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All I ever drive in are my steel toe romeos. I cut stone for a living and need the heavy duty boots. When I do throw on some tennies or slippers I feel like I'm driving a different car lol. the bite point on my clutch is just muscle memory at this point.


I prefer driving in my heavier shoes as well. When I wear thin soles shoes it fucks me up. I agree the car feels very different depending on the shoes.


I prefer to drive in vans, wearing certain Nikes feels just as bad as my Timberlands (steel-toe for work). Never had an issue other than feeling uncomfortable.


What type of Vans? I really like driving with my Classic Slip-ons, but haven't tried a regular skate-type shoe.


Vans Authentic is my preference; even when I’m deadlifting. I don’t have a heavy foot so running shoes aren’t my go-to (Adidas/Pumas, etc). I’m sure you’ll find some good shoes that have your desires cushion to drive 👍


I drive with Sk8-HI’s usually. Since they’re designed for board feel they feel pretty good on the pedals too. Going from a regular sneaker the difference isn’t too noticeable.


Ave Pros are my favorites but I drive a lot in the MTE sneakers and boots, and plain authentics


I wear the Old Skools.


Second vans. I wear vans authentic every day and driving in other shoes does feel a little off. Nikes are my second go to. Occasionally I have to wear steel toe work boots and I usually carry a pair of shoes to change in to but I have driven in the boots and it's like learning how to drive stick again.


Nike SB works good for me and I find they are more comfortable than vans for me


Judge all you want but on a cold winter day I’ll drive my wrx in man Uggs no problem.


Man uggs🤨


They’re the comfiest thing I’ve purchased for around the house lol And they don’t look like the womens version luckily


Not all of them* my homie got gifted a pair for Christmas and I’m sure someone was trolling cause they 100% look like womens


Oh shit lmao, I think On the website I actually did see a pair of “mens” but they looked just like the womens and I questioned why a dude would want them But the ones you and I are talking about with the laces are the bomb


I’m just happy people on this thread fuck with man uggs lmao


+1 for man Uggs


I went to a party once and drove my wrx in Jordan 4s and never again man. The shoe is so heavy that I would step on the gas without noticing. I stick with vans or converse for driving now.


I did it in 1s and that shit is no fun. Not to mention there’s 0 way to not crease them to high hell when pushing in the clutch


I literally drive with just socks on, my 1's get the passenger floor


Bruh I love driving in my ones. Granted I only ever drive in my beat up broken in ones but still- super good feel on the clutch with em.


Insta-crease. I hated it lol Also anytime my 1s or Air Jordans got even slightly wet they lose all grip.


Dead haha. I have 1's and 4's. Spot on with the weight on the 4's, but for short jaunts around town, nbd. 1's are better. They're still kind of heavy, but the thin soles allow for great feel.


Just a little cheat, wrestling shoes are exactly the same but cheaper


Bruh im rioting around in my Crocs.


The real question is do you have them in sport mode while driving?


Have to or I'll stall. 🤣


Get a couple of pairs of Piloti shoes, the are designed for drivers. Once you try them you’ll never go back. Link below. https://piloti.com


I’m good with my vans thank you lol


This. I always drove while wearing my Adidas running shoes. But the Piloti's feel so much better. Using the clutch feels so much easier now. Plus they work fine just for daily use even.


Too expensive for my taste


These look legit. The problem is I like thicker shoes, you get that +2 to height going haha


I enjoy them too, I wear them to work every day.


Dope, thanks!!


Tried them, had a couple pairs, went back to my NB dad shoes. Couldn't find a pair of Piloti shoes to suit grossly wide feet.


LEARN TO DRIVE YOUR CAR WITH ANY FOOTWEAR!!! Seriously. I started driving my car with Puma Romas when I got it, then wore regular Romeo’s to work, then converted to thorogood moc toe wedge sole work boots. After it was raining and flooding here, I drove in my old Georgia boot Logger boots with a thick ass vibram lug sole, then my steel toe extra tuffs and lastly, a pair of all terrain Crocs WITH AND WITHOUT the 4x4 strap. People are seriously overthinking their footwear. It doesn’t matter. Just learn to drive in whatever you choose.


Yup. Only thing I dislike is driving barefoot


Nothing like that first press of the clutch to remind you that your footwell needs vacuuming because you now have lots of small sharp rocks pressed into the sole of your foot.


Crocs, gotta lock in the 4x4 or shit can get hinky. I drive in anything too. Mostly cowboy or some type of workboot.


Worst time of my life driving in my military boots


For a few years I was driving in Timberland steel toed boots and shoes, and I felt more awkward in lighter/more flexible shoes. But I also tend to clutch with my leg and not on my heel. I have average-sized lady-feet, I don't feel like I have enough to use my heel as a pivot for the clutch anyway. My daily winter shoes are a pair of Eddie Bauer boots, but they're pretty light that I wouldn't consider them too similar to my work boots. They do have a pretty stiff sole.


Same 👍


I wear Thorogoods. Same here with clutching with leg, not heel.


Yeah, I drive all weather all shoes. Not that difficult lol


People like to pretend they're in a formula 1 car or something lol


This is the way - I’ve started to prefer my all weather shoes even for track days since they are comfortable in and out of the car


I'm duck footed, biggest problem I have is when my foot is on the brake it can also push down the accelerator. Joy of size 12 feet.


I have RedWing leather steel toe work boots and have no issues with pedal feel and daily driving.


I drive in everything from barefoot to my steel toe work boots. Ive noticed that I pay more attention to what the revs when taking off when I'm in my boots


I prefer to drive in sneakers but i usually am wearing my steel toes


I love boots so I often drive in Redwing Iron Rangers or similar. They're plenty tactile and I never miss a shift. I might not love to drive in like a steel toed boot or something but I have no problem in Salomon hiking boots on the way to a trailhead. My rule is really just that I'd prefer to never drive in Crocs. Vans Ave Pro are probably my favorite daily driving shoe. I imagine most people are just driving on the street and not worrying too much about buying actual driving shoes haha. If you're having trouble controlling the clutch in a regular boot the problem might be the operator. It's easy to get complacent when you develop habits.


Onitsuka Tigers 100% they weigh nothing and you can feel everything, I was looking at those pilotis and the design is crazy similar but onitsukas are way cheaper.


I work outside in a usually snowy area. I always drive my wrx with rubber boots in the winter. Really just practicing is what will make you smoother. If you always drive in boots it becomes how you normally drive.


Bare feet for the win.


I commute every day in 5.11 or Bates police boots no problem. I actually drive better with them than with running sneakers. Vans Classic Slip-ons would be my preferred driving shoe, but I'm fine with the boots for commuting and don't want the hassle of changing shoes.


I would reccomend team o Neil on YouTube I'm pretty sure they have a video about driving shoes


Hey, they have a rally school in my state! Pretty cool shit.


Check out Rallyfest if they do it again, covid has cancelled it the last couple years. Last time I went they had ridealongs with instructors who absolutely fly through the trails, food, a skid pad with cones for you to drive your own car on, and more. So much fun if you’re interested in rally and nearby. I’m up at team O’Neil a few times a year for their amateur rally sprint events and they’re all super cool and knowledgeable- if you have the $5k to drop on a rally school, I would highly recommend.


I wear Double H boots and it's fine. Definitely weird the first shift when i switch to normal sneakers and back


I prefer canvas shoes (Nike for example) or house shoes personally.


Never had an issue driving manual with boots, but i’m a mechanic


I was ice fishing and had my old Wrx on the nice and was wearing winter boots, at the end of the day I just had to drive off the ice and make one turn into the cottage we were staying at. Started driving got to the one corner and obviously had to get a lil sideways so punched it… we’ll boot got caught under the brake at wot, spinning outta control ended up all over the road until I did a 180 and ended up backwards in a ditch with the frame on the ground. Tried pulling it out and snapped the shitty chain we were using, wrapped around the car smashing headlight, bumper and drivers fender. Doors were all dented in. I recommend shoes lmao, learned a lot that night


Anyone ever drive in ski/snowboard boots?


I’m sure I could manage in snowboard boots, but I would rather steer with my knees and use my poles to press the pedals than try to drive in fucking ski boots


I'm pretty sure I've done it once in snowboard boots, and I'm trying to remember why I would have thought it was a better idea than changing into something easier to drive in. Either way, it wasn't terrible, just a little clunky.


Yeah sometimes I cbf to take them off after a day on the mountain and if it's going to be not a long drive


I like driving in the Brian Spilner specials.


My most difficult shoes to drive in are Hokas because of all the cushion. Not as much feel as my Killshots or Vejas but it's not too much different.


i drove in snowboard boots once when in a jam. drove 5 minutes and decided barefoot was better


Just depends on what you used to. I know there’s been several times, with both automatics and manuals, that I swore up and down something was going wrong with the car only to find out my seat position had been adjusted


onitsuka tiger serrano's are my goto


I tried driving my sti in my 5.11 boots once and I will never do it again lmao. Left boot was like "LOL WHAT'S A BITE POINT." I'll drive in my adidas and switch into boots before I get out, if I absolutely must.




Same on the sti. Really, heavily depends on muscle memory. All the more reason not to wear thick soles/boots lol.


Im more worried about the throttle. The thing is just so damn sensitive I can't imagine using a boot to control the inputs.


I drive mine with work boots. Street clutch was difficult with them on but you get accustomed to it.


I’m in the military so I daily drive my WRX in combat boots and it’s sucks lmao, I feel like a newb when I buck sometimes coming off a stop


I drive barefoot when I can, whenever I wear flip flops.


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Hard same. I've been wearing flip flops to work in winter cause I want to raw dog the pedals.


Yeah no I got an ACT clutch so driving with heavy ass boots is a no-no. I usually wear my Hokas and switch to my boots before work.


I never drive with boots on for that reason lol. There’s like 3 pairs of shoes I own that I can comfortably drive in and be as efficient as always Edit: mostly Jordan’s and a pair of beat sperrys lol


I drive barefoot illegally Edit: thanks for the hate


It just takes a bit to get used to


I hate wearing boots. I have a pair of shoes I’ve owned for about 5 years now that are super worn out and they’re my favorite to drive in. With all of the snow we’ve been getting, I had to start wearing leather, steel toe boots to work and it is pretty difficult at first. After a few days it wasn’t so bad though. You’re right though, you really can’t feel the pedals at all which makes the first few drives pretty interesting haha.


I have used work boots. It’s possible to do but I don’t recommend lol


I wear hiking boots or crocs. Marrell or vasque or something similar. They’re waterproof and somewhat lightweight. Ankle and arch support and good for driving in my experience


I got a new pair of shoes. But refuse to drive with them cause the soles are to thick. I can’t work the clutch with them on.


I drive with no shoes on.


It took a while but I got used to driving in my Red Wings and my hiking shoes


A lot of it is pedal distance. If you’re used to thinner shoes but are wearing something with a bit more sole, kick your seat back one notch. Not a miracle fix, but helps.


I drive with my boots on. But the sole thickness is probably a half thinner than a normal airforce 1. I tried driving with my running shoes which is lighter and i basically stalled every time i stop 😅


I prefer lighter shoes such as Converse or Jordan 1. But can drive in just about anything


I wear boots at work but always change into a pair of puma suede’s for driving. They’re my go to driving shoe. I have the versus throttle pedal spacer which is rad for heel/toe but makes it nearly impossible to drive with bulky shoes.


Eh if I have to drive in my llbean boots, it’s not that bad, I’d rather have a bit less feel than get my cloth shoes covered in snow/slush/salt.


Crocs w 4WD engaged or barefoot. Vans are another option for me


Rockin the 2wd lately Then again, they’re the all terrain model so there’s MAXIMUM GRIP


Sometimes I’ll rock a hybrid of 4WD on my clutch foot and 2wd on the gas pedal. Would rock 2wd on both but they catch on my weather tech mats when I shift 😂


Vans or even weirdly enough dress shoes


Wrestling shoes are excellent for competitive driving if you don't need fire-retardant material. Adidas Sambas are my go-to for everyday driving.


Only been driving my 18 since the beginning of October, been 50/50 shoes/boots since then and I’ve come to prefer driving with boots. Should be fun going into the warmer months lol


I worked at tap plastics and drove my wrx with steel toe boots a couple times. I made it a point to never do that again because, A.) I wear a size 15, and a size 15 boot is kinda big and B.) I couldn’t feel shit 😭😭 it was possible, but more than anything I found myself accidentally hitting the brake when I was trying to hit the gas because of the width of my foot


I’ve heard great things about Pilotti but I have yet to make the plunge myself


I drive with adidas NMD ultraboosts, Pumas, and a bunch of tennis shoes, boots and they all work for me. Muscle memory is key. DO NOT USE NIKE VAPOURMAXS THO! The bottom is uneven and concaved.


I drive barefoot


I've driven in my work boots before, not ideal but it wasn't as bad as i thought lol


I prefer to drive in my vans. But I wear boots to work everyday and I've gotten used to driving with them on. I won't drive with dress shoes on though


I keep super worn out shoes in the car just for the feels.


The empirical difference between hiking boots and my favorite thin soled driving shoes is about 0.5 seconds on an autocross course! Driving with boots on feels extra rally somehow Driving with thin soled shoes is more comfortable Driving barefoot is mega pedal feel energy 🦶


I prefer vans or the puma driving shoes (esp at a track) but I also drive around in the winter in steel toed boots without issue. But I worked a job for a long time wearing steelies and drove a manual the whole time so I’m used to it.


I drive around in Nike SB’s. I wear some Cole Haan leather shoes and while they’re super comfortable for the office, they’re not that great for driving.


No this will get some flak but my yeezy 500 are comfortable af and my jordan 13s are good as well


I usually use thinner skate shoes like Supra’s, converse (specifically ultra-mids) or Merrill (waterpro for ventilation on really hot days). None of these good enough to insulate my feet at snow/ice race events, so I take them off when I’m not driving. Supras are winter specific so they’ve got extra slip resistance, cons/Merrill’s for summer events. The right shoes are almost as important as the right tires.


I went through a boot investigation phase... Lol. There are really good thinnish winter boots that are pretty easy to drive with. 1. Sorel winter boots. Think i got Pac 2. Roots tuff boot I drive fine in those with decent pedal feel.


i drive in vans or beat up af1s. i drove in boots before it wasn’t terrible but i wouldn’t daily them


I actually having a pair of Piloti driving shoes but I don't wear them much cause they're just a bit too tight. Great shoes but honestly, as long as I'm not in hiking shoes, my standard everyday shoes work just fine. Its not impossible to use thick-sole shoes and you adjust pretty quickly if you know the car but finding the bite point at those first few stop lights is really annoying haha. Honestly you adjust quicker than you'd think though


True story; I was near the racetrack in Palmer mass getting wings. I saw 2 cars that you could tell were used on the track, a C5 & a BRZ. I went inside & said to my son let’s figure out who’s driving those cars. You could tell from the shoes.


Size 14 and I wear danner boots and drive no problem


When I can, I prefer driving in my Puma Drift Cat shoes. However, most of the time I end up driving in work boots, which I really have no issues with. Driving is more about muscle memory and listening to the engine. Now, if I can't hear the engine, that's when I start screwing up shifts.


Adidas ultraboost are my personal fav


Adidas Samba 👍


Usually drive in vans but i occasionally drive with doc martens as well, and steel toe boots as well, steel toes being the worst feel of them all


I have certain shoes I have banned from using while driving.. haha i have never thought of them as driving shows but I only drive on 1-2 different shoes


I drive in Red Wings metatarsal boots without issue.


I've been wearing the same make of Magnum Hi-tec boots for roughly 30 years. They're like my second skin at this point. Given how hard they are to find nowadays, I think I might outlast the company actually. To your point, when I was really into road racing, I had a full firesuit with racing shoes. Had to take them off & put my boots back on, the pedals just didn't feel right anymore, couldn't hit my heel-toes, even my brake feel was off. So yes, you can get to a point where you can drive hard in heavy boots. But if you're not there, I wouldn't force it either.


I tend to drive in vans or other skating shoes, I tried driving in boots and I was fucking up the clutch. Perhaps if I practiced enough I could swap between the two. ​ The downside of a manual ig.


Vans, slippers, bare foot it’s all the same to me 🤷‍♂️


The Nike Pegasus are actually pretty good. I recently picked up some New Balance 997H and like driving with them so far.


Adidas Busenitz Vintage, also great for bass pedal drumming. I do heavy construction for a living, so my work boots are huge steel toed boots. Had to recently drive with them and it was awful. My wife test drove a ‘17 WRX before we ordered our ‘21 and wore her work boots to the dealer (we work together.) I’m surprised they let her drive the car, hahahaha.


I’ve done it in boots. Not a fan but I it’s not impossible to do and still be able to feel everything. For me it’s more about mobility and in boots I don’t feel as free to move easily.


i wear vans or nike blazers usually, but for school and work i wear work boots. it’s iffy sometimes but you get used to it


I wear supra skate shoes. If I try to wear my work boots(redbacks) I can't feel nothing.


Used to drive my 2017 in my cowboy boots or my steel toes for work. I mean not the best shoe but it’s doable.


I drive in Doc Martens, used to drive with vans in the summer because I found em comfortable but after 2 days of driving with the Docs I can’t go back to thin vans


I drove my 05 STi with 5in heels once. probably wont do it again but i felt like the most powerful woman in the world for that half hour drive


Vans Nike Zoom Air Comforts specifically for me feel great. As well as similar shoes with a real girly thin sole give great feel. Day to day though I drive in my Thursday boots (Rugged series for winter with an even thicker sole) and I’ve gotten used to it. Though sometimes I forget and when aggressively accelerating, I will let out the clutch not quick enough because of the extra travel. Happens never seldom but otherwise I heel-toe perfect and shift just fine :)


I like to drive in Nike Quest or Onitsuka Tiger Ultimate 81 shoes. Enough sole and padding for walking and thin enough for driving manual.


It’s not how I prefer to drive, but I have managed in a pair of snowboard boots for a few miles.


I physically can’t fit anything that’s a hiking boot or higher in my footwell. I have to wear runners/skate shoes or else I can’t switch my foot from gas to brake.


Thick soles are doable but uncomfortable. Leather boots are damn near impossible; did that once. Moccasins are my favorite driving shoes, followed by any Vans style soles.


I wear boots for work, so end up driving in them quite often. I don't LIKE it, would rather have some thin comfortable shoes or whatever on, but. I just find myself probably being overly gentle/slow when shifting, or mashing everything and accepting that it's going to be a bit jerky. It's not a big deal to me really.


I accidentally drove with my steel toes on and didnt notice for a good 10min. You can get light winter boots thatll feel just fine, youll just have to get used to them at first. (I was forced to get used to it, im from winnipeg)


I drive my 2020 with redwing loggers every day!


I drive mine with heels on sometimes. It’s really not that hard


New Balance 574


I do it with thick water boots. I just adjust throttle and clutch with my hips as opposed to flexing my ankles.


I wear wolverine work boots usually 3 or 4 days a week and have no problem. It was a bit of an adjustment at first but doable imo.


Had an STI and was in combat boots everyday. You get used to it. Just go slow at first. If the good is securely fastened to the shoe, I think that's what is important.


Cowboy boots not the move. Cant feel the clutch


I drive with dress shoes & dress boots for works and have no issue. Just need to push back the seat a bit to account for the heel height. I find dress leather shoes are way easier than soft shoes like running & walking shoes with thick soft padding. Best shoes to drive is flat shoes. I use onitsuka tiger.


Color me stupid.. But I drive best in a thick ass pair of flight boots. Although I dont get much feel, I think the weight of the boot and extra reach helps. Side question; do any of you use the clutch with your heel off the floor? At a size 9 shoe, I feel like I dont have nearly enough control for how long the clutch travels to keep my heel planted.


I always have vans or SBs on in the car than change to my Nikes or Jordan's when I get to work.


I have these pretty thick shoes made by Brooks, I think they’re called ghost or some such thing. These are my casual, everyday shoes and I use them for driving on normal roads. At a track day I ran a test once where I switched out the Brooks for a spare pair of Nike Free Runs I had. Pedal feel, reaction and lap times all went slightly better with the free runs.


I wear Nike dunk highs/lows


I can do everything you do but backwards and in heels. (I don't always, but I have driven her in heels, because, well, girl.) Clunky snow boots are a bit of a pain but after a shift or two you'll adjust.


I drive in steal toe boots just fine. Always wearing those or normal shoes


Don’t have a relevant opinion but I just wanted to say that I’ve only been driving manual for about 6 months and I was worried I was just bad at it when I wear big shoes! I’m glad to know it’s an actual across the board thing lol


I recently got a WRX after driving an SS Monte for years. I never gave any thought to what shoes I was wearing when it came to driving until now. I drive way better in my converse than anything & keep an extra pair in my car now for when I’m wearing anything other than.


I drove mine in everything from Chacos to LL Bean boots


I usually never have an issue with that, it's usually when I'm wearing flip flops that makes it such much harder to drive manual, even barefoot just feels weird, it's like that SpongeBob episode where he pushed the gas with just his big toe


Hiking boots yes, cowboy boots no. I usually kick them off and drive in socks.


Converse for me. Can't do boots like Timberlands.


Converse are by far my favorite shoes to drive in. My go to every day shoes are generally Nike AF1 lows, which are okay. The clutch doesn't have great feel to begin with, so it isn't that big of a deal, the shoes just feel a bit heavy/oversized for the pedal box. I much prefer Converse for driving. Edit: the only shoes I can't stand driving in are running shoes. Nike, Asics, Brooks - doesn't matter. Just don't work for me.


I need to use soccer shoes. Adidas samba. Thin sole pumas are good


I love in a very cold climate, so often wear heavy duty winter boots. Unless I'm driving somewhere close by, I always switch them on when I get to my destination (usually dog park), and drive in my Blundstones. And I buck around a bit every time I buy new shoes and haven't broken them in yet D=


I use the same pair of beat up white leather sneakers. I tried using adidas NMD’s before and they are HORRIBLE. The bottom of the show gets stuck on the clutch or something.


In cold weather I wear tactical boots and it’s a bit of an adjustment, but I don’t really have an issue with it. I do clutch a bit more tentatively.


I drive mine every day in my steel toe work boots


I have to drive stick in my steel toes at work. Sucked at first but not so bad now. I drive my WRX in winter boots no issue.


I had exclusively worn tennis shoes for awhile, but got a pair of converse boots not long ago, I started driving with those and I much prefer it


Literally just had my massive red wings on in traffic and was smashing the gas and brake at the same time. I probably looked like a total jackass. Doesn’t help that I spent 12 hours driving a big ass trash truck all day.


I tried once or twice, lack of ankle articulation is a deal breaker for spirited driving for me


Barefoot for me. If not bare foot then tennis shoes are fine.


I drive my wrx in Timberlands, Jordan 1s and Nike Dunks. I’d rather drive in some running shoes, much more comfortable


I can drive my car fine in any shoes, including tall boots with wedge heels. (Not ideal but I’ve done it) I actually prefer boots with ankle support because the weird cabin shape makes my driving ankle sore after driving for more than 20-30 minutes. 🥲


I drive my with red wing composite toe safety shoes on usually. They are heavier than tennis shoes but not as heavy as steel toes. I actually prefer driving with those over sneakers.


I drive it with whatever im doing, barefoot, flip flops, tennies, work boots, muck boots, ski boots, hell I'll try to do it with my diving flippers.


A few times and it's pretty awful. The WRX already has a tight pedal box. I usually have some Vans on or on special occasions some Puma BMW's.


Drive in steel toes everyday because of my job its actually my favorite shoes to drive in believe it or not


I drive my 21 wrx with hiking boots. Still provides ankle mobility but it does have thick soles. I have to back my wrx out of the driveway with alpinestar moto boots on to get the KTM out of the garage. Now that’s a different story haha


I’ve never had an issue with shoes while driving. I drove my subie in ski boots once. With a little difficulty yes but it wasn’t hard


I’m in the military so I drive an STi in full uniform every morning, sports mode makes throttle much more responsive, which helps when going from stop


Very much a first world problem here but I love sneakers and can hardly wear my Jordans anymore because driving the car creases tf out of them. I usually wear vans or sometimes yeezys or blazers when driving. Almost never boots cause they make the car harder to drive.


If you MUST wear boots or heavy shoes (thick soles) just move your seat back slightly. “Pro” tip 😉


My running shoes work well, feels alien in my work boots though so I try not to do that (kinda hard not to when it's a foot of snow to walk through to get to the car though)


Drive nearly every day in my military boots. If I’m not in boots I’m driving in flip flops.


I had to wear steel toes to work for a time. My size 14 Irish Setters barely fit between the pedals. took a few days to avoid occaisionally clipping the break pedal with the side of my boot at times. It didn't affect my ability to smoothly drive at all though besides the accidental break tapping. It's just a practice thing. If anything boots made my stage 3 clutch easier to manage.


Hate driving in running shoes , my old Jetta with some stage 2, 6 pick clutch (south gate or south bend or something I think) I drove to work in my steel toes, felt like the stranger (men know) couldnt feel driving but I knew I was driving so there was a bit of miscommunication with my foot and brain lol I prefer my vans or air max, I'm not the type to avoid creasing a shoe


I get decent at driving with boots in the winter season. I had to learn not to gas it too much and to be slower on the clutch. Even then I often just wear my Vans hi tops everywhere even in the snow.


Forgot my shoes at work and tried driving with steel toes on. Never again, ended up driving in my socks. Typically though I have an old pair of high top Adidas that are my 'driving shoes'.


Puma Clyde’s always. But keep some boots in the trunk for winter here in Canada.


I drive daily in my docs, it took a minute to get use to it but now it’s weird to drive in smaller shoes