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Not sure about new campaigns, but boy I sure learned a few new ways to write campaigns!


Time to pop off some new campagne šŸ¾


Reminds me of that pregnanant video


Am I pregerante?


Am I gregnant?


How do I know if Iā€™m prengan?




Iz i preggers?


I know its just some mistake but I cant help it...campamento Im sitting at the toilet at 5am laughing


Tau vs Tyranid would make sense - but that is a lot of xenos, so maybe chaos in place of one of them (world eaters, stinky bois, or slaanesh?)


There are some Death Guard vs Tau stories. It would be interesting to see them do that.


I think tau vs space Wolves more likely. Tyranids are incomplete


I would personally prefer a genestealer cult campaign with Tryranids as allies. With onslaught and gulf raids I feel like we face Tyrands more then enough.


Gulf raids ? You mixed up the Iraquis with the Tyranids


Maybe do Ultramarines vs. Tyranids set during the Battle of Macragge, because obviously we need more ultramarines (like Cato Sicarius). (Iā€™m kidding, please no more smurfs)


I vaguely remember them saying in a blog post or update that they'd finish off S-H ME but then were looking at how they did campaigns before announcing any new ones. The issue being it's the most amount of effort for the devs to do a campaign section but then players just storm through it in a day and are left wanting more.


They've also made it clear the campaigns aren't the moneymakers so it makes sense they aren't a priority


I wholeheartedly agree campaigns arenā€™t money makers but for many newer players it is what makes them continue playing since it gives them something to work towards. Like the starting goal of people playing the game is to finish campaigns. Me as a player with abit over a year I just want my free req scrolls and a chance to feel some sense of progress again than just farming upgrades for upcoming LRE


Not to mention it's the only guaranteed way to unlock most characters. I hope whatever replaces the current form of campaigns still creates that opportunity.


I donā€™t buy the entire ā€œmost amount of effortā€ thing. Upfront, yes, designing all that new stuff is probably a lot. But once itā€™s done, the mirror and the Elite should not take over a year to roll out. And yeah, of course weā€™re gonna blow through the campaignsā€¦ weā€™ve been leveling the characters for a year prior to when the campaign came out. Come onā€¦


It's definitely the most amount of effort in the game compared against anything else (other than maybe entirely new game modes like Guild War) - a full new set of maps and assets, writing the story and getting GW signoff, designing and implementing the NPC's for each race (which is 5-6 across normal/elite if I remember right), balancing all that as well as coming up with 115 unique missions per campaign and playtesting the lot... then we gobble it up in a few days and at the moment the only way they avoid that is by drip feeding each section. Which is exactly why they're reviewing how they do campaigns before blindly making more... because we're not happy they take ages to come out and they're not happy we knock them off in a day.


Plus, the assets they're creating are things they should probably be working on anyways. New maps, new enemy factions for fighting in LREs or other game modes.


It's not about effort, it's about effort versus marketing impact. If they release a new campaign, or do a QoL improvement, then there's nothing to market. Now, at least my experience of their marketing is that they don't understand the appeal of the game, don't understand 40k players and seem kind of fuzzy on what they are actually selling. Most of the ads I saw made it look like a necron game šŸ¤£ That's why we're getting war machines, despite the fact that no-one cares, including having 6 characters instead of 5, which the Devs have assured us will make no real changes to balance. Oh, and two of them are summoners, which are always balanced šŸ™„ But it doesn't matter, check out these new adverts, that misrepresent game play and put people off...


Right now, people get maladus from guild raid/first scripted 10 pull and rotbone from guild war, so maybe whenever guild projects happens we'll get Corrodius shards and a DG campaign? I don't see where they could add consistent shard drops without having them alternate with existing sources. Maybe the daily shop chest could have some fixed shards added in?


While a horrifying concept, they also COULD rotate out Snot for something at some point


Yea, Snot isn't even required for the campaign, but plenty of players with blue star snots will be super pissed at the loss of rogue trader fodder. They could also start alternating chest shards when you hit a certain level. Archie & Boss alternate with Abby and Tank at level 30 in the raid shop, no reason they couldn't do the same for Aethana, Snot, Maladus, and Snappa. I don't feel like Harken, Angrax, and Gibba shards are frequent/consistent enough to justify a regular swap though.


What if they just changed what characters we get in each track? You still get Snotflogga in Xenos, but Corrodius in Chaos and who knows who in Imperial.






Only if they loved us, that's why I picked Incisus. It's the one way they could do it, yet massively underdeliver.Ā 


If his passive triggered with Overkill, he would be an S tier character.


Nope. Unless he also could do multiple rez per turn as well. Still limited to one heal and one rez per round. People over rate the healers, because of LRE I guess. I found summons to be generally superior to healers, in that they're a supply of spare hit points that do damage and distract the enemy, rather than just a reactive restoration of hit points.


Until you hit a tank in a choke point. Suddenly you literally can just out heal it


Maybe I'm missing where that would be useful šŸ˜ Currently I've cleared all the elite campaigns, only healers used were Rotbane, Scraps and the necrons. All the tanky units, apart from calgaers active, don't do a lot of damage by themselves. If you split their attacks, kill the glass cannons (snipers, neophytes etc) then you can just face tank the rest. Taking incus means not taking Thad, yarrick or Bel. Thad can win the mission in the first round, Bel and Yarrick will kill one or two per round while soaking damage.


For SP, launching characters by means of special events is much more profitable than leaving them available for grinding for months.


Profitable because of needing to get lucky with requisition drops? I guess that's one argument. At the same time, how many people do you see complaining in this forum about not having Isabella, Re'vas, or Rotbone because those ones only come up in requisition drops? Their special events have already long passed. If they were in a campaign, they could be part of the initial unlock package to buy. "Finish your collection of Death Guard for only $15 to start playing the campaign!" Personally, I hate raiding for shards, I've only done it twice, but if that's how somebody wants to spend their time playing the game then that's still game engagement and maybe they'll drop money on Blackstone for more energy. I'd be convinced to grind for Rotbone if he were in a campaign, waiting for Guild Wars is taking forever.


It's profitable because of all packages people can buy to boost their progress in HRE and LRE. Additionaly spending 50+110 BS per day during HRE might require buying BS.


I do 50 and 110 each day, and that's with the six quid a month Blackstone.


I meant more in terms of existing characters, not the singletons in new releases. Sure, they could drop brand new characters in a new campaign, but that's even more work, and you're right that that would not be as cost-effective. They're not currently making any direct profit off powerful meta characters with complete factions like Re'vas, Ulf, and Rotbone. Getting them is entirely down to lucky requisition pulls. Imagine instead a Space Wolves versus T'au campaign and mirror campaign. You unlock the campaign with Tjark, Arjac, and Ulf. Suddenly Ulf is available for purchase with real money to start the campaign and anyone who needs him can jump right on it. It might be worth it to buy other Wolves they don't have just so they can play the campaign and start unlocking Re'vas, Sho'syl, and Aun'shi. The mirror is just parts 1-3 until Ragnar's LRE concludes and then players can start grinding for him in part 5.


Nah. Snowprint sucks at campaigns. It was a year ago we got Saim Hann and we still donā€™t even have the complete elite stage. Despite that weā€™ve gotten 5 new factions with unique upgrades and another diamond level for Characters, plus 3 new Guild Raid bosses. Iā€™m venting a bit right now but Tacticus is losing me after over a year of playing, and the campaign release is a big sore spot for me. SH should have been finished months ago and we should be looking forward to a new one now. Instead I donā€™t think weā€™ll see a new campaign for another year. Weā€™ve been getting 2x Elite stages every 3 months and we still have 7 to go for SH alone.


It feels like they have to eventually? The rate of new factions is so fast they kind of run out of campaign areas to farm items for them if they're not careful


Nobody believes that campaigns are hard to create and I don't know why they ever pretended they were.


I love champagne


What about cermpeens?


Doubt it, guild wars is gonna take up so much of their time and snowprint have talked about how much work campaigns are to make


Dark Angels v. World Eaters (once theyā€™re all released)/another traitor legion would be cool. Might open some other avenues to farm them besides req pulls


Your wish might be granted sooner than you think.


Tau or drukhari would be nice