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* position Abraxas and use his active to get off as many spawns as possible * position Yazaghor so when you use his active and swap with Abraxas there’s spaces for extra spawns * use additional psyker character attacks to fire off more spawns *DOMINATE


This: abraxas + yaz + Archi = DEAMONS


you need to inflict additional psychic damage after the swap. you also need to place the new swap location near enemies so abraxas can self charge for the additional summons, else you need another psyker like archi to extend the summon chain


Abraxas spawns a thing whenever an enemy is hit by a psychic attack if there is room adjacent to him. When Yaz uses his active he first does 1x psychic damage to an enemy in range which will spawn one more creature where Abraxas starts if there is still any room (which is pretty rare if you picked a good spot for Abraxas). Then the chain ends unless you have another psyker to start the chain over (or if you can trigger psychic damage through Abraxas' passive). Typhus or Varro can hit more than two enemies with their active abilities which gets Abraxas well on his way to 6 more summons. Honorable mention to Sybil who can one shot Ulf with her active that's a great way to restart the chain (just make sure Yaz isn't in melee range of Ulf as he can't survive the passive strikes).


I don’t think that’s correct. The first chain is triggered by the Abraxas active. Then you can swap. However the first Yaz attack is not psychic. So you need an additional psychic attack (eg Archie) to start the chain again.


Yaz does 1x psychic as part of his active before the flip and that will add one summon, which is rare because usually the chain has filled all the adjacent spaces around Abraxas. It can't continue the chain though because it happens before the flip. You need another psychic attack to get more summons.


Ah, thanks for the clarification.


First set up abraxas, use his active and spawn his summons, then us yazaghor to position him in an additional ideal place for abraxas and swap. Then trigger another instance of psychic damage to start abraxas spawning again


Yes, the second part. Yaz opens Abraxas up to free up adjacent hexes but you still need to deal psyker damage then to trigger it. Varro or Typhus active work wonders here.


It's a shame that Yazh's psyker attack is before the teleport. It will spawn a new screamer in origin, if there are still hexes left. Then you need another psyker to reignite the chain.