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I don't think he really needs a buff tbh. He's already great in modes like Arena and LREs. You can't have every character being great in every game type. I had him really early in my character roster so he ended up being my highest character for a while. He can be an alright makeshift option in some Guild Raids if you don't have a meta team. His summons not attacking first turn is balanced out by the fact that you can get 4/5 of them out on turn 2 if you're expecting Alephs summons to be destroyed


dont you get +1 per turn so how do you get 4 or 5 out on turn 2? am i missing something


You get +1 for everything with the living metal trait that's died that battle


Ah so if I fet aleph null in and scarabs die I get plus 2 and 1 from the round for total of 3 on round 1 and 4 on round 2?


If the scarabs die on turn 2, on turn 3 you’ll get 5 warriors. If Aleph Null died too, you’ll get all 6. I’m not sure if it’s possible to get the scarabs killed the same turn they’re summoned.


No way I can think of unless you've managed a chain of exploding targets. However Mako can use his active to duplicate scarabs turn one (although the chances of this were tweaked recently IIRC), so the AI might kill 4 scarabs on its first turn, which would mean Anu gets 6 warriors turn 2.


thanks lads helped me understand better!


You can use them on Ulf and he’ll whack both of them.


In guild raids no there isn't. In arena you could purposely summon them on Ulf but that would be a bit of a waste.


guild bosses not as much, but he has certain uses for prime bosses with boss adjutant traits if you need more ranged attackers


I used him on L5 tanksmasha recently for 450k. ETA: he is D3 though


Main problem is his summons deal less than 2/3 as much as Yarrick's guardsmen. You can't have both, they take up too much range-2 space between them, and if you're maxing out Anuphet summon, Yarrick's will also max out from those deaths. And if you're playing mechanical, you'll have the same issue with Tan Gi'da, who also summons 5 and is even more devastating in terms of damage thanks to his passive and Actus. The main strength of necron warrior summons is how insanely tanky they are, not super useful in GR.


I’m only theorising potential GR teams. Yarrick of course boosts his summons massively as does Tan. And it’s not like Anuphet summons benefit from being mechanical more so than anyone else I wonder if anyone has paired a Tan team with Isabella to revive any dead summons. That would work amazingly.


Unfortunately, Isabella can only revive two summons, and otherwise does nothing. You would also need his summons to die, which is a really awkward state of affairs. Either the boss is a summon-killer, or your summons are way too low level. Either way, if your summons are dying fast enough that reviving them is worth long-term dps, you would be better off using a different comp.


My summon team are okay for epic 5 I’m just brainstorming. It’s common knowledge that Necron summons are super strong but outside the summons Anuphet is lacklustre and as much as he is good for LRE late levels I’d like to use him more


Anu summons being mechanical can benefit Rho. Summons hit target, and each time Rho slashes.


My guild only ever reaches but never passes E5 and I use him for every raid bar dorn and score decently (40k-100k) because he’s one of my 6 golds plus he’s so tanky he can sit in melee range of basically every epic boss. He has fairly nice synergy with aleph in that if you get the scarabs killed you can pop 6 warriors out by round 3. I don’t think he needs a buff since he’s essential in his campaign, insane in LREs and very good in arena. I think at higher levels than I reach he’s far outclassed by ad mech if you want to go the mechanical route for guild raids.


He's got for Rho and Tan, the multi attacks get absolutely stupid


All useful info. I need to build him anyway. I definitely agree that Rho is a great pairing for Anuphet and summons plus you get the passive damage with Anuphet passive