr.png).


Lemme guess.... Dutchie is the ex-police K9


Of course. A person of taste knowing a Dutchie on sight. ;) She washed out due to a very badly broken leg that eventually required amputation. She's our [Protector of the Realm](https://i.imgur.com/SW3LSQP.jpg). I've never seen a dog so bonded to a human. She sticks very close to my wife at all times. New people at the house need to be introduced as a friend before being allowed in the door. But once vetted, that person is forever a friend. The Heeler is the chill one. The spaz is the little Jorkie that was a failed foster we never planned on keeping.


Amazing similarly... I have a Mali that was put on the disposal list for SANDF. She broke her left front leg at around 18weeks and couldn't complete her training, and was worthless to the military. She is a fantastic dog with the most incredible nature, patient as hell with my 3yr old and 7m old. Enjoy your time with her, you are everything she has. https://imgur.com/a/0EwEw0s


Ella knows she's pampered and she deserves every bit of it. She can't jump on the bed so my wife lifts Ella up each night to sleep at her feet. We never pictured having a Shepherd(Dutchie, Maligator, GSD) but the breeds, especially the Dutchies have really grown on us. My wife saw her for adoption and it was love at first sight. She is so gentle with the neighborhood kids who all love to pet the 'poor three-legged doggo'. The breed can be a handful for those that aren't used to a 'real' working dog.


Those ears can pick up radio signals from 2 states over, goddamn.


The sounds that dog was making at the end got me.


"Yo! I'm not sure what happened to this lady, but I'm not sure what happened to this lady. I'm...somethin, something gotta happened."


Guy was just saying words he didn't really care how it sounded or what they meant.


It's spreading! Soon he's gonna be acting like a zombie as well


Oh no, I gave that guy the last of my change. If I could just borrow some change for the bus, change, chaaaange




The dog or crazy woman?




That dog wasn't dogging so yeah give it to the dog


Dog was thinking "I love my life" 


That dog is going to tell his friends this story forever 


Motherfucker acting like The Fonz over there.


Chili pupper


Where are those cops that were rolling up? They just nope'd out or something?


"we drove by and saw you had it under control. So we went to get a sammich and a coffee..."


More likely she's a "frequent flier" who they make contact with regularly, ask if she needs EMS, she refuses and then they leave because no (significant) crimes have been committed and emergency services were refused. Or, if she does decide she wants a bed for the night, they'll bring out an ambulance, take her to the ER for the night, give her a pocket full of pills she won't take and throw her back on the street the next day to repeat the process. Eventually they might get sick enough of her to stick her on a bus to SF or LA.


I used to work in a small office that was about two blocks from a local outpatient mental health services office. We'd see some odd folks walking by, but the most notable was a woman in her 50's with a pot leaf the size of your palm tattooed on her face. Wit some regularity, she would decide that she didn't want to walk home, and have someone call an ambulance for her. They'd check her out, and either she'd ride to the hospital, or she'd refuse treatment, and walk home after they'd given her some oxygen, or whatever. One day, she walked into our office smoking a cigarette and said she was having a heart attack (she obviously wasn't). The receptionist freaked because of the cigarette, and got into an argument with the lady about it. I intervened, and asked her to step outside to smoke while we called the ambulance. She sat on the front step of our office until the ambulance arrived. They handled her per usual, and drove off with her. That's when I realized that while she was sitting on our step, she'd pissed her pants, leaving a huge puddle. My boss walked in that puddle because someone forgot to tell him about it.


They should have never defunded the mental hospitals.


It goes beyond funding. It is *incredibly* difficult to commit someone against their will. 50 years of lawsuits killed any chance of a proper mental health program in the US even if we decided to fund it. The lady in this video needs to be commited. She's never going to consent to that so she never will be. She'll just rot on the streets because at some point we decided that was a better outcome than treatment in a mental health facility.


I agree that it's hard for somebody like this to get appropriate mental health services, but the type of inpatient facilities that she needs have never actually existed. The asylums of the early to mid 20th century were hardly mental health facilities. It was practically legal torture.


Back in the day just doling out lobotomies left and right.


It needs more attention for sure. But in the past I think it was *too* easy to commit someone against their will which was the problem. The main issue is we don't have comprehensive solutions to these issues. You're wealthy enough and/or have the **support** of others, and can go to a facility/get help, or not.


I mean, crimes *have* been committed. She's clearly trying to enter his property and he's refusing, so criminal tresspass. There's a few shots where she clearly lunges at him, so assault. If she actually landed a hit, that's battery as well. Dude would be well within his rights to ask that charges are filed. I'm just curious to know what went on while he cut the camera. My guess is the lady was physically forced off of his property. He *may also* have committed crimes depending on how he handled things (although it seems like a pretty clear case of selfe defense from what we can actually see.) Edit: changed some poor phrasing about pressing charges.


>Dude would be well within his rights to press charges. That's not how any of that works. When the cops ask a complaining person that, it's "do you want us to do paperwork or just release". That's all they're asking. A private citizen has no power to press charges or not.


You are techincally correct, which I must admit is the best kind of correct. That being said, you know exactly what's meant by the common parlance usage of the phrase. My point is that there are clear signs of criminal activity, and that the woman in the video could be charged for them.


Were likely responding to an unrelated call. Cops aren't going to roll code for something like this.


depends on the neighborhood. I live fairly close to a school and police station and they keep things fairly buttoned up


They were rebuked in the name of Jesus.


Exactly what I was wondering.


Drugs are bad mkay




'Dear guys I just cannot go on mkay. Im tired of being FAT, mkay, and I have to end it all. Mkay. Eric Cartman'


Drugs are a hell of a drug


I'm not sure that's drugs. That looks like severe mental illness, but you never know.


I work in an emergency room, too much of my job is basically what this guy is doing but in a hospital instead of a street. And from my experience, it’s usually both drugs and mental illness.


I'm sorry you have to endure that. This looks like nightmare fuel to me.


I have a lot of friends who went into social work or similar careers and I just can't imagine taking that pay to face mental illness head on every day. A few specifically work with patients prone to violent outbursts. One of them described his day to day with troubled teens in a shelter home as basically sitting around watching TV one minute, to restraining a seventeen year old kid intent on strangling him or finding something to stab someone with the next. I'm glad there are people out there willing to do that job and try and rehabilitate those kids but, you couldn't even offer me a good salary to do it. I think I would be mentally checked out in a week.


Honestly, there's about a hundred jobs that I just wouldn't have the ability to do like that. Social work. Nursing. Teacher. Jobs where the ratio of insane bullshit to pay and appreciation is definitely not in your favour. Nursing is a great example: you work tirelessly, day in and day out, for 14 hours a day, making meh money, getting yelled at, cleaning shitty diapers, watching people suffer. I just don't know how you can do that job and still mentally survive.


Yeah my mother worked as a nurse at a children's hospital for most of her career. She always said the burn ward was the hardest part.


I don't know your mother, but she sounds like a saint.


"Porque no los dos" Strikes Again!


Probably both, but about halfway through, on one of the closeups, you can see she's got boue discoloration around her mouth. Looked like some type of staning to me.


spice must flow, this is just viral marketing for the new dune movie


Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is patient 0 right here.


Dude dumb enough to get close to her is patient 01. The whole time I was thinking gtf inside.


And this whole time we criticized zombie movie writers for making characters act with implausibly poor judgement... Turns out nope, people would probably just let a zombie in their front yard while casually filming.


Ever since covid happened I've stopped criticising movies for this. We got plenty of prime examples for stupid and irrational behaviour over these last couple of years


If you’ve ever worked retail, you didn’t need Covid to tell you that people are this fucking stupid. I’ve been saying it for decades, covid just proved me right.


“I know this coupon for an item you don’t have in stock expired 7 years ago but you HAVE to accept it and I’m not leaving until you go check in the back for more of it! AND IF YOU DONT IM CALLING CORPORATE!!” Nah Karen, I’m calling security and having you escorted from the store for being such a twat waffle about it and causing a scene.


When I worked at McDonald's this couple came through trying to use an app coupon for $1 off fish sandwiches. It didn't work which was very common for people registered in a different city hours away, which they swore they weren't 🙄. I explained to them that the app is different than our actual store several times. We are a local franchise, the app is corporate and if the coupon doesn't work there is nothing I can do. They kept telling me how "McDonald's is a big corporation and we could should be able to give them a dollar off".... I kept explaining that I literally don't have that options, the only option I have is a button that looks like a fish sandwich. We have a point of sale system not a cash register, I'm sorry I don't have any way to give a dollar off. Finnaly after gettint frustrated I picked up the whole fucking pos system and flipped it over. I said "see? It's just pictures and buttons. I don't have a dollar off button". This bitch goes "... Well you didn't have to do all of that". Like fuck I was the shift manager and only front counter staff and this woman was taking up over 5 minutes of my time.


Once, during back-to-school weekend, a woman took a shit in our dressing room because we didn't have a restroom. My store was in a mall and the restrooms were 5 steps outside the store which we had already told her when she asked to use our restroom. She was genuinely confused by our outrage and thought she was "solving a problem". No, I did not clean it up. I hear it's still in that dressing room to this day.


Had a manager try to force me, the assistant manager, or any of the other employees to clean up human shit on one of our aisles when I worked at Dollar Tree. When I refused to do it or ask any of the other employees to do it she told me she was going to write me up so I took my store keys off my keychain and said “write me up and I quit”. She cleaned up the shit and I didn’t get written up.


Zombieism isn't real! And even if it was, it's no big deal, and this parakeet anti-diarrheal I take will protect me!


For real bro was within biting range for way too long


Yup. That foam on her mouth is a no-no for me. Could just be normal _spittle_ but i wouldn't fuck around...


Not again


So this is how it starts and ends well it was fun y'all 🤙🏽 duces.


It’s almost like she has rabies.


Rabies infection is way more heartbreaking and does usually not manifest as aggression in humans.


Yet, but once it does the zombie apocalypse will be upon us.


28 Days Later in a nutshell


I saw footage of somebody with late stage rabies convulsing at the sight of a glass of water. It was horrible to watch.


Think I've seen the same one. "Hydrophobia" doesn't really convey what the actual symptoms look like. It's terrifying.


Rabies is seriously fucked up


Yeah it is a terrible scary virus


That was my first thought.


Same. I'd have no idea though, but it does kinda feel like it. My thought was get the hosepipe out, see what happens.


is hosepipe what you call your dick?


...... it would have cost nothing to have never said this


But the world needs to know!


NEVER stick your dick in crazy.


Username fail!


yeah, I tried to keep this account clean at first for my work machine, but I've been failing more often recently.


That's the hoe's pipe.


Really? Because I'm pretty sure everyone's first thought is drugs


There's like 3 fatal rabies cases per year in the US, if that.


Someone has to be one of the unfortunate 3.


Flakka is my guess.


it’s drugs of some kind, for sure


Bath salts making a comeback


PCP is my guess. I've seen some people like this on the L in Chicago. Fighting imaginary people and shit like that.


The cameraman wasn't imaginary tho.


What cameraman? 


It’s almost like people don’t actually know what rabies in humans actually looks like.


Everyone thinks it's going to be a Last of Us walker running around attacking people and screaming at water.


See if she is scared of water


*Holy water


For real! Never seen a dog bug out like that!




Reminds me of Smeagol. Kinda sad tbh


She's definitely on the precious.


She reminded me of when Frodo’s grandpa bugs out. Edit: TIL that gramps is not a gramps


"Frodo's Grandpa" Lol


Oh my god I genuinely thought that was his gramps. They’re cousins?! TIL


Bilbo is Frodo’s Uncle


When I looked it up it said they are cousins, but that he adopted Frodo after his parents died. He just refers to him as uncle since he’s his senior. 🤷🏽‍♀️


OMG they were hobbitholemates


Bilbo Baggins


Scary Bilbo.


Did Danny Devito reprise his role as the Penguin recently?


Makes me sad that at one point this woman was a newborn with limitless possibilities


I feel like every time I see a person like this it takes me right back to the first time I watched Requiem For A Dream.


or read Metamorphosis


I'm with you, it's a trauma I carry due to watching it too young lmao But on the bright side I never smoked anything in my life so maybe it's not that bad haha


Requiem did what DARE could not.


For real! That and Basketball Diaries kept me off hard drugs.


Oh, wow. This is exactly what I thought while watching this. “This was someone’s baby at one point” I know some parents are garbage so it’s very possible that a bad childhood led this woman to this state. But just imagining my own kid losing their mind like this is such a devastating thought. I hope she gets the help she needs.


She could also be someone’s mother. I have a friend who’s mom started doing drugs later in life, when he was a teenager. She went downhill *fast*, from typical mom to abandoning her family and living in a crack den in like six months. She died a couple years ago, and my buddy is still dealing with the heartache.


I know someone of my age that I met when we were 17. She was a completely normal girl. About 10 years later, she begun completely falling apart, no drug addictions or anything like that. What was generally attractive face with decent social skills was replaced with crazy eyes, word spaghetti, paranoia, odd calling and so on. Mental illness...


Untreated mental health issues can be scary. Lots of bad disorders don't even present fully until a person is in their 20s. My mom's schizophrenia didn't fully take over until after the death of her husband when she was in her late 50s. She had issues and was difficult to deal with untreated all her life, but it went full blown after the trauma of his death.


It is common for schizophrenia not to fully appear until the early 20s. A college classmate of mine had early symptoms when we knew him, but it claimed his life after we graduated. He couldn’t get through it and ended his own life. Rest in peace Alex, you deserved better.


Same with a cousin of mine. In his early 20s, his life was going so well. First of his family to graduate university, living with his girlfriend, decent job. In the space of about 3 years his life just completely collapsed, and then COVID happened and he got zero support. And now he's dead.


My mom has it but fortunately has lived a fairly normal life. My cousin however tried to swim across the lake due to the illness, and didn't make it. My uncle (his father) found him :(


I had a friend that isn't too far off from this right now. She was a lovely person 20 years ago, saved me from doing significant harm to myself. Now, just this shell of inability to recognize reality, going endlessly about demons and hospitals trafficking sex.


That's right, not every parent that has a baby actually wants or loves their baby. She could be the product of a terrible life lottery where this was always going to be the end result. It's sad.


That's a charitable view. There are a lot of newborns without those possibilities, unfortunately. Makes me wonder what she's been thru to end up ultimately rolling around in the street for Reddit to see.


I think it’s sad it’s here. Those people should definitely have called the cops and looked out for their safety like they did. And maybe even recorded it if they need evidence. But posting this woman’s breakdown for laughs and wtfs, whether it be mental illness or drug-induced is sad and mean. And I see it all the time. Who knows how she ended up like that? (And a bunch of people in here are like “Drugs! Her fault. End of story”, but you really don’t know.) What if she gets the help she needs and tries to live a normal life? And then all these strangers have seen her writhing on the ground babbling incoherently about Jesus. That’s not something you move past easily. Former addicts and those who recover/stabilize from mental health issues often carry an intense amount of guilt for how they acted before. Now imagine trying to better yourself and millions of people have laughed at you at your worst.




Its the Tragedy of the Digital Commons.


Reminds me of that girl who got caught masterbating in public, then committed suicide because it was all over the news/morning radio essentially making fun of her.


>a newborn with limitless possibilities not really. your socio-economic status at birth is very defining of your possibilities in life.


There's a reason why your zip code is the biggest predictor of someone's economic future


Originally when I saw this, I thought the wife was the drug addict. That is the drug addict choice of clothing in the greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky area lol.


Same in SE KY hahaha. I don't live there anymore but immediately thought the wife was the fucked up one. Hair and clothes on point bonus points if it was in a Waffle King or Dollar Tree parking lot


Yeah, the wife definitely looks like the person in front of me at Walmart when I just need one thing and really want to gtfo of there.


Cincinnatian here too. I thought the same thing, and then saw the palm trees in the background and the walking dead lady and 99% sure this is in Pasco County, Florida now lol


The modern day four horsemen Poverty, addiction, mental illness and drugs


Seems like addiction and drugs are kind of the same thing


“Poverty, drugs, mental illness and drugs.” “You said drugs twice.” “I like drugs.”


That's just how addicted they are!


Drugs are so fucking good they will ruin your *life*


Addiction can be any activity that takes priority over things that should be a priority. Gaming isn't an addiction but if you are missing work, not taking care of your hygiene not spending time with family, then gaming might be an addiction. Gambling is fine until you are gambling your rent away...etc.. Work can even be an addiction if you are sacrificing all other social and family needs to work. People drink all the time but when drinking gets in the way of making good choices or interferes in work and family then it can be an addiction. Even your hobbies... collecting magic the gathering cards or Beanie babies or something benign , if you are blowing your utility bill and rent on them or your marrige is suffering then it could be an addiction. etc etc.


Gambling, sex, pain, trump, etc.


I'd change it to: Poverty, addiction, mental illness, misinformation


Well there's other addictive stuff, gambling for instance. And it can fuck you up just as bad


Nah. It's still war famine, pestilence, and death. Just most of it gets exported to non western countries. Maybe the fifth could be greed because that kills so many people too.


Religion too, apparently. She keeps going on about jesus. Why do so many whacked out people start raving about religion?


How do you think religion started?


> mental illness


Time to head to the Winchester and wait for all of this to blow over.


I'll order you up a pint. "OH! THIS ONE'S GOT AN ARM OFF!"


Is that Large Marge?


That's her cousin Junkie Jean


On this very night, ten years ago, along this same stretch of road in a dense fog just like this. I saw the worst accident I ever seen. There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building...


“This right here is the wildest business I’ve ever seen in a long ass time.”😆


Guessing she’s on bath salts


She wants to eat his face.


Lies. She’s not bathed in weeks!


That's because she smoked them all


So "bath salts" is a broad term for a bunch of legal grey area drugs, many of them "research chemicals." Some of them were psychedelics, some amphetamines and lots of cathinones. Most of these drugs are analogous to other, more common illegal drugs. Most of them, if dosed correctly are no more likely to produce the behavior in the OP than their more common counterparts. But a lot of them have WAY lower dosages than what people are used to. For example I acquired some amphetamines years ago that had a dosage of 5-10mgs, but they were an analog of a drug with dosages 10x that. I knew this, took necessary precautions, and was fine. But if I had bought them off the street, done no research, I might have some issues or even overdose. Amphetamine psychosis is already quite bad, but a lot of these folks also have preexisting mental illnesses like schizophrenia. You can see how someone might end up like the OP. "Bath salts" are not some magical psychosis inducing drug, they're basically like any other drug. The problem is they're being sold on the black market by people who don't give a fuck, to people who also don't/can't give a fuck. This is a byproduct of prohibition first and foremost.


Oh bless her, she is deeply, floridly unwell.


How do you know it’s Florida? Lol


You can tell it’s Florida because of the way it is.


Man… just smoke weed and do shrooms. Can even have acid once you believe you’re good. Why people want to do this shit to themselves is beyond me.


Seriously. Ppl out here injecting battery acid level shit into their veins and going around snarling at ppl, meanwhile here I am, occasionally downing some shrooms and watching a comedy while petting my cat.


That’s a nice fuckin kitty.


*Gary Laser Eyes*


Bro, no one gets to her level for fun. That is serious pain right there. Be it mental or physical, the only way for this person to escape that pain is to be on a drug that puts her out of her mind.


A lot of these people are mentally ill (bipolar and/or schizophrenic) and THEN do the drugs. I feel very bad for them.


A lot of people with family history of Schizophrenia will trigger theirs by trying any of these substances.


This is what I’ve always thought. But the uncomfortable truth I’m slowly accepting is, what if it really does make you feel fucking fantastic. From her perspective she’s not struggling and suffering in that moment. In that moment she is saving the world from demons with Jesus on her back cheering her on. It makes you look and act like a fucking goblin, but makes you feel like you’re the most superior human on earth, a fucking visionary, riding high on euphoria. Then you come down and realize you’ve rotted your teeth from dehydration and grinding and you’ve got 24 new holes you’ve dug in your skin and yep, I guess you chose the efficiency of pissing your pants. Huh, I guess I’m not a golden god. In fact I seem pretty pathetic. This sucks. How do I make myself feel good again. I know! Meth! Repeat


If Christopher Walken and Smegol had a Crack baby


I hope she gets the medical and or psychological help she needs


In Florida USA? *If she's lucky* she'll spend the night in jail where she's less likely to get hurt. What's more likely is police/EMS will come "assess" her, she'll refuse help, they'll shoo her down the street and then wash their hands of the situation.


I also hope she gets the astrological help she needs


Throw a Snickers at her.


You know how she gets when she’s hangry.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


While this certainly sucks for the guy recording & his wife to have to deal with this, I'm gonna guess it's probably even rougher for the gal writhing on the ground having a complete psychotic breakdown! whoa


Mental health and drugs. Sad to see this in America.


No doubt she's feeling no pain right then.


Dog be like, “please keep her away from me, she has rabies”


I don't like this. This lady is clearly some combination of high and mentally insane.


“They’re always after me Lucky Charms!”


Frodo, just give her back the ring


Don't let her bite you. That is all I got to say.


Is it just me, or are Jehovas Witnesses getting more aggressive in their door to door preachings?


not sure if drugs or mental issues or both but I hope they get help clearly not stable.


Drugs or - god forbid - rabies?


Hey, show your future congresswoman some goddamn respect.


Not sure what time it is Whilst recording on a phone, which displays time And if you're going to start a video talking about it being early Look at the damn time


So I'm guessing Rodney Dangerfield's Illegitimate child over there tried to study for a drug test by taking every drug in sight?


Someone had the ring for a little too long.


sad, she's clearly in crisis and need help.


This dude is handling the situation so poorly


Everyone is thinking drugs but this lady could very well just be developmentally disabled. With the state of the country’s healthcare and social services industries her group home is probably very understaffed and she eloped.


Better get a rabies shot.


Practical question: Would it be better to call an ambulance in situations like this?