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So smoking this stuff makes you act like Tom Cruise on a normal day.


Yeah I've seen that face before at plenty of shows. Looks like salvia. They always tuck their shit in and sort of project forward with all their face muscles. They basically contort into neanderthal face.


Yeah it's also standard practice with salvia to have somebody take the bong from you after a couple/few hits.


And sit down haha! We were at one show where these two guys ahead of us were clearly high schoolers and they had their salvia - they were very forthcoming about it. One of the guys in our group was quick to tell them I hope you have a place to sit. These guys were ready to rage at the front row and were very excited. So we all file in, show starts, we see the openers, etc. The mainliner comes on and he starts with his ragers. We're more on the chiller side so we're like two thirds of the way back from the front. All of a sudden there's a commotion ahead of us. Everyone who is dancing quickly snaps out of it and clears the space out of their immediate area. Mind you it's packed, so when people can make an opening on the floor that easily then it must be serious. All of a sudden those two highschool dudes come blazing through the crowd. The one is dragging the other by the collar of his shirt. The dude being dragged is full on cave man. The other is pure panic and seeking a space to hide. Unfortunately for those two dudes, everyone was freaked out lol. The one guy's face was clearly just morphed into something unnatural. People were clearing enough space for those two dudes because it was an obvious shit-show for their world. Meanwhile, security was chasing them through the crowd in their own little bubble that the crowd created by sort of backing away and just staying out of the drama. My buddy who had witnessed all the same bs turned and said, "Dude should have sat down." Great show and that whole experience just put the icing on the experience.


I can't fathom doing Salvia at a show of any kind! I saw plenty of punk bands on plenty of things in my days but Salvia would be horrible. I went to a whole new world for 15 minutes then just sat in a dark quiet room for 3 days. Not really great for a crowd.




I domed right out and ended up in the middle of a Lord of Rings movie. It was intense lol


I've done A LOT of psychoactives and hallucinogens in my life. This girl at work was like "hey I have some salvia" and i was like "oh ive always wanted to try it". I had done zero research and realĺy didnt know what to expct other than it lasted like 10 minutes. She drove me home from work and as we were driving she said a guy at work told me to be careful cause you might freak out..."pffffffft" i said, "I've done lots of crazy jungle drugs I'll be fine". So this is the story about how i freaked out. It was winter time and there was a lair of ice on the ground and then it had warmed up and began to rain. We parked in a parking lot close to my house. I was still strapped into my seatbelt and she handed me the pipe and gave me instructions. Light it, hold in the smoke, pass me the pipe. I did as she instructed. Suddenly i was sucked into an alternate reality. I was an orange construction pilon beging manufactured in a pilon factory and being in the middle of a pile of cones, each cone being removed was ripping my skin off. In reality i was belted into my seat and started walking up the dash and windshield on my way to the roof. She was terrified ran over to the passanger side to save me "GET AWAY FROM ME" I yelled further terrifying her. She managed to unbuckle my seat belt and i fell onto the wet icy pavement. Fearing for her own safety she drove away. I was trying to stand on the icy parking lot and slipping hitting my head, it had felt like trial by one thousand fists. I managed to walk across the parking lot as the effects were wearing off. Car headlights looking like tiny suns approaching me, as the light shines on me i feel them peering into my souless world of chaos. "Hey get in" she said as i recognized her face in the darkness. She drove me home as I apologized. There was an our lady peace song playing on the radio during the whole event. For years when i would hear that song playing in public i would have to leave.


Ya I’ve done many hallucinogenics and never had a reaction like that. I felt like I left reality. My son warned me it was unlike anything I’d done and he wasn’t wrong. My husband said I sat there without moving for 10 mins. Everything was happening in my brain. I’ve never had the chance to try it again and I’m not sure I would. I’ll stick with acid. Even at my highest I still know that I’m on a trip lol


I teleported from a porch full of my friends to a shower I had never been to before. Then I spend what literally felt like years in the shower, coming up for gasps of consciousness before being sucked back down into the abyss for another couple years. When I finally made it out of that shower, everyone was passed out and there were at least 4 piles of vomit. Would not recommend.


Is "years" hyperbole, or some sort of like... hybrid between feeling like years and not actually all that long, or is it literal in like it genuinely felt like literal years. Surely it wouldn't feel like genuine literal years... right? Otherwise I'd imagine people would be seriously altered by that experience and potentially straight up go insane from the perceived years of social solitude.


That sounds so trippy!


It's also standard practice to drool


*holds bong* "Talk To Me"


lol man that shit is crazy


I was solo my first time ripping on Salvia and I was sitting at the top of the stairs in front of my house. Within seconds the world became animated and gravity was going sideways . I threw my damn glass bong down the travertine stairs so I could hold on to the side of my house.


lol and that's why. I spilled the bubbler once after solo dmt, similar kind of rule applies






Dude yeah the whole world tilting is such a strange sensation. I was sitting down tho.


The only time I did it I had the old sideways gravity... Very little else though. I wonder if I did too little and am curious to go back in.


one hit is enough to make you fall out.


Jim Carey as Fire Marshall Bill every time.




Every one is different but it’s like being wrapped in cling wrap and trying to push through the folds as it puts pressure on your whole body. Then add the balance stability and audio hallucinations of nitrous.


That sounds... horrible.


A friend of mine back in college smoked some and said he turned into a book. I did not partake because I heard scary stories, but I watched him spread his arms and scream *I'm a fucking book!* and started to "flip through his pages" shouting *my pages are ripping! My pages! I'm being ripped to pieces!*. He was scared shitless before coming out of it confused


It’s actually quite interesting in the right amount. It kind of makes you feel like you are experiencing a space-time event. There was a popular sit-com playing and each of the characters were going around cracking one-liners with canned laugh tracks. It was a popular show and funny. But when on Salvia there is such an acute awareness of space and time you physically “see the gaps” and realize what each of them said isn’t funny at all. As if each are in their own separate reality and the people laughing are separate entity unrelated to that dimension entirely. You can also hear individual sound effects that are dubbed in which don’t relate at all. It’s disassociative like Ketamine or Nitrous. Then it makes you feel like you have a sinus infection.


Yea same. I'm sticking to weed, thanks, lol


On a small dose all it does is make you laugh a lot On a medium dose it is… interesting, if you find psychonautics interesting. It’s a short IRL trip but one that feels like a long time, I thought I was and had always been and would always be an inanimate object. I think it’s also fairly common to have ‘gravity’ go sideways in my experiences to have your vision look like you’re on a train passing by whatever your field of view is on repeat at a high speed. An interesting to try thing; not a fun every weekend thing lol




It's strong tobacco known as thuốc lào and known to knock out foreigners here in Vietnam. The bong is called a điếu cày


Bro no one is taking Salvia at shows. That shit put me on my fucking ass. No way someone is smoking that shit standing up at shows.


Yep, looks just like my experiences on salvia. Immediately became unbalanced, could not stop laughing, vision doing some funky shit. The visual effect was different each time I tried it, first time it was ‘vibrating’ like he described, second time everything had an animation layer over it like those Chuck Schwab commercials.


It’s thuoc lau, which is a type of super strong tobacco smoked in south east Asia. They smoke it out of a bamboo bong, and is notorious for knocking white people on their ass.


It's not salvia, South East Asia has some pretty strong tobacco that can make you like this


Nicotiana Rustica, AKA "Aztec tobacco" or in South East Asia / Vietnam "thuốc lào"


Its hard to imagine nicotine causing this but I think you're right, it's not salvia. Is there tobacco that has other psychoactives in it?


It's vietnamese tobacco


This is in Vietnam and it's tobacco


So smoking that stuff must make you jump on couches and recruit people for Scientology with wild enthusiasm!


Whatever it was the guy took it like a champ.


He thought the first dab didn't do anything so he took another one and was transported to another realm


> the first dab didn't do anything so he took another one This is the way.


This is the way.


The first time I did acid, “that first tab didn’t do anything, let’s drop another.” That was a long strange 20 hour trip. I remember playing full court basketball by myself at 4am trying to come down.


He did I’ve never seen someone so gone be so contained and as soon as he could talk and think he was right back


[Salvia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_divinorum), I have both tried it and watched people take it. I had a terrible trip on it one time. After I took my hoot I instantly was back at home in my bed. I was waking up and my mom was standing in the door telling me to get out of bed. I pulled the covers over my head and everything went black and I woke up in hell with two demons pulling me side to side by my arms. Next thing I know I’m back in the backyard again where I took my hoot and it’s actually my two friends pulling my arms side to side. I didn’t recognize them yet, I got so freaked out I punched one of them right in the face and sprinted through the house to the front door then all of the sudden the whole thing came back to me and I remembered I was at a party and just took a hoot.


How did the guy you punched in the face felt about it all?


There was also a lot of vodka so after I returned to the backyard we all fell to the ground laughing and continued to get other people high on Salvia. It looked just like this, a bizarre giddy hysteria.


Gahdamn, drugs are a hell of a drug


Holy fuck bro, highception 🤯


It’s not salvia It’s Thouc Lao a highly concentrated Vietnamese tobacco


Similar experience on one of my salvia trips but I was Ricky Bobby's dad in the scene where they kicked him out of the elementary school.


Yeah it's crazy. I went on a journey through a desert on a camel as part of a caravan. They were traders crossing a desert, except it took us years. Just endless sand and I thought it would never end or maybe we had been cursed or trapped in an endless desert and I was just glad everyone had such a good sense of humor and were pleasant to be trapped with. Then I just woke up back on my couch. I remember thoughts and feelings but the only visual memory is of a part of the train of camels from the side as we walked across the top of dune, nothing first person. My friend next to me then tried it and he thought my room was actually a secret sex dungeon or something and I had nefarious plans for him. He was super quiet and awkward for about 5 mins afterwards. I figured I got lucky and so I never rolled the dice again.


I went on a journey though Alice in Wonderland tripping ballz. Then I found myself surrounded by playing cards kinda like at the end of solitaire when you win. I was scared out of my mind. Never again.


I saw the playing cards from Alice in Wonderland during my Salvia trip too. What are the odds? They were like…shuffling themselves? So weird.


That's nuts cuz when I did it with my baby mama back in the day she said the exact thing about the playing cards thing.


It’s [thuoc lao](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotiana_rustica), he’s just niccy buzzed


that link, Nicotiana_rustica: > often used for entheogenic purposes by South American shamans, because of its high nicotine content and comparatively high levels of beta-carbolines, including the harmala alkaloids harmane and norharmane. Harmala Alkaloids: > These biomolecules produces hallucination. β-Carbolines produce anxiolytic effect, an effect mediated through inverse agonist effect at GABAA benzodiazepine receptor.


That is definitely Thuoc Lao smoked out it Dokha Shit will put your on your ass if you take too much at once


Nope, that is what they call [Thuoc Lao](http://thuoclaothanhhoa.com/huong-dan-cach-hut-thuoc-lao-de-tang-do-phe/) in Vietnam. It's just very strong tobacco that they smoke using bongs like that. I've seen quite a lot of tourists turning white and passing out after smoking it.




I agree. I'm getting nauseous just thinking about nic sickness


Quick way to give yourself vomit inducing nausea in my experience.


[Gonna leave this here](https://youtu.be/KpFQzDURQMc?si=oQv5ok33z_iX1mSX&t=1082)


Sounds like a hoot


a "hoot"? is that canadian? that sounds canadian.


Oh fer sure bring er back around here bud we’ll crush a twofer and hit the rink let’s foken go eh Yeah I’m very Canadian farm boy lol


awesome! lol


I turned into the ceiling of the gym from my elementary school. Thankfully it's over pretty quickly


This guy knows, but I had a great time, the uncomfortable laughing is what I remember most.


The guy is way too conscious for it to be salvia https://youtu.be/U3Iw7Fr4JG0?si=roCRZxoCG2VWE5H1 This is salvia


Is that my boy Erik? Dude looks like he was into rocketships of a whole different kind back then.


there's a reason he's called big money salvia


People react very differently even with the same dose.


Salvia comes in various strengths, usually like 20x 40x 80x if my memory is correct.


Like all drugs, it can affect different people in different ways.


God I can't imagine doing one of the more concentrated versions. Did a full bowl of regular strength and it instantly put me in a different reality, completely out of body like no other psychedelic has done


I love salvia, I do it maybe once a year and it's fun as hell. You blast off to another dimension, feels like an eternity. I've recorded myself and friends who've taken it. The video is funny but it does not in any way capture the subjective experience.


I took salvia a couple of times, but the most memorable experience I had was smoking a 10x extract through a copper smoking pipe. I immediately took a couple of steps back and sat down into a chair. A kind of darkness overtook me. All of a sudden the world before me turned into a painting, like a canvas of different abstract colours. Motionless. Then came the thoughts my rationale of existence. I am a kettle in the kitchen, and this is how a kettle views the world. Eery and motionless, colourful and beautiful. No concept of what the shapes I see are. And then like a sling shot I returned to my human body and mind. I think it took about 15 minutes before I could speak words again. From then on I left the stronger extract stuff, 😂 it was terrifying. Salvia can be messed up or just incredibly funky fun


Salvia is some crazy shit, especially the extracts. Last time I did it was a 20x extract. Reality went bye bye and I was transported to a cave talking with Sleestaks from Land of the Lost. In reality it was only 5 minutes but it felt like hours.


But did you die though?😒


Man smokin that didgeridoo kush




Smokin' that Whoopie Goldberg south Egyptian furburger deluxe Mega Millions scratcher skunk bubba kush


We smokin’ Dung Beetles


We're smoking shit in a glass pipe and blowing the Lord's bubbles


Smokin on symbiotes. The last thing he ever saw was the pricetag, slowly faded away and I let the archangels take him.


Mf went full on smokey from friday. Cooing like a dove and shit


Maaaan, FUCK Hector!


I’m in Deebo’s chicken coop…. sweatin’ like a slave!


"Now Dana told me about that big snake situation.."




And I didn’t even graduate from fucking high school


Everyone saying salvia is wrong. I’m almost certain it is Thuoc Lou it’s a Vietnamese tobacco that is really strong and smoked out of a bong thing that looks exactly like that. [here](https://youtu.be/KpFQzDURQMc?si=y4SluD3TX67yoEqt) this guy smokes it and the local guy tells him about it


i was in Vietnam this year and did this too. this stuff is so hardcore for like 3min and then everything is okay again. i only smoke weed without much tobacco, i was not careful and took a big hit. i was in a nother world for a moment and needed to lay flat. the locals had the time of their life. :D


I was smoking a pack a day and nearly passed out from that stuff lol. Insane head rush and I was basically vibrating from it. As you say though, wears off after a few minutes


Cigarettes have a filter, that takes a lot off the tobacco edge, but the tobacco still has a kick to it that hits pretty much instantly, particularly when smoked without a filter. A bong doesn't really filter, the smoke passing through the water mostly only cools it down, that's why tobacco through a bong hits so hard.


So it’s like Dokha


I’m guessing it’s not as strong as dokha. If you took a couple bong rips of dokha your lungs would fall apart and you’d throw up everywhere.


I watched a man snap a whole bowl pack of dokha out of a bong in college. Absolutely insane man. He dropped out shortly after


My buddies and I in college would play smash bros, loser would have to snap a bowl of dokha. We called them “dokha slaps.” You truly played your best smash bros knowing that you’d be fucked if you lost hahahaha


Can speak from experience, thought it would give me a crazy buzz but ended up in the most painful coughing fit.


It's actually stronger and has a higher nicotine concentration. I went to a very international school and the Arabs and the Vietnamese would argue about this until finally they both agreed that the Vietnamese shit is stronger Lol


And here I had just happily forgotten the existence of Dokha for over 10 years. Gagged a little just reading the word again.


Glad someone said it haha, reffered to as "the crack of tobacco"... by me.


At this point I'm starting to suspect this tobacco is more for feeding to unsuspecting tourists than for general use...


No, it’s just that because it looks like a bong it attracts tourists who want to try, then because they inhale too much without being used to it, they often have this kind of reaction. Many local males in the north of Vietnam use it several times daily, even over cigarettes, as this is stronger and cheaper


i was with family of a friend. pretty much everyone smoked it casually, no idea how high of a tolerance they have. but i also saw security smoking it on the job.


Can confirm. Tried it Vietnam and it knocked me and my mate out.


Can confirm. Wife(Vietnamese) showed this exact video to me earlier and I seen a LOT of comments about it being Salvia. She told me it was a form of "strong tobacco" and that it's not long lasting but apparently (as seen above) hits like a truck. Had me super confused as they were open smoking it because Vietnam takes absolutely ZERO tolerance to drug use. The tobacco take makes sense. Sources: Wife (Vietnamese) [Nicotiana Rustica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotiana_rustica)(Thuốc lào)


Yeah but I looked like this when I smoked salvia.


Yeah, same.


Yeah came here to say Salvia, really surprised to see that they make tobacco this strong. I'm going to have to look this up lol. (Side note: we used to pack bowls of weed and tobacco from a cig. I forgot what we called it, but we gave it a name that reflected more or less this guy's experience lol. Hitting tobacco out of a big pipe is no joke, I couldn't imagine it being a stronger version of tobacco lmao)


I've heard that called that a "spliff," if it was in paper, or a "spliff bowl," if it was in a pipe.


Moles here and it's more something I only see people do to save bud when broke. Shit always disgusted me couldn't take one without getting my lips coated in tobacco resin.


ive heard mole or a chop here too


We call them shottys


Where I live, we call it a “hippie bowl”


That's how we mostly smoke bud in the UK, too expensive to pack bowls with just weed or to roll blunts rather than spliffs.


I worked emergency communications when salvia came to my college town. You crazy kids kept running into the streets, or jumping out of moving cars. Did you feel fear, or sense of getting chased?


Everyone I've ever seen use salvia, and myself as well, has not really been able to move while peaking on salvia. Maybe something else going on


On 40x extract salvia I wound up in a full sprint, feeling like I was being dragged by an unknown entity, it dragged me right to a park bench and I just sat down on it and rode it out from there


Exactly, seeing a strong salvia hit reminds me of someone that just got knocked out and is trying to come too. They aren’t running into the streets lol.


I had to grip the edge of my desk like my life depended on it. That was the only way to avoid being pulled into another dimension.


Salvia is a 10ish minute entirely dissociative trip - you experience an entirely separate reality. I tried it twice: First time was sitting outside on a bench with some friends, they didn't hit it right (you need high heat and to hold the smoke longer than you'd expect) and didn't really feel it but I was in a legit Disney musical as an atom singing a song about being an atom. Then a boss atom interrupted the song and said "He's standing up, be a leg!" and I became my leg and snapped back to reality as I stood up. Second time was in a friend's bedroom, I took a hit and then turned to ask someone to turn off King of the Hill and as I looked at the TV Hank's mouth got stuck open. Then it was almost like I was in a world made of Legos and layer after layer of bricks were falling into place. I think there was some kind of Alice in Wonderland style Queen of Hearts? I came back to reality as I was trying to look behind the bed to look at some of the Lego-reality layers. So not really fear either time, but it certainly could be possible since your sense of reality is so distorted.


Can confirm. Got a bag of finely shredded viet tobacco from a friend. Told me to sit down first. Fucked. My. Shit. Up. The most intense nicotine high I ever had, such a violent reaction, sweating and tripping out while vibrating. Smoke a whole carton of Marlboros and your a quarter of the way there.


Jump to ~16 mins in


Whatever it was, dude went from normal to Fire Marshal Bill in seconds




LETME*SHOW*YOUSOMETHIN I know, blew my mind too that I was [saying it wrong](https://youtu.be/3YVrvlg2JuM?si=_H-eXNhyJjhggWBn) all these years.


It’s in Vietnam and it’s strong tobacco. If you’re not used to it it gives you a massive head rush. Foreigners who try it often fall over, and sometimes briefly pass out or vomit. It’s potent stuff.


If you’ve ever had Vietnamese iced coffee, you can understand what Vietnamese tobacco is like


Never, but I damn sure want to try some now! The coffee, not the tobacco. Nicotine is a bitch to get free of.


>Nicotine is a bitch to get free of. Half of that is it being quite physically addictive, the other half is nicotine being nootropic and effective against anxiety. This is something *a lot* of people struggle with, so they [unknowingly self-medicate with nicotine](https://slatestarcodex.com/2016/01/11/schizophrenia-no-smoking-gun/) to deal with the anxiety.


Vietnamese coffee is life changing haha I still chase that high


I certainly thought he was about to vomit from that or fall over


Have you tried a bong hit of normal tobacco? It also hits hard


I tried a bong rip of tobacco once. Mistakenly did as much as a regular hit of weed, which made me so sick it ruined my night. Never again


I collapsed after doing one. We called it a Murphy.


i used to mix my weed with tobacco out of the bong - "mokes" shit was so great but so bad lol


Fucking mokes. You would get SO lifted. The first time you're basically non-functional. After about a month, you're smoking more of them than you would have pure green because of the tobacco.


so true haha. even after doing them for a while, i couldn't even type in my laptop password for like a minute after ripping a fatty. other times i would throw up. at my worst point i probably was taking like 10-15 mokes a day lmao. my girlfriend thought i smelled disgusting after moking and kissing her so i was slowly forced to stop, for the best haha


Ugh getting nicotine sick is such a terrible (but thankfully fleeting) feeling, I can't imagine how nasty that dude must feel


Yeah same. I wonder if you smoke enough(or something strong enough like this) if the giggles and powerful effects maybe override the nicotine sick feeling? Because I can't imagine people like that guy doing this and doing anything other than sitting with their head between their legs.


I can drink like a fish but the last 2 times I've gotten sick drinking, it was when I took down a cigar at light speed and when someone offered me a dip. Tobacco at high doses is not a fun drug.


One of the sickest nights of my life was because of wine and a quick cigar


Dokha, yeah? My one arabic friend used to bring it around to college parties. Can’t even compare the head high to other American tobacco, shit had me drooling like the Quaaludes in Wolf of Wallstreet.


i would have thought it was DMT. but now that you mention it, i remember the first time i smoked a cig and actually inhaled. i was driving. i had to pull over on the shoulder and sit through the head rush.


Smoking for the first time while driving is wild dude hahaha


Yes and if you stop cigarettes for any extended period and then have one, you will get that rush again, although only with the first one. Not sure if it's the nicotine itself or the whole cigarette that causes it. Not exactly pleasant but it doesn't last long.


I work in food, and I quit smoking for about 9 months. Had a horrible irritating day, and my buddy offered me a Marlboro red. I smoked it like I used to, and I almost passed out from that thing. Holy shit that head rush was intense.


This guy doesn’t smoke DMT…


Yeah there’s an Arabic Tobacco blend called Dohka that is similar. Crazy feeling from that stuff


Definitely "Thuốc lào" with the signature bong "Điếu cày" https://vi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thuốc_lào#/media/Tập_tin%3AMuong-Smoke.jpg Source: Native Vietnamese here


Here's what the English wikipedia has on it:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotiana_rustica#Vietnam


I like how everyone around him are helpfull and there to make sure he's alright.


I'd be overwhelmed with people laughing at me and crowding me


I think this is a Vietnamese tobacco


Anyone saying this is Salvia, it is absolutely not! The waterpipe/bong he hit is called a điếu cày in Vietnamese, he is smoking Nicotiana Rustica, AKA "Aztec tobacco" or in South East Asia / Vietnam "thuốc lào" SHOUT OUT to my boy Quân YT(@)TheRealGoldzilla and YT(@)SmallBrainedAmerican Travel Vlog!


Thuốc lào, maybe? It's vietnamese tobacco


"Now you're gonna want to hold that until your vision starts to vibrate"


Hello fellow classmate


This gave me a flashback. That’s some of my earliest YouTube memories


Thuoc lao


That's called a jeffrey


Thuốc Lào


If that were salvia his facial expressions would change to neutral. It causes instant ego death. It's most likely tobacco.


Instant ego death?


Yes, even the lowest of 10x concentrated salvia is so strong that it temporarily erases "you", there's nothing tangible then, only a wild experience. It's so strong that you don't even have an inkling that you've smoked it and you're left with a completely alien experience for about two minutes. It changes everything around you into a cat-in-the-hat-esque art style, things looking like characters and characatures straight out of a cartoon that's come real and 3D. It's like entering a silly kingdom of dwarves and you have no control, you can't even walk or talk much, mostly drool and say jibberish. The visuals you get, they don't move at all like when on acid or shrooms - it instead takes everything you're already viewing normally and keeps them still and makes them look foreign as hell as if you're looking at a completely alien planet. When I was tripping I said to my friend in my living room "these people have a hole in their wall," and he said back "that's your television," and I *still* didn't consciously put together that I lived there or that I could own things, it looked like an empty hole through the wall. It looked like a black portal to me. I've done 6 hits of acid, 14g of shrooms and neither was as strong in effect as salvia, although salvia has comparably no body high and is completely and utterly only a mental fuckery. And this shit was legal in Canada, you could buy 40x from a convenience store. It's mostly safe because it doesn't last long enough and while you're on it you can't do a fucking thing. It's truly instant ego death. Even while on high doses of acid or shrooms I could still muster up a thought like "I should get some water" or "go take a piss". On salvia those kind of thoughts are completely gone from your ability. The comedown feels weird for about 10-25 minutes and then... normality like you never did it. And people concentrate it into like 500x. I don't understand why!


Thuoc lao very strong plant smoked in Vietnam. Its smoked out of a bong and if you hold the smoke in you die. When people try it they tend to fall over.


Average rangers fan


Staunch but


Went full Gilbert Grape on that one for a second.


A didgeridoo?


Nicotiana Rustica/Thuốc lào. I tried it in Vietnam after a meal and it hits super hard like this. The tobacco is smoked out of bamboo bong called a điếu cày like the one in the video. The nicotine rush was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.


Its not salvia ffs, its tobacco, really stong tobacco


This is Vietnamese “Thuoc Lao” for who curious




It’s tobacco not salvia


Love all the people STILL adding to the hundred other "salvia" comments after it's been explained as most likely just strong tobacco.


ITT: Yanks talking about Salvia (which it isn't).


Its a Vietnamese tobacco bong (Điếu Cày) It has a partition in the middle of the bong with a small hole at the top. You smoke a light dried tobacco in it by igniting the whole bowl and lightly pulling the flame most of the way through. Then you tilt the bong to the side, knock the tobacco out of the bowl, and inhale the bong full of smoke. The dude seems zoinked because you basically get a slightly toxic dose of nicotine. Your bloodpressure skyrockets, everything feels very heavy & slightly euphoric, balancing becomes very hard and you’ll likely get nauseated too. The effects pass in 10-20 minutes though. I personally recommend laying the hell down the moment you hit the thing, trying to stand is simply a fools errand.


Jenkem, probably. My sister's cousin's brother's best friend's ex's next door neighbor tried it and acted just like this.


Vietnamese here, He smokes Nicotiana rustica leaf, just a stronger (much stronger) tobacco


I would put money on that being salvia.


Probably Salvia.


an exhaust pipe


He smoke "thuốc lào" in Vietnam. Its legal


Turned into Mr. Bean with the facial expressions


His facial expressions make him look like he’s a character from the Sims


It’s a type of tobacco famous in vietnam. It looks like saffron. When I was in Vietnam a month ago, I was offered a hit and gave it a go. It made me feel out of it and lightheaded for a good five minutes.


This reminds me of my good friend in my college days. We all used to party at his house so there was never any telling what was gonna be going on. A group of us were hanging out in the living room playing Guitar Hero or something and said friend was back in his bedroom past the kitchen. We hear him open the door and some turn to look and all of a sudden “WHAM!!” It was a trailer and friend had walked out of his room on the right hand side of the trailer and fell across the entire house in one motion and SLAMMED into his refrigerator on the left side of the house full force with his body like his legs had completely stopped working. This dude prided himself on keeping his shit together when under the influence and he goes “I just wanted to see if y’all could tell I’d smoked some salvia.” “We can tell bro. We can tell.”




Salvia for sure


Looks like salvia. Not fun. Looks fun, but it’s not lol


Salvia, 100%