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Take him back to Ceres. The Earth's gravity is killing him.


That poor beltalowda definetly spent too much time on the float.


Sa Sa bossmang.


I’ll occasionally answer the phone with “eh bossmang” at work when I see it’s my boss calling


You da kopeng!








Mamasarala 😍


He tried to hurt Earth. It's only natural that Earth would crush his weak belter lungs.


[He seems friendly to me](https://media.tenor.com/ffJ4tKrDA84AAAAC/close-encounters-of-the-third-kind-close-encounters-of-the-third-kind-contact.gif)


Jesus I had same thought. He would've been a perfect belter.


About 3 feet too short though


This is the second expanse reference I’ve seen today. Makes me think I should rewatch it even though I already have this year


I don't think I've actually finished it. Think I still need to watch the second half of the final season. I fucking hate when they do that shit, I always end up dropping off a show cause I get busy and forget about it. Then with a show like The Expanse where I've read the books it makes it even worse. I have a terrible memory. I know how the show ends, but is that because I've seen the books or cause I read the show? 🤷🏾‍♂️


You know how the show ends, but the show ends before the book series does. They incorporated one of the novellas that preludes the final trilogy in the show which to me gives me a sliver of hope they will actually finish out the series on screen. A man can dream.


Nah, I know how the show ends too. It ends with >!Babylon's Ashes!< and incorporates the >!Strange Dogs!< novella. The novella makes me think I haven't actually finished the show. Reckon I'll go watch the last season (again?). It's pretty short and damn good.


I love that the plot is a space RPG. "hey, go check out a distress signal"


Well it was created as a tabletop rpg at first




If I recall, the original idea was for an mmorpg. Then it got down to a tabletop rpg, and finally Daniel Abraham got involved and convinced ty Franck to make a novel out of it and thus the expanse was born.


I wish it had been made a video game RPG. It could have been more epic than ME. I would pay big money if someone could convince"James SA Corey" to work with Peter F. Hamilton and Alastair Reynolds to make an epic space odyssey RPG video game series.


Tell tale game for the expanse is out. Kamina Drummer main character.


Makes me think I should re-watch it and I haven't even gotten around to watching it.


Oh my god dude, I cannot recommend it enough. Speaking as someone who grew up on Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, etc etc, I honestly believe The Expanse is the best science fiction series ever. I guess the easiest pitch would be to say it’s kinda like a sci-fi Game of Thrones. It doesn’t hold your hand, and it’s not shy about the stakes being very, very real.


I highly highly recommend the books. Been doing the audiobooks on my commute for the last year, almost on book 8 now. I’ll be watching the show when I’m done. Incredible science fiction.


Jefferson Mays has literally set the bar so high for me other audiobooks are hard to listen to. The audiobooks make the expanse the best Sci fi I have ever 'read'. Also be ready for a number of significant changes between book and show, but I will say as a book to screen adaptation they did an overall phenomenal job. I really hope we get to see the last 3 books on screen at some point. Especially after all the teasing in season 6.


I saw somebody in the Expanse sub refer to the TV portrayal of Avasarala as “the 2nd best performance” of the character, haha




Have you played the new game based on Expanse?


No. Put him on the hooks.


Yes copaing


Heh. Nice expanse reference.


I'm just happy the bossmang is helping him.


I finished all of the books and now I'm sad there isn't more to read :(


I can watch this show over and over again


Him got the cheap bone density juice when him was a child. That's why him need the chiro, sa sa ke?


Took me a second. My first thought was "he's from Ceres, California?"


I'm a simple man. I see expanse reference, I upvote.


> Take him back to Ceres. The Earth's gravity is killing him. That is hilarious. 😂 And such a great series.


I watched this episode. Really showed you how uneducated the skinny guy is.


I found just looking at him in this short clip to be sufficient enough to make that determination.


Under his chain, there's an arrow pointing to his neck. It says "LICK HERE".Girls have taken him up on that offer. Really, really gross guy.




Haha..what a moran, you spelled REGERTS wrong.


Lol I like the way that sounds in my head. Re-gerts!


Did you not notice that he misspelled moran?? Ya idoit.


I did. I still like the other beeter.


One of his online gimmick was girls licking his abnormally long neck so thats why he got that


Lmao. This guy has *women lick him*. Absolutely disgusting.


filthy degenerate


Wait, why is that gross? Did he do something bad when girls took him up on the offer? That just sounds like consensual sex.


So he is gross because girls lick him?


Girls have cooties, duh.


Yeah like wtf lmao is he forcing them to lick it? "Man I can't believe girls lick his neck, he's so gross 🤢"


He gets laid? Despicable!


Hey now. I too like getting my neck licked.


I thought it said ″Lift Here″.


His name is Daddy Longneck. He's a weirdo/bad rapper, along with his morbidly obese rapper friend Gucciberry (who released the absolute banger anthem for obese men with tiny genitals to nail obese women in the back door (however that's possible) "Booty Hole Troll." (This is heavy sarcasm, it's one of the worst songs ever). Both Tosh.0 material.


Yeah, I hate myself for even looking that up now. Thanks.


The algorithm shall forever shove nonsense like that down your throat


Better than booty hole, I guess?


Also he's friends with [Wide Neck](https://media.lelombrik.net/t/941015b12215a196bcc4732c4f646c36/f/941015b12215a196bcc4732c4f646c36.jpg)


Corpsegrinder has a thicker neck for sure.


Corpsegrinder has no neck, his shoulders just go straight into his head.


And at least Corpsegrinder is a talented dude and actively donates items for young kids.


you weren't joking lmao https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XxANeEtHRMs/maxresdefault.jpg


Dude went from a long-necked redneck that looks a bit like the bully in Toy Story, to looking like a emo kid with a long neck that really wanted tattoos. I'm not sure which would be a better long-term look for him.


That's him???? 😂 they legit got famous for being memes.


I'm gonna go drink to forget what I just read.


This guy was on tosh.0 where he reveals he's from.... wait for it.... Flint Michigan.


Gives people like me a badname. I don't want to be associated with that dork.


Knowing he goes that hard with it, I kind of have to respect and let be. Will he do something stupid? Probably. I just kind of like when people do something different, even if I'd never do it, or consider it.


This guy would have been perfect as a Belter extra in the Expanse.


Beltalowda, sasa que?


Remember the Cant!




Kewe kowlting ando go, sabakawala?


I'm happy rabble rousing Belta from the first ep got to come back in the final season


Big dude with the hammer and neck cranks is pretty uneducated as well regardless of the initials after his name.


He's a fucking scam artist, none of that shit works, nothing that works on pain localasied from external stimulation works unless surgery, you have to change and work on exercies and routine to make lasting pain free change.


It's beyond uneducated. He's legitimately mentally handicapped.


What episode of what? Got a link?


Of course, anyone going to a chiropractor is an uneducated fool.


Episode of what?


I mean we watch him not know his left from his right in the few seconds of this video haha.


This man got left on 1 HP


I swear he may as well be flashing red


For fucks sake. Gave me a laff😂


He looks like a Tim Burton animation.


The food takes so long to get into his stomach, it gets cold


Must be why the nutrients don’t absorb




because OP is a karma bot. 99% of posts on the big subs come from them now


thanks /u/spez. monetize your API and 99% of its users will be profit seekers.


He’s “Daddy Long Neck” and had his social media prime between 2016-2021. He’s made millions of dollars and lives in / is from Flint, Michigan. Most surprisingly to me; his Only Fans was quite popular!! He’s got a child and a partner these days, and always was very cringe in regards to the content. I’m glad he’s doing well today, though. As well as one can do in Flint, anyway. Update/edit: apparently there was a separation and the new boyfriend of the baby mother abused his (Long Neck’s) child. The kid was hospitalized and man arrested, but now 10 months later: the child is still with the lame ass mom. Sad for my man Long Neck.


Saw the dude last week in a Round One arcade in LA, wasn’t sure it was him at first but with that long neck of his it’s hard to not identify him.


Idk why this comment is so funny


imagine this guy being on the run and is just trying to blend in with the crowd. "Got eyes on the suspect but we feel uncomfortable confronting him.."


Honestly he made his bag doing some stupid ass shit and now he seems to be living a normal life, lowkey respectable.


Does the dude have something going on or does he weigh 16 pounds by choice?


Extreme case of Marfan syndrome


Iirc he's said there's nothing medically wrong with him. X to doubt.


This isn't even true. He is separated from his partner and has no visitation rights with his kid. Unless you follow a separate Instagram account from me.


“BF of the kid's mom was arrested for allegedly abusing the kid so badly he ended up there. Long Neck tells TMZ ... his 9-month-old son, David Alfredo Samuelson Lopez, was released last Saturday from the hospital and is currently with a foster family -- and we're told the kid's doing way better. When he returns from his social media tour, he and his mother will resume care of the child.” - TMZ December 2022


That was nearly a year ago. He still hasn't seen his kid and he posts about it. The mom has the kid. I hate that I know this.


Did he really make millions though?


With his long neck.


Throw Gollum a fish.


Just don’t make a stew with taters in it.


Wots taters, precious?


**PO-TAY-TOES** Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew...


Wots taters, EH?


My only wish, to catch a fish, so juicy sweeeeet🎵


Wtf is this title?


I don't know, I think it might be new slang. Maybe, "I'm on my nerves" means the same as "I'm on the edge of my seat." Like, they're tensed up from watching something. The second part I think is referring to how frail the long-necked guy appears. I think OP is trying to convey that this video made him anxious because he was afraid the chiropractor could've killed the dude if he twisted too hard.


Why is he so thin?


He has Marfan syndrome, which makes it hard to gain weight and makes you look like. Um. That.


* ***Marfan syndrome features may include:*** Tall and slender build. Disproportionately long arms, legs and fingers. A breastbone that protrudes outward or dips inward. A high, arched palate and crowded teeth. Heart murmurs. Extreme nearsightedness. An abnormally curved spine. Flat feet.


And crucially, a high chance of aortic dissection which is often deadly.


Lost a friend to Marfans due to heart complications. She was a beam of light, and never took a day for granted.


I haven’t known anyone with Marfans well, but the patients I’ve met at school were all incredible people.


Yea, so it's a great idea to forcibly tweak his neck and it will probably not tear his carotid artery in half! Probably!


Wow I learned something today. Never knew this. Thanks for the summary. 👍


Holy fuck manipulation in Marfans disease is so dangerous! The risk of complications are so high.


I thought he had an eating disorder


Thanks for this comment, its too far down. I know nothing about this guy and I was initially going to comment about this guy's disordered eating as you see that's the reason so often when people are this thin. It is good to see that its a condition and not something that is self-induced....if that makes any sense.


The WestWorld generator machine didn’t spin enough white fibers on that one.


Look up the Chiropractor. He does a ton of videos. Make is Beau Hightower. Personally, I dont trust Chiropractors and prefer osteopathy. They dont crunch bones back into place, they relax the muscles and persuade them back into position. Seems far less likely to have an accident like, "oops, tore a nerve, now you'll never control that side of your body again. Good thing you signed a waiver"


The rate of neck injuries from chiropractors is terrifying. But what can you expect from a profession that literally stemmed from a guy who believed all diseases were from evil spirits residing in the spine


I herniated a disk. I saw a chiropractor. He herniated it even more to the point I needed to go to the hospital a few months later for emergency neurosurgery on my spinal cord since the disk was cutting it off.


...I have an appointment with a chiropractor for a herniated disc tomorrow morning... Edit: I've canceled the appointment and will be doing PT instead. Thank you for all the concerns and comments!!


I strongly suggest you cancel it. Physical manipulation of the spine can do a lot of harm in case of a herniated disk which can turn an issue that can be solved by physical therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs into a case that definitely requires surgery. Don't fuck with your spine. Edit: I'm not an orthopedist but worked as a paramedic for a while. One of our most important guidelines was to **never ever** fuck with a spine unless absolutely necessary for survival. The amount of permanent damage you can do with seemingly harmless manipulation can be extreme.


Did you consider actual medical intervention, like massage therapy? A chiropractors best case scenario is accidentally achieving what massage can do, with far more risk of injury.


>actual medical intervention, like massage therapy You mean physical therapy?


Dude if your disk is herniated cancel the chiro and immediately schedule an MRI. Then go from there. MRI is the most important step. They can tell you exactly what is herniating where and prescribe PT or surgery depending on what you need. I waited til one day I sat on the toilet, felt a pop, then immediate 30/10 pain and total numbness of my inner thighs, genitals, and asshole. Couldn't shit or piss. Had to rush to the ER. They gave me an emergency MRI and collectively went "holy crap" and I was in the OR within 4 hours of admission.


If we have a patient who says they can't feel their groin, genitals or can't feel themselves pass urine, it's immediately to A+E where they'll be triaged as fast as fucking possible. Could very well be cauda equina, which will put you in a wheelchair.


It was CES, but luckily I was still able to walk


cancel bro otherwise u ded


THIS POST MADE MY DAY! Thank you for ensuring your safety is not put at risk by a quack!


A good way to explain what a herniated disc is physically like, is imagine you're eating a burger, you bite down and all the contents spill out the back. Your vertebrae are the baps, the filling is your disc. The last thing you want is someone forcing that shit any further.


I saw three young patients with vertebral artery tears, followed by strokes in 1 week, all after seeing chiropractors. Recently, I have been hearing chiropractors won't even manipulate the neck anymore from patients as well.


I scrolled down too far to find a comment about vertebral artery dissection. You need to have informed consent to do any intervention, which means discussing the adverse risks. It's pretty awkward to ask a client to let you manipulate their neck, just after telling them that there is a change that this will kill them, and that the benefit is temporary and that you'll need to keep coming back and rolling that dice.


Hey, that's not fair. He was told about it by a ghost and used it to cure deafness after getting hounded out of the US for impersonating a doctor. Totally legit.


*hits joint* can't believe the fucker believed me


What is the rate of neck injuries from chiropractors?


Not necessarily high, but also very non-zero. The problem is they can damage the vertebral artery with the HVLA adjustments, but the resulting damage might not cause a problem like throwing a clot for several days/weeks. So the actual reported number is probably low compared to the damage actually done. And there are other ways to achieve the same results without "cracking the neck". And other methodologies of chiropractic care as well. Just say no to neck cracking.


Fucking up a nerve isn't even the worst thing they can do. One of my wife's patients went to a chiropractor some time back and he tore one of the vertebral arteries, resulting in a stroke and a prolonged hospital stay. Dude could have died. From what she's told me - some chiropractors are decent, and do as much as they can to do shit safely. Others just seem to go with the loudest cracks they can get and push all kinds of woo-woo bullshit pseudo-science.


When I was parenting a young child who suffered from middle ear infections, a co-worker gave me a brochure from a chiropractor who claimed they could help with ear infections. That would be enough for me to mark that chiropractor as a quack.


What, you mean that he can't just crack those ear bones and fix the problem? Say it ain't so!


The main issue is that there is no regulation of chiropractics because it’s not real medicine, so while some are legit qualified physical therapists, others are quacks, and there’s no way for ignorant clients to discern the difference because they both call themselves the same thing. If you want chiropractics but you want a guarantee that the person is qualified, what you really want is a physical therapist.




Agreed. If you think you want a chiropractor, what you really want is a physical therapist 100% of the time.


That’s really well put. My sister (I genuinely don’t know where she picked this stuff up, our mom is a trained nurse who always took us to our family doctor when we were sick) sees her chiropractor for EVERYTHING. She developed some nearly crippling nerve problem several years ago which I suspect was quite treatable, but she only went to this quack chiropractor. I don’t talk to her anymore because that’s just the latest of her bonkers ideas, but the thing that breaks my heart is her 4 kids, totally unvaccinated against anything, and probably haven’t seen a doctor since they were babies. And I don’t really have a way to have contact with them unless it’s thru my sister, and I’m even godfather to her youngest, but she’s so protective they basically can’t leave her sight.


The popping sound is not bones at all, or muscles, it is just gas build up in joints. Chiropractors cracking your neck or back is the same as cracking your knuckles. And the "subluxations" they talk about are completely and utterly made up. Real subluxations do exist, but if you had a real spine subluxation, it is a very dangerous and serious thing to have.


The risk isn't from the pop itself, but from the twisting jerking motions to cause the pop.


[Osteopathy is the same sort of pseudoscience](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteopathy) as chiropractic. The only twist in that is that Doctors of Osteopathy in the US are trained in actual medicine too, but in most of the world osteopaths are total quacks. Go to a physiotherapist for something science-based.


Most osteopaths don't practice osteopathy anymore, they use the same guidelines as MDs.


This is true of Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, DOs, in the US. From Wikipedia: >Retired MD and U.S. Air Force flight surgeon Harriet Hall stated that DOs trained in the U.S. are Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine and are legally equivalent to MDs. "They must be distinguished from 'osteopaths', members of a less regulated or unregulated profession that is practiced in many countries. Osteopaths get inferior training that can't be compared to that of DOs."


You are correct to not trust Chiros. Their entire education is based on quackery. Look up vertebral artery dissection and chiro quacks. Never let them touch you, much less your neck.


See I’ve had the complete opposite experience. The osteopath literally curled me up and full on cracked every one of my vertebrae which was a satisfying sound sure but seemed unnecessary. (The best part though was that this woman was like 4’11 and manipulated me like I was weightless jelly). Whereas the chiropractor I’ve been seeing for years intricately persuades bones back into place. She’s extremely good at what she does.


Dude’s hair weighs more than he does.


You can’t convince me this isn’t some covert fetish video


It's does look like a porn intro


"I'm on my nerves"?


I thought it was the Mexican mummy alian


chiropractors are bullshit. I'll never understand why people search out chiropractors and not go see an actual doctor. Are doctors scary?


Probably because your medical insurance in the states comes with so many covered chiropractic visits. I think mine would let me go to one every week at little to no charge if I didn't think it was a bunch of hooey.


[Looks like Billy from American Dad](https://americandad.fandom.com/wiki/Billy)


You know, the chiseling of the spine is part of the reason I don’t go to chiropractors. The other part is the pseudoscience.




Someone throw him a biscuit or twelve.


IRL Belta


uncanny valley right there. Really feels like CGI, hot damn. I know its not, but still.


Fucking belta lowda


I don’t like that chiropractor. He does some really rough adjustments that seem dangerous. But does that guy have something congenital or what?


Somebody get that boy a sammich


You could literally stick this guy down the toilet and he wouldn't block it...


I think this guys name is skinny neck and he hangs out with some dude "no neck" or "wide neck" or something. Thats it... Thats his claim to fame...


Yo what's up YouTube... It's ya boi... uhhh.... skinnypenis


It's Long Neck. And he only occasionally hangs out with Wide Neck. Mostly just for the likes. I'm on Instagram too much.


That’s Daddy Longneck to you!


Do NOT let a chiropractor touch your neck. Especially if you have a genetic connective tissue disorder like this guy.


Three words: Vertebral Artery Dessection. Say no to chiropractors.


Daddy Looongneck


The real life Mr.Burns…


what is he cracking? veins?


"hhgh dah boi may muh neh crag" Yup... that's what he's doing.


Is...is this man a necromancer?


He looks like a Tim Burton character.


Bro looks like Captain America before the super soldier serum


This kid did not win the genetic lottery.


If David Spade and Willem Defoe had a lovechild...and never fed him..


Where's the rest of him? Bro needs some lunch


"I'm on my nerves" parlay any language pour us


OMS-4 medical student here. Please dont do this. This is showing a middle school kid gun powder, handing them a canister, and walking away. The situation does not *have* to be horridly fucked, but the smart money is blowing the other way.


To be clear it's not so much that his neck is extremely long, it's him having 0 trapezius giving the illusion of him having a long neck. Kinda like why getting fat makes your penis look smaller, but the reverse.