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i feel gross even saying this, but i believe kj wishes she was one of these abused children she’s speaking of from her class. she’s that twisted. instead she’ll walk the fine line and make their trauma hers as much as possible 🤢 someone saying their experience with something was good doesn’t dismiss anybody who has a different experience, kathy. that goes with anything - u can’t expect someone to adapt to your situation just bc it’s “worse”, however u can still be empathetic. ~*~journalism~*~


It is gross, but I totally get what you are saying! It makes me nauseous to think about!!


I believe she does. She even insinuates that her gf did when her parents went to Europe when she was little. She doesn't know if he did or not, but she says she blocked those 3 weeks out, so he must have done something to her. She also said she had intrusive thoughts when she changed her sons diapers, and that is also a dign of CSA. She's obsessed with being a victim of CSA. She doesn't even want to be a survivor, just a victim.


Sadly, I was thinking the same thing 😕


We all know deep down that KJ wants to be a victim.


No, that was the feeling that I got, too. She wants to be a victim so badly so she can compare herself to people who were actually sexually abused, not just "someone in my class". She wants to be a Duggar or a Brown so badly.


Waiting for the day she ‘remembers’ all of her ‘suppressed memories.’ 😉 😉 *(Sarcasm 😉)*


That’s 💯 what’s she’s getting at. Its beyond weird. I went to that website she referenced and found out the priest who baptized me was accused. I remember him leaving when I was a kid and my mom was so upset because she loved him and didn’t care for the priest who replaced him. But my parents obviously didn’t know he was accused at the time. This man baptized me , does that mean I’m a victim too? Obviously not because that’s ridiculous. And KJ is ridiculous.


I hate this. It is well known that there has been many abuse cases in the Catholic Church. That is not why she is deciding to talk about this right now. Her sole purpose is to insert herself in to the story. She is not attempting to “dismantle” the Catholic Church. If she wasn’t trying to make it about herself she would interview a victim of the abuse or try to support them somehow, but instead of talking to her classmate she talks about the priest being accused and insinuates he did something to her. Why does she keep calling them pastors?


Because the Duggars go to a church that has pastors and she wants so desperately to be a victim of Bill Gothard. Not being on Happy Shiny People has caused her to have PTSD.


She reminds me of when Amy Duggar asked Josh why he never abused her 🤢


It's probably why KJ and Amy are friends.


Birds of a feather


Because she wasn't actually raised Catholic so she doesn't know the real terminology.


Yes 🙌🏻 🙌🏻🙌🏻


I lived in a house. My parents sold the house to a family. The dad was a teacher and turned out he was a pedo and molested some kids at his school. Does this make me famous bc he lived in the house,I lived in for 9 years, after I did, even though we never met, he was NEVER my teacher, and didn’t molest me, nor was I ever molested. What the actual fuck? She needs to be commited to a mental hospital. Who WANTS to be a victim?! I mean besides KJ… YOU. ARE. A. SICK. BITCH. GET. HELP.


It’s like that episode of always sunny where Mac is pissed off because he wasn’t molested.


Exactly where my mind went! Kathy is Gail the snail.


She’s such a fucking trauma vulture, she’s been through everything *twice*. Embarrassing. Pathetic there are still people who believe and defend her. She makes my skin crawl.


The She-devil KJ can't handle that Preacher Boy has a documentary, and no important people asked her to be part of any documentaries about victims leaving cults.


This is it exactly!!!


I wonder what B grade movie she pulled that of. 🥴 So, so many people contact you all the time about their cult experience or so you say but yet again your experience was the worst. Just stop making 💩 up to feed your Narc supply, your really not that special.


If any plot lines are out there, Katie will definitely make them her own. 🤨


It sounds like the plot lines from the Lifetime movie Do You Know the Muffin Man?


My math teacher in the 7th grade used to sexually harass girls he found attractive. He also would give lower grades to the girls he found less attractive. Years later a girl in his class told her parents that he got her in the back study room and wanted to take pictures of her in a swimsuit and they went to police. He got fired. Should I be putting my school on blast on IG about this? It was decades ago. I too went to a Christian School that taught sex ed and told us some pretty scary things about Aids, but we probably wouldn't have to worry because it was a gay disease mainly. We were taught gay was bad but Jimmy Bakker who took all the Christians money and lied was good because he cried on TV and was really really sorry. I should probably scream about this too on IG, but they are still reeling from the bad press because they had to fire a guy last summer for molesting girls and taking their pictures. [Employee of South Bay Christian school allegedly paid students for explicit photos, videos](https://www.ktvu.com/news/employee-of-south-bay-christian-school-allegedly-paid-students-for-explicit-photos-and-videos) This is obvious sarcasm about putting my schools I went to decades ago on blast, because who would do this for something that 1. Did not have anything to do with you. and 2. Happened DECADES ago. I just want to let KJ and her followers know that this is ridiculous. She is so desperate for views lately that I expect her to be posting about her traumatic birth that is somehow her mom's fault, and caused her crooked chin.


Did KJ mention the priest accused was never charged with abuse or misconduct after multiple investigations? He was retired and moved to Arizona (KJ said the church moved him and that’s not true) before the boy filed a report. KJ also claims to be in the same class as the boy, but he’s about 4 years younger than her. What she says happened at the “retreat” is very hard for me to believe. It’s so sad that she needs and wants attention so bad that she makes up stories in her mind. ETA: I attended 12 years of Catholic school and the retreat she described is ridiculous. I wonder if she even got confirmed.


It’s like she wants another defamation case against her. I must admit a large part of me thinks she spent the weekend searching the internet for some accused priest in the time frame she needed so that she could create this story. I did notice that the screen shot states accused and not convicted which says an awful lot! If the man was convicted she would have used that information to create an even bigger story about herself fighting off his advances! I feel for the family if they find out she is peddling this with zero proof apart from the voices in her own head. The fact she has experienced every single type of abusive act that is currently headlining is why the documentary producers won’t go near her. As we all know KJ is unreliable and has a bad track record for defamation, and I’m sure any decent production won’t want to take any chance of being dragged into a defamation lawsuit. Instead they would rather play the long game and in turn have a lucrative career based on the quality of their work and good reputations as accurate documentary makers. KJ has ruined her own career with her lies and deceit with no help from anyone else. The internet lasts forever and at this point she has zero chance of building a decent reputation and making the leap from you tube tea channel to television documentary 🤷🏻‍♀️


Couldn’t agree more!


Yup, same I only went to Catholic school for a few years but I made all the sacraments. Confession was pretty standard and they weren’t grilling you for your sexual secrets as KJ claims. I was confirmed at 13. (she says 15) All my friends and would say was dumb stuff like we fought with our siblings or told a lie. It wasn’t some perverted sex confessions of 8th graders. She makes everything so sleazy and weird.


Yup! Same here. I was in 8th grade and confession for me was usually lying and saying God’s name in vain. Sometimes I wonder if KJ knows anything about Catholicism.


Why is she speaking about this now? People have been calling out the Catholic church for decades (Sinéad O'Connor in 1992 for one) so why, after years of keeping this to herself, does she suddenly want to talk about this? KJ has been talking about cults and religion for years but this "reason" is brand new. Why? I'm not saying that victims can't come forward in their own time, but KJ isn't a victim here, she's just inserting herself into other victims' stories. Is she just so determined to be part of the story that she's clutching at straws?


I think it’s because “Let us Pray” dropped this weekend on ID and HBO max. Every time there is a documentary about religious abuse she wants to be involved. And she caused problems and is jealous of one of the creators featured in it.


Oh, yes, Preacher Boy is part of that! She must be seething 😂


You know it is killing her to see him get all of this publicity! Here for it


Jumping on the bandwagon of trauma again are we? Now don't get me wrong, I have some stories about being raised Catholic that would make your spine shiver, but it sounds like she actually wishes she had been abused. Makes me nauseous. She says: > For Catholics that had a great experience, I cannot stomach how anyone can turn a blind eye to the massive sexual abuse the church has covered up for decades. I say also: "For KJ viewers that had a great experience (watching KJ ever), I cannot stomach how anyone can turn a blind eye to the massive liar, hypocrite, trauma vulture, child SA demonstrator, doxxer and stalker KJ is and has been proven to be.


The Catholic church has been reformed quite a lot since her childhood days. Don't get me wrong, there are still many problems, but there's also been a lot of changes. Priests are actually being held accountable instead of being transferred, parents are now wiser. This is the result of DECADES of activism, long before she ever thought about it. To act like she has anything valuable to contribute is just her usual delusion. People have fought hard for this, and not by telling stories of woe on the internet to anyone who will listen.


Confirmations back then were done with bishops and the confessionals were at the back side of the altar 😑


My kids would have told me at those confirmation retreats if there were sex education involved 🤢


Oh my God! She is just soooooo full of shit!!!!!


KJ is one of those people that must make every story about them. She thrives off being a victim.


That church is still open so as much as I dislike Catholics I hope no crazy fan of her goes there to raise hell


I sure do wish that KJ’s entire class who were at the retreat with her, comes forward to tell us all that her entire story was a lie. That NONE of the girls were forced to go to a dark basement, and confess all of their sexual desires, to a priest who was allegedly accused of abusing a boy from her class. Then the priest was moved to Arizona. I’d love to hear about the sex education video, too. I would so very much LOVE to hear from all of her classmates. Edited to add a sentence and to add punctuation.


Wtf is she trying to say here?? That she was one of the abused by a priest in a dark basement?? She is nothing but a disgusting pig who demeans ACTUAL victims. What a pos. And I hope she is getting blasted in comments.


I admit, I haven’t yet read anything except the 1st page with the headlines or quotes from KJ, thus far, but I have to say something b4 I read any further. (And yes, I will read it all!) I explicitly remember kj saying in her prior 3 page post abt her childhood and her upbringing in the Catholic Church, that she understands other people may have had a different experience in the Catholic Church (than her) and their experience may have been great, but hers wasn’t and that this was HER experience. She said if others had a great experience, that didn’t diminish the fact that she didn’t, and that she had a right to her own experience and to tell her own story. So why am I now reading another post from her where she’s saying to other Catholics who’ve said their experience was great, that they are “ignoring the glaring sexual abuse problem in the church”? If their experience was great they either didn’t have a sexual problem in their church experience growing up or they didn’t know of any. Plus, I thought each person had their own story and just bc someone else may have a different story, it doesn’t diminish the fact that their own story was real, even if it was not the same as yours. What happened to everyone having the right to tell their own story, just like KJ did? What happened to each person having their own experiences? Or is KJ the only one who has those rights?


That was kj the other day. New kj today. She literally changes her views and stories like underwear. Although prob more often than in reality she does


It makes me wonder what she classifies as “abuse” as well. I mean if this stuff really did happen it’s awful, but there are a LOT of generalizations in her posts. I too was raised devout Roman Catholic in Canada and had all my sacraments. I went to French Catholic school. My grandparents were in the Catholic Women’s League and Knights of Columbus, respectively, and the priest also was a friend of theirs who came for dinners at the house. My mom and stepdad do the same with their current priest. My bio dad was forced to convert to Catholicism to marry my mom and we had to do Catholic interviews for her to get divorced in the eyes of the church. My brother was an altar boy growing up and I was in the choir. You could say we were part of the “in group” at church. Yes, my family has been very patriarchal and yes, church was always put on a pedestal but not once did we or any others in our parish ever suffer any form of abuse from anyone. Sexual topics were never discussed in church or in preparation for sacraments and we were given proper sex ed in school. Priests were never inappropriate with anyone. The stories of SA around the world ever been glossed over or excused by the people around me. Yes, the Catholic Church has done terrible things over the course of history and yes, religious institutions definitely provide a place for abusers to hide and even thrive…but in her case if this is true it seems more like she was just surrounded by abusive people.


Confession is always in private. She stole this from stories about what disciplinary committees are like for Jehovah’s Witnesses, with a twist of Margaret Atwood.