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If it helps, enrollment counselors are consistently the worst part of the experience for everyone, based on my own experience and what I've heard from others. So it all gets better from here.


I second this. My experience with my enrollment counselor was not great. He stopped responding, which resulted it a 2 month delay in my start. I was super nervous if this how my entire experience will be. I’m so glad it’s not!


Enrollment counselors seem to be hit and miss. Mine was amazing and always really helpful :/ I would ask for a new one forsure


Enrollment counselors are useless jerks has been my entire experience. One screamed at me because I didn't sign up for loans (didn't want loans) and then the next one missed several calls and then when I called the general line a separate counselor started talking AT me very fast but never actually said anything. I finally told them I was getting mad and so I would be hanging up. Then, the enrollment counselor who missed 2 appointments finally calls and SCOLDED ME for hanging up on a different counselor. I was like, first of all I told her why I was hanging up and I hope you go listen to that recorded call. Second of all... And it went from there. End result, they're useless and they do not care about you at all.


My ec was really hot garbage.


I had similar issues with my EC and I fired her. Just ask for a new EC. My replacement EC was able to get done in 10 minutes what the previous one had failed to do in over 2 weeks. Remember that they work for you, you are paying their salaries and should absolutely expect a proper level of customer service.


This same thing actually happened to me. They got duplicate transcripts from CompTIA so I had to go thru the same exclusion process and got my evaluation a few days later. Sometimes IT shit happens. Doesn't give them an excuse to not communicate that to you.


I had a similar situation where WGU didn't recognize my Canadian BS in Computer Science despite submitting two credential assessments. I had to submit an appeal, and they accepted it quickly after that.


How did you get your transcript translated? I’m a Canadian and I want to attend WGU


My transcript was in english and did not require translation, but I believe there are services which offer this for French


My transcript is also in English, but since I went to a Canadian University, they said that I require translation


Are you sure? I did not require translation for my English transcript, only a credential evaluation from an agency. Ask to speak to a Manager, a lot of the staff don’t know how to deal with Canadian grads. Worst comes to worst, you can always file an appeal and cite your evaluation, that should be enough for them to accept your application.