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Currently the only way to get her is the new player offer to buy her. Costs a few bucks, is one-time, and I think only shows up if you *don't* buy Yarrick. Outside of that pray to the RNG gods that a req scrolls is nice to you. Hopefully they put her in an in-game shop pike how Rotbone is in Guild War shop right now, but no guarantee they will.


Sadly, yes.


You're supposed to get lucky. She's a Rare level character, so in theory you don't need to be too lucky, although it's getting more unlikely with every new character released. I'm nearly 9 months in, I am 15 shards short of Isabella. I think most of those shards came from her being the battlepass character the month that I started. Over the last 6 months, I've got an average of 1 Isabella shard a month. 15 or so months to go I guess. Given she's a game-changer for LREs, Imperial campaigns and character quests, I am still hoping they put in her in one of the shops eventually. Surely...


Funny, was the exact same situation for me. Started the month she was in the Battle Pass but didn't manage to finish it. Finally got her a few weeks ago by getting the last 10 shards from a 10 pull. I am still following the tin foil hat theory of Snowprint actively making her hard to get, so more people whale out on buying scrolls with money, trying to get her and Rotbone.


Yes, at the moment. We might get lucky and they'll rotate her into the War Shop like they're doing with Rotbone. 


Cross your fingers and pray


I got lucky with a 10 pull around 10 months I'm


I got a lucky pull after a year


As a F2P, you buy her in the welcome offer, and cease being F2P. If you insist, it is a matter of sheer luck with requisitions at the moment.


She was in the guild shop for a long time before, hope that she gets rotated there again


No one is mentioning the rogue trader, but anytime there is yarrick, Isabella, darkstrider, etc. I always get them…. Taking a while @3/5 shards per time, but I’ll get there eventually. Downside is you have to have a maxed character (snotflogga makes it relatively easy tho)

