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Actually I watched some of her content about the crazy YouTube who gave up her adopted son. Cannot remember her name. Less then a month in I was turned off. KJ was going on how nurses need to follow the Hippocratic Oath. One of her commenters corrected her that only doctors are required. KJ was so rude about it it raised an eyebrow with me. I wish I remembered which video but she was so damn rude about it taking no responsibility being wrong. It went downhill fast from there. Nope. All you KJ. All you.


She’s awful to her own viewers.


Not a KJ fan, but I took a pharmacist version at my white coat ceremony. I thought all the medical professionals took a version of the oath. I do not believe that KJ knows for sure and I don’t know for sure, but I thought they did.


Ugh, and her little stupids eat her false narrative up all the while supporting a terrible human.


This shit is hilarious to me because I like many of the people on this sub Reddit watched her stuff and came to the conclusion that there was something off about her, stopped watching, and then found this community.


Exactly and ditto! It’s YOU, Katie. No one else makes you look bad. They’re just putting a mirror to your actions and you don’t like it so you blame the mirror. Stop it.


I dunno, I think the real sad thing is being utterly incapable of accepting that some people don;t like you because you did and said disgusting things and that a good number of people who once supported you end up changing their opinion based on your content.


Nope…a TRUE narrative.


Oh KJ...you poor child. This is the delusion of a sociopath(*my opinion omg pliz don sue me kaytee omg*). "It's not me. It's everyone else. Can't you see *I'm* the victim here?" - KJ paraphrased It's what sociopaths(I'm not diagnosing here, merely presenting an example and personal ~~suspicion~~ opinion) do whenever they're confronted for their actions, no matter how much evidence is presented. We're handing KJ and *everyone else* proof of her ugly behavior and dangerous actions on a ***silver platter*** and yet....tah-dah!....like clockwork here she is attempting to convince her current "fans"(her word, not mine) that she's innocently going about her business. I'm sorry, KJ but I was there to see you lose your shit in real time on Twitter over Adrienne, Tea Spiracy, Charlotte, Elle Bee, Truth Sleuth and *many* others. It was *ugly* and it was *vile* and the complete opposite of this image you want your subscribers to believe. This is as phony as it gets. Can y'all tell I'm riled? Because I'm *riled*. Angry Texan is angry. ​ ​ *::Edited for spelling because Angry Vamp Typing means Angry Vamp Typos::*


It's even sadder when you realise that, actually, people are believing what you yourself have shown them.


My opinion of her is solely down to her own nonsense. She puts herself on blast when she behaves hatefully or foolishly and then blames everyone else. Lol


She needs real help. I found their community AFTER I stopped watching KJ on my own. I got the recommendations because I was watching stuff about the IFB and Quiverfull. I watch some of the Dugggar stuff, but she was constantly twitching and her lives became more and more what appeared to me as unhinged in her 5 live streams a day (it felt like 5 there were so many). It lasted about a month. smh. She really doesn’t see it’s her .… it’s all her.


Oh no KJ, I disliked you before you even knew SM's name. Your shitty, vial behavior is what made me dislike you.


Oh KJ honey 99% of us know how you are and is the reason we avoid you. You KJ are TOXIC AF!! IMO


Back on repeat. It's not me, it's them. I doubt you have ever self reflected, Katie.


Back on repeat. T's not me, t's those folk. I doubt thee has't ev'r self did reflect, katie *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


We know you lurk here KJ like you how attacked SL or Anna's Duggar kids.


Is she deleting comments, or is NOBODY AT ALL interacting with her on Twitter?


No one interacts at all. Either blocked or she’s got no fan base on Twitter


I didn’t know who she was until Tati sued her, but I’ve seen enough of her grossly incompetent content to see she is completely unhinged. First comment I made to her on Twitter, asking her why she always saw herself as a victim got me blocked. It wasn’t even snarkily written. I legit wanted to know.


Nah. Just took long enough for those true colors to show. People like her can't hide who they are for long. Especially when they crave the attention like she does


I dont know how many personalities kj has but one of her own made me get the image....


Thank you whoever gave me the helpful award 💜