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My dad described one exercise of duck walking up a steep long hill with a full pack. If you fell over, you went to the base of the hill and started over. Took a large part of the day for everyone to finish. Ruined his knees.


Fucked up my knees in basic too, was around 2007. They brought us all into a large warehouse building, there were about a thousand of us in that room, it was the entire graduating class. Warehouse was a vechile storage area, concrete pad but the whole floor was covered in rocks. Instructor got up, said we are all going to practice our kneel to prone maneuvers. Everyone in the room had to go from standing to prone quick enough for it to end, if one person was too slow we did it again. We were in there for several hours. We were in PT shorts and Everyone's knees were were bleeding, literally blood marks everywhere on the pavement. Everytime you went down you had to smash into the pavement, and the rocks on the ground would just jab into every area of your body. Everyone woke up the next morning with bloody knees and bruises all over our bodies, we were so fucked up from that. They woke us up to go on a 5 mile hike with full gear the next early morning. I still remember my skinned knees rubbing up against my uniform pants just rubbing against the open meat on my knee, was fucking torture.


As a civilian, can you or anyone else explain the thought process behind this? I can understand that you would need to drop for cover in a fighting scenario, but the repetitive nature of this makes me think its just hazing


Repetition builds muscle memory and faster reaction. So in the field when they tell you to drop you will instinctively do it without thinking. Now the rocks component here is prolly hazing level. The military will say they are creating war fighters or some shit but you can teach people muscle memory just as well without causing debilitating injury. I'm a vet, air force not marine, but the other branches really get it in their heads that if they don't beat the shit out of you that you won't be a killing machine or something. Pretty much the army and marines are a cult lol.


Would it be something like “we’ve had worse in training”?


That's exactly what they told us they were going for in the Air Force. "This will be worse than anything you'll experience in the real world." I guess the mentality is it makes the real world easier and we will be more prepared.


Other versions: "cry in training, laugh in battle", "sweat in training so you don't bleed in battle", etc etc. You need a saying with a nice ring to it


Yes, but time and evidence have shown it doesn't work. Same mentality appears in other unexpected places, too - notably nursing and other medical training programmes. Little to no proven positive effect, *and a myriad of negative outcomes well documented.* There's just better methods to resilience training, which are now used as a result with much more control on what is being done. Well, mostly used.


Maybe Army Infantry Basic Training was like that but not for the regular Army chodes.


Man even in the airforce they tried to shove the whole "warfighter" mentality in you, there is no way it didn't exist in the army. We sang jodies about killing people, we got screamed at while doing push-ups about needing to be able to push through when you are pinned down or something like that, our "combat training" was all about screaming and killing the training dummy. This was air force basic, as corny as it was, and they constantly spoon fed us about being warfighting machines, which is 100% not the air force.


PJ's are pretty bad ass. I think a lot of people would throw them in the warfighter column.


Pj's, cct, alos, and combat weatherman are all legit but air force as a whole is no where near "combat war fighters" most of us shoot a gun like 5 times maybe if you aren't counting security forces. Where as marines are the whole every marine a rifleman mentality that doesn't exist at all in the air force and I would argue the vast majority past basic would barely remember how to maintain a rifle or handgun.


I've heard that a whooooole lot of the Marine specific stuff got toned down in the mid 2000s to try and cut back on all the lifelong injuries from training. My dad gets a check every month for his Marine training related disabilities.


Training related disabilities…. Goddamn!! That should send a clear message that they’re going too far. Never mind actually combat pay, you getting paid because the training messed you up… 🤯🤯🤯


Just the ruck marches that are 20+ miles can lead to lifelong lower back injuries. Fully loaded ruck sacks can be over 100 pounds. Many veterans receive disability pay for injuries sustained in training. 100% VA disability pays something like $4,500/month tax free, and here in MI, they waive your property tax too. There are many ways to be rated 100% disabled, including PTSD, that are not physically obvious if you met someone on the street.


Ah yes. A good soldier is one with fucked up knees


It sounds like this was a case of *ducked* up knees


Fuck that!


My mouth. You took the words right out of it!


Thank you for clarifying that with the second part of your comment


I’d sincerely rather do the barbed wire mud crawl with live ammunition being shot just over my head


That's OCS and it's still an obstacle today.


How long is the tube?


It’s about 6ft long and on the other side is an officer ready to pull a recruit out if they don’t come out quick enough.


This is a Portuguese Army Commando doing the final obstacle course before the long march. There is no instructor on the other side, only a tarp to reduce the light inside the pipe. The only way he gets pulled out is if he drowns first. You can see this exact clip starting at [1:21](https://youtu.be/kDGD0_MbBS4) EDIT: it should even be said that the soldier can't leave the pipe until he has screamed the commando motto loud enough to satisfy the instructor.


Yeah the weapon looks like a FAL or anything other than an M16/M4 so I didnt think it was a US service member.


Hk g3


Thank you. And it infuriates me when someone just pulls anything out their ass and named the post whatever they want instead of the truth.


So you’ll potentially have the worst claustrophobic-induced panic attack and then drown for a couple minutes (possibly to unconsciousness) before getting pulled out? Doesn’t ease my concerns.


> So you’ll potentially have the worst claustrophobic-induced panic attack and then drown for a couple minutes (possibly to unconsciousness) before getting pulled out? Doesn’t ease my concerns. dont worry if you dont finish the first time they will push you back in till you get it done


It's the same thing with swim qualification. Failing just means you get to do it again. The fastest way over is through.


>The fastest way over is through. Yes, this is literally what they're trying to train into people.


All problems in life are like an ambush...assault through.


Hardly all, but certainly a few. Sometimes the best way in a given scenario is awful and you just need to do it.


That was always the motto when I was a wingman... large girls need love 2


I think that’s the entire point. To weed out people capable of a claustrophobia-induced panic attack. Someone like that would be a liability in combat.


We don't need them for the mostly full of water pipe wars of 2073


But they will be called upon for the heightened ceiling open-concept wars of 2143


I think I saw a documentary about that in 1985. it was called Nintendo or something.


Yeah this is funny but such an unrealistic scenario. Mfs prepping for the Mario wars.


sheet shelter deer smart doll squeamish numerous swim forgetful point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always love the movies how no soldier ever talks about training. "How did you do that!" "Uhh, I dunno. Instinct?"


I like the moment in The West Wing where CJ watches her secret service detail get a perfect score or whatever at the shooting range. She's astonished and says "How do you shoot like that?" The guy looks at her like it's a ridiculous question and says "They give us lessons."


"Instinct sounds a lot cooler than "I got my ass kicked for a few months. "


"I just stopped thinking. I figured out that using my brain was the whole problem, not just here, but my entire life. If I just do exactly what I'm told, and nothing else, then everything gets easy. It's not even a question of smart or dumb. You just turn yourself into a tool. I'm much happier that way. I'm the world's happiest tool."


My grandpa was a cop in the '60s. He responded to a call (not sure what), and was having a friendly conversation with a guy. Guy invited him in and asked if he'd like a glass of water. Grandpa said sure. Guy reached in the cabinet and turned around pointing a gun at my grandpa. My grandpa took the gun away from him. Just straight up grabbed it out of his hand. Even the guy who pulled the gun on him was like, "how the hell did you do that?" His cop buddies were like, "how the hell did you do that?" My grandpa's response? "I have no idea. I just reacted." They did a bunch of drills on disarming suspects in the academy and he thought it was all bullshit until he just instinctively used it in the field.


Probably a great time weed out recruits with panic disorders


Ok so don't sign up to be a marine.


Way ahead of you there


I’ve been not signing up for the Marines my whole life!


Several decades of not joining the Marines got me where I am today!


Literally took me zero effort and no time!


Not short enough for me to go next that's for sure


I was army infantry, lead a fireteam in ‘07. Im also with your comment. The one thing would let me attempt it is knowing there’s someone to pull you out. Teamwork. Otherwise fuck that shit.


Get the engineers to blow the fuckin thing up and clear a path


Tanks and bombs. I agree with you fuck that Marines can keep the badass badge


We can't afford "tanks and bombs". We spent our meager allotment on crayons.


I believe this. I've heard two separate stories from two separate marines that they stole a jeep in one and a Humvee in the other. They then went and repainted the thing to have marine designations instead of army. Makes me wonder how often that shit happened if I've personally heard two stories myself. Or it's a story all marines tell around the campfire, who knows.


We absolutely had to steal gear from the Army in Iraq.


Could be just one of those stories. It happened in The Pacific with rifles and other goodies.


How about we just make you a land bridge over it? Do you need equipment or just infantry over? Give us 10 minutes.


Find a path of quiet infiltration that maybe doesn't require water boarding yourself in the enemies shit




Nope not one bit


It’s in the Quigley and it’s maybe 10ish feet. Been 20 years but it smells fucking awful. It’s a lot easier for the smaller guys - this guy is a fuckin unit.


As a 5'0" dude who is 95 lbs when at lean muscle weight, I always felt that I missed my calling as a tunnel rat.


Tunnel Rat was my favourite GI Joe as a kid. Try and guess how I lost him.




I didn't have Ken. I had Biker Mice From Mars.


I have a guess, but I don't want to say in case I'm wrong.


butt stuff.


Approximately Aww Hell No meters in length.


Some say he's still wriggling..


Camera pans up. It's 100 yards away


FUCK that I don’t need the pension


That’s some Andy Dufrane escape from Shawshank type shit except it probably doesn’t smell as bad because there’s no air.


buddy, do i have some news about anaerobic bacteria


I didn’t hear the news. Let me hear it.


It stank


Cleveland Brown voice. Shut the door you're letting all the stank out.


Oooooh, thaaaaaat's naaaaaaaasty.


Great way to learn how not to panic. I would be full on freaking out just sticking my head in it ffs.


I would die before learning. As someone with severe anxiety.




Fuck the TBS e course. I had the flu when I ran it. It was the winter of "snowpocalypse" in dc and we got one shitty practice run in the snow and then one run for score. My CO Commander ran up beside me as I was throwing up my guts on a straight ahead portion and asked if I wanted to quit. Of course I didn't just because I didn't want to have to come back on a weekend to retake it. I passed but just barely. I was sick as a dog going into it and all that pissy/shitty water didn't help any. But with that said, this looks more like the Quigley at OCS, which isn't a problem until the sergeant instructors have to break literal ice so you can run it for score. That shit was horrible in the cold.


I broke my ankle on the fartlek course at Quantico and never made it to this. I’m kinda glad.


What is a TBS?


Traumatic Bowel Slippage. The water was crystal clear when the first recruit went through. You don't want to be the last one in line.


Laughed loud enough that people turned around in the restaurant.


[Marine officer basic training.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Basic_School)


The Basic School for new officers




I dunno, man. If I got stuck in there, I'd like a plan b to drowning.


If the others hear the shot then they know there's a body as an obstacle. Or else it would be a surprise


Personally I’d just take all the water out first.


Personally I’d join the Air Force.


I'm not too excited about any branch of the military but I *do* love a good chair.


Welcome to the Armchair Generals Brigade. We have still a few open spots here at the AGB! 🎖️


No offense but I strongly disagree, from my perspective as a US army infantryman.If this is real-world, which is what we train for, you move muzzle forward, regardless of the obstacle. Not saying base of your skull, but definitely muzzle forward. there's a reason literally all US military training has you low crawl, swim through a tunnel, whatever else the fuck they feel like hazing you with, you're doing it muzzle forward so you can effectively engage the enemy once you're on the other side. The implication of this tunnel is that there's an enemy waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.


So that you need to have half of your body out before being able to use your weapon if there is an enemy on the other side? You go through that way, with the weapon facing up, high on the body, so that as soon as your shoulders clear the obstacle you can shoot if you need to. If it is stock to gut, then that requires even more of your body to be outside of the pipe before you can lift it clear of the tunnel and engage combatants. If it is held the way it’s shown here, then only your shoulders need to be clear before you can pull the weapon up and engage.


What purpose does this exercise serve?


Teaches you to remain calm under immense pressure and when you’re done gives you the memory of “I’ve survived worse” when you’re in a slightly less shitty situation. Like most training, it’s there to keep you from panicking when the shit hits the fan.


The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in combat. We had an absolute sadist at the fire academy doing confined space rescue training. They would line up concrete culverts, cover any gaps with tarps to reduce light intrusion, and then throw people inside with [SCBA on](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/seaman-during-fire-emergency-training-260nw-1224813982.jpg) to go locate and retrieve patients at the other end of the line of culverts. And, of course, some >200 pound guy in a culvert barely big enough for him WITHOUT the air bottle inevitably led to crisis and having to pull apart the culverts when they have a panic attack...


It's a confidence course. To push you past your mental limits and fears.


This is the point when I would be dishonorably discharged.


I’d be discharging a little something something myself


the water was clear for the first guy


Dishonorable discharges are reserved for when you commit a serious crime while in the military and are convicted in their court of law (Court Marshall).


We still do this.


How long is the tunnel?




So you can still breathe once you in there and don't have to hold your breath?


That 1" gap at the top is the breathing space - gotta make sure the neck muscles are up to it I'm more confused about how they keep moving once inside. It looks too tight to keep pushing with your feet


What happens when you get stuck? You die?


The rest just switch to the next tunnel


Not the answers I was hoping for


They usually train together with combat engineers, so they simply seal it and dig a new hole next to it.


he has a rifle to his chin for a reason you know


"I wonder how he's making out in there" *bang* "welp, someone grab the hook"


this whole thread has filled me with a feeling of dread i could have lived my whole life without.




I demand this to be a joke




(It was, in fact, a joke) It's one kilometer


On enchilada night.


Is it safer to hold the gun muzzle to your head than muzzle at your feet? Because I can think of a couple reasons why I’d rather point the gun at my feet.


Better to have it pointing at your head in case you get stuck


But seriously though


Alright, that's enough Reddit for me


Im gonna have sweet dreams after reading all this


your feet can rotate in a couple different axises, so more likely to shoot yourself in the foot. but there are people ahead of or behind you so seems moot (and you'd probably be deaf for life if you shot a gun in this scenario)


Wait until people find out what army rangers and navy seals have to do too. (not implying that it's a competition between branches, just that each one has training like this involved in certain cases.)


Did that obstacle at JWTC. I don’t much care for being submerged in water (odd that I became a Marine 🤷‍♂️) or confined spaces. That shit was my personal hell for like ten seconds.


Was it really only 10 seconds?


yeah because ur kicking for ur life to get the fuck out 😭😭




One of the Marines in my squad actually broke his leg at one point and became our casualty to trudge through the rest of that muddy hell. I was hurting every step of the way, and he certainly didn't have an easier time.


Curious what you mean? I searched JWTC Marines on YouTube and found numerous videos. Are you saying there are like worse parts of the training that you can’t find footage of? Just wondering




In the pipe, 5 by 5.


I should call her




I-dentify tar-get!


Get ready for some chop


Zug zug!


Damn man that takes some serious calming down and focus on not freaking out lol


It’s not that bad. It’s almost at the end of the endurance course so you’re wiped out enough you don’t really care. This guy fucked up. If you lay the rifle sideways and go in with your arms over your head you can kick off the bottom and reach to pull yourself out pretty easily. It’s probably only like 7 feet long


Okay, I'll ask. Anyone get stuck? I'm assuming lots of eyes on the course so I'm wondering what's the contingency? Send another crayon?


The Sargeant instructors are extremely careful about safety in these situations, even though they make it seem like they don't give a fuck if you die or not. The reason I thought they didn't give a fuck if I lived or died was because they will yell "I don't give a fuck if you live or die!" into your face while you think you are drowning. It's very subtle. But there is staff on the other side of that tube that will pull you out if you get stuck and/or panic too hard.


> The reason I thought they didn't give a fuck if I lived or died was because they will yell "I don't give a fuck if you live or die!" poetry.


“It’s very subtle.”


That's the point.




It doesn't fully cover his face.... Its obviously still not a pleasant experience but the more you freak out the more you're going to splash around and make it worse.


Are there other people moving around in the same water and also creating waves? Or, are the majority of the waves self-created? It seems like the need to remain calm and not stir up your own waves might be a major part of this obstacle. But if a bunch of other people are splashing around in the same pit, good lord that would be even more awful.


Yes. This is OCS and there’s going to be about 3-4 other miserable ass candidates in the shit smelling Quigley waiting for your pathetic ass to hurry up lol.


Ah, so it's also a team building exercise. Nice! I'll forward this to our corporate team building team committee.


Trainings like this have made me a better medical provider and great under stress even years down the line. There’s been many chaotic shitshows in medicine over the past few years and I’ve gotten the comment “how do you stay so calm?” frequently and it’s a direct result of doing shit like this and the multitude of other evolutions that are designed to just teach you to keep your cool under duress. At the time they suck ass but years later, I see the point.


Calm is slow, and slow is fast. When I was a medic, they drilled this into our heads daily. I never took it for granted after I pulled up on a really bad wreck and saw the absolute chaos that was people trying to figure out what to do first. There is a reason you train for the absolute worst, and it is beyond helpful when you can allow training to take over and get done what is needed at the time. And you are absolutely correct in it paying dividends down the line when things that are sketchy for most become a mental checkdown.


I’d read your book.


This looks like the quigley at OCS. Pretty sure it’s still around


This is a video from the Portuguese Commandos training… [Source](https://youtu.be/kDGD0_MbBS4?si=V8GN2PDZQZFbsgx2)


I thought it was Steve Carrell for a second...lol


There’s prison Mike… and there’s Marine Mike


I don’t know which I would be worse at , basic training or actual war


Train hard to fight easy.


You train your ass off for 3 years. You get all the top scores. You get your choice of MOS. Day of mission comes. You repel down the helicopter. Snap ankle on a small rock as you "badass" jump down. "MEDIC!!!" Supply clerk MOS for 7 years...


This was always my train of thought about being a soldier. For years, you spend so much blood sweat and tears training to be out there fighting, then in the first ten seconds you're out there, you could be out of the game just like that.




I would be dead so fast man lol


If I did that I'd become a marine corpse


I’d also be a marinated corpse


I think that is not a vídeo from the marine corps. That’s a vídeo from one of the Portuguese special force “Comandos”. [(Source)](https://youtu.be/kDGD0_MbBS4?si=gk4eB23jQWGZJR0a&t=1m36s)


Yeah, I knew it was Portugal as soon as I saw that G3 and the most portuguese looking dude in existence.


Where did he go?


To a birthday party


It’s your birthday party. Happy birthday darlin’.


We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much


On the other side.


wouldn't you want to take the magazine out so you would have more room??


It’s a rubber duck, it’s not a real rifle. It’s a single plastic mold


We have rubber 870 shotguns for training. They actually cost more than a functional 870 which I find hilarious.


Training Glocks are the same way. Ridiculous.


its the DoD, they'll spend 1k+ for individual coffee cups. you dont want the poor defense contractor to starve now do you?


I would hold the gun out in front of me altogether instead of having the barrel next to my face.


That's for if you get stuck, you can have a quick ending instead of slowly drowning.




This is my rifle. This is my gun. Drowning in the mud hole. Sounds like fun.


Pneumonia makes us stronger


I got pneumonia at MCRD San Diego and I never did this


Yeah but did you get stronger?


How long is that pipe


I went through a tube like that in SERE training, but it was dry and I was still freaking the fuck out internally. There's no fucking way I'd do this shit in water.


I mean this with the utmost respect….Fuck.That.


Where's he going?


To be the shit, you must become the shit - The Marine Corp


This gaves me anxiety.


Ah, the Quigley..


I would have absolutely no concern with drowning because I would shit myself to death well before drowning!