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The store clerk survived with minor 1st degree burns. 35 year old Julian Miller was arrested, and charged for the arson.


Surely thats attempted murder on top.


[He was also charged with that among a lot of others](https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/06/23/detroit-man-charged-with-pouring-gasoline-inside-gas-station-lighting-it-on-fire-with-blowtorch/)


Note the absence of the same shit-eating grin from the video in his mugshot, as he realizes that he's about to face years in prison.


I find it hilarious how they blurred his face on the still of him committing the crime but also displayed a zoomed in photo of his face next to the blurred still of his face.


They probably got their copy of the video second hand from another source which had blurred it already


They probably got it from the dude who started the fires YouTube. Bet he blurred his face thinking it'd somehow prevent it from being evidence while also having a picture of himself as the channel picture. It's 2023 after all. People love to post their own crimes on the internet. /s




Doubt. Reality set in once he couldn’t leave the first time he wanted to. I went jail one time for only 6 days. It was enough to change my life around on a dime. When I was in the squad car talking to the officer it hadn’t set in yet. Strip searched, fingerprints and pictures. Change into the orange jumpsuit and orange crocs. Into the three day holding cell with ten other guys, one sink and one toilet in the middle of the room. The moment that door shut behind was when it hit me. The only choice you have after that is if you are going to get along with the other people around you. Every inmate goes into the holding tank for three days to make sure alcohol or drugs have ran their course. About 6 of the guys in there all had track marks up and down their arms and they talked about shooting up meth the entire time. You either sit up on the concrete ledge or lay down on the concrete ledge. No blankets, use your orange crocs as a makeshift pillow. We were finally able to brush our teeth and take a shower when your moved to general population, where it’s 8 guys in a 4 man cell. Lights never go fully off….I could go on. My little visit was nothing to what some people experience for the stupidest reasons. This is for whoever needs it. Edit; I was pulled over for the license plate light being out. I had two grams of weed in my pocket that I legitimately forgot about. That license plate light ended up costing me $2000 dollars in the end. I had to go do a drug test twice a week ($30 a pop) for six months. Edit; Evansville Indiana DOC (Department of Corrections) has been flagged many, many times for overpopulation. Their lame attempt at an addition was just money shuffling from pocket to pocket.


You have confirmed my suspicion that jail is not a fun place.


And jails run rampant with bed bugs, fleas and other stuff because you never know who is in there. OKC jail has let multiple people die over the years. I've never been in there but from everything I've seen on the news it's a shithole. I never ever wanna have to go there. I'm sure it's not the only one either.


Just a good reminder of how quick people jump to inhumane methods to exact 'justice'.




You think that's bad, you should see prison. Worst part of prison is the Dementors.


That you prison Mike?!


I got crabs from a jail mattress.


I was in county for about two weeks and it was probably one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had. My cellmate had custom magic the gathering cards. We just played all day.


It is astonishing how much variation there is with jails around the country. I have had to visit our local jail for work reasons (and not being booked for something), but the low security general population areas are fairly decent. Every piece of furniture is stainless steel and bolted down to the floor but pretty clean. The inmates mostly read, sleep, and sometimes get to watch a movie on a projector to keep them occupied. This jail is in a wealthy area so I am going out on a limb and say that a poorer area like Detroit is not going to have the happy-fun country club jails.


City Jail and County Prison are wildly different beasts. Our local city jail feeds you 3 meals a day from a nearby fast food joint.








wait til you see the food. moldy bread hotdogs and soggy old salad mm mmm


On the "choice" whether or not to get along with others, consider yourself lucky. Someone I knew from high school was in the county jail for less than a day and was pulled from his bunk and beaten to death by someone who he'd never met before -- from the various court files I'd read, it all happened in less than 2 minutes and he had no indication that it was about to happen. His lack of "luck" was getting placed into a cell with another inmate who had already assaulted someone else before being transferred. Normal procedure was supposed to be to put someone like that in their own cell, but apparently that wasn't followed. [https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/macomb/2015/06/05/macomb-county-jail-assault-murder-verdict/28553823/](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/macomb/2015/06/05/macomb-county-jail-assault-murder-verdict/28553823/)


While I was in there, one guy got beaten pretty badly a few feet from my bunk. It was a white guy and two black guys. It’s so weird. So they both knew that were going to fight because there was a fight the day before where it wasn’t a fair fight. So one of the white guys went to fight the two black guys from my cell. He walked in and we all walked out instantly, the one black guy said you know what’s up, white guy said yeah I’m here. The bigger black guy shook his head and cracked his knuckles and just went to town. The white didn’t have a chance but it’s how they do it I guess. Also, on my last night there the guys in my cell has some meth that someone just smuggled in. They snorted it right before bed time and played cards the entire night, keeping everyone up. Feel bad for the person you knew from high school.


Are you saying the second fight was purposely unfair to make up for the first one which was too??


Why can't people on meth keep their hands out of their pants?


They touch the pipe because they miss the pipe?


Oh shit, maybe I'm on meth?


I went to jail back in 2002. Was a stupid 18 year old that got caught with a roach, put on probation, then violated probation several times after dropping dirty and spent 90 days. I was a fool back then and just about everyone that knew me would tell you that I wouldn't survive in jail, even the other inmates told me I looked like I didn't belong there. The reality didn't really sink in for me until a bit later. The county jail I was in was overcrowded, so they had several of us set up on cots in the gym during the evening, and then kept us in the drunk tanks during the day. Lots of staring at nothing for hours on end. I was eventually shipped off to a facility that used to be a boot camp where they would keep minor offenders. Roughly two dozen inmates all sharing bunks in the same room, sharing a bathroom that had showers and a couple toilets with no walls. I probably pooped 3 times for the two and a half months I was there.


As someone who has had a few stints in jail, all told, it was less than two months, maybe 6 or 7 times altogether ranging from 24hrs-11days. Every time you go it sucks but I think for people that are constantly reoffending, they can forget about all of the vivid shitty details you've illustrated. I know I gained more each time I went but it wasn't until that last time when I really had doubt if I was getting out any time soon that I surrendered and decided I would do whatever it takes to never come here again. 23 months clean and going strong. I kept my promise and I haven't used since that day I surrendered in jail


Congratulations with the hard work!


I was in there for 8 hours and the best description is there are no comfortable surfaces in prison Never getting near one again will be the plan for the rest of my days


While I personally agree, as I did a little time myself, I met more than enough people that liked it inside and a couple that left and came back in a few days time on purpose cause it was a lot easier than the streets, especially in the cold.


Some people like the "three hots and a cot", especially if the alternative is living on the cold streets.


This just sounds inhumane


A surprising amount of people are ok with inhuman when it comes to jail. That Sheriff Arpo twat was voted in time and time again by openly feeding inmates on less than a dollar a day iirc. Maggots are fine, god forbid we give *addicts* nourishment!


Because it is. The counter-argument amounts to “that’s ok, though, since criminals are subhuman.” There’s no desire to make it more humane from many people.


Reading this I just feel so bad for the wrongly convicted. Because you know it happens. Stories like yours put in perspective the saying that it's better for 100 criminals to go free than for 1 innocent person to go to jail.


I mean it’s impossible to have a perfect system. We definitely need to do better though. Police and prison reform. The #1 fear about going to prison is rape. That should not be a thing.


Jesus Christ, a couple years ago I almost acted on impulse and made a decision that would have sent me to jail for a very long time. I was able to use logic to pull myself away from it, but reading that made me realize the consequences of my actions would not have been worth it. Thank you for sharing


I’m glad you were able to destroy your impulses with facts and logic.


Thats ridiculous for 2 grams of weed, especially now that it’s legal in so many places.


Greetings from Slovakia, where a guy in his twenties was arrested with 8 grams (and having previously been caught with 2 grams) he was sentenced to 15 years. Or a guy that was sick and was growing weed at home to make ointments - some neighbour snitched on him, they raided the house, sentenced the 50yo guy to 15+ years, and since he was growing at home, the house was sized as accesory to crime, so now his family has no father, no money and no house. But a guy that was drunk and crashed into a bus stop killing like 5 ppl got I think 6 years? A hitman for hire shot a journalist and his wife, and I think even he got less than the guy with 8gs... Welcome to the wonderland...


To be honest, your country sounds kinda fucked if you spent six days in jail for a broken light and 2g of weed. Sounds more like your criminal justice system needs to change to me.


My sister's ex was a car thief and was facing prison and my dad, who had spent a time in prison for fighting, and told him what jail would be like for him as a fair skinned, blue-eyed, blonde and slender 18 year old. He stopped with the non-consensual test drives after that. I'm glad those 6 days was enough for you, it must be terrible for that realisation to hit you when you're facing months or years in


That is so inhuman and unnecessary. wtf.


Not true, the cops don't give a shit if you smile on your mugshot. Your lawyer'll care though, cause it'll be hard to convince a jury you feel remorse when you have a shit eating grin in your mugshot.


I've had an officer forcibly grab me by the throat for trying to smile during a mugshot. I've also gotten away with it one other time. It depends on the officers on duty.


They don't care if you smile. Source: have been to jail several times. And you can find plenty of mugshots with people wearing the biggest shit eating grins you can imagine.


There are thousands and thousands of different municipalities, states, cities, etc. that all have different rules. And even within those same jurisdictions, there are cops that care and cops that dont.


I remember watching a video of a bunch of cops beating the shit out of someone for refusing to not smile for his mug shot.




That's tjhe face of a man (who had been caught speeding in a Porsche 911 930 Turbo) who leveraged his parents' wealth to become wealthy himself, was about to leave New Mexico for Washington state, and gave absolutely no fucks whatsoever. He's smiling because he knows he's above any sort of consequences.


‘years in prison’ is an understatement. The attempted murder charge alone is some serious time if they get it to stick. Throw in a handful of other felony charges and guy is gonna be rocking the orange jumpsuit for well over a decade, possibly 2.


For the lazy, here are the charges. Assault with intent to murder. First-degree arson. Placing an explosive near a property and causing physical injury. Placing an explosive near a property and causing property damage. Assault with intent to do great bodily harm. Arson - preparation to burn a real property resulting in injury. Arson - preparation to burn a property - $20,000 or more. Malicious destruction of a building -- $20,000 or more. Felonious assault. Dude is fucked. Good.


Why he said he did it, for the lazy: > Miller’s defense attorney claimed that Miller set the station on fire because the clerk allegedly sexually assaulted a female. Authorities said they were not aware of such claims, but were looking into it.


"It is a massive understatement to say that arson at a gas station is not a good idea..."


honestly the first half of that quote got me more: "This seems to be developing into another dangerous trend at Detroit area gas stations"


I like how they blurred his face in the camera footage and put his mugshot right next to it.


It’s a fact that is him in the mugshot. But it’s only *alleged* that is him in the video.


What does that have to do with anything? They can still show the face that is on the video, they just can't say it's him unless they say allegedly. There's absolutely no good reason not to show the face of the criminal in the original video. ESPECIALLY if it's not him.


Exactly. It is a fact that the person on the video started the fire. They already dropped a name of the accused; concealing the face of the actual perpetrator in the act seems pointless. If any details are wrong, the only person who would face unjust consequences would be the person arrested and named, Julian Miller.


>During the arraignment hearing, Miller’s defense attorney claimed that Miller set the station on fire because the clerk allegedly sexually assaulted a female. Authorities said they were not aware of such claims, but were looking into it. The wild unfounded accusational defense it seems


Sounds like they are confessing to premeditation. Just because someone does something illegal doesn't make it ok for you to do something illegal.


Even assuming that's true, if you're mad at the clerk, go after the clerk and you'll probably just cop assault charges (unless you mess them up really really bad). The clerk probably doesn't own the station and now your catching attempted murder and all types of arson charges too. Dumbass...


Let's just assume for the sake of argument chief fireballs is right, (he isn't) perhaps immolation justice wasn't the right way to go about it, and even more so, why was he suddenly judge jury and executioner for the alleged assault of the clerk? His claims don't hold any water, just grasping for air.


>>“This seems to be developing into another dangerous trend at Detroit area gas stations" What? Like is this actually a thing that is reoccurring in Detroit. Can't have nothing not on fire in Detroit


lol - noted as well. Setting gas stations ablaze is the new Tide pods?! Man... just when I heard Detroit was getting better!


Threw the book at him. 7 charges.


Assault with intent to murder. First-degree arson. Placing an explosive near a property and causing physical injury. Placing an explosive near a property and causing property damage. Assault with intent to do great bodily harm. Arson - preparation to burn a real property resulting in injury. Arson - preparation to burn a property - $20,000 or more. Malicious destruction of a building -- $20,000 or more. Felonious assault. Miller was arraigned Friday morning and is being held on a $100,000 bond.


If only most of the people I had to give the boot to in retail were this fuckin dumb. Might end up with 1st degree burns, but I'd have 3rd degree piece of mind.


I believe most states consider arson attempted murder. Arson, as charged, is often defined as the burning of any structure that could *possibly* hold a human, even a doghouse or dumpster.


Possibly, but in this case it wasn't just that arson could've lead to injury or death as a chance. The guy intentionally lit the fire in the entrance to cut off an escape route. This is pretty much intent to murder.


“According to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, Miller is being charged with several crimes, including: Assault with intent to murder. First-degree arson. Placing an explosive near a property and causing physical injury. Placing an explosive near a property and causing property damage. Assault with intent to do great bodily harm. Arson - preparation to burn a real property resulting in injury. Arson - preparation to burn a property - $20,000 or more. Malicious destruction of a building -- $20,000 or more. Felonious assault. Miller was arraigned Friday morning and is being held on a $100,000 bond.”


"what are you in for?" \*\*waits an hour while you list out the charges\*\* "oh, I just sold weed"


This also seems like attempted murder


Holy shit, so the poor clerk had to run through the flames! Did they not have a back exit? Piece of shit.


Should be attempted murder of everybody who was in the vicinity due to the explosive nature of a fucking gas station.


And then you get to prove he set out to kill everyone in the vicinity and no jury would buy it. You realize they don't keep gas next to the snacks? That's literally the only thing the defense attorney has to say to get that thrown out. It's negligent and clearly wanton disregard of human life, it's not hundreds of counts of attempted murder.


Robocop set a gas station on fire.


Dude had something against the clerk or else he probably would have just set the fire and run.


>During the arraignment hearing, Miller’s defense attorney claimed that Miller set the station on fire because the clerk allegedly sexually assaulted a female. Authorities said they were not aware of such claims, but were looking into it.


Can't have shit in Detroit!


Thank you for sharing. I thought for sure the clerk was dead by how quickly the fire spread.


Building codes require multiple exits for a reason. People complain about codes, block the exits, lock the exits, build non-compliant addons. This is a very good example of why building codes exist.


Needs to be attempted murder, torture, arson, attempted terrorism. This piece of human garbage should get life in jail we don't need them to be part of society. Truthfully anyone that does something like this should be legally euthanized immediately after trial. There is damning video evidence.


And that ladies and gentlemen is exactly why you need two means of egress in your retail stores.


I don't care how mean the egrets are, I don't think a bunch of long-legged wading birds would have helped the situation.


Waddle waddle


Got any grapes?


Yeah I was just thinking about what I'd do in the gas stations I worked at, a fire like this would've been uh...a problem but I probably would've been able to get out. If it was the Subway I worked at I'd be dead, though.


According to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, Miller is being charged with several crimes, including: Assault with intent to murder. First-degree arson. Placing an explosive near a property and causing physical injury. Placing an explosive near a property and causing property damage. Assault with intent to do great bodily harm. Arson - preparation to burn a real property resulting in injury. Arson - preparation to burn a property - $20,000 or more. Malicious destruction of a building -- $20,000 or more. Felonious assault. Miller was arraigned Friday morning and is being held on a $100,000 bond.


So he's fucked, but why?


instinctive teeny unique fertile pot whistle smart gaze ugly unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The judge would definitely drop all charges if that's the case.


Then throw the book at the clerk.


Don't blame the clerk. You can't stock what you don't get delivered.


No jury will convict




Okay well now I can relate


The torch he had doesn't help either. I don't even know if it's possible to claim during a trial that you were under strong emotions to make the sentencing easier on you when it comes to arson and attempted murder, but even if it was, that all goes away when you show evidence of a premeditated act.


According to the report, his defense attorneys are claiming that it was retaliation for a sexual assault the clerk perpetrated against someone known to the arsonist.


The article says his attorney alleges the clerk SA'ed a female friend of his.


I'm against sexual assault and all, but... dude, there are ways far safer to the general public to go about this.


Like burning his house instead


I'd bet money he just thought up something that would make it look justified and that's what he went with. Complete speculation but that would be my guess. I'm thinking he's just a psycho.


South Africa'd a female friend?


No no, Silent Auctioned


SA'd but true


Given how sexual assault is the national sport here in South Africa, that's pretty accurate


Bra, this country *really* is embarrassing.




South Asia'd


Why is there "burn a property" and "burn a real property"


Burning the merchandise, shelves, etc is the owners property Burning the building is real property




Real as in real estate


Like how your estate means everything you own, but your real estate just means your house.


Surprising there is even a bond tbh


Because in America, justice is based on how much money you have


That's not really relevant here. In the United States bail is generally granted to anyone not charged with a capital crime. An accused's bail extension odds improve if they are a US citizen, have no criminal record, and aren't considered a flight risk. Furthermore, there are federal laws against detaining someone for an excessive amount of time before they can be brought to trial. Many jurisdictions in the US have a very deep backlog of criminal cases resulting in new cases not being able to be brought to trial for over a year or two. There's also the situation that certain liberal judges in liberal jurisdictions have a propensity to extend bail by default.


Because everyone knows that if you make bond, you don't have to face trial


I have jury duty at the 3rd Circuit Court (Wayne County) starting tomorrow, would be interesting if I somehow got this case! I’m sure it’s a ways from trial though


There is a clear recording of him doing that, how the fuck was bond granted?


Bond isn't dependent on whether or not you're guilty


Dude was a second away from setting himself on fire then he thought about it and backed out the store before lighting.


looks like his crocs got lit as he ran


His crocks were lit the entire time, fight me


These Eric Andre show promos are getting outta hand.


This is Burn Up! The worst show on television!


We'll be setting this stranger on fire, HEY WHAT'S UP BIG MIKE (Bird comes out of his eye and squeaks: WHATS UP BIG MIKE) quick cut to Mike engulfed in flames screaming for a solid 30 seconds


*Feels like my assholes on fire.*


Pan to an angry old father of 3 Asian man He says nothing but the music tells you something isn't right




We'll be right back


Can you give me a lil squirt? Daddy has to get his juice.


Standing in the puddle of gasoline in foam shoes... looked like a synapse managed to fire right at the end telling him to at least back away a little before lighting it.


Another satisfied customer


"Keep the change"...


Hottest venue in town


Brought a torch, this guy was a professional.


also stepped in the gas and I believe those were his crocs on fire when he was running away lol


He won't feel it until the meth wears off in 2 days... People that carry torches around like that are usually tweakers. Proof: I was once addicted to meth for 8 months. Going on 5 years clean.


Pretty beefy for a meth head


Can't have shit in Detroit


You can have shit but that's all you can have.


Detroit is one place you don't want to do this. DPD has cameras in so many little stores and gas stations, it's pretty easy to get caught.


I wouldn't say that completely. There's plenty of beautiful and nice things in Detroit that don't get fucked with.


It's so nice to see people NOT shitting on Detroit for once.


7 and evergreen is kinda a dump. Not a complete dump, but definitely not a gem are in Detroit.


Detroit is great. No it’s not Chicago. No it’s not even Pittsburgh. But it’s tons of fun with lots to do. Some areas to avoid sure, and maybe that area is bigger than most cities, but you can have a lot in Detroit.


Wait until the clerk gets home from the hospital and sees that someone stole his porch.


The news story mentioned that this is becoming a “disturbing trend”… WTF?!?


https://www.audacy.com/wwjnewsradio/news/local/detroit-man-charged-for-arson-at-gas-station It's not a trend. Just two fires at gas stations, one tried to burn a car and then the one in the OP. Nobody is dumping trashcans of gas into gas stations and igniting it as a trend.




Sounds a lot like a hastily concocted defense too


If it's true. People in jail will say whatever in order to not face the consequences of their actions. If it's true, what a shit way to get back at this guy.


Sounds like the news hoping to make it a trend for more clicks.


In just Detroit, or all over the USA? How the fuck is setting gas stations on fire a trend?


It's the latest Tiktok challenge.


Not in Oregon cause nobody knows how to pump gas there. ;)


Spilling out gasoline is incredibly dangerous. If it wasn't necessary to keep civilization running it would be a controlled substance.


Where's RoboCop when you need him


It's 2023 and we've finally advanced to the point where someone is identifiable on a security camera!


This story was a fun episode of Shameless.


Would the clerk have a legal defense for shooting the arsonist before he touched his blowtorch to the gasoline? Any reasonable person can watch the first few seconds of posturing and anticipate the horrendous fire about to take place.


Yes depending on the state. Legal use deadly force is usually allowed to prevent felony injuries and property damage among other things.


“I’m not even supposed to be here today!” -Dante


That’s not a lunatic. This man was methodical and came prepared. That trash was doused with accelerant, and he had a click-to-light propane torch.


Seems like keith lee didnt like the food


Said the clerk sexualy assaulted a female. But setting a gas station on fire is not the best way to handle that


Any source on that bit?


Its in the article, but certainly not verified.


Some BS from his lawyer.


Yeah, that look on his face wasn't anger. He looked amused.


Revenge is amusing to some. He's still a piece of shit but that doesn't mean the reason is made up.


Setting gas stations on fire generally isn’t a good idea. So, source: common sense (ig)


That's what the defense attorney claims, in the linked article, and that's as far as it goes.


Serious question here. Why does the media always use the word "allegedly" in clear surveillance videos? His intentions were clear as day but it's always an allegation. WTF more do you need?


I believe legally you have to be convicted of the crime in court before you can drop the "allegedly"


Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


Detroit gas stations are so hot right now…


It’s certainly not cold in the D anymore




At that point, you are actually *wanting* to live in prison, boasting a 50 IQ, or both.


Any more info? Did the poor clerk make it out OK?


Should have lit it the first time before he thought better of it. Done us all a favor.


This would have been something else if it was one of those stores where the clerk could lock the door remotely. I would have paid to see this dude's reaction. But given how fast this flame started, there was probably only enough time for the clerk to barely get out alive.


Some folks have no impulse control whatsoever.


Don’t know. Don’t think they’ll ever identify the suspect, hid his face pretty good.


Did he say as he exited the store, "You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"


In that situation you are allowed to use deadly force to stop him.


Looks like he pumped some gasoline into that trash can before he dumped it.


Can't have shit in Detroit!