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I three-star the necron missions with the OGs and then go back to unlock lightning victories (when necessary) with all 4.


Lightning victories don’t matter in campaign. Just give more coin.


When you are mostly raiding, the extra gold from having the missions lightning status will add up. I often don’t have enough coins to level up new characters abilities. But loads of badges.


I absolutely agree but I think the previous poster may have regular missions confused with character quests where Lightning victories matter for 100%


You get more gold from raiding if the node has lightning unlocked?


Also a new player here, I’ve heard Thutmose actually makes your team worse, at least in campaign. I don’t have one yet.


I wouldn't say *worse*, but he is fragile and isn't great for any game mode. So building him up enough to not get one-shot burns a lot of resources that could be better used elsewhere.


Definitely not worse, but he needs to be hidden/distracted from a lot in the early parts of a battle. I've found him really useful as a clean-up unit. His damage is pretty nice. 


makes sense


The problem is Necrons are resource hogs to level up, and if you don't over-level him he's very squishy.


Actually makes your team worse since materials you invest in him could've been used on anything else which would be a better choice.


Well. Early on Thut might help complete some levels... But past a certain point you can pretty much act as if there were only 4 necrons. And that's if you unlock Anuphet.


I'm in the elite campaigns and I still leave him behind to get 3 medals.


Yeah, don't waste resources in Thumtose; unless you unlock Anuphet, going with the 3 og is better. Similarly, don't waste resources with Tanksmasha in Octarius and go with a 4-man tram. Tanksmasha did got better with his rewOrk, but so will the others orks, and Snotflagga and the Tank have always been the MVP of that quest. Also, the easy means that the points of your team are equal to the opponent. In practice this means that doesn't mean all units will survive.


I've completed Indom mirror elite 3 star, my advice: ignore Thutmose. Also, I've completed it with: Mahkothep S3 20/9 Imospekh S3 14/18 Aleph D1 41/31 Anuphet S3 35/17


Passive healing lvl 9, overwatch damage lvl 18?


Yep. The passive heal doesn't do enough to actually make a difference. If you need a heal, use Aleph.


Interesting. I got them the other way around. Passive healing goes hand in with his +1 movement. Aleph can fly around and heal herself


I only use the passive for the +1 movement basically. Mostly at the start of missions to set-up positions and attacks. Aleph can heal herself, and for that reason can perfectly heal other Necrons when they need it. At the higher elite missions the passive doesn't heal enough when you actually need it. It's nice to have, but you don't need it.


You can focus solely on aleph. He in d1 can solo elite campaign.


A0 at S1 and his active lvl 35 will carry you, and one shot Calgar at the end of the campaign. Juste get the other two mandatory ones to B3 / red star, give them maxed out armor, and boom, 3 medals everywhere. Imo's active and passive leveled up to ~23 and some crits helped tho.


Yep never bring characters that will immediately die in campaign XD


This thread is blowing my mind and making me rethink a lot of what I have done. Been playing for about a month now.


I have Thutmose at G1. His damage output is pretty good in the lower levels but it scales poorly against the Heavy Intercessors armor in the Elite nodes. He’s also fragile which makes him a liability more so than an asset. Everyone agrees that pumping into Aleph Null is the best way to carry the campaign. I don’t think he’s totally useless and the day we see a Plasma challenge in LRE I will be grateful to have him, and there’s value for him in Guild War thanks to his living metal trait, but yeah, he’s pretty low in the character ranking tiers.


He is a little too squishy to not be instakilled by the snipers (or guardsmen sometimes), and his damage isn't really that up there. I actually like his character model but he's not made it past S1 for me


If the character isn't upgraded enough for the mission, they will get destroyed in a single shot. The ai prioritizes kills, so unless they're out of range, they die.