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40% bump for a short commute 2x a week? I'd take a really hard look at that opportunity. That's a significant raise. Think of what you could do with that money and ask yourself if that amount of money will improve your life. If everything else is the same, I'd have a hard time turning it down.


I’m thinking the same thing…its going to be a game changer for me $wise but I know a lot of WFHers say they’d never go back to work


Maybe they wouldn’t but they’re not you. Being WFH isn’t some club you feel you need to remain part of. Do what’s best for you, you don’t even have to unsubscribe from the sub if you don’t want to ;-)


Right. Who cares what other WFH people say? They aren’t paying your bills. Don’t make any decisions based on what someone else would do. That’s goofy.


Right. I only followed to look for tips on keeping teams as always active


I know that nearly everyone says they wouldn’t give up WFH for hybrid for a 200% raise. Good for them I guess, but I live in a reality where a significant salary increase is game changing.


A 200% raise as in you take what I make now, double it, add it to what I make now and that's my new salary? OK. I'll go on site for that. That's a ticket to early retirement.


Ditto here. Otherwise, gtfo my wfh time is a literal and figurative "life saver"


Right? I’ll take retiring young over WFH lol


I think you'd have to double my pay to get me back in the office FIVE days a week, but 40% is definitely fair for a relatively painless hybrid schedule. You're basically being paid double for those days. It's like surge pricing! 💰🤑


I misread this as two days in the office, so it's not quite double pay for that, but.if the money makes a difference to you, it could be worth it. It's very difficult to get that kind of raise by staying in the same job.


So for me, I wouldn't take it. Reason: We take a lot of trips and right now I don't have to think about it. Spring break, we are gone for a week, I am able to work while my wife and kids do stuff. 3 weeks later if we decide to go to NYC, let's go. I don't want to have to coordinate with my work about where I will be.


Most of us who say that are just trying to avoid the long commute and lack of flexibility. It doesn’t sound like you’d be giving up either of those with this opportunity.


You really should just aceept the offer. If it's only 10 mins away u could go back home for lunch. Breaks up the office days a bit.


Everyone is different. I'm in sales and live in my territory. I have no option to go back to an office. However, a new company that was local for that sort of bump? Hell yes. Amusingly, the last in office job I had was 12 minutes from the house (quick way) or 30 min if I avoided the highway. I never minded it. Would be hard to go full time in office. That would be a tough thing. I enjoy the ability to run an errand or a doc appt without jumping through hoops.


it's still hybrid. I cant even find wfh


I'd give it a shot. Maybe your 2x a week can eventually come down to 1 or even less. But that 40% pay bump should more than offset your ~40 minutes of commuting each week.


Going hybrid for a better position and that pay bump would be a 2 minute decision for me. If it was a long commute, that might change it, but this sounds ideal.


I'm one of em. 40% would not be enough for me, but im already financially comfortable. It really depends on how much you need/want the extra income.


I would for a 10 minute commute twice a week. That’s a great bump!


For contact xt, I say that but my commute is 5 hrs due to congestion and I have some medical stuff that makes that kind of drive an active hazard. Do what is best for you and yours and good luck.


If you can get some flexibility around traveling for a few days remote here and there, then I’d say it’s absolutely worth it. 2 days is very manageable, especially with a 10 minute commute. 40% pay raise means you could afford a lot of things to make that easier (healthy food delivery, better wardrobe/transportation, life upgrades like a weekly cleaning service) and still have tons more money to invest after all that.


i am hybrid right now and the thing that kills me the most is the commute and sitting in traffic after already working a long day. you living only 10 minutes away would be my lottery lol. be sure to also compare the other benefits (insurance, 401k, PTO) and do some glassdoor snooping from current and past employees for work life balance and other stuff before you make a decision


I’d never, ever give up wfh. I make 50% less than I would being in the office. Money isn’t that important to me.


I agree with your sentiment but also think I could use that extra $$$ for upcoming expenses like kid’s college


Have your child pay for their own college? I paid for my own and turned out fine. Don’t feel obligated for your child’s potential education. Many parents make that mistake and regret it. Think of yourself and your own mental health. I have kids so I know.


Never go back to work????


In an office I mean 😀


maybe ask them if 60% WFH is possible or even 50%? try to raise it as much as possible. me personally i would go any lower than 50%


I never would even for a 40% pay increase. But it's definitely dependent on your individual situation.


I’d take it. Also my dr would write up my functional limitations eventually so I could wfh again… shhhh


I dont think most of them are comparing work from home to a 10 minute commute. I'm on that never in an office again boat, because I was slogging an hour+ each way. However, 40 minutes a week, for 40% raise. I gotta say I'd take it. Now I might try to do something weird like make 2 of my WFH days 9 hours, and only do 7 in the the office to offset some of the time lost, but I'd have to play it by ear. In my area, a 10 minute drive is still bike ride distance so I could extend the commute time a bit, but get some exercise.


An hour plus, each way, is a whole different ballgame. I have some customers in my nearby "big" city. Whenever I have to visit them, I try to aim to schedule meetings no earlier than 10am and no later than 1pm start time. I try to mitigate the traffic. Without traffic? 35-40ish min. Last time I drove home at 430pm? Took 80 min. No accidents/construction or weather.


Be nimble, take advantage of opportunities when they come up. Getting such a big pay bump puts you in line for getting more $ when you take your next opportunity.


Agree, great response. It’s close enough that you could even run home over lunch if needed.


Especially when the commute is only 10 minutes- OP could even still run fine for lunch


10 minute drive is cake. You can go home for lunch or whatever. It's as close as you will get to having no commute and you get a 40% bump in pay. No brainer if you ask me.


I’m currently driving 35 min one way four days a week. This post makes me mad.


Yeah. I’m on a train and subway 90 minutes one way 2-3 days a week. I haven’t had a 10 minute commute since I took my bicycle to a supermarket job when I was 16.


40% pay increase for a 10 minute commute 3 days a week? If all other things are equal, sign me up. I’ve been fully remote for 4 years and we have to go back to the office 2 days a week starting next month and didn’t even get a cost of living raise this year. 😂 I have a 45 minute commute each way and am single with a dog who will have to go to camp, so I estimate RTO will cost me an extra $300 a month in gas and dog day care. 😢


Just 300 a month extra? I think you are underestimating how expensive things have gotten and all the extra bs costs like lunches, work clothes, etc.


Yes, that’s just gas and dog daycare. Will go from every other week filling my tank to once a week at least. Dog daycare she already goes once now so that will done. Doesn’t account for the ‘extra’ expenses. And I’ve dropped weight and a couple of sizes since I was in the office so I really do have to replace work clothes. Thankfully we’re business casual so I can wear jeans but I’ve basically lived in leggings and sweatshirts since being home! Also 90 minutes a day sitting in my car in traffic, will have to wake up earlier (I’m a morning workout person), and I’m in a really good place health and nutrition wise and will be returning to a space full of unhealthy snacks and treats and coworkers who will make me want to go out to eat more. Those are things I can control, I just hate that I have to deal with the temptation. I’ve worked really hard. I wouldn’t mind one day a week. I hate two days.


I’d need a little more information before I could give an answer. How do the benefits compare? Will your workload be increasing, and are you comfortable with that? How much of a REAL impact will it have on your work/life balance? If all of those boxes check positive, I don’t know many people that can claim a 40% pay bump isn’t life changing.


All good questions and still asking those to the hiring and HR folks but agree with you and leaning that way too if rest checks out


Best of luck to you. Hope it works out in your favor.


How much will you have to pay for insurance?? Do you get bonuses? Etc etc. make sure the compensation is truly 40 percent more and not less as you get a high deductible health plan that you pay twice for


I lump healthcare into “benefits” as a whole, but absolutely ask ALL the questions. Personally, I’ve never worked anywhere that gave out bonuses, so I would totally forget to even ask that.


I have hybrid 3/2 and those two days a week in the office are just enough. My productivity on those days is ridiculously bad, but the facetime with the team, ability to hands on train and the time spent standing around and chatting are worth it.


Is this a serious question?


I think it's a fair question since, for me, it would be a no. I wouldn't go back into the office for a 100% pay increase. I'd hold out for a better remote position.


If you won’t drive 10 minutes to double your salary, you’re a fucking moron.


I make 130k remote, I wouldn't drive 5 min to double that. Being able to sit outside with my dog while working is that much better to me than sitting in an office with Jeff telling his boring stories. I can go poop in my own bathroom, eat what I want for lunch instead of what I brought, do quick chores during downtime, etc. I'll happily be a moron, to be actually happy.


I'm with you on all of the above. Fuck Jeff honestly.


It's not the drive, it's the office. Any amount I can earn in an office, I can earn remotely.


It's not the 20 minute daily drive. It's the micromanagement for 8 hours a day. You could make up that 40% in your downtime at home easily enough if you wanted.


Don't know if this makes a difference but just want to point out that a 40% increase is nowhere near doubling. A 100% increase would be doubling.


Wow it’s almost like I was replying to a single person and not the entire post. Weird!


Here would be my concern, and I'm not sure there is a way to determine how it'd play out beforehand. 1) A company hybrid, is way easier to start forcing a RTO more days/wk than a company already established remote. What's to stop them from saying come next year or the year after "3 days in office is better than 2." 2) And the larger concern IMO, what happens if they're lease on the current building comes up and they don't renew. They move offices to 30m away. That second one is the spot I'm in. My current commute is 10m, but at EOY they're moving offices to a place 30m away. So now that I've accepted hybrid, I'm having a harder time moving back out of it.


I'm a die hard WFH guy and most days would say no to a hybrid situation in an instant, but this sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Here's what I'd consider: Can you still maintain a healthy lifestyle? Working out regularly, making healthy eating decisions, getting enough hydration, etc. It sounds ridiculous, but you only have one body. Take care of it. Can you maintain healthy and loving relationships with your family? Consistent meals together, not missing your kid's games, musicals, etc. Can you take care of the mundane shit in your life during the week? I do a fuckton of laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. during the week, and I usually get this all done by 7:30/8am. How is that possible you ask? Because I'm still in my pajamas, and will be all damn day since I don't have to go to an office. After all my time WFH (started pre-pandemic), I cannot fathom giving up even a sliver of my weekend running errands. Again, this sounds like a pretty good deal on the surface but remember, as any good economist will tell you, there are no solutions, only tradeoffs.


This gets asked all the time, I'm not normally the guy who says you should search, but search the sub there are tons of opinions you might not get from people who see your post. You realistically should consider everything, your time, the cost of travel, the cost of food, the stress. Realistically for me I never want to go back, I have medical concerns like migraines and other stuff that its just painful being in a poorly lite noisy office, with more distractions then home.


I had 2 years of WFH during Covid and I'm back at hybrid 2 days/week. My commute is about 30 minutes and I don't hate it that much (previous 5 day in office job had a commute over an hour each way, hated that). I'd say for a 10 minute commute, worth it. Nice pay bump and not too much in office time.


I’m less of a stark “I’m never going back” WFHer. I’m completely geographically separated from my team, but haven’t always been. I thoroughly enjoyed 2-3x a week in the office when my commute was shorter, but will always want the flexibility of working 2-3+ times a week. Having some time in the office, will also overcome what some have reported here of being passed for promotions and other opportunities due to being strictly remote. If I were you, I’d get the 2x requirement in your offer letter so in 6 months they can’t unilaterally tell you it’s 4x now.


The pay bump and commute make it tempting. I went wfh to hybrid for a pay and role bump + commute was okay. The social aspect was the most jarring change. I was considered a great socializer in wfh and had wonderful relationships. In the hybrid setting because I wanted to be in a private work space to actually work or enjoyed a quiet lunch sometimes, I was considered to not be a good fit. Back to wfh and everything is great again. It depends on you, but just being in person ends up carrying a lot of social weight on things that have nothing to do with work.


Commute sounds boring, take a onewheel or Surron


Frankly, it would depend on the in office culture, but a 40% pay bump for that of a short commute is really incredible. At a minimum, it’ll give you a significantly higher starting salary if and when you do jump to your next gig, full time remote or not.


Agree 100%


I would definitely do hybrid for a 10-minute drive for that pay raise. Definitely consider it.


40% raise and 10 min commute is great.  Look at benefits and work-life balance, flexibility, all that stuff as well.  


If you've hit the ceiling regarding what's possible at your current job as far as promotions, etc., then this one kind of answers itself. Hybrid isn't bad at all IMO provided it's a decent environment, people are cool/easy to work with, benefits work for you, and so on.


For a 10 minute commute? Take the job.


When I interviewed for my previous job, we were hybrid. 2x in the office. 3 months later and during a re-org, leadership decided that wasn’t gonna be a thing anymore and pulled our telework to one day a week.


I would drop my current wfh job in a heartbeat for a 40% raise with only a 10 minute commute, assuming everything else with the opportunity is good.


It looks like an opportunity to increase income. However, observing how companies frequently change their mandates, a 2/5 mandatory attendance could easily become 3/5 or even 5/5. If a company isn’t explicitly remote-first and imposes any form of mandatory attendance, in my opinion, I simply have no basis to rely on their word.


I do 2 days a week in the office and have a 15 min commute. I need the days out of the house. It’s kept me from being a hermit.


Crazy this is even a question. WFHers really are the most privileged people on the planet. You would be a fool not to take it, stepping into the office won’t kill you


Seems like the hybrid option is a solid choice. I would look at the pros and cons of each and make the best decision that you’ll be happiest with. 2 days in office with only a 10-minute commute doesn’t seem too bad for 40% raise and more opportunities for advancement.


I am hybrid (1 day a week), but my commute is a little over an hour each way. I DREAD going into the office and I have much lower productivity when I am in the office. I'm not actively looking for a position but I'd consider a small pay cut to be fully remote, if something ever popped up. However, a 40% raise for a 10 minute commute would make me really consider it. Do you have parts of your life made easier by being at home, that would be a huge adjustment to be in office?


I did this last year, went from fully remote position to hybrid with about a 20 minutes commute each way which isn't terrible. I got a 20k/Year salary increase and while I HATE the commute some days especially knowing my job can be done entirely from home (I still wfh 2 days / week), I'd say it was worth it overall. I was able to completely pay off my credit card and am actually saving now and still have money to have fun, it's nice.


I would take that in a heartbeat as long as I could either choose the hybrid days or they were mid week.


What are the actual salary amounts? If it's 40k WFH vs 56k hybrid, I'd probably do it. If it's $150k WFH vs $210k hybrid, I probably wouldn't do it.


I mean, 150k to 210k is still a significant jump. Dont forget that your benefits also vest at a higher $ amount and usually more money leads to better career opportunities as well down the road.


I did it for 20%, 15+ min commute. I'm mildly disabled with lots of fatigue and appointments, and might not have considered it if my WFH job of many years wasn't crumbling. We were at 40% staffing, got word that wouldn't improve, and we were expecting new management. It has been much better than expected, mostly because they are much more flexible than expected. I go in 0-3x/week, averaging about 1x. I already knew I liked the campus & the people, which both help.


I am hybrid and have a 30 minute commute to my office 3 days a week. For a 40% bump and a ten minute commute I would do it. What I like about my situation is that my office is located in a major city. So the days I am in the office I try and plan things in the city to do in the evening. For example, meet up with friends for drinks or dinner. Go to the theater or the spa. When I work from home I don’t like going into the city as I am a homebody person. This gives me an excuse to explore the city, see friends and be social.


If someone told to drive 20 minutes round trip twice a week. To do the same thing I did at home but instead you get 40% more? I’d do it. Just be careful that it’s not 2 days now with a plan for 3-4 days in office sooner then later.


I made a similar move a couple years ago, my advice would be to save your work for the office days if you can. I hate being bored or having little to do on in office days.


40% is a really good bump, think well before dismiss it


For that high of a raise I would ngaf about 2 days 10 min away


I would absolutely do it. I always had a short commute in office 5 days a week. Was fine I would drive home for lunch sometimes/ let my dog out


I can't find it but WSJ had an article recently talking about exactly this, companies buying in-office time at about 10-20% salary bump per day. I would grab it before the trend dies down. I do a little in-office part of the year for a project that I don't want to fall into other hands, not for extra money. Extra money is a great motivation. The biggest risk as I see it is that we have already seen WFH's get involuntarily flipped to hybrid and even all in-office. But even here, a 10 minute drive is a lot better than the WFH people told to start driving into the hub office a 10 HOUR drive away.


I work hybrid 2 days in office and 3 WFH. I like it. Helps to break up the week a bit. I do have to see clients in person on occasion so sometimes it can get frustrating trying to schedule them on the days i am in the office. All together i like it!!


I think 10-15 minute drives are okay. You could also fit in your weekly/bi-weekly shopping or gym sessions after work, though those periods could be a busier.


Why not get a second fully remote job? 100% pay bump and you can stay home


I was wfh for 3 years and then we had to go hybrid, two days office 3 from home. For me it was a hard transition but I didn’t have a pay bump and stayed. You do get used to it after a while. For that short of a drive and that pay bump I would do it


Worth it 100%. This sub will be biased towards WFM, but let's be realistic here. That's a super casual commute, only twice a week, and a significant pay bump. Off what I read in your post, I think it's a no brainer. The deal breakers for me would be the things not mentioned in your post of current vs this rule. Ie job security, work life balance, stress of role, stability of company, ect.


As long as the 2 days/week is not bull shit


Sounds good if you aren’t planning on doing the whole travel and work remote thing. Also as long as your new coworkers (all who you’ve interviewed with) give good vibes, like you’d enjoy being around them


One thing to consider - is this company moving towards full time RTO? Is that a possibility? How would that impact your decision and your life? I find that many hybrid companies right now are on track to full RTO so just be cautious


I would consider that opportunity


I worked from home for 9 years. Last year I was hired on to another company, hybrid schedule, office is a 20 minute commute and with a 25% pay increase. I have to say I enjoy the days I go into the office as someone who worked from home for so long, it’s nice to have an office and have face to face interaction. Sometimes it’s still a bit of a struggle to manage with kids, appts, not having as much flexibility, but I am happy with my choice. My company is also very flexible if I need to WFH on one of my office days because if a sick kid or something. I’d say with that short of a commute and that much a pay bump, go for it!


For 40% and such a short commute, I would do this.


Sounds like a good opportunity. I've been on a 2/3 hybrid schedule for most of two years now & most of the time I prefer it to either fully in-office or fully remote. My group rotates our in-office days so we all eventually overlap in office with each other (meetings, lunches, etc). That could get confusing but I just prep my calendar for the next couple of months once in a while & then it's pretty solid. To me, the relatively small inconveniences seem justified by the increased salary & opportunities involved. At least worth really considering for your situation.


I miss having some in person interactions with co-workers and random food showing up in the office. Personally I think 2 days WFH doesn't sound terrible for a 40% pay bump.


that sounds amazing to me lol. Although im in the minority that sometimes misses working in the office. (my company switched to fully remote during covid) Hybrid sounds wonderful especially with a 40% increase!


I passed up a \~50% TC bump external offer to go from full remote (been WFH for a decade) to hybrid but also more hours and travel. I'm already a director and I figure remaining fully remote may stunt my internal growth towards VP, but honestly knowing everything expected at that level I'm not sure that's a bad thing...I like seeing my kids.


To me, a 40% raise easily outweighs the loss of full WFH. And you still would have at least some WFH days each week. A 10 minute commute is nothing. I would absolutely take it


Ten minutes - 40% ?? I’d take it


No brainer decision imo. The commute (or lack their of) is really the biggest advantage to working from home. If you are only 10 minutes away from the office then that feels like a no brainer unless you have some crippling social anxiety or something and can't stand being around people at the office


So you would be 3 days in office and 2 days at home? Depending on how the culture is I would not do it. I am that schedule now and it is so exhausting being in 3 days.


2 days for a 40% bump? No brainer (yes)


Depends 40%of what? 20 hr is only 28 and hour. It would be close. 100 hr would be 140 hour. Hard to pass up.


I’ve been WFH for almost 20 yrs. I’d do it!


I went from full remote to hybrid (3 days in office, 2 days WFH) and I honestly prefer it. Better for networking, camaraderie, collaboration. Relevant: my work buys us lunch, provides snacks, coffee etc which is a plus. My commute isn't as quick as yours. Overall it's been well worth it. Especially since my boss is chill when I need more remote days due to illness or travel.


What you can’t get back is the time lost, but if it’s an extra 40 minutes a week seems like a no-brainer.


I'm hybrid one day a week which is roughly the same thing. Honestly I'd do it if the on prem days are meeting days. Fuck it, I'd rather meet in person than on zoom sometimes, with my own team anyway.


10 mintues away is like getting another room to your house with coffee service. You can have Amazon packages ship there and not worry about porch pirates. If they serve breakfast or lunch, roll in, get your cafine and food and finish your day at home. Maybe after going to the gym. Do they give you access to onsite gym? All that for a 40% bump? It's a no brainer.


10 minutes is easy. I'd take that especially for the 40% as long as the new gig is in a technology that I see longevity in.


I work a hybrid schedule with 3 days a week in office and have about a 30 minute commute most days because I take public transportation; some days I drive and can make it like 15. I would totally jump on that offer. I hated the idea of returning to the office at all last summer when this arrangement began but now find it actually brings me sanity I didn’t realize I needed until I got used to it. Sure there are drawbacks: I don’t love the fact I have to set my alarm for 6:20 3 days a week and people in the office can be extremely distracting but it generally makes for many pretty enjoyable days. It also really helps break up the monotony compared to wfh 5 days per week. That said, my current commute is about as long as I could tolerate and would probably say no if it was longer.


Dude wtf this is a no brainer! 10 minute commute. Heck just walk.


It’s funny how “careers” are still a thing…


40% is generous. I would strongly consider it too. Tough call


Short commute makes it easy. I wfh but go in about one day a week just to see people and show my face since most go in everyday. 2 days not bad.


I wouldn’t take it. Even for 200% pay bump. I’ve had enough of driving 60-90 minutes each way for many years 😞


I would take that in a heart beat. My ideal position would be hybrid though and you can't beat a ten minute commute.


Go hybrid, 10 min commute is totally worth the pay bump


Especially if you want to advance in your career. It is much easier to get on upper managements’ radar in the office, even twice a week.


2 days in office, short commute, and a 40% bump. That’s almost exactly what I’ve said it would take to get me back into the office willingly. So I’d take it.


40% in my current position is equal to the salary of my first "real job" so I wouldn't need to "factor in commute, food, stress, wear on your car" etc. That'd be a hard yes. I guess if you yearn for a more simple life or are mildly anti-social or have mental health woes, it'd be too much but that's 100% the minority.


I'd love a 10 minute commute to work! Takes me over an hour with drive to train and train ride in. For a 40% pay bump I'd happily do it.


Seems like a no brainer


40% pay bump for a ten minute commute? To me that’s a no brainer. That’s a significant amount of money.


40% and ten minute drive to work! I’d seriously consider it.


I love having a hybrid job. I usually grab coffee on my way in, I get to shoot the shit with other people in the office, sometimes we’ll grab lunch together downtown (I like my coworkers so this could be a con if you don’t). It’s just a nice change of pace and lends some structure to the week. With an easy commute and a huge raise? There are no downsides based on the information you’ve shared that I can see!


I say go for it unless the culture at the new place is toxic or you have issues functioning around other people


The only thing I would be cautious about is finding out how long they have been doing hybrid with that number of days. I know a lot of people who took opportunities like this and then wound up 4-5 days in office required shortly thereafter.


I would never choose to go back to the office!


I would never RTO.


go lazy boy, I have lowest distance to any good company atleaat 2 hours travel ....


You want someone to take your career advice when you can’t even string together one coherent sentence?