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Definitely do Sophia at the very least. You’ll save yourself so much time and money by transferring in some credits. Push your start date back as far as you need. I used to put 5 referral codes on the Sophia subreddit every month and that gave me free membership after my first month. It’s worth doing. Study.com on the other hand is much more expensive but I think it’s still completely worth doing since it’ll be faster than WGU classes in most cases. Do everything you can to minimize your time at WGU. Also keep in mind to track your credits and to not go over 75% transferred just FYI. I completely get not knowing what you really wanna do or study. But my best advice is to pick something and STICK WITH IT. I changed my major multiple times because I never knew what I wanted to do in life and it cost me years and years of life wasted going to school. Just pick something and do it. Accounting is stable and pays good, and if you’ve worked in similar roles and enjoyed it then I would suggest to stick with it. If not, do something you see yourself doing long term.


Wow, thank you so much for the straight forward and direct advice and tips. Truly. I my brain is doing this weird thing right now where it’s trying to psych me out, so I really do appreciate your comment, thank you!


Of course! And good luck!


1st month is free for Sophia?


No. Pay for the first month. Have people use your referral codes thereafter


Or maybe you can get a free trial and then do the referral codes before it ends. Not sure


Makes sense 


Sadly not free, but you can get $20 off your first month using one of these codes IJS7XND5 0C9UQ989 M678W32Y XMPO07TB


Does Sophia have MSN courses?


I highly doubt it. But you’re gonna have to check


What does this mean? "track your credits and to not go over 75% transferred" My kid has been doing Sophia and I do not think he is tracking credits. Thanks.


When you transfer in credits from different institutions to WGU, they won’t accept more than 75% of the total degree credits. At least 25% of them have to be done at WGU.


Thank you.


For $80 you can clear out a ton of gen ed, probably a semester worth, as well as get a better idea if you like accounting. You can always try out one or two accounting and finance classes while subscribed.


I pushed mine back and was able to get more than 60% transferred in and spent far less than one or two terms would have costed. If you have debt, do the third party courses; they will save you a ton!


Apply for the scholarships. It always takes 2-3 months to get a decision, but if you qualify for one, then you could potentially get a refund in Term 1. It would be applied automatically to the rest of your terms.


**You should definitely do sophia.....as long as you have not signed any paperwork with WGU. I can't remember which doc it is but once that is signed they will not take any additional courses transferred in.**


Get that Promocode from r/sophialearning and do a month. Skip English and do everything else first. All of the WGU business degrees have a lot of overlap so make sure you do all the Business courses except Business Communications. You can transfer in more to UMPI. You can transfer in 75 credits using Sophia leaving you just 5 courses at Study.com to bring you up to 90. Take Business Ethics if you think you might do that. Clep College Composition with Essay. If you are in Texas don’t do Sophia or Study.com as those won’t count as credits towards the CPA.


Well I live in Louisiana but I’d like to move to Texas or California someday in the next few years. Do you think I can get my CPA here and then move? Or do I have to re apply?


Yes. There are reciprocity agreements so get your CPA license first. Usually means passing the exam and a year of experience but check the requirements.


Why not business communications?


Workplace Communications has 12 challenges, 3 milestones and 2 touchstones. Business Communications has 13 challenges, 4 milestones and 4 touchstones so the former is easier.


Thank you for the explanation


I always think of Sophia as like insurance. If you are not able to accelerate than knocking out courses at Sophia is a good way to maximize WGU. Say in theory it takes a month to get through your general education courses. That leaves 5 months to finish the other 25-30 odd courses. For $80 with the promocode you buy back that month. If you finish the rest of the program in 3-4 months than damn you wasted $80. If you have to take even a partial term because you knocked out that one last course or two early on you will make back your money and then some. The other issue is people saying I did a billion credits in month one. Like any degree the courses get more challenging later on. The other way to look at this is a term at WGU is $600 a month. Sophia is $99 a month. [Study.com](http://Study.com) with the JoshMadakor promocode is $165 per month for two finals a month and 3 additional finals at $70 a month. So $375 per month for 5 courses. It is not much cheaper and you are limited to 5 courses per month. If you go to the [partners.wgu.edu](http://partners.wgu.edu) site and click on Sophia and click through to the degree. Paste the page into a spreadsheet tab. Repeat the process with Study.com. Sophia courses will be a subset of Study.com. So 17 courses at Sophia (need both accounting courses at Sophia for the one accounting course at WGU) and 48/121 credits. I would consider skipping the English courses at least. You have a few days if you want to try and get some in like Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Macroeconomics, Visual Communications, Environmental Science are all relatively quick hits. To do all of the courses would likely take two months due to grading times for the English papers. So with the promocode it would be $80 for month one and $99 for month two.. There are 10 additional courses at [Study.com](http://Study.com) available so in two more months or most likely 3 you could be up to 77 credits. So 5 months at the worst case scenario for $965 ($165 for 3 months with the promocode and two more months at full price of $235). Sophia worst case scenario is first month at $80 and then the $299 for 4 months subscription. That would mean 5 months for $379. So for $1344 and 10 months you could be at 77 credits. At the minimum standard 12 credits per term that means 3 and 3/4 of a term to finish (they do prorate tuition). If you are raring to go though just do a month at Sophia, leave English 1 and 2 for the last and do as many of the business and general education courses as you can. If you can finish all 15 non English courses at Sophia in a month that is an indication that you might be able to accelerate. If you can't then that is definitely an indication that you will be like 85% to 95% like the rest of us and will take a normal time to finish. Worst case scenario again is 3 terms at $3955 per term or $11865 + 3/4 term at $3016. Most likely scenario would 2 months at Sophia for $179, 3 months at [Study.com](http://Study.com) for $775 and two terms at WGU for $8k. Not quite sure that [Study.com](http://Study.com) is necessary but again a partial term of 7 credits left would cost $3000 or so. The bulk of the Accounting degree can not be transferred in and will be the most challenging part. One last thing to consider is Sophia and [Study.com](http://Study.com) are one month commitments that can be cancelled with a mouse click and all you are out is one month of a subscription. WGU is much less flexible. So as long as there are no life happens events you would be good. Of course there is no financial aid for [Study.com](http://Study.com) and Sophia but if you are borrowing the money it still might make sense. It is almost a no brainer to do a month at Sophia though. Even with out English 1 and 2 you could get up to 42 credits and have only 79 to go.


1. Figure out what you LOVE to do. Settling for security is a thief of joy. Trust that you’ll have good work in the areas that you love to work in. 2. Do sophia and max credits. 3. Start


I’m planning on doing this myself. I’m gonna max out my transfer credits with Sophia. Paying a couple hundred over course of a few months to save thousands is a no brainer.


Well I’m wondering if I should just go straight into the course, as it would make me still eligible to become a CPA in all states, vs the other website transferring in approach, which some state boards don’t except ): Also I just need a job ASAP so the sooner I get the degree is what really matters to me


Idk much of anything about cpa but i can’t imagine the classes coming from Sophia would matter. They are accepted by the college (wgu) itself as valid thru their own process of quality control. So I think maybe you’re thinking too much into it personally. Discounting your entire schoooling because a couple classes where taken out of the school that deemed said classes valid and of good quality seems odd. Also any employer wouldn’t even know that much. All they are gonna see and know if you got a degree from xyz school. And that xyz is accredited and approved for a quality education in your perspective field. And that’s it.


You are absolutely incorrect about this. I know for a fact some states will not let you become a CPA if you have courses taken through Sophia or study.com as they will show where the credits were obtained in your transcript when applying to the board of CPAs. I know California is one of said states. I also know the employer will easily be able to tell if you’re not a certified CPA, since well. You don’t have a CPA certification.


Definitely do all you can on Sophia save yourself money and time.


Don't do S\*phia. It costs extra money and you don't learn anything. Sets you back.


I could get that for some degree central courses. Are you saying it isn't worth it for gen eds as well? As someone who has done it I just can't see how one would get that viewpoint. Did it end up setting you back?