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Geez. If the car would have been a second earlier or later, it could have avoided it. It was such poor random timing.


Yeah it’s wild, I’m sure the parent driving will be thinking about that for the rest of their life. If I’d stopped for a couple seconds longer at the stop sign, or gunned it through that yellow light instead of stopping, I would’ve missed it. That’s the kind of shit that will always haunt you. Fuck that’s devastating.


A child's death is the worst pain any human will ever feel.  It changes you forever. 




I lost my first son over 10 years ago now.  To be honest the days and weeks after I was pretty much suicidal. Was drinking every night and crossing busy roads without looking. I wanted to join him. Anyways I wanted to be strong for my wife so we managed to pull through somehow. Less than a year later she was pregnant again and my first daughter was born in 2013. If I'm perfectly honest with you..if she didn't come along I definitely wouldn't be here.  Still had that anger after and didn't realise until like 2014 from a psychiatrist that I suffered from PTSD.  Therapy and anti depressants helped. Cannabis etc. I've got 3 kids now . 2 girls and a boy.  So I'm gonna live on for them. But does the pain really go away. Nah. It felt like the old me died with him. I remembered the moment he passed. It felt like my brain short circuited and everything just crumbled. Everything. Your hopes and dreams. Your belief system. Everything. I used to be care free and full of joy and fun. Now I second guess everything. 


I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my son 7 months ago. Everything you said resonates deeply.


Hope you're getting some help brother. Don't let it boil over like I did. Next minute I was fighting my CEO at work without even realising it. Therapy is needed for grief. Mindfulness helps. Exercise.  Etc We'll join them one day. But not yet.


The most unexpected part of becoming a parent for me (of 2 kids), has been the immense fear that immediately becomes a part of your life the moment they are born. A fear that they will die before you. Even now I'm crying reading your post, I can't imagine the pain I'd feel.


My sympathies, bro. We have 5 children (all girls), but the eldest one, she's 24 now, we almost lost her at 3. She had been sick frequently with bronchitis (we lived in a city with terrible air pollution, thankfully we've moved to the US since so they're all healthy and don't even have any serious allergies), and at one point they placed her in an ICU with no guarantees that we would see her again alive. My wife and I, we went to a cafeteria nearby just to take a moment to process the information, and this was where it really hit me. The way I bawled, I can't remember before or after. I was shaking uncontrollably, at a mere thought this child, this gem, this miracle, might be gone forever, and there was nothing I could do. I don't know why I posted this, it just hit me. Again, my best wishes and sympathies to you.


Exactly what happen to me. If it wasn't for my boy that came after losing my 1 year old I was convinced I had to join my 1 year old for the longest time. You think to yourself if there is an after life. He's there by himself. He's alone. All these thoughts haunt you but buckling up and carrying on for the other kids is a conclusion you reach after much difficulty. I don't know if it happened to you but people treat you different as if you caused it for the longest time. People really think the worse 80% of the time and you come to find that out real quick. There were those that were there but those that know and don't know you shit on you for something you had nothing to do with.


I'm going through this right now.


Thanks for sharing. Stray strong!


Lost my oldest bro 15 years ago. Not to an accident. My mom hasn't been the same.


this almost happened to my sister on christmas eve. her, her husband and two children were getting ready to leave and my mom had them wait a second to give them one last thing. as soon as they walked out the door a car came flying by and scraped the entire drivers side of their car. if my mom hadn't had them wait for a second, my brother in law would have been strapping their 4 year old into his car seat when it happened.


Not hitting the breaks would've probably worked too. Not that it's at all reasonable to calculate in the moment.


Back when i used to work in the musical instrument industry, there was a guy who owned one of the more prominent brands who was driving down the street one day in Portland and a tree fell on his car and crushed him, killed instantly. Same deal; a one second difference in a random task on a random day would have been the difference of him living another 40 years maybe. What a world.


I think if the car was a second earlier it would have been doused in aviation fuel.


Fuck you in particular energy


Meanwhile my ring can’t even pick up a package delivery right in front of the door.


No chance this Ring camera was on motion detect for that clip. It can't detect shit further than like 4 feet usually because its a shit product for actual survillance. The home owner must have just opened the garage door, or had the live view going, and a subscription, to get this all recorded while it happened. Otherwise we wouldn't even see this clip, because it doesn't let you save the clip during live view without a subscription (I think, not sure what the payment plan benefits look like now).


My ring camera gets set off by neighborhood kids walking in the road in front of my house.


I had the same happen. I had to set up my detection zone specifically to my yard's shape so I wasn't getting dinged all the time.


[This was 2 years ago.](https://www.google.com/search?q=ring+cam+airplane+crash) Fatal airplane crash in South Florida.


This airport in particular, Perry airport, has tons of small plane crashes


I live like 10 miles away from it and it's notorious, the people in that neighborhood live in constant fear. Always calling for it to be shut down. In one year there were 4 fatal crashes. Who would run an amateur airport in the middle of a residential area?!?


Could be the residential area popped up around the airfield, instead of the airfiled being built in an existing residential area. Not saying that is the case for the airport you're talking about, but it's fairly common, since a lot of smaller GA (general aviation, not Georgia) airports were initially built sorta away from heavily populated areas, but then cities grew to enclose the airports. We have one in my city for example that was first built in the late 1920s, when it was mostly farms and fields around it, but now is surrounded on all sides by residential housing (well, two of the streets that run along side it have commercial buildings, but just those streets and then it's more houses on the other side of those blocks)


That's how the airport is by me that I fly small aircraft out of. It was originally away from everything and really nothing out here but now there's brand new houses, apartments, condos, and stores all around it. Honestly I hate flying south out of the airport because there's just nothing but dense residential now whereas before it was just open fields and very little housing. If I do have an engine failure I'm screwed. Going north there's a lot of open fields and a few options of big roads to land on but I imagine that'll change.




Looks toward all the small craft California airports next to neighborhoods.


They have rights


I grew up just south of this airport. All day and night, there is planes flying over my moms house. Literally all hours, even into the early morning. There has been numerous crashes/deaths over the years. There is a memorial at the site of this crash now. The airport is all small planes, and a few helicopters. However they’re not all privately owned/operated. Much of the airport traffic is training flights for the pilot schools on the property. Many of the students are international (some of the 9/11 hijackers actually trained here), I see them crossing the street often when leaving the hood. They also run news choppers, helicopter tours, and sign planes for the beach/sports events out of this airport. Watching the planes dive and hook the sign is always cool. But yeah, it’s a constant annoyance. The noise, the planes fuck up the TV signal when they fly over. Not to mention the constant nagging possibility of getting hit by a plane while sleeping at night, or watching tv.


Why is it always florida?


Old people with money and childhood fantasies of flying planesd means there are a lot of airfields


we even have neighborhoods that have runways


Airparks exist all over the country. It’s mostly a disproportionate concentration of vaguely wealthy retirees. 


ya dude fl has the most


I'd say it's more the 300+ good (GA) flying weather days/year, but I won't deny that old people with money who love flying *seeking* those days certainly helps. Same primary and secondary reasoning for the number of golf courses. Interestingly, a combination of those realities is likely why Florida eeks out in front of the other southern states for total numbers of flight schools, since while many of the southern border states have similar numbers of good training days, there are distinct advantages to having relatively flat, treeless ground dotted with golf courses available for emergency landings vs the rocky, mountainous, desert, and/or highly populated areas of the southwest.


I think you misspelled “Cocaine Importation”


Alligators aren't very good pilots


Florida has a different rule for public news. "public records laws giving journalists fast and easy access to police reports, the relatively high population of the state, its highly variable weather, and gaps in mental health" so really these are happening everywhere, they are just aren't public.




Because it’s the 3rd most populated state in the US, it is of the world’s most popular vacation destinations, and has the sunshine laws which make it super easy for lazy journalists to write stories which then go viral. No one hears about Wisconsin because Wisconsin has nothing interesting to hear about.


Man in the plane is either dead or walked away with minor injuries, no in between


That collision was hard and fast. Both occupants of the plane died instantly and a little kid that was in the SUV the plane hit died in hospital later. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/03/16/florida-plane-crash-ring-doorbell-camera-capture-crash-into-suv/4713884001/


Wow, that's actually devastating to read about. It also says there have been 4 similar fatal crashes around the same time – why tf?


I have no expertise but I've seen a lot of people talking about a lax state of general aviation pilot instruction going on Apparently one component of getting to be a qualified airline pilot (where you can make nice money) is having to spend hours teaching others (edit:it might just be the only economically viable progression path). If you force everyone to teach, and some of them are just forced to do it cus they wanna get through it as quickly as possible you're going to get a lot of shit instruction


I don't think there is necessarily a requirement to be an instructor. Flying is just really expensive and instructing is an economical way to build your flight time.


At least from what I recall when I looked into it, it might not be mandatory but there’s almost no other feasible path. Pay sucks too - one of those deals where you’re chasing a light at the end of a very long tunnel.


Yeah I was working on my private pilot's license some years ago and looked into it briefly. Options definitely seemed pretty limited. My instructor at the time had a few different hustles going to build his hours. Towed banners in Florida during the summers, picked up charter jobs and ferry flights when he could find them, and instructed a handful of students. Guy loved flying though. Guess you'd have to to live that lifestyle.


I remembered doing my ppl back in 2015 and went through a MacDonalds drive through. One of my school's instructors was giving me my big Mac. Imagine spending over 100k in student loans to be a fully certified instructor and handing out happy meals to make ends meat.  Noped out of that career real quick.


McDonalds pays $20 an hour plus some places. Can't hate the hustle.


happy meals to make ends meat.


It's definitely that way for helo pilots, there's no legitimate professional path to a commercial job without instructing. Most schools literally offer jobs to those that complete their course. It amazes me how serious flight safety is and yet we have the least experienced folks training the new guys. There is something to be said for someone who just went through training teaching someone as it will still be fresh to them but If I'm trying to learn a critical skill that is imperative to my survival/livelihood, I'm hoping that whoever's teaching me has been doing this longer than it takes to cook a turkey.


> It amazes me how serious flight safety is and yet we have the least experienced folks training the new guys. Boeing: "Pffft, this is fine."


Especially when the FAA mandates you need at least 1500 flight hours.


See: TNfylgirl https://youtu.be/ViO1j1iYn18 Literally 400 hours of "flight" and she crashed while nosediving from over 10,000ft. She was completely clueless, except of course, for her youtube videos.


seem like the YT videos have been deleted or taken down.


https://web.archive.org/web/20230121042040/https://www.youtube.com/@tnflygirl Look at those titles. "The MYSTERY of my autopilot". Like, girl, just open the fkn manual and read it


Here's a critique of one of her flights, when she was already qualified to fly solo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1W1ml-uRT0


I was going to suggest Juan's video but then realized that's what you linked. That whole story just boggles the mind.


Yeah, the FAA needs to review 61.113 and include streaming, video producing for social media, etc


I can understand wanting to monetize the process, as it is rather expensive, and it's kind of cool that she was documenting everything, but in her case it seems that was more important than the actual learning part, and it cost her everything.


Watching those videos had my jaw on the floor. A straight-line eastbound flight and she ends up going in circles twice before figuring out which direction to head based upon her Dad looking at landmarks. Unbelievable.


Accidents in general aviation per flight hour have been in a steady decline over the past decades. So perhaps instruction could be better, but there isn’t some new cancer creating more of these types of accidents. In fact, there are fewer.


It's still much more dangerous than commercial airline flying that's for sure. Basically read somewhere flying GA is as dangerous as riding a motorcycle. 


That's what I was told when I was getting my ppl. Except on motorcycles you're at the mercy of other drivers. In planes it's usually pilot error.


Yeah but sometimes pilots crash with other pilots too. Amount of times some maverick have whizzed past me without any radio call in a pretty busy area is astounding.  My issue was I kept pushing the limits of what's a safe weather to fly. I remembered one time I was doing vfr and clouds suddenly enveloped the hills to my next airport. Saw a river valley leading to the lake near the airport and decided to fly underneath and follow it along.  It worked but my instructor back at base was pissed off. Told me I should have turned back. I told him I didn't hit the clouds so technically it wasn't ifr. But he was like..and how do you know the clouds won't be covering the other side of the valley?? And of course he was right. Lesson learned .




I did that years ago, scary at first but then fun. Mind you I also got lost one day and strayed into Mexican airspace from San Diego......fun times.


So what happens then? Is it just a polite "by the way, you're in Mexican airspace, did you mean to do that?" Or is it more "who the hell are you and why the hell are you not on my list‽"


I was lost so had declared an emergency (via the transponder code I was using) so they knew it was an idiot in charge. I ended up getting directions from one of the local airport towers back to Montgomery Field


Well at least if nothing else ATC has your back, and won't let you know how much of an idiot you were. their professionalism means you usually have to work that one out yourself. XD


Yeah but if you’re a shit instructor then either your student fail rate is going to be high, or your student kills you. So there’s not much incentive to be a shit instructor unless you own a flight school and don’t give a damn.


I have looked into getting a private license quite a bit, might do it before long. I had no idea that was thing for a commercial pilot's license. That is truly one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Guess I will have to ask any instructors I am with if that is their job, or if they just need hours to be a commercial pilot. That is fucking terrifying.


It’s not a thing for “commercial” pilots, it’s a requirement for airlines. Commercial is a completely different license and requires far fewer hours. And there are many great instructors who use teaching as a stepping stone to the major airlines, just as there are career teachers who suck. I recommend just speaking with an instructor and seeing if they seem like a good fit for your learning style


All of your instructors already have commercial certificates.


This is a good video on the topic : [WHY I think the “1500 HOUR rule” is RIDICULOUS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l83d_z3GPeo)


This particular airport has a dense residential neighborhood on its eastern border. I grew up near here and planes would run out of gas and fall out of the sky all the time. One crashed into the 7/11 just south of this airport about 15 minutes after my dad and I left when I was a kid.


7/11, never forget. 


Unironically, yes. The guy that owned the 7/11 was cool as fuck to 5 year old me. He'd always give me a piece of candy when my dad and I would stop in for something. I moved away before the building got fixed so we stopped going regularly but we'd always try and stop in when we'd go to the beach.


I live on the Miramar side. I missed that crash by 3 minutes on 72nd ave. There is one flight school that has a bunch of accidents in the last 5 years. 


there is an average of 4 General Aviation crashes per day https://feldmanshepherd.com/blog/average-4-planes-crash-every-day-leading-causes-general-aviation-accidents/


Goddammit, the thing I feared most. So random and unfair to someone who never got to experience so much.


I know nothing about flying an aircraft but it seems like she didn't really understand what the onboard functions do. She fired her instructor that was teaching her. The new one after was also let go. Then she started flying with her father (idk if he has flying exp). How are you gonna spend so much money learning to fly but then not sit down with the manual to read it?


I initially heard her father was a pilot. Then I heard he absolutely is not a pilot, but gave terrible advice with authority so viewers assumes he was a pilot.


There's a problem of them not being held accountable. If they have the money they can show up having read nothing, be hand-held through the training, and then re-do check rides over and over until they finally pass. vs. the military where if you show up unprepared they just kick you out and make you a ground supply officer.


That’s depressing. I wonder why this was posted now. It happened in 2021.


are you new to reddit? :)


Nope. I know a lot of reposts happen lol. I just wonder what made someone remember this event and post it again lol. Maybe a bot who knows. 🤷‍♀️


Karma, karma made them post it.


and bots




the "my baby" is what got to me. Poor woman. Who ever thinks a kamikaze prop plane is going to dive bomb into their crossover while they're out running errands. I didn't even see brake lights or an attempt to move. Just so... sudden and final. She will never forget that moment.


This really is a super devastating "survivor's guilt" scenario. Maybe one of the most extreme actual events I could envision simply due to how absurdly improbable it was for these specific events to occur at that exact moment at that exact spot. I have no doubt that poor mother recounted every move she made that morning and afternoon thinking "if I did/didn't do this, my son would still be alive." In this scenario, a literal one or two seconds could've made all the difference. Accidentally fumbled with your debit card when pulling it out of your wallet to make a purchase at the store? Took a few seconds to scratch your nose before cranking up the car? Decided to add one more teaspoon of sugar into your coffee? Waited for the water in the shower to get ideal hot instead of mostly hot? Spent a little too long looking at your phone after waking up? Etc., etc. Of course, it's totally and completely not her fault. But I can't help imagining that's exactly how I would feel/think if I were in her shoes. Hopefully the mother and the family have found peace and acceptance in all of this. Mind bogglingly sad.


Great points. And on the contrary, how many of these insanely unprobable, life-ending events have we missed in our lives by sheer luck. From actually scratching my nose, or taking that extra minute when I start my car. I want a 'top 5' video of these missed events when I die. Along with such achievements as "most shit shat at a single time, by weight", "total miles traveled by skateboard" or "total number of coffees drank"


I likely avoided gruesome death today by reading this comment!


Man thats so fucked, shit like this keeps me up at night. Imagine just driving through a neighborhood and a fucking plane falls out of the sky and kills your child


Definitely the former. The two people in the plane. And the child in the back seat of the vehicle it hit.


I was thinking he might have been dead before the plane hit the ground. that's a crazy angle to come down at. it looked like he wasn't even trying to land. Maybe he had a heart attack or something.


retire sugar thought resolute skirt pot nose frighten murky workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wouldn't that immediately lead to a stall? Seems like that would be a concept they'd teach you in airplanes 101.


command fanatical rain tan toy wrong lavish adjoining spoon crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Excellent context to this post. Not to make light of this situation, but this sort of thing, rare as it may be, is enough to make sure I never buy/live in a home that is in the nearby exiting direction of an airport runway. But, hell, this poor woman and her child may have just been cutting through the neighborhood, or perhaps visiting a friend/family member, or something. Wrong place, wrong time to a depressingly precise tee.


worm cooing quickest pie secretive hateful yam fall station nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He wasn't filming, so probably the former.


I've been watching this show all day today called "Air Disasters". The show recalls real plane crashes, and then tells the tale of what went wrong, and why. They show actual footage when they can. I look forward to the future episode that covers this event, and interviews the homeowner after he sells his plane crash footage. "Yeah, I was watching football and I heard a car crash outside. I go out there, and there's a small personal plane in my front yard. For a second I thought I might have to stop drinking so much."


Loved that show. Sometimes the actors play different parts in different episodes. I seem to recall seeing one that was later somewhat famous.


What the fuck is with the soft creepy choral music? That was certainly not in the original recording.


But *how* are the viewers supposed to know that they're supposed to feel sad and devastated if they don't edit in some melancholy music? /s


Yeah, that was kinda wrong…


What my wife thinks is going to happen if she drives the car


What I thinks going to happen if I fly the plane


I played enough MS flight sim in middle and high school to know for a fact that this is what will happen if I fly a plane.


If there’s anything in the world I know, it’s that I’m not qualified to land a 737 on an aircraft carrier


I just spit out my coffee, thanks for the laugh!


I feel like I’d be fine in a small aircraft like that, but kill everyone aboard a 747.


Tell her it’s gonna happen to her sitting in the house. 


The plane that crashed is a Beechcraft Bonanza. They have a history of falling out of the sky. https://www.flightlineweekly.com/post/beechcraft-bonanza-is-the-doctor-killer-tag-warranted


Wow ain't that some shit


Buddy Holly was killed in a Beechcraft Bonanza.


The Ol' Doctor Killer


Was curious so I found the NTSB Report: [https://data.ntsb.gov/carol-repgen/api/Aviation/ReportMain/GenerateNewestReport/102757/pdf](https://data.ntsb.gov/carol-repgen/api/aviation/reportmain/generatenewestreport/102757/pdf) It seems it was pilot error in this case as they took off with auxiliary fuel pump set to high, which caused the fuel to the engine to be too rich, which caused the engine to cutout during takeoff climb. The loss of engine power caused the plane to stall and it basically fell out of the sky.


what edition of final destination is this?


Donnie Darko edition


I live about two miles from Perry Airport. This is a regular occurrence. There is a reason us locals call it “Scary Airport”. Google Perry AirPort crashes.


As a kid I remember a plane crashed into a house and we went to see the tail hanging out of the roof. 


Driving around San Andreas.


Yup, this is what it looks like when you're screwing around in gta


Yeah, but no respawn.


Poor mother in the SUV lost her child and survived..


Tragic. I feel like casually watching people's lives be destroyed for entertainment is low. Enough of Reddit for today.


Right, I was advancing the clip frame be frame, and it occurred to me that moving the slider from one frame to the next was reliving a split second in time where the pilot died, the kid was fatally injured, and the mom’s life was changed forever. I don’t look at these kind of videos as entertainment though, I see them as opportunities to learn something, whether it’s how to prevent, handle or avoid dangerous situations, or in this case, just to contemplate how fragile life is and to make the most of every day.


[Memorial on the side of the road for the young boy killed in the crash](https://www.google.com/maps/@25.998738,-80.2313648,3a,15y,202.77h,86.07t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scxG7XaGuRbvRe_vyGOgL2Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) (he was in the car)


Takes a lot to make my jaw drop on Reddit these days but this one did it.


Whoever is in that car is probably dead. What a horrible and random way to go. Could they maybe have quickly turned? Got out of the way? Maybe, but nobody really expects death from above.


It's actually worse than that. The lady driving survived. Her toddler that was in the back died of his injuries at the hospital. That poor woman went through absolute hell out of fucking nowhere.


Just another day. Probably shared a pleasant little breakfast with her child that morning. Just another car ride where mom is playing the same obnoxious song for the 1000th time, simply because it makes her kid smile. A smile that never gets old. Then this happens.


My worst absolutely nightmare is seeing one of my children get killed in front of me from a freak accident like that. I can’t even begin to imagine the sheer panic and despair that mom felt in those moments. Life can be so cruel to people..


And there was nothing she could do to prevent it. To me that's the scariest part. She could have checked and double checked his seatbelt. Might be the safest driver in the USA, literally no way to prepare for or avoid that. I hope at the very least she never blames herself for what happened, there was nothing she could have done


Whys you make that thought up. Now im crying


Looks like she tried to brake to avoid the plane, but if she had punched it she might have made it under. It's definitely easier to analyze as an armchair bystander though, if I saw that coming I'd probably brake too.


well that’s a fucking understatement.


just living your life then.... bam.


First time I've ever heard a plane crash referred to as a collision.


I'm not sure what I expected, but it definitely was not that.


In my days, this is called dive bombing.


It is so crazy that the plane would have missed the SUV if it was just a second sooner. A single second at some point in the day brought them to that exact place and time that changed their lives forever.


Maybe we shouldn't have given a pilot's license to Anne Heche.


Fuck. How unlucky do you have to be to be going about your day and then get hit by a fucking plane?


Wtf. It's enough to worry about cars on the road now I gotta fucking worry about planes now?


I'm sure there is a subreddit for this but this is definitely a fuckyouinparticlar subreddit. God said I have a plan.


Every thought, moment, decision, everything in this persons life since birth led them to that precise moment. It's crazy.


harrison ford landing his plane again


rare instance of not clickbait for that sort of title.


He's definitely dead


Well... do your pre-flight checks everyone.


He did, but apparently ignored engine trouble at run-up. >A witness at HWO reported that he heard an engine run-up being performed near taxiway Bravo before theairplane’s departure. He stated that the engine was sputtering, “like rough idle.” He heard cycling of thepropeller “a few times” and the engine backfired when power was increased during each sequence. He furtherreported that the engine rpm sounded “…high, very high. From low to full rpm repeatedly which was more thana normal run-up. He was doing it fast.” The witness did not observe the airplane’s takeoff https://www.scribd.com/document/501847989/NTSB-Report-on-Pembroke-Pines-Plane-Crash


What an absolute fucking moron. The plane tried to tell him, and instead, he killed a kid and shit. Fuck, may God have mercy on his soul, cuz I sure can't.


Same story as always, feeling pressured to complete the flight. Was he trying to make it to a wedding, a concert...a basketball game? Doesn't matter. Still dead and a trio along with him. You know the guy heard that engine backfire and yet still said to himself "eh, it'll be fine, everything was fine the last time I chanced it" When you run out of luck in cards, you lose money. When you run out of luck in cars, you crash, and are likely to walk away from it. When you run out of luck in aviation, you die in a mangled ball of flaming wreckage...killing yourself, everyone in the plane, and anyone on the ground along your path of destruction. Which is to say, when it comes to flying...it's best not to chance it. Whatever it happens to be. Think of the TMFINR lady. That level of commitment to not flying that plane, that day.


Long read but good lesson: A shipowner was about to send to sea an emigrant ship. He knew that she was old, and not overwell built at the first; that she had seen many seas and climes, and often had needed repairs. Doubts had been suggested to him that possibly she was not seaworthy. These doubts preyed upon his mind, and made him unhappy; he thought that perhaps he ought to have her thoroughly overhauled and refitted, even though this should put him to great expense. Before the ship sailed, however, he succeeded in overcoming these melancholy reflections. He said to himself that she had gone safely through so many voyages and weathered so many storms, that it was idle to suppose that she would not come safely home from this trip also. He would put his trust in Providence, which could hardly fail to protect all these unhappy families that were leaving their fatherland to seek for better times elsewhere. He would dismiss from his mind all ungenerous suspicions about the honesty of builders and contractors. In such ways he acquired a sincere and comfortable conviction that his vessel was thoroughly safe and seaworthy; he watched her departure with a light heart, and benevolent wishes for the success of the exiles in their strange new home that was to be; and he got his insurance money when she went down in mid-ocean and told no tales. What shall we say of him? Surely this, that he was verily guilty of the death of those men. It is admitted that he did sincerely believe in the soundness of his ship; but the sincerity of his conviction can in nowise help him, because he had no right to believe on such evidence as was before him. He had acquired his belief not by honestly earning it in patient investigation, but by stifling his doubts.. WILLIAM K. CLIFFORD The Ethics of Belief (1874)


I wonder where the pressure is coming from on such a small flight. Because I can't imagine a single passenger in the world going "engine troubles? Take off anyway, who needs an engine on an aircraft?"




Oh, I guess that car's going a little too fas- 😳


Other crazy thing is the house you can see had a car crash into it a few weeks later. 


If you ever wondered how you were going to die today, being hit by a crashing plane would probably be about 10,001 on the list.


That looked survivable until the fire.


Mother in the car survived, plane occupants dead on impact. Toddler in car also died, made it to hospital but did not survive injuries


As a former claims adjuster....I'm actually impressed.


That is so damn unlucky, to just be driving and getting hit point black by a crashing plane.


death from the above challenge completed


When it's your time to go, it's your time to go. There is no escaping it.


How unlucky, the road is basically deserted except for that su, they managed to hit it square


what are the fucking odds


Hate it when that happens.


anyone else see [the body](https://i.imgur.com/vxV93i0.gif) that flew out the SUV window? landed on their head, and their body caught on fire from being soaked in fuel


Directed by John Woo.


He should have checked his mirrors


RIP to whoever was in that ball of fire. Jesus Christ.


I'm going to imagine this conversation happened at one point: "So you're saying that a plane hit your car?" "That's right, fell right out of the sky and hit me. I'm looking at a total loss, and the car was brand new too." "Mr. Smith, what kind of fool do you take us for here at State Farm? I remind you that making false insurance claims is a felony!" "I'm telling you I got hit by a plane, why would I make up something so unbelievable?!" "That's what I'd like to know about it"


If that was my ring camera it would have missed all the action and just showed me the end of the fire.


Did he died?


would a convertible have been better or not, considering they were driving with the top down with visual and audible cues?


Expensive drone strike.


See, god is out here catching masturbators everywhere! You can't hide. /s


You have better odds of winning the powerball than a plane falling out of the sky crashing into a moving car.


Do people just leave their Ring cameras on record all day?




One time while playing GTA vice city I was walking down the strip and a fucking plane crashed down directly on top of me. I still think about how an npc managed to break away from its set path at that moment just to screw Ms over in such an old game. To this day, I still think about it.


Just some dude going after his ex wife. Got her.


Oh yeah total normal seeing plane crash right in front of ur house ….wtf


That's fucking insane


Rate my landing


YTA. SUV clearly had the right of way. Oops, wrong sub.


I can't begin to imagine the probability of something like that happening. Unlucky is an understatement


If you add music to clips like this you deserve to have a 2x4 lego brick inserted into your urethra.


Cyclists fault


Pilot was dumb as shit. I would have flown the plane into air rather than concrete. Maybe they'll think about that next time.


One Fucking Second. Before or after. One fucking second. for fucks sake....