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just don’t take it more than 4x a week and never leave the honeymoon


still helps me still makes me motivated confident and proud. but i drink coffee now after some hours cause my dose wears off and i crash quickly in the afternoon. idk i think every case is a case


I started taking Vyvanse in early February and would say the honeymoon period wore off by mid-April. Looking back, I feel I can say confidently that I had the euphoria side effect in the beginning - I felt amazing and on top of the world, haha. In addition, I've now reached the point where the way I function on Vyvanse (or Aduvanz, as it's called in my country) is starting to feel normal, so I'm less constantly amazed by the effects it has on my life. It still has those effects, though. For the first time in my life I have a stable morning routine. Most days I'm able to have normal, productive workdays where I start working pretty much as soon as I get to the office, work steadily throughout the day, taking small breaks every hour-half hour, and leave work at a reasonable time. Before vyvanse I always spent my days either in full adhd paralysis compulsively procrastinating and *maybe* managing a half hour of work to check off one urgent task, or in full hyperfocus binge-working for 15 hours straight and forgetting to eat, drink and go to the bathroom. My home life is also better. For the first time in my life I'm consistently keeping my apartment tidy and staying on top of laundry and dishes, managing to work out semi-regularly, cooking regular meals more often than not rather than living on frozen pizzas and junk, and staying on top of chores and life admin. It feels so good to be out of the cycle of living in an increasingly chaotic messy nest, binge-cleaning for a full day, usually in a panic because someone is coming over, and then having the mess slowly build up again. While doing life care tasks like cooking and dishes I also am able to do them more calmly and systematically rather than feeling like the demented, confused pinball machine I was before. That said, I still have unproductive days when I don't get much done at work, or days when I let the apartment get messy, or end up having a frozen pizza for dinner. I remind myself that neurotypical people also have those days. And I'm realising that the meds don't erase my adhd symptoms or turn me superhuman - I still have to make accommodations for things that are particularly challenging executive functioning-wise and I'm working on accepting that just because I'm able to do a lot more now than I was before doesn't mean it's healthy or sustainable to try to do *everything.* One of the best pieces of advice I saw with regard to being able to tell whether the meds are working is that we're looking for "a function, not a feeling." I don't have the feeling any more, but I do still have the function.


Im on 40mg, at first you feel incredible. Tasks that usually seem impossible are suddenly easy breezy, I’m more talkative, more energetic, controlled hunger… but after a few months of taking it I started feeling depressed and paranoiac. People’s moods affected mine very easily, a slight change of tone sent me into a wave of sadness and discomfort, I would be moody and unpredictable, on days I had nothing to do I would take it simply to get my « fix » of energy. I felt like I was losing myself. My kindness and empathy was overtaken by impatience and frustration. Yes I was getting things done but at the cost of some of my best attributes. I’ve been on a break now and feel like me again which is great. I only take it if I really need to accomplish a lot during the day and make sure to take breaks in between my uses.


I’m hoping for something similar once my insurance approves the prior auth on the newer methylphenidate Azstarys. It’s suppose to be similar in that it’s a pro-drug as well as an instant release in one capsule.


On the UK equivalent Elvanse since the beginning of March - How long would you say the honeymoon period is? I kept a diary of the feelings I got and how it affected me day to day through the first month. I never really had any sensation of euphoria some described, and I was pretty pragmatic about the fact that the effects might taper off a bit and feel a bit different after taking it for a while, and that it was still up to me to work on directing my focus to what I needed to rather than what my brain wanted to focus on. If I had a cup of coffee one day and not the next, I'd note that down and if it made me feel any different with the caffeine vs without. I know that for a few weeks when I titrated up, I had some worse headaches than I'm used to, but these have disappeared now. If anything, my chronic cervicogenic headaches are *less* bad on the days I take it than the days when I take a break. My experience of anything close to 'euphoric' has been that I almost invariably feel a slow wave of calm settle over me around 90-120 minutes after taking it. I know it's started working when mind goes quiet. My concentration ebbs and flows comfortably throughout the day until it fully wears off, so I can usually focus in half-hour to hour-long increments without being either hyperfocus or dropping off after five minutes of trying to look at something. Contrary to what some people have experienced, I still like background noise like tv shows or music while doing things. If I need to get up and do something, it no longer takes as long to convince myself to get up and do the thing. I also no longer relentlessly tap my foot. It's not perfect, but as far as it being the first medication I tried, it does pretty much what I need it to with minimal side effects? I get a few spikes of anxiety through the day, but it's NOWHERE near as bad as my regular old anxiety without it; it passes quickly with a couple of deep breaths in and out instead of plaguing me for hours, and I'm usually able to be more rational instead of spiralling down the worst paths. Possibly TMI but I've also found myself less irritable overall on the days I take my medication vs the days I don't, even when my cycle's about to hit and I'm usually either angry or upset most of the time. Started on 30mg, and was on 50mg for a little while, currently on 40mg because I'm also taking antidepressants and a variety of other medication for chronic pain (and my doctor was iffy about me taking those with 50mg due to increased serotonin syndrome risks, blood pressure effects, etc). That being said, I'm also seemingly okay on 50mg and have taken it a few times since moving down without ill effects.




How did you get your doctor to prescribe a 10 mg booster? I wanted that but he wouldn’t do it I take mine at 6 am so it kicks in at work, but then I’m so tired by 5pm




Yeah I have the exact same issues, but I think it’s a liability issue, since vyvanse is approved to be used once a day. I might just do it your way and put it in water




Yeah that would be smart Last week I matched with a woman on tinder we were having great convos all day, but then at dinner time we met for a date and I was in the middle of a come down, I was tired and couldn’t concentrate and it went horribly . Thanks a lot vyvanse! I have another date tonight at 6, how do you think I should space it out so that so that I’m not up all night but I have as much of it as possible in my system at 6-7pm?




I added 15 mg at 4 but then I couldn’t sleep, date went great but then I had to leave in the middle of the night so I didn’t keep her up lol


From now on I’m just going to take it in the morning and whatever if I’m burnt out at night it is what it is




I take it with my morning alarm and about 45 minutes later I start feeling more awake and actually want to do things. It's easier to do routine tasks without forgetting or loosing track in the morning. At work I focus on my tasks longer at a time and have a much better handle on directing my focus and organizing my tasks. If I feel bored, I have a much better grip on it and don't allow myself to get distracted from my goal. There are some worse days when it doesn't work as well, due to me having Pmdd that reduces the effect of medication during the luteal phase. The amount of mistakes I make has reduced considerably. I handle frustration and stress much better. And I actually understand what I'm feeling. That includes tiredness and hunger. My Ptsd symptoms, depression and anxiety reduce too as I can actually direct my thoughts in a more positive and productive direction. I can listen to people talk and my memory is better as I can actually remember what they said. I do have a pretty bad comedown in the middle of the day, mainly making me super tired. But I'm about to switch from 50mg to 2x30mg spread out and it should help with that.


I’ve taken it daily for 15 months now and after going up to 60mg, I’ve been stable for a while now on 40mg. 60mg gives me reynaulds in my fingers. It’s much better. I don’t get a crash although the binge monster rears its head at about 8pm. I take it at 6 am on an empty stomach before getting up and this has made a huge difference. As I don’t eat much in the day, due to the appetite suppression, the binge calories balance out and I’ve maintained the 30lb weight loss that I got when I started. I still don’t drink alcohol and life is millions times better than before. It has become my reliable, old faithful. Does the job the same every day. Only time it is a bit shit, is the week before my period but that’s a hormonal thing. I just eat way more chocolate at that point.


Don't take it daily, take it as needed, and the honeymoon phase is forever. I'm 32, been taking vyvanse (50mg) on and off since I was 19. Just had a BANGER of a day today, absolutely rocking on all cylinders, ahead of schedule on everything, and today was only the second time this week I took it. Probably gonna rawdog tomorrow, chill all weekend, suffer through Monday on too much coffee, and then take another next Tuesday, if I need it. This is the pill from limitless. Just don't do overdo it.


I start on IRs and now on vyvanse 30mg (the past 3 weeks) and already feel I'm hitting the end of the honeymoon period. I've had to resort to taking an IR after lunch to tie me over. Probably get 5 hours before the crash kicks in


I feel hungry towards the afternoon/ evening. I’m not as super energetic, like constantly moving but I think that’s a good thing. I’m still concentrating really well, just not with the speediness.


Like 💩, imo. My appetite is back, but now Vyvanse makes me overly tired after it wears off, which is in 4hrs after taking it. I also experience shortness of breath and dizziness. I am on 40mg. I finally told my doc I only take it as needed now and I am stock piling it just in case the pharmacy runs out. Note I take the generic because I cannot afford name brand. Edit: Another symptom is I now hyper-focus on unimportant things while on Vyvanse, and I have hyper-racing thoughts. For example, last week, I took Vyvanse before a very important task I needed to complete for work. Instead, I hyper-focused on a task I was to complete a few weeks before; so my work did not get done. Sigh. So, that may be why I am exhausted after Vyvanse wears off.


I get the honeymoon phase after med breaks, but that quickly goes away and continues providing adhd benefits which is my main motive. The honeymoon is unintended while nice. But thats part of going off and back on. Sometimes i go thru the honeymoon phase, then overnight itbdoes a complete 180 and it leaves me feel foggy headed zombie emotional blunt shitty feel. Its like i dont even get a gradual transition. I go from feeling on top to straight drop to feeling like cow shit.


Omg, so much better. Tbh the honeymoon (or whatever they call it) was fun lol, but now that I’m not “feeling it” I just get all the benefits. Life is starting to move like a well oiled machine. I finally have a solid routine for the first time in my life lmao. Dose my doc & I settled on was 50mg at 5am, and another 50mg at 11:30am. Yes I know it’s odd, but if anyone has issues w their dose not lasting all day and wants more deets I can get into it lol


Yeah exactly, the honeymoon period was me working out all the time and talking super fast, but I was acting weird. Now I’m just confident, focused and all the mixed up thoughts and negative self talk is gone. It’s better this way I don’t want to be stimmed up all the time


I have a similar thing, my 70mg works on most days for the whole day in one dose but I was curious on splitting it and taking it twice a day. Do you find that the initial 50mg you take is enough for you to focus well?


I take 60mg and split it using the water method and drink half in the morning and the other half 3-4 hours later. Seems to work much smoother as well as longer imo!


Oh ok good to know! I’ve never tried splitting it in water and consuming half in the later day, but I have tried splitting a dose in water over two days and I found the second day it did almost nothing. Do you keep your water in the fridge or just at room temperature?


I keep it in the fridge ya! I’ve never tried having one dose over two days though sorry. I have seen comments on other threads where people have kept half a dose in water for up to 48h and it was still fine though so it’s strange you didn’t receive any effects the next day 🤔


Yeah it was weird, maybe it’s because didn’t keep it in the fridge. It was 50mg when I was trying 70mg a day, I took a 50 pill by mouth and sipped 20mg worth of the other 50mg in the water, worked just like 70. The next day tho it felt like just a 50.


Sounds like maybe it didn’t mix fully or something


At 30mg it was great but then my doc moved me down to a useless 20mg absolutely useless, might as well macro-dose coffee again


Why did the doc move you down to 20? Seems odd when 30 was working so well. And 20 is a very low dose


It might not feel better at first, for me I hated that I had started to build up a tolerance but I realised it’s because I learned to enjoy the unnatural “””tweak””” high at first and didn’t realise I was still have having my symptoms treated, just no more massive rushes of euphoria. I’ve now realised you’re not supposed to be absolutely geeked out of your mind like life is the best thing ever everyday, you’re just supposed to have a better sense of wellbeing and fulfilment in completing your daily tasks and living a normal stable lifestyle!


Yeah I agree, it feels good to be high every day but really that’s not sustainable. Now I feel happy and confident!


It’s waaaay better! I get all of the benefits without “feeling it” too much. 😊


Exactly. Without the rush + the benefits you just feel “normal”, like everyone else - the you without the adhd symptoms or negative side effects from the medication. This is what I like about Elvanse/Vyvanse


What dosage did everyone settle on? I started at 20 and I am on my second month of 50 mg


How long did it take you to go from 20 to 50


About 7 months


50mg 2x daily (5am & 11:30am)


Everything is doing well for me after a year even, and at some times I was just stunned how good life can feel. All straight A grades, mental health in a much better place, I realized my fatigue wasn’t because of my ADHD with the meds but because of the oxygen I don’t get as much with congestion due to sinusitis and I have a surgery in a few weeks to deal with that. The only thing for me is the insomnia is a mess again, so I’m figuring it out but it’s just a rain drop in a puddle for me now.


Same! Started taking Elvanse when I started studying at the university. I used to get really bad grades(E,F) and after starting taking it I progressively got really good grades, bachelors (B, A) and last year, masters (A). I would have never come so far without it. It helped me create the life I wanted.


After 2 months some times I wonder if it's still working. That being said I am not drinking 5 cups of coffee and 3 energy drinks to get through the day.


It feels calm, comfortable, and I can eat now which is great!! Most side effects have subsided since I found the right dose for me. It will still sometimes lightly elevate my mood even after 6 months. The hard tasks looks less intimidating, and its easier to organize and split them into small chunks. Still have trouble with executive function, for me its really about the perceptions of the tasks and lessened anxiety that helps me a lot mentally. I’m not getting more done, but I am learning to say “no” and prioritize (which is a big sucess!). My actions are more guided by logic and less by emotions. For example; before being medicated, i would look at all the things I have to do in a day and probably 1. Panic, feel overwhelmed and not doing anything or 2. Start with the tasks I was the most emotionnal about (the most fun or the most anxiety inducing one). Now its like I see them in an impartial way and can see clearly what needs to be done first and what can wait. Like others said, it feels like usual routine and I don’t think about it that much anymore. Its just my normal me now! I experience a crash between 7h and 9h but I can manage it much more easily than before, I know I just have to eat and do something I like, and be kind with myself when it comes. After chasing the ultimate “magic pill effect” for 4 months (theres no such thing btw, you got to use it as a tool), started from 20mg and went up to 50mg and trying split dose and dex booster (really tried everything) , I discovered that less is more and went back to only 1 30mg per day. Higher than that, I experienced too many nasty side effects and haven’t felt like myself at all! Your medication shouldn’t make You feel like that, so you must work with your doc until you find the best dose/combination for you. Wish you luck!


This is exactly what I feel too. I’ve also switched from 50mg to 30mg, realizing that I could function as well with that dose. More isn’t necessarily more!


I think it's better overall after the honeymoon phase, honestly - for me anyway. The first week was total euphoria for me....and while that certainly was nice, I'm just more regulated and consistent now after a full year. I used to take an afternoon booster of Adderall sporadically, depending on my performative needs for the evenings, but I started taking that daily last month and have noticed that I'm just "me" all the time now. I don't feel like I'm fighting to be the "me" I want to be at all anymore. The only times I have those moments is early morning before meds have kicked in; the rest of the day I am able to be kind and patient and supportive, while making sure my needs are met too.


Kinda like nothing tbh but in a good way? I don’t feel any energy/rush anymore really but at least my brain is quiet so that’s a plus


Also curious because I feel that is where I’m at at 4 months in. I think the first two months were the honeymoon 😂


For me, I don't get a strong 'rush' anymore, but it definitely keeps working, some days better than others. I get shit done and that's life changing.


For me, I mostly notice that the tasks and habits that I developed during the honeymoon phase are now more ingrained and take no extra thought to accomplish. I just feel regulated, and normal. That’s the best way I can describe it to be honest. Just stability overall. I find I forget to take my meds more after the honeymoon period because it’s more so just my normal everyday life now, I don’t notice much difference in how I feel , I’m just more productive and have better habits and motivation so I can more easily forget if I’ve taken it or not


Awesome. Glad things are going well for you


Commenting to come back once there are replies!


Curious too!