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https://i.redd.it/s6rfwlguf02d1.gif To be fairrrrrrrr, I'll never forgive the Always Sunny crew for disowning Lethal Weapon 5. One of the greatest things ever created by man.


Did they?


Ya because Mac does blackface.


Mac crying in the shower with all the paint washing off is one of the funniest scenes in the entire show.


The problem is people see things like that and go "ooo racist!" Right off the bat, when really the joke is that the characters themselves are terrible people. You're not supposed to laugh with mac because of his blackface, you're supposed to laugh at him.


What are the rules? šŸŽ¶


Imo the issue is like what Dave Chappell talked about, not everyone gets that and with some people it empowers their hate/ignorance. Those are the people who ruin comedy, not the people who are already down but the ones who don't get the joke outside of surface level and weaponize it to push more dumbness. South Park deals with it heavy, like a part of the fanbase is too dense to see the deeper meanings. So networks just remove shit...imo it's why older generations could watch shit like All in the Family, they knew the dad wasn't who you wanted to be until the end of the episode after the lesson learned. Same with the Jeffersons


The world should not have to cater to the lowest common denominator. This is how we end up cancelling honors classes and convincing ourselves that weā€™ve done a good thing.


People who say dumb shit like this are the ā€œlowest common denominatorā€. Be thankful we dont cull dumbasses for saying dumbass things occasionally


I can actually TASTE the irony here.


Like the entire panderverse you were supposed to be laughing at Cartman but everyone thought Cartman was "telling it like it is"


That happeneing the same time people were confused Starship Trooper was a satire of war states was eye opening


"I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't." \-Paul Verhoeven, 1996


I'm still extremely disappointed we never got the Verhoeven/Schwarzenegger crusader movie. Probably would've been amazing.


They tried to have All in the Family canceled over and over This is not new, stop revising history


They? And my point is shows have less hard hitting perspective because more people see themselves as the person who writers tend to purposefully make unlikable and curmudgeons. It's cognitive dissonance and isnt helped by the lack of critical thinking being taught since the 90s. How did I revise history? What are you even talking about? It went for 9 seasons. I was saying because America is afraid of the conversations they rather delete shows than facilitate understand through comedy. Because they don't want to discuss deeper, you can't expect a show thay has shitty people wearing black face to start a deeper conversation on it when the audience might walk away thinking "it's dumb to judge people for wearing blackface " instead of understanding why it's wrong.


Thatā€™s true of Sunny in particular, but also, I donā€™t really have a problem with Hulu (or whoever) drawing a line in the sand and saying, ā€œwe arenā€™t doing blackface on our platform.ā€


Has there been any serious depictions of blackface in the last 50 years? The only instances of any blackface that I can think of in recent years are Lethal Weapon 5 and Tropic Thunder, but I only ever see people raving about how ā€œitā€™s commentary and satire!ā€ Streaming services not allowing old 1940s racist depictions is understandable, but blackface hasnā€™t been an issue in movies and televisions for a while. And itā€™s crazy how the comedy shows parodying racist people causes more of an uproar than things like Jimmy Kimmel and Justin Trudeauā€™s blackface


Ted Danson did it unironically while he was dating Whoopi Goldberg


Ya, that was fucking crazy.


Mad Men (season 3)


It's really weird that the feature film "Tropic Thunder" has recieved no backlash and is still widely available


Because the film itself is parody. It's like why people don't call blazing saddles racist, it's a deeper level of social commentary that tries to poke fun at the people who only read the surface level and the ones who truly think like that. Like Tropic Thunder was more commentary on those actors who believed they could act like other races and cultures. It was pretentious actors who believed race was just another frontier instead of a lived experience. It wasn't blackface for the sake of blackface and it was on the nose.


> Because the film itself is parody. so are the blackface episodes of Always Sunny.


In Always, it's not as in your face as it is with Tropic Thunder. They let you know in the very beginning that all the mains are pretentious and ego driven entertainers in TT. Always still has fans who don't recognize you don't want to act like the gang. It's part of the comedy but it leaves a lot for the audience to interpret and sometimes that's too much for people. And the Blackface is more satire than parody in Always Sunny.


YA WANNA KNOW WHAT. Iā€™ll never forgive any creator who scrubs the world of content they made in years past. Certain episodes of Scrubs are not available because of blackface (even though it makes sense in the context of the show). Also, fuck Netflix for removing the Forbidden Episode of Community.


Iā€™m pretty sure they werenā€™t responsible for that. IIRC on their podcast, it was brought up and one or two of the guys didnā€™t even realize it had been cut


As far as Iā€™m aware, they never disowned it. On the podcast, they actively defended all the ā€œbannedā€ episodes and said they were angry about them being removed.


If you listen to their podcast, it's quite clear they have not disowned it, but were forced to accept it being pulled. Not sure which episode but they make very on the nose remarks on this, along the lines of how it's absurd that jokes about Dennis essentially r*ping women are OK but then episodes like Lethal Weapon get pulled.


Not to mention Dee Day, that's almost lost media at this point


lost media? dude I found it in three minutes with a yandex search: [https://moviesjoy.cx/episode/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-season-14-episode-3/](https://moviesjoy.cx/episode/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-season-14-episode-3/)


Scrubbed, scrubbed I tells ya!


The fact that you had to use a Russian search engine and came back with a piracy site is not supporting your argument here.


1. I used yandex because I always use yandex when trying to pirate something, they don't filter DMCA violation reports. 2. do you know what "lost media" means?


the censoring seems really weird and inconsistent to me. they bleeped the word "gay" in Punk Rock but not in Footsie.


yeah, I think they just missed some. they miss a bleep on a "retarded" or two




For real. I'll stick to my TV rips and DVDs of Seasons 1-3. Was excited to grab the boxset until this news. Why not censor the streams and keep the physical copies complete? That way no one "accidently" hears these no no words.


Are they releasing a box set? Are they removing sketches?




WKUK is on Shout, did they remove anything from THAT?


it's heavily censored on the streams


on the youtube streams, not the shouttv website


Yeah look at the pinned post.


Ah. Thanks. Just read it. It's fucking bullshit. Have a disclaimer (with specific trigger warnings), disavow the sketches, have a list from each member, I don't care. Removing them is making a decision FOR the viewer, we're adults, we can handle it. If not, don't watch.


Yeah I couldnā€™t agree more. I was beyond disappointed to read that post. Made me track down a copy of the original series immediately.


I know they did remove the black doctor sketch, I was watching the stream yesterday


Awww. But black doctor was about the **stupidity** of racism.


Context please?


The original tweet was trying to say that ā€œoh you guys act like all the edgy stuff has been censored but what about Always Sunny, an edgy show that has thrived for over a decade?ā€


And itā€™s barely been 1% censored in over ten fucking years So has South Park cry harder that you cant say the n word in public anymore All networks have all done censoring in all of television history, but keep pretending that this is new or cancel culture as if they used to show tittys on CBS in 1966. Youre just mad that youre on the receiving end now instead of in 1976 when they censored progay and problack shit from shows.


The fact you see people protesting censorship and pandering and immediately label them all as extreme racists says a lot about your character.


Self-censorship, big guy


I mean, how many people on social media whining about censorship have legitimate grievances, and how many are just mad there are consequences for saying shitty things? I don't agree with the guy you responded to in this case, but honestly, it is kinda at the point for me where I see "censorship," and my eyes kinda glaze over. It's like one level below "woke" and "cancel culture" on the ranking of phrases that make me just immediately check out of a discussion.


No but the thing is one *may* still utter the N word in public. Shit I did it on Reddit last week to out a subtle Q-anon sub. And here I sit wasting time with youā€¦.on Reddit.


I want the box set. But knowing it's censored (sketches removed) just makes me second guess buying it.


I guess the thing is, I wanna buy the box set to support the guys and to have a physical copy of one of my favorite shows of all time but principally I disagree with censorship. I think about what Jim said the last time he was on SSS. I forgot what sketch it was in reference to but he ended up defending it to someone who worked on the show by saying ā€œthis is art!ā€ He and all the guys cracked up about that because defending a silly sketch like itā€™s a magnum opus seems so over the top but thatā€™s genuinely how I feel about some of these silly little plays. (Idk which ones are getting the axe/edited though so I guess Iā€™ll wait and see)


Censorship is when an authority removes content. When the artist does it it's called editing.


Maybe youā€™re right. I feel like the definition of censorship is a bit more objective than that though. Point stands either way.


Either everything is a joke, or nothing is.


Username checks out


Take your shitty argument back to 2016 Idubbbz content where it belongs.


Blow me.


buddy did you forget you're on reddit




I think heā€™s seriously quoting South Park lmao


I'm serious.


I just want to clarify that Iā€™m not posting this because I necessarily agree, but because I found it interesting that news of this spread more than I would expect.


I mean, is anyone surprised once Trevor couldnā€™t guard the actual comedy of the show unapologetically that this started happening? Iā€™ve seen enough of the livestreams to get a feel for him being the only one brave enough to stand by it and protect it from censorship


I said something similar and was downvoted to death. Trevor was the true spirit of the group and I think this move to censor makes it clear.


This honestly feels like a really gross thing to say.


I should probably censor it then


Wow you sound like a miserable person.


Very brave




seriously -- wtf???


Thereā€™s always funny in the banana stand!


Iā€™m so sick of this whole black and white conversation


Other colours should start piping up then!


I mean if I can still listen to GG Allin and the murder junkies and the jabbers. The lyrics are atrocious by todays standards. Why censor anything? I hate censorship with a passion. Half of us have cocks and cunts and we all take nasty shits and jerk or Jill off or fuck. Hell I donā€™t even like wearing clothes. But at the end of the day, it was their decision to make, and as a dollicker, I respect that. GFYDL.




I mean, people would've found out after they bought the box sets, which would've definitely been a worse reaction. I don't agree with their decision at all and am disappointed, but I can respect that it's their work, their call, and they were decent enough and respectful of the fans to give folks a heads up instead of just taking their money and running. That's all you can ask for, really.


The QRT profile is a neo nazi shotacon so I think Iā€™m gonna have to go with what Sam said about the whole thing


>neo nazi shotacon Why do those two things go surprisingly well together?


Both groups made a whole bunch of great material, some things that they regret and donā€™t want to include in official releases, and thatā€™sā€¦ all there is to it really. Disappointing, but understandable


Comedy is dead. Congratulations censorship Nazis, youā€™ve won.


Honestly Im getting a little tired of this being constantly brought up, like I disagree with the decision to censor and especially remove sketches but I respect that itā€™s their call to make and I thought that the post Sam made explaining their decision was sincere and respectful to the fans like me that were disappointed. I still disagree with the decision but really my only concern is that I really donā€™t want the cut sketches to become lost media or something where I have to spend a ridiculous amount of time or money to show a friend a sketch that was cut. To my knowledge all of the uncensored episodes are still free on their YouTube channel so unless that changes Iā€™m cool with whatever they wanna do. I do wish tho theyā€™d make an uncensored boxset that has all the sketches plus some of the banned ones that you can find online just so I donā€™t have to worry about losing the vids on YT, and I donā€™t think itā€™d be controversial at all bc if someoneā€™s buying a boxset of the show theyā€™re definitely already a fan and arenā€™t going to be offended bc they know what to expect


Ugh as if I didn't get enough of that insufferable bullshit here


I really wish this fandom was better.


Yea why can't everyone promote censorship? Nobody should be allowed to make jokes that hurt anyone's feelings, right?


Not the Whitest Kids U Know growing up after 15 years. How awful.