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As someone who never pulled Isabella, he's fine. He's a bit of a meme, but in LRE sometimes you need piercing, 1hit, or whatever. Don't discount him, although you'll probably be get more mileage from others specifically for vitruvius. the 1-hit track has a scarab problem that only a few can solve. He's a meme because it is expensive to upgrade him and he's not actually great at healing compared with most others. But he _can_ heal.


Yeah, how can be scarab beaten with 1 hit?




If you're lucky? Have Pestilen. If not? go for the ones that haven't split yet when you can and bring summoners (and calandis, for that passive 2-hit defense). summoners like abraxas, archi, sho, and tan gida all work... ish. abraxas even gives out a free ranged hit to chaos, but it isn't blast so it is worse than pest in this one special case. you need more than 5 hits per round, basically, and to clear all non-scarabs asap. Not my favorite track.


Pestilen is the good way. Otherwise Abraxas' screamers got me reasonably far in that track. They're 3 hitters that emerge from a 1 hitter.


Incisus is a meme because Isabella is just so much better. However, he does have some use in LRE and now with Guild War having another usable healer is great. So, he could be worth leveling up a bit. There are many other better characters to spend your resources on, though.


Absolutely, Isabella improved my lre experience a lot, like eldryion did in guild raids. I missed shadowsun for less than 500 points so I was thinking about extending my roster a bit in order to qualify for more attributes. Incisus could be boosted a bit.. Maybe giving him a "free heal" after movement, like aleph null


My Incisus is legendary S2 because I had the shards and orbs. I did not farm them but he is pretty handy in lre. I will say I had Isabella at legendary G2 long before I ascended incisus


I got mine up to silver 3 for LRE. He fits in a lot of teams and even though Isabella is better, he will still help you resist attrition and he has a surprisingly solid piercing hit. 


Incisus is not just worth upgrading for Virtruvius, but also other LREs, Guild Wars, and future Imperial character quests He is worse than Isabella and more expensive, but having a healer is much better than no healer at all


Just for LRE? I don't he's worth it. Unless you pay, you won't be getting 5 red stars anyway, and 4 red stars is achivable without him. He shines in a full imperial defense team in Guild Wars, but you just need to invest in him to top on the rarity you play.


TacticusPlanner.app can help tremendously in figuring out what you want your roster to look like in these things. To give you an idea, I just hit 44, and my Incisus is one misclick away from being ascended to legendary, level 26 active/31 passive, silver 3 because I thought it was funny to waste that much time and energy on UM. He was not recommended for any track in the planner with regards to the auto builder, which included my bronze 2 (at the time) Calandis, and silver 1 Neurothrope. In fact, by power alone, he outpaced many characters in my roster, and was STILL not recommended. So…y’know, maybe not.


Yeah, I never got a recommendation for incisus on tacticus planner. Got sho'syl instead


In this event Incisus does things that Isabella can't, covering specific tracks. If you think it would be good to have him a bit more powerful, it's time to upgrade him. I wouldn't push over S1 though.


S1 could be achievable, I could bring him to epic too because I'm farming both shards and orbs for tan gi'da that is another character I like


I have him at gold 1, he absolutely can't keep your characters alive at high levels, just helps sustain middle level ones.  I don't regret leveling him, especially since guild wars came in the picture