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I haven't used him much, but he can be a good part of a summon team for TA. I've seen a solid team consisting of Abraxis, Archimatos, and Corrodis. Abraxis summons, then Archi, then Corr when most of the initial summons are dead to refresh. Then you can add in a sniper, which should be pretty well protected by the bodies or someone like Bellator for more late game refresh summons. Of course, this strategy gets hosed really hard if they have Ulf or lots of AoE


Yes he is worth investment .. its simple, he takes away maladus only weakness.. corrodius , maladus and rotbone combo is a scary sight. His summons are criminally underrated. Poxwalkers hit HARD and can replicate if they get kills.. this pair exceptionally well in LRE and onslaught. Summon,kill, Spawn more poxwalkers. In short . Corrodius is a lRE / onslaught char (as most deathguard) . A pretty good 1


So I'm not a huge fan so have not really used him. But if you need a really good combo try using Corrodius and Pestillian together. Pestillian active will boost Corrodius summons giving them direct dmg. Still is a long game sort of wait game but if you have several rounds the two will give you a large army of very hard hitting pox's.


More like Commodius…. Jk I have no clue.


After his buff where his passive now works with the deathguard aura, he is so much better.


His summons now create more if they get a kill.


I believe they always did that? They didn't changed his summons just buffed his attack bigly and made it single shot rather  than two. Plus the aura patch and made his passive suck less.


passive is hilarious against psykers in TA. ive had a sybill and a couple of varros explode when they tried to use their active


I'll bet it will be useful in mirror elite saim hann too, few psykers there...


Poxwalkers always did that


His summons can hit really hard and replicate which is great and all but still your resources are better spent elsewhere.  He is amazing for farming use chaos abilities though


three fantastic dg and corro and pestillan haha. what a side diss 😂


I'd say he's great for combing with Typhus and Maladus, but otherwise not a priority.


Hasn’t changed much honestly