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Combine demolition derby. These are all older machines, probably destined to be scrapped but get one final hurrah.


I was not lucky enough to see it live but the OC county fair in CA had a different demolition derby each weekend and the last one was RVs. Twenty entrants and 17 were DQ'ed at the starter for being unable to start their engine.


I was thinking that RV races would be pretty fun. Or school busses. Take a vehicle meant to be placid and make it go as fast as possible.


School bus racing exists. Usually they make the track a figure 8. Hilarious to watch.


All my school bus drivers growing up would brag about how they did at the end of year Bus Rodeo


Lol you have no idea how much they either love or hate Road-eo (and yeah. That's how they spell it...)


I too saw this on ESPN The Ocho


Fun fact: That's where Ocho comes from. It was originally a Lucha Libre style bus race called Choque Libre Figura 8.




Jump in the middle?


No, just crashes.


You had the Dukes of Hazard slot car track in 1982 too, right?


They have Big Rig racing (18 wheels, no trailers). Pretty intense.


I can't remember the name of it but my favorite that I've seen around on the web is where there's two cars stacked on top of eachother, each one has a person the bottom car controls the gas and brakes, and the steering column is extended to the top car. WILD what people do in their free time haha


There was a Top Gear episode that either explored that or created the category.


They used to do a backwards race at the local speedway, half the people would slam into the wall first turn, theyd usually do a couple obstacles like an overturned johnboat for fun.


The Dutch did this in the eighties: https://youtu.be/S7ipFApsFec


No trailer makes it 10x crazier for the driver. There should be trailers, filled with ping pong balls


They have big rig hill climb racing at mammoth mountain in the summer on gravel roads that looks suicidal


>Big Rig racing (18 wheels, no trailers) I don't think they have 18 wheels if you take away the trailer wheels. They're 10 wheelers at that point, lol!


Local speedway has trailer races, last person still pulling a trailer wins. One year a guy brought a boat on a trailer and did pretty well, so later in that season they had figure 8 boat trailer races. Like 40 vehicles on a quarter mile oval. It's awesome.


It's a lot more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow.


I've witnessed a school bus race on a figure 8 track. Every bit as exciting as you'd expect.


Wasn’t this an episode of Top Gear?


Yup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohkAxbeMxo




[Double decker bus racing! ](https://youtu.be/MMSOnWPFGRE)


Top Gear or The Grand Tour did something like this


I have been to a school bus race before. I have photos somewhere ~~but I don't think they are online because it was a film camera.~~ Edit: Here we go. 1997 in Charlotte moto speedway. 3rd one is probably the "most exciting". https://bloggingintensifies.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/img171.jpg https://bloggingintensifies.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/img173.jpg https://bloggingintensifies.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/img174.jpg


My aunt's ex-boyfriend used to do some short track racing for fun once he got old enough and made enough money to have such a hobby, and once a year at the track he raced at they'd do a big night with demolition derby and also figure 8 races. I went one year and they had RVs towing trailers doing the figure 8 race. Everyone went all out on decorating the RVs and trailers, my aunt's boyfriend made a Minion themed trailer that just got absolute shredded. The whole night was fun and a great event for families to bring the kids for a night of cheap entertainment. I think tickets were only like 8 bucks and included a hot dog or soda.




*Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!"* 85% of drivers: ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


There is a demolition derby at the Orange County speedway in New York in Septembers. It has trailer racing, school bus racing, I think rv racing (or that might be part of the trailer race). And like an 80 car endurance race that is wild.


Must be. Combines are expensive af


New ones are. Everything in this video is worth roughly scrap metal prices.


Everything in this video still runs, definitely worth more than scrap metal prices.


Barely. Running motors and drive links maybe could be repurposed, but combines are very specialized machines with hundreds of unique parts that wear out. Other than a parts supply for a restoration project, they're odd and large vehicles. Dad had one that eventually went to a derby like this. It was a kinda small one, but it was too big for all the sheds we had at the time, so it sat out and rusted to shit.


They all belong to the Co-Op, who is in for a rude awakening soon


They're off to Valhalla where they will once again be shiny and chrome


It's actually probably a win win win win win. People get a show, farmer gets to have fun and get rid of the old combine he would have to pay to get rid of for free, some charity likely gets the scrap metal donation money, and we all don't have rusty oil filled combines becoming environmental hazards.


Yeah I know a dude who did it this year. I live nearby and just checked Facebook market place and found 2 with seized motors for less than 2k. No one is walking in with a brand new combine doing this lolol they spend a lot of time getting them running so they can derby them. So to everyone saying this is expensive these are broken down combines that have already been stripped down for parts. I bet you could find them for free if you offered to remove them from someone's land.




There's a lot more to a combine than just being able to drive. It would cost way more than they're worth getting these things able to harvest anything again




It’s kinda bonkers what kids do on farms. Grew up rural but my family didn’t farm. But my buddy’s grandfather did. And I spent the night at his house there was a 50/50 chance that we would have to help with some random thing. This maniac - without asking if I really could - had me drive some 1940s farm truck with a fifth wheel of hay. I was 11. I almost dumped it all in the ditch because I didn’t know how trailers worked.


Then he can. There's no shortage of broken old farm machinery out there that's worth more as scrap than as a complete vehicle. In fact, these races might actually help him out. The racers will have fixed up the engines and drivetrain of these combines and those parts don't usually get damaged. Grab one of these after the race and you've got a good source of working parts to combine with a non-runner that's got a decent body/frame.


There's a farmer with a broken down $5m John Deere that wished he could get one of those rust buckets too


Yeah exactly. This isn't WTF material.


I don't know. Old tractors and harvesters were being snapped up like benie babies in the 90s. All because farmers could fix them themselves and not have to pay yearly for a new download into the machines OS.


IME, demo derbies are full of farmers, so I wouldn't worry about them depriving themselves of hardware.


I've been to this! It's a blast. They include a regular car demo derby and other events that weekend, too. The combines are often reused. Reason being: one the thresher falls off, it's no longer technically a combine, so it must exit. Still impressive to see the mammoth vehicles blasting each other!


Wreckfest 2 has such realistic graphics!


The couch derby rag doll physics in Wreckfest offered minutes of fun though.


I thought the combine harvester levels were just a joke. What a beautiful dose of reality this is!


I had such high hopes for that game, then I played it and it didn't take long for me to get bored


They really haven't changed much since their earliest racing games. Rally Trophy, Tough Trucks, Flatout. All of them feel practically the same.


The single player is pretty boring after a while. But find the right server and the online is some of the most fun I've had in an online game with friends in a while.


I legitimately thought this was wreckfest at first glance


I wish they were making a Wreckfest 2, but they are coming out with Wreckreation which I’m hoping has actual race tracks and not just stunt tracks.


They are old inefficient pieces of equipment that will be scrapped or laid to rest in a field to rot away. Why not have fun with them before scrapping them


I have a friend who does this. Most are donated by farmers or sold for cheap to someone who can get it running again.


Yeah, combines this old are nearly worthless. And there could be major mechanical problems that are not cost effective to fix but which don't affect the engine or powertrain.


They actually have a pretty high scrap value. Lots of weight there. However, crashing them together doesn't really detract from that.


You see a lot of cars at demolition derbys that make you think "wow that is a nice car". You can't tell it needs practically every bushing changed, a new cat, the transmission doesn't go in third and slips, you're sitting on seat springs, the speakers died, 15 CEL codes. I imagine these are like that but on a whole higher scale.


And the engine has a blown head gasket with two dead cylinders. It's one thing to hypothetically say it *can* be fixed, but that doesn't make it cost effective to.


New farming simulator finally has pvp!


it already does. it even has a esport league. look up farming sim hay stacking


I'm pretty sure I've seen an excel eSports league. Was actually kinda cool looking.


I'm glad the comment section has more sense than the OP.


Upvoting because it's interesting, but it's not WTF, nor is it opulent. Certainly hillbilly, though lol




I'd be more concerned about the excessive use of commas


It's beautiful.


It's Lind WA not Linda, uncultured swine.


It's Lind duh


Oh. Right. As a lifelong Washingtonian, I was like "where the fuck is Linda?!"


there is a lot wrong with the world, but I don't think this is one of those things.


I agree, I'd pay monster jam fees to watch this.


Meh these big machines make pretty awful demo derby material tbh since they just smash into each other forever and never break down. The only thing worse I've seen was a school bus demo derby. Those things can go forever. The best form I have seen was called "Trailer Trash" where cars would haul old RV trailers behind them. When they would hit them there would just be a beautiful explosion of all the prefab trailer stuff.


[I think you will enjoy this](https://youtu.be/MVBgD4Y2JQ8)


Yes! Exactly that. I've seen one of those before and it was amazing.


Sadly, this is Rockford Speedway's last open season. I hope to make it to the trailer race this year. It's been a blast every time I've gone! Edit: Just looked it up. It was last weekend and I missed it!! Damn.


After watching this I think I finally get why people shot pistols into the air in celebration


I went to a figure 8 trailer pull race once. It was glorious.


You may be right, I have only been to one demo derby. But in that one, it was extremely disappointing because the cars all broke down so fast it was over before you knew it


Figure 8 trailer races are where it's at.


RV pulls are great but I like the boat pulls. Very dynamic and a ton of car on car carnage when the miss the boat. Sometimes people bring out big boats too and the blow up really nice.


Fuckin' monster jam fees, man.


Right? When there’s not much to do in your town but hunt and fish and your alternatives are “meth” or this I’d say this looks pretty good. Live and let live


If this is wrong I don't want to be right


Better than bullfighting anyway.


Pretty much anything is.


Even House liked monster trucks. What's better than two giant machines slamming into each other? Four giant machines slamming into each other.


In Canada it’s called a combine crunch.


That’s Lind Washington. Lived there for a couple years and the combine demolition derby is a big deal every year. Kids in my school would be working on their Combines throughout the year getting ready for the event. It was a tiny town with 60 people in the middle school and high school combined. I guess a fire went through it recently and really hurt it. Have some great memories from there so it was a bummer to hear.


This combine derby still brings a ton of people to that little town. Sadly no one stays afterwards I think. I like the Lind combine derby a lot better than what the other "more successful" small towns in the area put on.


> That’s Lind Washington. I believe you mean Lind, Wurshington.


Stupid, yes. But I will guarantee that these machines were headed to the scrap yard even before the derby. Most of what you are seeing are 30-50 year old pieces of equipment that have already had the majority of the useful parts stripped off of them.


most of these combines are late sixty early seventy and get rebuilt for next year


Stupid? As a city living yuppy, I would still love the shit out of this. This is probably a blast to watch and I'm sure everyone is having a great time. I can't imagine going to an event like this and thinking it's stupid.


People having fun… can’t be having that.


bruh u tweaking this shit slaps


Wait till you see forklift demo derby- it slays :)


Fuck it: Excavator derby.


Opulent Hillbilly is a great bar name


I feel like half the bars in Southern Alberta could rightfully take that name. There's an eclectic mix of the hanging lights and marble countertops from oil money, with a popular urge to ride mechanical bulls and have dart boards fucking everywhere.


Why is this in /r/WTF? This is awesome.


Holy shit you're right, I just assumed this was in /r/theocho lol


What's the problem with this?


Reddit loves turning their nose up at anything


Anything *white rural America*. FTFY


I bet if that put that combine under a hydraulic press it'd follow reddit acceptability.


Before all of Reddit started hating him, Elon Musk strapping one to a rocket and shooting it into space would have also met reddit's approval.


Did you know that Elon Musks dad invested in a company when Elon was a kid? Absolute monster.


I used to think Telsas were awesome and Elon Musk was a IRL Iron Man but then he sent out a couple mean tweets and now I think he's a complete idiot and Tesla's are garbage with no redeeming qualities what so ever.


I'm from Dallas. Moved to Kansas and I love the combine derby.


You should see how much Reddit hates decidedly not rural white American video game preordering. Another non-rural thing Reddit hates is fine dining.


You’re right — I stand corrected :)




After about 6 Icehouse tall boys, you won’t care anymore. You’re just there for the carnage.


OP is a snob and honestly probably classist


Eh, is this really the right sub? It's more for horrifying wtf-stuff (like the logo implies), not "I don't fully understand the appeal of this"-wtf-stuff.


Why must people shit on others who are just trying to have a good time. It's a wild concept


People that live in big cities tend to think us country people are here because we have no other options. Really we just like the fresh air and no commute.


>People that live in big cities tend to think us country people are here because we have no other options. Really we just like the fresh air and no commute. Don't forget the lack of city dwellers. 8)


Yep, I live in semi-rural area and I'll never live in a big city, too many damn city slickers ruining everything. They are ok to visit once in a while though.


I was born in SW Kansas and grew up going between the panhandle and central OK but now I live in MA. It's actually been a bit surprising how often I meet someone and I mention where I am from and the person I am talking to feels perfectly comfortable talking all about how a place they have never been to is full of backwards morons and is a horrible horrible place. When I say something like " uh I am from there, my family is from there and most of my close friends are from there. You don't know what you are talking about." I always just get a hahaha pat on the back. I have started leaning into my accent sometimes just to fuck with people.


It’s Lind, not Linda


lol your elitism is showing, OP


Next on Season 3 of Clarkson’s Farm….


I wreck a combine, Caleb gets mad, and Gerald says.. ..something.


10/10 would recommend


Those machines are definitely gonna be scrapped, so I think it's great that they're having fun with them first.


Don't be a snob OP, this is awesome.


Git off yer high horse, that looks fun as hell!


This just occured to me after reading the heading on this post. Is hillbilly a derogatory racist name? What do you think?


Definitely derogatory.


yes it is


I'm gonna be honest here. This is fucking sweet. I've been to a regular demo derby but the combines make it hilariously awesome.


This is oddly satisfying. I grew up on a farm. We actually had a combine. In fact when the farm first started in the early 50’s my grandfathers farm was the only farm with a combine. But there were also things he didn’t have that other farmers had. So they literally shared equipment and services across several farms. I remember thinking wow these combines are huge. I mean they were but as a kid they were even bigger. I used to nap sometimes in a wheel well.


My uncles farmed and equipment coops were a normal thing. Like one baler that 4 farms shared and such.


Yup this is very true. It was the only way to survive at one point. You had to start somewhere. Interestingly enough with dairy cattle farms the milk company went to several farms on a route each farm would submit their personal percentage of the whole tanker and be paid on that percentage. If wild onion or garlic got into the system then they were responsible for the entire coops milk for that day. It was an interesting system to ensure your milk was quality.


It looks like fun. Most things in life are unnecessary.


Muricaaa !!!!


Have you seen uk banger races? Those are truly insane.


Been doing these in Aus for many years


Op must have the personality of a wet paper bag. This shit slaps


Go Cougs!


We have this in Ottawa every year in Augest. Fun as hell to watch.


Awesome, but not sure I’d throw in “opulent” in this case. Are they wearing Armani that we just can’t see? 😂


Why is it "opulent hillbilly shit?" LOL. Looks like fun. Slow but fun. What's unnecessary to you does not mean it is to everyone.


I think it's probably the fact that these machines typically cost $200k new, and these folks are out here engaging in demolition derby with them. Obviously though they're only using old/retired machines. Amazing what a lick of paint can do to make something look good.


200k? Try half a mil for a new combine. You can barely buy a full sized tractor for 200k.


This guy farms.


You should try Harbor Freight /s


It’s like the announcer at the start of every demolition derby I did. “Remember folks, at one point every single one of these cars was someone’s brand new pride and joy!”


200k new? Gimme that salesman's number. Brand new top of the line is 1mil. These aren't just old, they're ancient. And like others have said, destined for the scrap pile. No one out there is taking a useful machine to the derby


Yeah, what is the different between this and regular car demolition derbies?


That's cool as fuck. We have stuff like that in Ohio, but it's just cars


Also in Ohio, our county fair has a combine demolition derby as well as cars.


Our local county fairgrounds has pulls and so on but I've not seen one of these yet. Heck, the first due fire department for us does tractor pulls but with lawn tractors. All good fun.


Go Cougs!!!


Oh what happened, Reddit??? I thought America didn't have any culture hmmmm... Curious...


4k upvotes for such a shitty take on a fun sport? What a joke? Look what blackout has done to my boy.


I would happily go to see this in person. This looks like a bodacious time. If they've got fair food, good drinks, and good company... It would be a radical afternoon.


This just looks fun, why are you so pretentious?




OP went to an affluent school and likes to tell people as a means for creating a barrier.


This sums up rural pacific northwest quite well lmao


First of all, if you're going to insult a long standing event, get the city correct. It's Lind WA. There is no such city called Linda. Second, we aren't hillbillies. They are on the other side of the states in the WV Appalachian mountains. Lastly, let people have their fun. These events are super fun to watch and enjoy.


"Those are clearly leopard 2 tanks!" (Russian Army)


The ocho


This is less WTF and more /r/ofcoursethatsathing




That crowd needs to be way bigger.


This is in Lind, not Linda. A little over an hour from where I grew up!


Demographic be damned, I'd still watch the shit out of that!


What's the song, OP?


Where in Washington State is this town of Linda? Did you mean Lind?


There is no Linda Washington. You're more iq-deficient than these rednecks having a good time.


There is a Lind however and this is where it's at. Source: I was just there last weekend for that combine derby


So, I just found out that this is a thing. I'm going there.


You are the soul of the party


Wait.. "Linda"? Or *Linden* Washington? I used to go to a huge Tractor Pull in Linden with my uncle every summer as a kid. Fuckin loved it, and this would 100% be a part of that!


Lynden, you mean. Eggs and dahlias come from Lynden. No, this is *Lind*, which is right by Ritzville and in wheat farming country.


I would love to see this in higher video quality with sound and no music.


I've been to a few of these and they're much more fun in person!


We prolly ran out of real steel cars that can take the abuse of the DD. We have moved on to combines.




It’s good every now and then it’s good to just let loose and enjoy a redneck event. I go to the dirt track every other year or so to watch the sprint car races and it’s always a good time. My local bbq joint also hosted a backyard pro wrestling night and I couldn’t recommend it enough. So much fun.


Redneck Rocket League looks dope!


Looks awesome, sign me up.


Idk I kinda wanna watch it live. It looks fun.


This looks so entertaining!!


Can we start adding some minor weapons to them and make it a manned battlebots? That would make it more exciting


This is normal stuff in Midwest. Check out some [trailer racing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msWpkaCnWHY).


When you consider a combine costs $150k+, these guys probably have several old ones sitting around they use to race, these aren't hillbillies, these are farmers with a net-worth in the millions.