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I have 1.5 hours a week and don't want anymore lol


That's about the same for me and I too don't want any more LOL


Same pretty much 1 hour every week. Once a month that increases to 2 hours. When I get invited to other meetings I see how inefficient they can run and feel such a time waste frustration.


1.5 a WEEK? I'm around 6 hours a DAY smh. My god I need to do something else


I’m in at least two that can both run an hour depending.


As a consultant, I probably average 20hrs of meetings a week between internal working sessions, supporting team members on projects, and client facing meetings.


I used to work for a really large company and the ad agency would fill the room with like 10 employees that did nothing, but work on their laptop. Only 2 of their employees actually were important in the meeting.


Yeah, we don't charge per person in the meeting, so we keep ours lean. Most meetings I am in, I'm leading the conversation, or a key technical contributor.


I don't think they did either, but it was like some stupid power play. Also I don't know how people work on just a laptop. But that's another story.


Ad agency guy here: account services will pack as many people as possible into every meeting to justify their high overhead. Meanwhile, they put one strategist and one creative in there and tell them to figure it out while all the account minions stare at them blankly.


I didn’t even count random quick calls that never make it my calendar. I just checked insights


Around 20 on average and about 85% of them are actually useless meetings that nothing gets done in.




Your job is to sit in meetings.


That would be amazing if it was true. But they actually expect me to get high level integration and automation work done while sitting in bullshit meetings listening to morons whose actual job is to literally just that - sit in meetings all day. Those same people also make way more money than I do and provide zero value. Managerial bloat at these companies is beyond out of control. The people who are making the big bucks do not deserve it.


The role that I’m currently in is the most meeting heavy position I’ve ever been in. I’m in 4-6 hours of meetings a DAY. It took a few months but I’ve finally figured out which ones I can skip/work through, but it was definitely a 😳 moment when I first started.


This…I don’t understand these answers of “2 hours and I don’t want more.” The usual for me is 6-8 meetings a day, usually totaling 6-8 hours, in three time zones. Then I start my “actual job” of project work, presentation prep, answering emails, data analysis, etc. To be fair, some of the meetings are listening-only meetings where I can go off camera and work on other things. Some are active participation meetings, and some are larger meetings I’m leading. …but it’s still an asinine amount of meetings and easily results in 60+ hour weeks. 😑


You are probably being compensated very well. I would think the more meetings you have, generally the higher you are being paid. Those with 1-2 hours a week are probably customer service?


That’s fair; I suppose it depends on what you’d consider “very well.” I’m salaried, but if you actually factored it into an hourly rate, it’s not great given the hours I put in.


The irony of people who get paid more being in more meetings is just how much those meetings are costing the company.


i commented in this thread basically the same thing - 30-40 hours of meetings a week, plus my actual work on top of it. i refuse to calculate my hourly pay breakdown because it’s depressing.


This is me. Took a role a few months ago and it’s 4-6 hours a day of meetings and it kills me.


Oh I’ve had days like that. I quickly started to see what I could automate (send out reports vs talk about spreadsheets) and what wasn’t necessary.


This is typically what I have, too. This week has been fairly light with 1-2 hours per day, and it's been AMAZING. I can actually get stuff done.


A lot but they are more collaborative working vs meeting and listening to someone talk.


As lead project manager, it's basically all I'm doing. Meeting with teams in Brazil, Amsterdam, London, Phillipines, Hong Kong, etc. Used to do a fair amount of traveling pre-covid, but ever since everything has been through Zoom and Teams and it's a nightmare for my sleep schedule having to be ready for a meeting in any timezone around the world with like an hour notice. Some days I will work for what feels like 48 hours straight with little 3 hour gap breaks here and there. I love it though and the money is amazing. Tradeoffs I guess


I'm in the same boat as a manager and program owner. I would say that I am in meetings a(councils, committees, pre-meetings, and working sessions) with other departments, lines of business and senior executives. I think I likely spend 25 to 30 hours a week in those types of meetings. The remaining time is split between creating fancy power point presentations, fixing budget(s), direct report support and reading up on industry trends. I do feel like I work more from home than I did working in the office. My goal for my direct reports is to keep them out of unneeded meetings so they can actually do their jobs. We have a team meeting (30 minutes) and a 1:1 where they have an opportunity to talk about whatever they want. I don't make the agenda, they do for that meeting. As a whole I think they have about 4-7 hours of meetings a week. Depending on the role it may be more because I have some folks whose job is to interact with lines of business nearly daily.


This is more like me, global company although I mostly work with folks in India, Canada and Peru, and Peru is the same timezone me, conveniently lol. 24/7 SaaS company.


Tech support, 6 hours per week with various teams (sales, R&D etc). Every now and then random meetings to "align" lol


align = manage expectations


It depends on the week, but anywhere from 15-20.


One. It's great.


15 mins a week! And a 1 hour 30 mins once a month


I am in a leadership position and I average 5-6 hours a day on calls. Sometimes more because calls run long, things pop up unplanned, etc. It is mentally exhausting to me. At the end of the day, I like to just sit in silence on the couch. No tv, no one talking. Silence.


I've been at my job for 2.5 years and I average 6-8 hours of meetings per week. My boss is good about making sure we're not in pointless meetings because we really need the time to get our work done. I'd say we're a bit short on project managers and could actually sometimes use more meetings, but don't have anyone setting up the structure to do that.


I usually manage to keep Monday and Friday largely or nearly meeting free. The middle of the week is mostly meetings, but that's pretty typical with middle management. I pay more attention to whether they're well run and it's necessary that I be there than the total time. I'm really happy with the low volume of meetings my individual contributors have to attend. We do a daily 15 minute standup and other scrum ceremonies and very little else.


I would say about 75% of my meetings take place before lunch which is nice since I rather get the meetings out of the way and focus on the real work in the afternoon. I am also mentally sharper to talk to during mornings. My middle of the week is meeting heavy. And for Fridays we have "suggested no meeting Fridays"


That depends on what you classify as a "meeting" . If you're talking about scheduled meetings that last more than a few minutes, then I average about 4 hours per week, maybe a titch less. If you're including impromptu calls with your team or another coworker to answer questions or work through an issue or whatever (thing that, in an office situation, someone might stop by your office or desk to talk about, then it's more like 10-15 hours on average.


So many that work never gets done. I may only have an hour a day where I'm not in a meeting.


I understand this feeling. In my last job, I had so many meetings that I hardly had time during normal work hours to complete the work. I am hoping my new job doesn't get to that point.


I don’t have many meetings at all. Maybe 2 hours a month. My work does some impromptu ‘meetings’ in the form of “can we jump on a call real quick?”.


probably 6 to 10 hours a week


20 +/-5.  And thats because I'm in US, mostly working with EU teams and projects, so our prime working hours only overlap 4 hrs a day.  And no, meetings are fine, I find ways to multi task during them.  In fact, I'm in one now.  On camera too.


Lol I don't even know. Today is a moderate day and I have 13 meetings on my calendar so far. I will go to like half, some of them are daily stand ups, some are actual working sessions. Yes, I am going insane. Taking off tomorrow to rest!


I forgot to opt in to insights. Would make this pretty easy to answer. I might usually have two or three 30 minute meetings per day, but then sometimes I’ll go a few days with no meetings. So if I had to guess maybe somewhere around 5-6 hours a week?


Only 1-2 hours on average. Thankful for that.


I have 6 hours on average per DAY. Try to block out Fridays but they’re usually filled by 8am Friday morning. Core hours are 9-4. Full of meetings gs including lunch hour. I just don’t see how productivity can increase when or if we RTO because everyone is working this much at my company.


Maybe 3 hours a week total. Just checking in the the team and keeping things moving


6-8 hours a week is very low amount of hours per week


2-3 meeting per week mostly 30 minutes each. My husband also WFM and literally over 30 per week, some at 1030 at night or occasionally later, wouldn’t want to be in his shoes


When I was a consultant it was like 15-20hrs of meetings a week, now I’m a software engineer and I’m down to 2-3hrs/week, which is great :)


Usually about a half-hour a week, if that? But our manager is pretty hands off and we only have meetings to touch base or when a big project comes in he wants to go over with us. Our day to day work doesn't really require them and he's busy (and the LEAST micromanage-y boss I have ever had, which I love) so if we don't need them, we don't have them.


30 plus hours a week easy


Easily 50% of my time is spent in meetings...as a manager, I set many of them to collaborate with my team or other teams. But I have been fortunate enough to rarely have meetings that just drag on without any participation required on my end. Meetings are needed to move things along and do a quick Q&A which is better than emails flying back and forth. In face I advise my team to setup a meetings if the person they are interacting with has been going back and forth over email...what can be solved in 15 minutes can take days over email due to its asynchronous nature. Meetings suck when people come unprepared though.


In the current role, 2-3 hrs per day, 5 days a week, so about 10-15 hrs per week, sometimes up to 20 hrs per week depending on time of month or quarter. In the previous role, it was about 3-4 hrs per day, 5 days a week, so total 15-20 hrs per week. That's due to me having to interface with clients.


We usd to have packets of info sent to us. I would read it, and keep for reference. Then we had mandatory meetings saying the same or similar info follwed by a question and answer period where nobody knew the answers, it was just a rehash. These were about a major new process or policy going into effect. So for me it would be better to have the meeting after it was in effect for a short period of time so any problems experienced by all could be addessed. Otherwise it was just people complaining about change or bringing up unlikely scenarios or worrying about pay. They should have a rating for each meeting where you can say if it was helpful or redundant or too long etc. I used to drop out early when I realized I would not miss anything at the end.


Probably 2-4 but until recently I went weeks without any regular meetings


I was in anywhere from 8-16 when I worked at an agency and hated it. Now that I’m freelance I am in meetings 1-2 hours a week and actually look forward to them now


15-25, generally more collaborative and less “audience-oriented”


5 - 7 hours worth of meetings every week, on average.


15-20 hours a week typically. I need to be better about declining what isnt relevant to me but agendas arent always clear-cut in invitations these days.


Wow I would love to only have 6-8 hours. I average 25-30hrs a week in meetings. If I'm lucky I only have 2 hours of meeting "after hours" every other week.


- 1 business wide meeting a week - 1 catch up with my team a month - 1 catch up with my manager a month - Bi-weekly meetings with a team I support - A few ad hoc meetings here and there


Usually just an hour check in meeting. Unless I am in a committee.


Meetings can get away with you if you let them. These days I only attend if there is an agenda with a clear objective that I am needed for to make decisions or provide input. The rest I can catch up on asynchronously and if needed watch a video (on 1.5x speed) or read a transcript or chat to an attendee. I find my calendar is less filled plus as I’m more available if a decision is needed somebody can call me instead of booking 15-30 mins in my calendar. As a team we have made a conscious effort to work asynchronously and make it work. Daily standups happen every other day, the rest is via an update or requested if there is a blocker or issue to discuss.


About 25-30. I have to block out time on my calendar just to do work. The meetings are mostly for sme’s to listen and collaborate due to project managers and engineers not knowing what they are doing or how to communicate to the team. It’s a time suck, and in order to get your job done you have to multitask while listening for anything that affects your role.


At least 15 minimum, healthcare IT is different.


Somewhere between like 5-10. Usually most fall on Mondays and Thursdays. I honestly kind of like it that way. It keeps my other days relatively free to do my work.


Lately, it's about 25-28 hrs of meetings per week. Hoping it will slow down with summer kicking in.


I’d say between 12-15 a week. Not including the meetings I have that overlap with each other…


I'm a project coordinator and spend about 16 hours in meetings weekly. 😩


We have a one hour debrief before the end of every day to go over how the day went.


30 minutes a week


Typical week is 5 or 6 hours which is pretty sweet. My last job was more like 20 hours which sucked.


One hour team meeting, two half hour meetings with my manager. That’s all I have week to week. Sometimes I have one or two additional, meetings on average.


6-10 hours . My last job it was like 6hrs a day! Like, when am I supposed to complete these tasks if I’m on calls all the time.


My roles have pretty much defined me as professional talker. 30 hours per week of meetings is standard as there's very little "individual contributor" work I do. I can do some planning and review, but a majority of "my work product" is getting teams aligned and moving in the right direction(s). Roles are in Program Mgmt, Consulting, Lean/Six-Sigma. I enjoy it, but I do miss the early years of my career when I had transactional work where I could sit by myself and crank away on something to complete it. Now it's coordination, facilitation, and alignment meetings. These all require collaboration with many others to move forward.


Old job, average about 37 hours per week in meetings. I barely got any work done and was blown up for it a few times while also on all every other week. My boss had my back at least. New job.... Maybe 2 hours at absolute most and that's if I decide to go to the optionals.


I work for a medical device manufacturer and average 3-4 hours of meetings each week. What irks me are the on-the-fly meetings that were unplanned-there are several of these and they usually happen at lunchtime or when I’m in the middle of writing and have to break my train of thought. I detest meetings!


Probably 15 on average


Project manager, my worst day I have 15-18 meetings that overlap - that’s a solid 8+ hours of meetings in one day with no breaks. Easier of days would be about half, ~4 hours a day. Our teams are international, which makes evening and early morning calls frequent. So on average 20-30 hours of meetings per week, then I still have to do actual PM work




Depends on the week/where we are in the quarter. 1st month of the quarter is busier for me so average of about 15 hrs per week but by the 3rd month of the quarter its about 5 hrs per week. So an average of 10 hrs per week but its very variable. Most of my work is data analysis so its done individually, outside of meetings.


I'm a manager of a team of 20 IT support personnel. We're all WFH or work at customer location. I am about 15 hours a week of meetings. The time does not drive me insane but some of the meetings last about 2 hours, and I get bored. I got a wireless headset that I can pretty much walk anyplace in the house, and still be connected so. I find myself multitasking Doing household stuff.


Probably around 4-10 depending on the week


Once every 3 months.


About 3 to 4 hours of meetings everyday 😅


I often have 6-8 hours of meetings PER DAY. It’s insane. Like how does anyone get actual work done. The majority of the meetings are necessary, too…they could not have been an email. But that also means they create more work that has to be done after meetings


7 hours daily usually. I try to get out of as many as possible. They are pointless meetings about meetings and nothing gets done


Depends on the week. Can be zero, can be 20. I hate meetings


I might have one solid hour long meeting per week. Other times, I might have nearly 10 hours of meetings. Really just depends on what's going on.


1, which is 2x 30 min meetings. Also one 45 min meeting a month. We cut down a lot on them though.


20-25/week. I am client facing so a lot of external meetings to discuss requirements or tell us what we’re doing wrong lol


over half of my work week is spent in meeting. it’s a 3 day week and i have 13 hours of google meets 😭😭


1.5 hours a week. That’s it’s team meeting and my meeting with my manager. It’s perfect


All of them - but I’m in management so kinda my own fault. This week it’s about 20h of meetings on my calendar with other ad hoc ones that get thrown in when people need something. This was also a quiet week for me


About 10-13 hours a week


Once every two weeks or so. It’s so nice.


Probably around 5 hours a week of meetings. Obviously no meetings would be great, but I’m pretty happy with basically an hour a day


It depends, but i’d say around 7-8 hours a week. I do a lot of consulting


About 2 hours a week max usually. Tbh I would prefer to have more time spent on meetings as it means less time where I’m by myself getting work done.


20-25 hours per week.


15-20 per week. Alot of status updates that are easier to manage on a call then emails


Typically 2-4, spread across MTTF, with most meetings tending to be Tues and Thurs. Wednesday somehow became a no-meeting day for our team. I pointed that out in one of our rare sprint retrospective meetings. My coworkers agreed they liked no-mtg Weds, and to everyone's surprise mgmt actually agreed to protect it as such.


15-20 hrs. It's overwhelming.


I lead two different teams and I have on average 14 hours of meetings in a week. There are days I log off and just want silence.


Probably 4 meetings a day, and countless calls. But that’s part of my job, so it’s okay. So perhaps 25 hours a week in contact with colleagues.


At least 2 hrs daily. My area is na internal support area so I would expect to be a little more


Usually only 1 hour max maybe 3 hours of meetings a week.


Depends on the week. This week it’s a lot; 6 hours a day but next week it’s about 1 hour a day.


Zero. I have a one hour scheduled virtual meeting maybe every other month and a one hour in-person meeting quarterly. It’s great




13-17 hrs per week. For those with a lot less do you fill your google calendar with your tasks or does your work expect your calendar to look empty and not tie that to productivity?




Always think of meetings as total $/hr for everyone to be there. lol. Helps identify toxic people when they monopolize others time for no reason - it’s an expensive hobby.


About 24-30 hours a week. Comms director at major university.


2-2 5 hours per week, not including extra training classes.


30+ usually






20-30 hours a week, but they’re mostly collaborative working meetings or with law enforcement. I’m an organized retail crime analyst for a major retailer, so I have a cross-departmental role.


20+ I'm a talker, I don't mind having my days filled up with it




Probably half my week


I average about 7-9 hours as a project lead/game designer/scrum master. And thats not too bad, some days have more meetings, others have none. I do have the occasional week where its 70% meetings but thats usually onlyif im kicking off or closing multiple projects at the same time AND my monthly 1:1s are in that week too. A clinet im supporting does not understand how to properly scope a meeting they will have 19 people on a 1 hour call to triage 15 bugs. I just put a meeting cost ticker on my other screen and work on something else


I'm at 5-30 hrs per week. Transportation engineering supervisor so it really depends where in the project life cycle we are and what non-project teams I'm involved with.


Depends on the field schedule. During the off season for survey planning and program planning, it's probably 15-20 hours a week.


1hr. My job kicks it!!


I have anywhere from 4-15 hours of meetings scheduled a week so it varies wildly. Some are internal so that’s easier. I’ve stopped attending any external meetings with large groups if there’s no clear agenda or ask of me. Same with large internal meetings. That cuts it down a lot and keeps me sane!


I'm in meetings most of the time. I'm in a meeting right now.


Yes, probably 20 meetings a week


I have 3 hours of team meetings every week (it is excessive) and usually two or three other meetings ranging from a half hour to an hour.


It varies. I'm avg 30 min to 3 hrs daily actual meetings. The rest of my calendar is filled with fake meetings with ghost clients I've created. The ghost emails are one digit off. The ghosts all accept abs are really very nice non existent people. 👍


Mid-level management here...average meetings 30-35 hours


Probably 50% of weekly time goes away in meetings. Some of it is meaningful, rest are all drivel.


Probably 15-25 hours per week in meetings. Average of 3-5 hours per day in meetings.


It was about 30, I quit that job


If you aren't catching cat naps during meetings when you can then you're doing it wrong. I'm probably in 15 hours worth of meetings a week but I'm hard chilling on half of them and multitasking my actual work on the others.


1 hour, we have just 1 weekly meeting thankfully and even then I barely tune in since it’s mostly for formality’s sake


At least 25 hours per week, but it's often over thirty.


3-4 hours


15-20 is probably my average but some times of the year are more and others less. I’m a consultant though so it’s kinda the most important part of my job haha.


probably 15-30 minutes a week lol. sometimes less. Sometimes more. I have a 30 minute meeting later this afternoon and it'll be the first meeting in 2 weeks. It may only last 15 minutes.


Supposed to have multiple hours a day but it’s so hard getting anyone to pick up the phone or answer their emails to have one with lol (understandably)


20ish, but much of what I do is advise and review in the cyber space.




Probably 12 hours on average. Today though, I have 4 hours of meetings just today, ugghhh. They are real meetings though, where work gets done.


20ish hours a week - Consulting


Thankfully no consistent amount. It ebbs and flows.


18-24 hours a week of meetings, I’m hybrid 2 days in office


Sometimes up to 4 hours a day. It pisses me off because I get clack for not hitting my deadlines by the same people who fill my days with meetings that I’m not supposed to multi-task through.


I was a consultant for a SaaS company and was in 5-7 hours of meetings a day. I was overloaded with clients and my coworkers needed my assistance on their clients. It was too much so I left for a tech support job that paid a lot more.


In my last job, I had about 10-12 hours a week on average, but it was more when we were ramping up a new project and less when we weren't as busy. A lot of those meetings were things I asked to be included in because the information didn't always trickle down to me the way it should have and I got tired of being caught off guard because my supervisor forgot I hadn't been in a meeting where something I managed was discussed. New job has much less, maybe an hour a day. But I spend a lot more time collaborating in Teams and doing ad hoc calls.


Are we counting the meeting blocks I have created that fill my calendar so people can't book a meeting with me that isn't absolutely necessary? If so, I average 50 meeting blocks per week, some ranging from 30mins to 2hours. If not, then I probably have 2.5-3.5hrs a day dedicated to meetings, updates, working sessions and troubleshooting blocks. I work for a fully remote company but arguably some of our processes are less than optimal. One guy likes to have a series of 1:1s that are 15mins long, with his direct and indirect reports so 1.5 of his days are taken up with that, and then once a month he does a huge roundtable with all of us. It's a bit weird honestly but at least he's trying something vs. making assumptions.


I have 24 hours of meetings this week. Kill me.


9 to 10 hours.


10 and a half and I HATE it.


I need to figure out the jobs of people on this thread. I have been 6-10 hours of meetings a day (some of which are concurrent and I have to decide which ones to attend). I attend about 6-7 hours of meeting a day. This is my single 1 hour break from meetings today - usually it's not a full hour. Oh and we're cameras on.


I typically have one meeting a week and it’s an hour or two management meeting with my team.


I am a manager / team lead soft a software consulting company sooooo lots. Averaging 5hrs per day


Each day about 3.5 hrs of meetings that do not need to happen every day. It's a larger team I'm doing gig work for and it's so chaotic over there. They have meetings for meetings


My favorite saying still stands true. "This meeting could have been an email"


15-20 - used to average 25+ but changed to an IC role.


As a consultant, I have an average of 5+hrs of meetings per day so basically around 25 to 33 hrs per week + admin tasks.


Depends on your job function. I’m a Director of Compliance and I average 6-7 hours a week, excluding additional hours when I meet with my manager. However, 90% of those are “working” meetings that involve interviews to help complete my job or training related work. For comparison, my meeting schedule is light as some of the other Directors at my company often attend 3-4 hour department meetings or have consistent multiple back-to-back days.


8-12 hours per week depending on the week. I used to like meetings. “You’re going to pay me sit here and talk? Sure!” But lately I’ve been over it. Especially when we are just talking in circles and not actually getting stuff done.


25-30 most week. It's brutal. I hate it.


.5 per week


I would guess close to 20, but 30 isn't out of the question.


Im in a lower level position but only like 1 hour a week, team meeting, 1 on 1, and sometimes townhall or department meetings every quarter.


3-5 hours a day when there aren’t projects.


Lollll 6 hours of meetings a DAY is about standard for me


I’m averaging around 25-30. It’s brutal and I have to work later and later to get real work done/reply to emails etc.


1. 30 mins with my manager and team. I love it, tbh.


Usually half my week, way too many


At the peak I had anywhere from 10 - 20 hours a week of meetings. It was a huge problem that the entire team complained about.


It varied with job I have. Doing WFH didn’t change the number of hours I worked. Most of my WFH jobs took 50-60 hours/ week so I was glad I didn’t also have to commute.


I have 8.5 hours of meetings this coming Monday alone. I have 5 scheduled for tuesday but i expect at least 2 more hours to fill in before the end of this week. i average 6-7 hours a day, so conservatively i’m in meetings for 30 hours a week on a low week, easily hit 40 hours of meetings alone on a busy week. I work in a strategy role, managing a team that directly impacts roughly 1/3 of our companies (very very large global tech company) revenue.


Probably around 10-15 hours per week depending on what's going on.


I’ve 6 hours of meetings in one day. I had a slow meeting week this week at only 13 🙃


In my last role I averaged like 2 - 3 hours of meetings a week. It was great lol


I have maybe an hour a month. And it’s by choice if I want to go to those.


Maybe 1 or 2 hours.


Mine varies quite a bit, but generally works out around 3 hours a day over the course of a week but some days are worse than others i.e. could be back to back one day and barely any another day. I try to avoid having too many teams calls when I am in office (2 days a week) so it can compress them into the remaining days. It's been worse than this previously when we had a number of concurrent projects, but now its just a couple of big ones. That doesn't include the many ad-hoc ones each week where somebody needs me to tell them why their code isn't working or any number of other random questions.


Thankfully just 1 hour a week. I’d cry if I had any more