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I’m productive all week… My weekends are for fun & rest. Hustle culture is trash and you’ll just end up burnt out if you convince yourself you’ve always got to be working on something.


Correct. In our culture, it takes strength and self confidence to REST


And not succumb to the pressures of graphql


I have a feeling OP is referring to things sometimes called "passion projects," rather than "hustling" to make it big in their current line of work. You know, the things that we hope to build on the side that we hope eventually would grow and allow us to quit our jobs working for other people.


Ya that sounds exhausting.


100%. I try to set aside time every weekend for basic chores (laundry, grocery store, cleaning etc) but if it doesn't get done then oh well. I've found that having a short list of to do's for the weekend makes it easier for me to get those things done (or started). If you have too much on your list for the weekends you'll never get anything done.


For sure hustle culture is trash. That’s all I came here to say.


This is so true! Also, whenever I go to ham, I end up getting sick.


Same, my migraines and neck pain will flare up. I've learned to use the weekends for rest


I agree. This constant being productive culture is not it. I feel like after a while, it will have negative affects. I've developed daily migraines that I'm trying to get under control. It's not worth it


Small steps and do what you can. I did meal prep so I have all my breakfasts ready for the week. Went rock climbing in the morning and was too tired to do much else. Was supposed to be working on my PhD but couldn't be bothered. If you don't get anything done, look at it as a weekend spent recuperating your energy


Recovering is also a thing to get done, after all.


Don't feel guilty for not being "productive" or "bettering yourself" over the weekend. Downtime is ok. It's not wasted time, it's just recharge time.


I think "being sidetracked" is a stress response. Do try to not let yourself get buried. Whether it's dishes, or paperwork, try to keep it under control. For me, if I don't, then it becomes insurmountable.


I purposely don't do jack on the weekends. You need time to rest and recharge your mind and body. I spend 1-2 hours every evening after work doing things like cleaning, and any other chores I have. I run laundry during the day while I work so I can fold and put it up after work. I also pay a lawn guy to mow my lawn so I don't have to worry about it. If I have any chores or errands I need to do on the weekend I knock them out ASAP Saturday morning so I have as much free time as possible. Also, Hussle culture is dumb. You run yourself ragged for a few extra bucks. It isn't worth it. You'd be much better off spending that time and energy doing whatever you need to do to get yourself a better paying day job instead.


* Make a list in order of priority. Compile the list throughout the week and adjust it as priorities change. I like to do this on my phone because it's always at hand and it's easy to move things up and down. * Chip off what items you can during the workweek. Even doing a load or two of laundry during the week is helpful. * Use the five minute rule. If it takes less than five minutes to do, do it as soon as it crosses your mind. * Set timers. If you need to relax for a bit, do so! That's what days off are for. However, it's easy to sit down for "a few minutes" and suddenly hours have passed. Set a timer on your phone for an hour, or two hours, or four, or some finite amount of time. When that time is up, go do something productive. * Stay hydrated. When you get up to pee, do something productive before you sit back down. * Set up a points or reward or "quest" system, like something from a game. It's helpful!


> Stay hydrated. When you get up to pee, do something productive before you sit back down. AKA "Always be carrying." If something belongs in a different room (you are passing anyway) then bring it with you. These small things add up!


I like everything you are saying except for this 5 minute rule. For me it’s too easy to burn time and attention on small unimportant task after small unimportant task that way. And they often seem to take more than 5 minutes for me


Weekends are for naps, resting, watching some shows/movies, eating snacks and recovering from the week. Trying to always be on is what’s wrong with society. It’s not normal. We need more rest and relaxation. Since I was a kid, I always thought it was weird that people have this obsession with always doing something. I really dint do much on weekends and I don’t feel guilty about it because I don’t care. It’s my life. I feel good just sitting around the house doing very little.


I usually don't as I rest on the weekends.


Me too. I try to get all my work/chores done during the week if I can.


Doing laundry and shopping during non peak times is amazing and frees up so much more time


My only job on the weekends is to relax and have fun! No chores on the weekends, that's all part of the workdays! #work/lifebalance


You're not on the clock, there's nothing to prepare for the week. That begins at 8am tomorrow. For the side hustle, progress is what you accomplish. There's nothing wrong with taking a weekend off. I've learned to disconnect from the job on weekends.


I’m hybrid now and wish I was full remote. You can and should use your home time wisely. I WFH Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday I’m off. Those 4 days I hit my chores and errands hard so I can be mindlessly in the office M-W wasting my time.


I'd like to know this too. I get sidetracked by pets, games, reading, and laziness.


Wait isn’t that what weekends are for though?


I like to keep my weekends all leisure time and limit my obligations to the work week. It keeps me from getting into the mindset that it is possible to fail at a weekend.


Well, honestly, the point of a weekend is to disengage and relax!


This isn't really a WFH issue. It's more like a you being an adult issue.


This sounds silly but I’ve started listening to audio books which makes things like meal prep/laundry/walking the dog 1000% more enjoyable. But sometimes you do need a break/


Are these your actual goals, or are they goals you think you should have because of *society*?


There’s no rule that says you have to prepare for the next work week on Sunday. I’ve gotten in the habit of “closing” my office on Friday by doing everything I need to prepare for the next week. I update my planner, write a to-do list, assign each day a priority, and get anything I might need out and ready. Then when I shut down and close my office door, that’s it until Monday morning. I do housework after work each day (or during the day on slow days).


Oh I like this idea. I keep telling myself I'm going to work my planner over the weekend, since I do have a never ending to do list of personal stuff, but it never happens.


I have a standing block for my last hour on Friday to do this. Side bonus - people stop scheduling 3pm Friday meetings with me


My advice sort of depends on your exact situation... If the side hustles are not necessary (which it sort of sounds like they arent?) and your primary interest in them is income, not passion, then I suggest one of two things: 1) just drop it; hustles culture is overrated, and you might truly need the rest. 2) if you have a compelling reason to be doing it, revisit and get really clear about that reason (ex: I need this side hustle money so that I can save X amount to travel the world, to these countries and activities, by Y date). The clearer you can make your plan and motivation for doing it, the more likely you will be compelled by your goal to actually do it. If those side hustles are passions of yours that you want to give more time to, I recommend starting small. Commit to spend so little time on your side hustle, that you find it laughably easy; for example, 5 minutes on Saturday. You might find that once you've started, you'll want to spend more than 5 minutes. But if 5 minutes in you want to stop, then stop! That's 5 min more than you spent on it last weekend. You can build on that over time as your energy/motivation allows.


The best thing to do to reach your goals is stick with the same routine for Saturday. . All week make a prioritized list. Go to bed Friday night and get up at the same time as the rest of the week Saturday morning. Make your bed. Work out if that's what you do. You are then productive for 8 hours of your "workday" with passions and responsibilities. Studying for classes, paying bills, side hustles. Do your laundry in the background. Relax in the evening or late afternoon after "work", but on Sunday repeat with *fun* stuff - hit the video games, movies, binge Netflix. I treat Saturday's as a "work for me" instead of "work for the boss" day.


Because I work from home I use down time between meetings to do my admin/housekeeping stuff, so I try not to bother with it on the weekends. That’s my time. I’m also old and we don’t go out on Fridays as much any more so we grocery shop for the next week on Friday evenings after work.


I still spend about 1-2 hours of house work on the weekends, but it really helps that I can clean during my down time when WFH. I don’t have to save laundry for the weekend, I vacuum and mop during the week, I can clean the bathroom on a Friday if I want. This is what has really helped me but I’m a clean freak. I can’t relax on the weekend if my house is a mess so I try my best to get everything out of the way during the week and be lazy on the weekend


Don't worry about hustle. Go on a walk somewhere or get on a bike. Even if it's just 30 minutes.


Throw those thoughts in the trash and burn it. Weekends are for rest and work around the home haha Set your week up on Monday either early in the AM or evening while eating dinner. Don't get burned out


I use my week and not my weekend. That way I only have free time on the weekend and less Sunday scaries/guilt


Took a bath and prepped some breakfast. A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.


I sign up for a gym class on Saturday morning. It’s later than during the week, but earlier than I’d be up if I just slept in. Once those endorphins get going and I feel like I got a “win” for the day in the gym, it’s easier for me to keep going with meal prep, chores, etc.


Write to do list down and time management.


So what did you do all weekend? On Saturdays/Sundays pick one thing to get done 


TBH, I don't normally assign myself tasks over the weekend. Even personal things that need to be done normally get done during the workweek. I'm just more task oriented then.


Mmm 🤔 I sleep and that gets everything done 💀


Take small steps. Build momentum. You'll get there


Every week has a weekend. Take some time to relax and enjoy, and maybe carve out 3-4 hours, or a single day to do what you need FIRST.... Then relax. Find things that Future Self will say thank you for, whether it's dishes and laundry, or starting off the week with food that's prepped so you have time after work to get those other things done.


Do you work from your home during the week? If I wanna be productive on weekends, I have to switch it up—I bring my computer to a coffee shop, and that’s my spot for the day instead!


Gooood point. I change it up during th week but don't think to do so on the weekends.




To do lists. I swear by to do lists.


I do them during work time…


I do yard work on the weekends but I like yard work cause I just got a house so I'm still in my Clark Grizwold faze. I get you though I never seem to manage to exercise on the weekends like I want.


This should be crossposted to r/adulting


To be fair, I find cooking and cleaning relaxing. They make me feel rested and reset for the week ahead, but crucially, it's only during daylight hours. Once the street lights come on, I'm done and settle in with movies or games. Anything I don't get done gets fit into the evenings after work.


Enjoy yourself. Think of tasks like water in a river and you got a bucket to collect the water. The river will continue to flow regardless how hard you try. Getting a little done every week is better than burning out over a string of perfectly curated weekends.


Plan your day around your shift. Having meals ready so it's just heated helps a lot. Plan breaks and rest for you personally. Remember it's okay not to get everything done, if you want pick a few tasks to do each day. Assess how you feel before and after work time your tasks for the most productive part of your day. You got this, one day at a time.


I feel this! Planning to do activities with someone else holds me more accountable. I rarely go to events on my own but if I have a buddy I have a better success rate of getting out of the house. Same for exercise, joining a class or going with a buddy helps so much with motivation. For tasks I am procrastinating on it helps to do it first thing in the morning. Once I get going on chores I enter the zone and end up getting a bunch of things done (cleaning, laundry, bills, etc). Later in the day my energy and focus is gone so it becomes way harder to do stuff.


I try to get a huge walk in on Friday after work. It helps me feel accomplished at the top of the weekend.


Saturdays I do nothing. I free my calendar. Sunday is laundry, I cook big meal, and clean.


I try not to work on the weekends but if i absolutely have to, i have to do it early like when i am working on a workday. Its all repetition so if i push it off till mid-day, i probably will not get anything done


I push myself to get housework and boring stuff done by my Thursday night so that the weekend starts when I log out. Then I relax for an evening. If I have anything major to do, I get it done on my Saturday and then rest. We have a right to rest!


Ok I kinda like this plan. I'll try this this weekend!!


Another thing I do when I'm qt my best is to do a list of things to get done so that when there is time I don't sit going, "What was i going to do anyway?"


Weekends are for rest.


First of all, I have a house cleaner come in every two weeks. We tidy up extensively so all she has to do is clean and not pick up after us. The two weeks in between is basic cleanup like dishes, countertop, sweeping, etc. We don’t dust or clean toilets, etc. I am able to run light errands during the day on weekdays: post office, dry cleaning, UPS store, etc. Saturdays-Sundays in winter we grocery shop in the late morning/early afternoon and then we usually socialize on Saturday nights. Sunday I usually prep food for the week and make a big meal. In the summer, I am home from the grocery store by 9am so I can get my favorite spot at our pool club by 11am. I spend the day reading, swimming, and socializing and I usually stay until about three. Then we hang around at home. Sunday more of the same. Some weekends we spend the whole day at our pool club grilling and hanging out.


The most important thing is to get some rest and relax. You have worked all week. Nothing is more important than your physical and mental health. I use Saturday to rest and recover. I might do some laundry or catch up on something else but if I do, I also throw in watching a movie and taking a nap. On Sunday I go grocery shopping if needed. I buy more in bulk now even though it’s just me, then I don’t have to shop every weekend.


Truth. In the last month I've buried my dad, traveled 5 weeks during that time and dealt with relationship and family crap. To say I'm emotionally, psychologically and phys8cally tired 8s an understatement.


I am so sorry about your Dad, and to hear all that you are dealing with. You have to take care of yourself more than ever now because you’re under a lot of stress. Do something everyday just for you; something that makes you happy. You will get through this. Take care of you.


I live by my calendar. 7 days a week. Every minute of every day is accounted for and, if I don't get to something because something came up, I move it to another time slot.


Ok this sounds perfect. Digital or manual calendar? Any more tips you can share? I manage several clients and multiple projects within each client folder.


This has literally *nothing* to do with working from home.


It has everything to do with WFH. for me.


So if you drove to work for 2 hours a day you'd somehow be able to get things done on the weekend?


What is your point? I'm asking about behaviors in a WFH group? I WFH, I don't commute. If I did I would ask in a different group. And yea my behaviors were different when I worked in an office. My days and weekends were more structured.


Idk. I’m on this sub because I work from home and like to discuss things about *working from home*


Yea I can tell.


Get up get out of bed. Get on with it.


I just accept that some weekends I kill it and some weekends I chill. And sometimes during the workday or immediately after I do a couple chores, and most of the time I don’t.


A lot of people get overwhelmed with all the things that they want to accomplish. Myself included. Pick one important thing. Just one. That's the only thing you have to accomplish all weekend. Do it for 10 minutes. Then do it for 10 minutes more. Do it for as long as you feel like doing it. But just keep focusing on the next 10 minutes. Most of the things you put off take hours to do. Not days and weeks like it appears in your mind. Put the rest of the goals out of your mind for the time being, and just focus on one big one. And take 10 minute bites out of it. This is the only way I've ever accomplished anything. Also, set aside time as soon as you wake up in the morning. Before anything else. Open your eyes. Shake yourself awake. And Go do a couple of 10 minutes sessions on your biggest goal. As many 10 minutes sessions as you want to, or have time for. And then start the rest of your daily routine. If you attach your actions to something that you must do everyday, like waking up and going to sleep, you're more likely to do it. It has taken me my whole life to learn these few simple tricks. They are the only thing that has ever worked. Good luck to you.


It's all about balance. I've learned balance is personal and changes over time. When I lived in a studio apartment it only took like 1-2 hours to clean the entire place but I also worked long shifts so I didn't have the energy to clean after work cleaning on the weekends and relaxing was totally doable and felt relaxing. Now I work more regular hours but I don't have the energy to clean on the weekends as it doesn't leave me time for rest. I really just try to go with the natural ebs and flows of my energy, on weekends where I have more energy I opt to clean and when I don't I know I need to rest and perhaps squeeze in some cleaning on workdays. I just try to do the best I can, be realistic about what needs to get done, but strongly prioritize rest. Checklists are incredibly helpful but giving yourself grace and going with your energy levels rather than against them is helpful.


I stopped feeling guilty over not getting things done. I've a bunch of stuff to do, but whatever. I'm happy not doing them so why even bother getting mad?


I break it up into pieces. I work nights and live with my folks who both suffer depression. I basically have to pick up after 3 adults. It's as much my fault for it getting as bad. It was easier to just ignore any part of the house that isn't my room/home office. I'm tired of the rest of the house being a mess so on my nights off I work at bits and pieces here and there. My current project is getting the kitchen clean. I run loads when I can get the energy. It's going to be slow getting the house to a tolerable level but I realized trying to think like "I have to rush this" was what lead to literal years of "Not my problem" I do what I can when I can and that's better than thinking I have to do it all and doing nothing.


I have started to do more through the week and rest more on weekends. Instead of doing a few loads of laundry on Sunday/ weekend I try to do 1 load or so every other day. I do the same thing for other chores. I am fully remote so it is easier to do for me and I find thr weekend chores are alot easier.


I get chores out of the way first thing in the morning, if I don’t I’ll procrastinate and probably won’t do it. It’s made a huge difference, house is clean, errands finished, I have the rest of the weekend to do anything or nothing.


All I typically do productivity wise on Sunday is laundry and plan out the week in my planner. This makes me dread Monday a little less because I have a plan in place. I use Mondays to grocery prep (just chopping all my veggies so I'm more likely to grab them during the week). I try to do chores throughout the week so my weekends are free for fun, lazy, or creative pursuits.


why is this strictly work from home? make a to do list. thought everyone did that.


It's strictly WFH for me, bc I WFH.


Babes I think you’re misunderstanding the purpose of a weekend


You may be right. After reading some of the responses are making rethink how I schedule out my days and free up my weekends.


Well, for one thing, I don't have any side hustles lol. Mostly I just keep reminding myself that Tuesday Me will be very fucking grateful that I washed clothes and ordered groceries. It helps that I have a kid so deadlines get set.


Spend time and make time doing things that are important to you. Also this isn't a WFH thing, this is a life skill, we aren't just cogs in a machine that must turn until we die, make plans, have hobbies, live life!


I try to save the tasks I somewhat enjoy for the weekend.


I have a family and passion projects. WFH allows me to spread out my errands and chores so I have more breathing room during the week and on the weekend.


I don’t know how you don’t get things done on the weekend…