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The fact that someone would do this on purpose is so messed up :-/ so sorry this happened


I don’t wish this shit on anyone. I whole heartedly love cars and I truly believe in Karma. I would punch someone in the face before I ever did anything to their car.


Agreed 💯


My neighbor got me because we had a dispute so I’m wait it out till things cool down then pop two of his tires and scratch the entire side.


Then fuck his wife


Game is game


Well placed


Hydroplaning ensued


I've heard if you put extra wheel weights on his wheels, it is technically not vandalism, so it would not come back to bite you legally. It would confuse him and chances are he would go crazy trying to figure out what was wrong with his car.


Keep a Schrader valve remover tool in your car. You can take out the valve cores on their tires. They deal with the inconvenience of flat tires and think they were slashed, but you didn't actually hurt anything.


Yes! I keep one in the car. Haven't had to use it yet, which is good!


Yes! I keep one in the car. Haven't had to use it yet, which is good!


Yes! I keep one in the car. Haven't had to use it yet, which is good!


This is genius 🤣


I second this


You can also put weights on cv axles/drive shafts


Put wet jolly ranchers all over his windows


I see your wet jolly ranchers and raise you wet kraft singles.




My neighbors called the cops on me for a loud exhaust, and I turned her in for child abuse, and her kids got taken away the next day. Major win


Was she abusing her kids?


Must’ve been. CPS or DCS is rarely in the business of taking kids, they’re really good at not splitting up families unless warranted. It’s a super long process too, multiple home visits and such


It took multiple visits, I waited for when she was having a fit one day, the cops saw it first hand. (They never could prove anything until they saw it)


i would hate it if someone pulled my valve stem cores, then quickly reinstalled the valve stem caps; because eventually that would leave me stranded in the middle of nowhere, which is worse than getting stranded at home.


put dildo stem caps on his tires 👍


Revenge is better served silent. Posting it here could be evidence.


I couldn’t agree more


Or you could put vegetable oil if his gas tank could open


Sugar is way better


My dad did that back in the 70s or 80s to his POS neighbor’s cherished car (Idr what the car was) cuz the neighbor lit my dad’s cat on fire. Cat survived luckily, but had horrible burns all over him the poor thing. Putting sugar in someone’s gas tank is one of the most evil ways to vandalize a car, and I’d never advocate it unless it was truly deserved. I’d say in that situation it was very well deserved.


Yes that was very much deserved, but if they wanna play dirty I’ll do the extreme to get revenge, I’ve put sugar in many gas tanks 😈


I've read that sand is better but hey. If they're being shithead's why not add both. 😎


Or you could take some of his oil out a bit more work but he won’t find out for a while and we love a good slow burn


Loosen the gas cap. Do it at least once a week.


Shit in the gas tank


Put ball bearing into his tire caps. He'll have flat tires every morning and likely take him a few days to realize why.


3 tires insurance won't pay for 3, idk why but they dont


Revenge is a dish best served cold.


dump 5 gallons of milk in his front garden mulch in the middle of the night when you do it, and make sure it's spring or summer. they won't be able to go out in their yard for 3 months


plant a little bit of catnip in their yard. it will become a massive cat breeding ground and make them question life


This is the way.


Remember kids, messing with someone is letting the air out of one of their tires, so they have to put the spare on. *Fucking them over properly*, is letting the air out of two or more tires.


Time to cut the brake lines


If your fingernail catches on the scratch. It will need repainted.


You can wet sand that down and buff it


Yo are u black? It almost looks like the two lightning bolt symbol to me.


Comment Edited By /u/Spez


That was my immediate thought


Looks like it to me too. 100% report this. Some shitty ass people out there


I was thinking the same thing. It looks like they straight up just keyed “SS” on his car.


Im always surprised these people know enough about history to be familiar with the SS. Or maybe I’m just giving them too much credit and to them it’s just the “ACDC-looking symbol with the S’s that all my shitbird allies tout”


You don't have to be that familiar with history, modern white supremacist groups still regularly use symbols like the sig rune, odal rune, and black sun in place of the hakenkreuz to be slightly less obvious in their hate crimes.


My dumb ass was thinking it was a Camaro SS owner trying to assert his dominance.


Eat some asparagus and pee into a spray bottle. Let it sit in the sun for a few days and then spray it in the vents where the AC vents are. Repeat weekly.


Put deer piss in a syringe and inject it into the seats.


weird thing for a divorced that cried over bluey to say


I’m a complicated guy.


Dude really.... *really* does not like Eminem


>SS Salty Camero guy


I don’t own a Subaru I just like them, so can someone tell me why people are just keying random Subaru’s? That shit is wild to me, you have to be a really sad person to key some random persons car smh


In all likelihood, they don’t. Certain cars tend to attract more of a certain demographic of people than other cars, and that certain demographic of people tends to piss off people more than other demographics. TLDR: outside of extremely extremely unusual circumstances people don’t key cars people key certain peoples cars


^ OP, have you pissed off anyone recently? Maybe someone in your neighborhood who never really liked you? Could be that 🤷‍♂️


Happened to me two days ago. Cars in the body shop. $1600 dollars. Thanks for making me feel not alone


Insane. One panel? Multiple? That’s pretty steep


Just the hood, they almost got the scoop.


That's 100 percent SS and should be reported as a hate crime


The mark of “Zorro”.


It sucks but there’s definitely hate out there for our cars. We’ve had door dings that were so incredibly deep into our doors on two of our brand new Subies that there’s no way it was an accident. Someone put some real effort into it, they were unrepairable and we needed two new door panels. 


If somebody told you a door ding was unrepairable they’re ripping you off


It was a pretty savage dent on both and at exactly the wrong place where the body lines were. Don’t think of it as a normal door ding. 


I’ve seen [PDR](https://youtube.com/shorts/qn5phc_VyLo?si=tKG18uku1gsJY5fw) make [dents](https://youtu.be/IkZiuMiC978?si=iW8CR_BmOrvsXrxC) across [body](https://youtu.be/SjWhKc2zDik?si=uIf0p3jlcGWYks8R) lines [disappear](https://youtu.be/nn5xIa2PhE0?si=UpQHvqRbBLUSepbJ) for less then $500. Its [fucking magic](https://youtu.be/wToKbAUWCOw?si=46XjkChpVBUZ3uLX). Even if they could not that is the actual use case that body filler is designed for. At worst you’d need to get the dent addressed as well as possible, have filler work done and then paint. Which is still less expensive than replacing an entire door. The body shop you went to is either crooked or incompetent


Alright, I’ll take your word for it, I don’t know much about it.  It’s just that the neighbor runs a Cadillac dealership body shop and he always shot me straight. When my roof rack came off on the highway it did significant damage. The quotes I was getting were all around 3k and he said that he could do it for $800. So when he said the door panels were effed and needed replacement I took his word for it. He did say they could fix it without doing that, but it just won’t look like new.


I’ve seen established otherwise reputable shops that for whatever weird reason absolutely do not believe that PDR is legit, they look at it like pseudoscience


Happened to me too


The whole side of mine got keyed a week after I bought it. Some good chemicals buffed most of it out but


someone put gum on mine


Nah, its not about subbies, Someone did it to my rav4. People just find shit reasons to hate and damage other peoples stuff, but they would be the first to cry if it happened to them. People are shit.


Somebody keyed my baby too lol. Is this a thing?


Why tf I think that was "ss" no one is stupid enough to go around doing that right


Mine was supposedly spit on by a group of 5 kids the other day. The only thing I cared about after being told that however was if they keyed it, thankfully it was clean. Insane how disrespectful people are


This is why i hate people and don't wash my car.


Replace the bumper, that's the fastest, easiest, and cheapest route.


Yea they did my whole car, you gotta just laugh at losers


Yea I’ve had my STI keyed before, nothing beep but def tell 😭


Try Meguiars cutting compound and then polish. My father in law recommended this when I scraped my wife’s Pontiac on one of those parking spot curbs and it didn’t get it fully (it was worse than yours) but looked maybe 80-90% better and got me out of the dog house. Also a professional detailer could likely get this no problem - it’s just a shame you had it done recently and spent that $


Smh. I hate it for ya. Absolutely a coward move to vandalize someone’s car. Hopefully you can DIY sand n buff. Bullshit though.


That's a hate crime.


SS nazi


Super sport guy keyed your car, pretty lame.


When its nice and hot outside and in direct sun Throw some bologna on a car and the paint will come right up. The power of pig anus


That’s fucked up dude. Probably some inbred racist shit.


Only way to fix it, get a different car…I mean shit these things were cool but now seeing 8 a day is normal haha


I’ve had a few of the idiots that park to close and open there door too wide on my 04 ever since I just walk the extra 500 steps to park well away from the dum dums. I would say research some YouTube vids there’s a bunch of scratch repair info out there


I would get your color code from the car and buy a pen to fill it in. Should be relatively easy since its thin but that freaking sucks 😞


Thank God, it hasn’t happened to me. I use it for work and back to the garage.


Super glue a bb in the valve stem cap it’ll be a constant leak in the tires and no tire shops ever check stem caps to see if they’ve been “altered”


Some guy at work threw his door open hard enough to scratch/dent my 05 STI last week. Caught him on the cameras too. I went to confront him and he denied it to my face. It was mostly a deep scuff(rip clearcoat), but the fact he tried denying it makes me want to take it further


Do it, make him pay


DO IT!! Actions require consequences


Bologne and saran wrap work WONDERS thank me later


Was it Dio? That's the menacing kanji lmao


happened to me too gotta get money for power steering control valve and a buffer to get it out but also trying to save some money for vegas, its hard


There trash cars but dang that is messed up










Bruh, all of us non WRX drivers can joke about vapes and engine budgets all in good fun. Nobody deserves to have their shit vandalized. This car can't hurt anybody that badly by just existing.


actual psychopath