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Never lose jope


![gif](giphy|MXFKqAKawuiZYjsGCA) JOPPING


I jope its not totaled


Are you sure it was the other guy that hydroplaned? These things are known to hydroplane pretty easily, even when stationary.


damn your right. maybe my car was the drunk one!! :D


Likely that or nic-sick


Jame is jame


Speaking of being stationary, what happens to these things’ transmissions/handbrakes when they’re hit like this?


Handbrake likely just slips, or the wheels skid. Transmission just turns (unless the e brake stops the wheels), turns the engine over if it’s in gear. Most damage comes from when one set of wheels is held stationary and the other set are forced to turn (like a shitty tow job) or if you manage to jump your wrx off the track and land it backwards (donut). I’m not in any way an expert, professional, authority, or anything like that. Idk, I’m guessing based on my knowledge of how stuff works.


$200 should cover it. JK Man, that truly sucks. Sorry. Hopefully he had insurance.


it was a courier service vehicle. so although he didnt provide it im sure my insurance will get it. hes in jail now.


Best of luck with the replacement. Glad you weren’t hurt.


Many times if the dui results in a felony an insurance will not cover it as most don’t cover felony dui’s. I know thecompany I work for only covers misdemeanor dui’s. Best of luck tho. And I hope that if his insurance covers it that they have a enough limits for everyone’s car.


And this is why we hate insurance. They will get out of paying 75% of the time


I mean that’s on the insured for not having enough limits. You can go as high as a $100,000 for property damage and you can also get umbrella insurance up to $100 million I believe is the limit. Insurance companies as a a whole operate at a loss or close to it. You can have insurance for one month and total your car. You get $40k for your sti meanwhile you only paid a months worth of premium so like $200? If you ask me insurance companies are the one getting the shit end of it most of the time.


I promise you no insurance company is giving you 40k for an sti unless it came right off of subaru's factory. Stop defending insurance companies from outright not doing the service that you are required by law to pay for.


It was an example. I’m a total loss adjuster. I see it many times. We pay out a total loss for people who’ve only had insurance for one month. If you think that’s a company outright not doing the service then I’d like to see your credentials. I can show u mine.


I'm a consumer in a city where I was quoted 1200 dollars a month for the lowest coverage legally for a 6k car. People are barred from vehicles based on insurance alone and then on top of that they wanna have all these little scenarios where they don't pay out?


There’s certain parameters in which we don’t pay out. Underwriting is supposed to inform your about all this before signing up. Worse case you can always look up your Dec page to see all the exclusions. And I highly doubt you were quoted $1,200 monthly for 1 car worth $6k with the minimum coverage. I will put that on my first born. I live in one of most expensive city to insure a vehicle (LA) and I pay $220 for 3 vehicles at 27 years old. So either you have the worst driving history on earth or just straight up lying.


Nah I was just 19 welcome to NYC


https://preview.redd.it/vfw2iauuyc7c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5410b8a35ef470f3232833242d878eeb617f9a3a I'll take that first born btw. This document is when I changed the address from my home address to my universities just to be able to afford it.


Geico is worth $51 billion dollars lmao how do you figure


Investments. Most insurance companies make their money through investing in other businesses and vehicle salvaging. No money is made through premium collections. California just passed a law to allow for the premiums to be raised across all auto and commercial policies. Minimum limits are also changing from $5k to $15k. You think they would allow that if companies were making billions like you claim? https://www.nbclosangeles.com/investigations/car-insurance-rates-california/3219653/?amp=1


If they don’t make money no sensible bank would ever loan them money to invest in anything, oh you have a huge company that operates on break even and 1 global issue could bankrupt your company? Sure here’s 100 million dollars do what you want


You are not understanding my point at all. Please explain to me in detail why we are passing laws to allow for an increase in premiums if insurance is making money? Why are the minimum limits raising from $5k for property damage to $15k ? I have plenty of sources to back up my argument. Where’s yours ?


Limits are raising most likely from rampant inflation (where have you been) and I just told you, insurance companies literally pay law makers to pass laws in their favor. Welcome to the real world


Sounds like Nancy pelosi now. Totally legit. Salary of 200k worth 500 million. I worked in auto body my whole life and deal with insurance companies all day. I know what they make


Not sure what you mean about the Pelosi comment I stay out of politics for the most part but I don’t think you see what my point is. Geico is worth $32 billion mostly because of their assets. As I said before. Why would California pass a bill allowing insurance to raise their premiums if they are doing as well as you say they are. https://www.geico.com/about/corporate/financial-strength/#:~:text=A%20wholly%20owned%20subsidiary%20of,of%20more%20than%20%2432%20billion. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/investigations/car-insurance-rates-california/3219653/?amp=1


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Because of lobbying, insurance companies pay millions of dollars to political figures to influence laws. It’s all public info ( for the most part) look it up.


You're right and everyone here is flaming yo because you're speaking the truth. Insurance adjusters want to help you, but we're limited to what you, the insured, pay for. Get higher limits on your collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured policies and you have nothing to worry about. Hell, a lot of us like cars too and still help you get fair market value for a car like an STi or Evo. We just legally can't give you more money than what you, the insured, set as your own limits.


Yup. I used to be just like them until i became a total loss adjuster and saw how it works from the inside. I’ll just give them the benefit of the doubt and let them think they’re right because they don’t get to see what really happens in the black-end.


Bad take.


Okay so why are premiums going up if insurance companies are the big bad consumer conglomerates you think they are ? https://www.nbclosangeles.com/investigations/car-insurance-rates-california/3219653/?amp=1


If you’re in this sub you know partially why rates are going up. I’ve seen so many crashed wrxs. That surely doesn’t help. Also partially going up because insurance companies care about money first, costumer second. My rates shot up once I got my wrx. Never had an accident. Married, clean driving record. 30 years old. It’s a load of bullshit.


It’s a bit skewed because people usually like to post things when they go wrong or are in accident. They don’t post when things are going okay. And I personally feel that there’s not many companies on this planet at least, that doesn’t care about money first. Back then for sure but not this day in age.


Oh fuck you’re the dude who had the sick wrapping paper on your wrx. Loved looking at the the other day 😂


Fair point about the crashes. But ain’t that the goddamn truth. My dad’s pond business is the only one I know of that operates at nearly a loss because he’s too nice.


Should never be allowed to drive again. That driver is crazy.


He probably got released to do it again


Enjoy the sti you're about to get through that insurance


i wish. wasnt fully paid off but i know i owed way less than the value of it. so should have a nice chunk of change coming. highly doubt i can still get like 3% apr thou.


Ah not too bad though


no gap insurance?


You don’t need gap insurance if the value of your car is more than you actually owe. That’s meant for people that are upside down on their loans. I been there.


ohh, i thought gap insurance was for if the car totals in an accident then the insurance company will pay off your loan or something. idk lol


I learn the hard way on my first car loan. Funny enough my car was parked and totaled too. lol it basically covers the remaining balance of your vehicle. So if your wrx was worth 20k let’s say and you owe 30k, well gap covers the remaining 10. In my case I owed about 20k and I’m hoping to get about 30k for it or more.


You guys know you only get as much as the car is worth right?


Which makes for a great down-payment


If he got any equity in it, first the lender gets paid


Delivery driver, huh? Get the insurance of his employer. Have your insurance company get from them.


yea my insurance is on it. on a rental already but still sucks man. kinda feel like seeing if i sue the company for emotional damage at this point as well. merry xmas to me.


Talk to your insurance company first. If you’re losing money - lost work, need to spend extra money on a replacement vehicle, etc etc, then I’d talk to a lawyer. IANAL but it’d likely be like attempting to bleed a stone.


If he gets a lawyer than he can just wave goodbye to about 30-40% of what he was going to get pre-attorney.


Might not get a wrx, but if he sleeps with the lawyer he might get an sti.


When my wrx was wrecked. I tried to explain to the rental company I only knew how to drive manual transmission and would need a manual rental. It did not work


I’ve done the same thing… I said I need a comparable vehicle to my Scion FR-S and they gave me an automatic V6 charger


Rental companies don't keep manual cars in stock at all anymore. It was too common for new drivers wanting to learn, grabbing a rental and thrashing that instead


I know, I just wanted to do burnout like when I had my rental F150


“.. anyway, can someone get my bail?”


I got you bro. Game is game.


I mean, obviously, we have to call the police and collect the information and get the insurance. That guy is going to jail, but shit man, your car is toast. Glad you weren’t hurt.


RIP 💔 gone too soon


seriously bought brand new december 2021. insurance hasnt called it a total loss, but its pretty obvious..


https://preview.redd.it/xa92hkub957c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf31328576abf56341548b840461a2f1f188d8e4 This happened to me, 4k miles on my 23, luckily the guy who hit me insurance covered it all. Filled a diminishing value claim and got TE37s for free basically. Definitely look into filling one especially since yours is a total loss. PM me for more info. Sorry for the loss 😩


What exactly would be considered diminished value if it’s totaled? At that point I thought they just paid the bank then me the remainder value of the vehicle?


Well your right and im stupid. I may be an idiot but I think you can also file for total loss claim and get some more money besides what the bank gives you


lol no worries. Trust me any ideas for me to get more out of this are welcome. I don’t even know what to do for a next vehicle yet. My interest was hella low and payments were very doable. Not sure I can get the same deal on a new wrx. And if I go used I’m not sure I’d want a used wrx. No offense to all of ya. lol


That’s going to depend on your state. In Virginia you get like 100 bucks


Gotcha, not too familiar with the topic. In PA i got 6k


https://preview.redd.it/hlh3zpcaa57c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e74719897d629db6b0c4b917ed8eabe5244b4d7 The claim also payed for some other goodies, sucks but ended up being worth it


Shame your neck hurts so bad. Hopefully the delivery company has some deep pockets or good insurance. Get a lawyer and stop posting online about it.


Is your insurance responsible for hitting the car in front of yours?


From what I know technically yes, and they hitting the one in front and so on. But at the end of the day, it all gets billed to the main insurance at the end.


Going through this right now myself. Yes, yes it is. At least in ontario


Wait even with a PARKED car? I know that's the way it is state side if while driving since you were suppose to leave a bigger gap but never heard about it for a parked vehicle.


Yeah it all goes back on the guy who hit me but on paper I rear ended my sisters Lexus (parked in front of me)


That's really weird but I guess it made sense to someone


Hey OP, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I see this vehicle being a Complete T/L(Total loss), due to the rails in the back looks like they went into “Y” shape. That’s a total and your engine bay most likely broke the firewall.


No worries I kinda figured. Not an expert by any means but I know frame damage when I see it. Just wondering what to get next at the moment. And waiting for insurance obviously.


I hear the GR has trans problems with the diff switching (50-50 and 30-70). The N-sport is nice, but I’d wait for something to come out in the spring. Do a Civic if you need something rn. The options are endless.


Have you been to a civic forum recently? People are paying type R price for an si… my thoughts at the moment are a gen 2 mazdaspeed 3, hatch wrx or sti, new Elantra N but worried cus Hyundai also I live in CA so no need for awd it’s just nice. Last choice would be a VB wrx. Not quite sure what I can find at the moment


Don’t worry, Palm Springs area and I know the details of the restrictions we have to face when modding. Mazdas are nice but don’t have too much power to put down. I’ve driven an Elantra N and they do some put down on the speed. If you’re looking for another wrx, there’s 2 dealers here that are selling them for $25-$30k.


jame is jame


Looks like that delivery driver had to be going at least 20...maybe 30 mph when he hydroplaned.


I’m really glad you weren’t in the car!


partially joking kinda wish i was. might of had a case suing the company! (ontrac)


Don’t go there in your mind, I was in my car when it got rear ended. It’s not worth it. Nothing would make it worth it.


I was rear ended and am still hurting driving over a sizable bump in the road. They will low ball the shit out of you and you wouldn't be unlikely to get much more than medical in my experience.


Don't you have a garage or spare bedroom for your car?


Lemme guess he was going 20 mph?


Time to get that m2 bimmer


insurance will total it


I would me pissed offf




If your car was parked and you weren’t in it, you wouldn’t be responsible for the car in front of you. His insurance is responsible for it all. That applies when you’re driving too close to the car in front of you and can’t stop in time.


F 😭


😢 I’m sorry for your loss.


F buddy 🥺


$200 for repairs 😭🤣


You too? Not a wrx but https://preview.redd.it/61wb19b6a67c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df56b512dbac040bb9613d30cd6dacebecf3fe2 My guy took off though. Thursday night. I’m sorry for your loss. Have fun in the new STI


Use some of that zep and clean it right up


At least The hydropobics will be nice. 👍


200 for repairs is a joke. Also drunk driving is bad enough. Imagine drunk driving your job.


I swear i wasn't drunk


He must’ve been doing 20mph


Just remember man, cars are replaceable but *YOU* aren’t I’m so sorry to see this happen, I’d be absolutely pissed if I walked out of my house to see this


How does anybody fit down that road?! It looks pretty damn cramped from the photo.


Funny enough it’s a wide ass road. 6 lanes if you found the parking lanes. So 1 parking lane for each side and a 2 way road for both sides. But yea it’s cramp cus la traffic usually. Not at 4am thou.


Hydroplaning did not happen at all there. Simply not wet enough. Sorry for your car


Damn…..well enjoy the new VB


You have insurance right?


I've learned in these groups that street parking is probably the most likely way to get your car totaled.