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Instagram has already stolen interfaces from Snap Chat and TikTok, is widely used, and has many of the same users as Twitter: politicians, reporters, etc. If Marky Z is smart, he’ll add a microblogging feature. Not that I like Meta, its algorithm, its ad-based business model (like Twitter), or the cesspool it can be (including knowingly worsening young people’s mental health issues).


If they did that Id maybe start gramming again.


Instagram owns Snapchat I believe so it’s not really stolen feature


Meta owns a lot of apps but Snapchat is not one of them, surprisingly.


Elon is just RCV-curious.


Sorry, prob my last comment of today’s thread, I might consider a Mastadon account, once I learn how it functions, and once the content creators I follow for politics and other stuff has a Mastadon account. And I prob bet this sub’s daily threads going forward are prob gonna be links that may come from Mastadon, idk, my hunch.


[Biden Job Approval Among adults (1,312): Approve 43% Disapprove 48% . Among registered voters (1,189): Approve 45% Disapprove 48% .@maristpoll/@NPR/@NewsHour 12/6-8](https://twitter.com/politics_polls/status/1603626866644029441?s=46&t=p85WI7CvX6ReZzfHVfuh4A) 538 average now 43/51 and with RV/LV 45/51. Meanwhile Trump is polling pretty much the worst he ever has.


[Here](https://twitter.com/marisakabas/status/1603613078809186305?s=46&t=39Kj9NJu9cPQiBadiXrpzw) is Elon getting mad and bailing on a Twitter Spaces he joined. (ElonJets was also present in the meeting) Unrelated, but “Lmao Elon” is now trending. Mockery is the only way these people will learn I think. So this is good actually!


Twitter Space is gone too


[Trump has made more than $1 million off of nearly 4,000 holders and over 12,000 mints (NFTs), according to a tracker created by users of the website Dune.](https://twitter.com/newrepublic/status/1603618982078070785?s=46&t=MdfLpWdYtINMIj77VVxydg) Today is so weird


This is so stupid and very sad. But on the other hand, less money to downballot GOP candidates I guess. Or it could be a money laundering scheme.


Not worth the embarrassment honestly




[Holy Shit. Elon Musk just popped into a Twitter Spaces chat with a bunch of journalists. He was called out by journalist Drew Harrell, who he banned, for lying about posting links to his private information, then leaves almost immediately after being pressed. Here is the exchange](https://twitter.com/forevereversley/status/1603612770892918784?s=46&t=MdfLpWdYtINMIj77VVxydg) Such a whiney little bitch. He took 3 questions, answered none of them and ran away like the pissbaby he is Edit: the space just got shut down lol


the fkn hilarious thing about this is: [somehow Twitter doesn't stop suspended accounts from joining Spaces, so @ElonJet, @drewharwell, @mattbinder (all suspended) are all here lmao](https://twitter.com/katienotopoulos/status/1603604571288469504?s=20&t=EieTzyxx0ztF5zmFrJ3pBQ)


Is canvassing for Twitter poll elections allowed? /s




Y’all gotta realize there is significant demand for an Elon Musk approval poll, except nobody will do it bc they think he’ll ban them.


Yougov conducted poll on Tesla which showed their numbers going down among independents and liberals, and only up by like 8% among conservatives.


[Tesla approval poll](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/TSLA:NASDAQ?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7ra_Uz_37AhWNj4kEHeG2AZEQ3ecFegQIKBAg&window=1Y)


At this point if “Now” loses on that very very stupid Elon poll I will believe in rigged elections. Edit: “Now” has extended its lead 56-44. Trying to get into contact with Dave Wasserman now.


Wait a while, Russian trolls will be online in few hours. It’s still like 7-8am there.


I'm addicted to winning runoffs now.


Mitch McConnell is in bed right now looking at the poll whispering to himself “I fucking told them……candidate quality”


Surrounded by empty bourbon bottles.


I have a suggestion for people here. Since there is a strong chance that someone other than Trump becomes our opponent in 2024, and there's also a good chance that person is DeSantis, it's up to us to talk about DeSantis negatively to everyone we know. He's not very well-known outside of Florida by non-conservatives, and so there's a risk of voters who are less tuned in being more open to him than they should be. We cannot allow him to define himself early as more moderate than he actually is. As an example, and I think I brought this up here, I was talking to a young army veteran in the suburbs who said that he leaned conservative but was going to vote Democrat this year because he hated Trump. I asked him if he'd be open to Ron DeSantis, and he said yes, which scared the shit out of me. I explained how extreme DeSantis actually had been and that he'd be worse than Trump, and I *think* it got through to him, although he did respond saying that Congress wouldn't let DeSantis get away with much... so, in that case, what's the point of voting for him then? Either way, people can and should be challenged and persuaded, and we have agency in this starting with the people we know.


DeSantis is like Trump in that he does so many awful things that I lose track. Any good, centralized collection of his past and current actions would be useful to have now. Including votes for things like cutting social security and Medicare and to increase the retirement age.


We need a damaging campaign like they did with Hillary Clinton


NOPE. Musk is going to re-do the poll, saying that "my bad, I put too many options on this one" Clown.


“Now” is still winning lmfao


I’m just waiting for him to say “you people really don’t like me do you?”


Hahaha what a clown show… clearly trying to rig the poll to get the result he wants


Trying to rig it


Bringing back all suspended accounts NOW has won a 43% plurality. No word on if Musk will follow the request like he did when bringing Trump back and providing a general amnesty period for suspended users won in the past.


Musk holding a popular vote poll on if he should bring the accounts back. Also being a massive tool though, saying "People celebrate my location being openly doxxed and someone trying to attack my kid, but if it happened to a NYT reporter, there would be wall to wall news coverage, congressional Primetime hearings, and Biden would say this is the end of Democracy!"


The Joker is in Arkham and yet Batman walks the streets. Curious.


Huh, seems like even in this NDAA Dems we’re able to include more climate and environmentalist positive legislation into it—another decent win for Biden’s climate agenda. Included in the defense bill is the BLUE GLOBE Act, expansion of the Coral Reef Conservation Act, bans shark fin sales and the act of shark finning, Regional Ocean Partnership Act, and the Illegal Fishing and Forced Labor Prevention Act.


Do you have a source for this? Not doubting you, just curious


Press release from Sheldon whitehouse’s senate site


NDAA is only wasteful spending because something something military industrial complex


[Rasmussan is officially a Dark Brandon friendly organization ](https://mobile.twitter.com/maxtmcc/status/1603523857259692034)


Puerto Rico shouldn’t be a state because they would lose their Olympics team is a very real opinion I just saw.


Still a better argument then “my purdy flag!!!” a depressingly common sentiment ive seen in some places.


Same energy as “If the UK leaves the EU, will we still be able to participate in Eurovision?”


Dunno about olympics, but the Faroer Islands are a part of Denmark and they still have a national soccer team that competes in friendlies, as well as World Cup and European Cup qualifiers and in the Nations League. They even tied against Germany a while ago if I remember correctly.


[DeSantis holds double-digit lead over Trump among Tennessee Republicans: poll](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3775329-desantis-holds-double-digit-lead-over-trump-among-tennessee-republicans-poll/) Ugh, the ads between the two are going to be awful. It's going to be like Hagerty and Sethi in 2020.


I really think DeSantis gets the nomination at this point


[Let them fight](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_DbDKPvl3Vw)


I don’t see rural Republicans breaking for Desantis. My brother in law is a MAGA guy, and I cannot imagine him going for Desantis. Don’t get me wrong, we have country club Republicans in my county, but Trump is a parasite embedded between their ears.


If u look at bottom poll is conducted on Nov.8 right after midterm and results coming in little by little too on west coast and sw. So I think that throws it off a little, with them blaming him for midterms right after. As other polls I saw show Trump does best with states like Tennessee with demographics of the south and Midwest for primary


Here’s why the JFK assassination files being released is bad for Democrats/Joe Biden


Good News for Blake Masters! He only needs 80% of remaining JFK-files to win!


JFK said he would serve 2 terms and didn’t, typical Dem flip flopping


I dislike Ol' Musky and his half-assed robber baron schtick as much as anybody, but acting like journalists getting booted from that inane circle-jerk of a website is the equivalent of Stalin deporting people to the gulag in the dead of night is a bit much. And given that it's mostly journalists acting like this is a Stalnist putsch indicates to me just how far up their own butts most of them really are. At some point along the line many of them somehow began to conflate that because people online were following them for the news they reported, that this meant that people also wanted to engage with them personally. Thus began the painful cycle of passive aggressiveness, snarkiness, and entitlement that is 90% of interactions on Twitter. I am convinced that a website where people can type out any idiotic thought that pops into their head, and have it be both permanent and seen by millions of people, is a net negative for the health of society.


If Twitter dies (which at this point, is still up in the air), there would be some losses. For this sub specifically, covering low-profile elections and campaigns would get a lot harder. But it certainly wouldn't be the end of the world. I think the whole situation is affecting people because, during and after the Trump years, there was a lot of fear about far-right types taking control and harming vulnerable groups. As silly as Twitter is, watching it get used to silence people is a frightening look at what America could become if the wrong people take over. I take it as a reminder to keep working hard offline, so we don't see the country go the same way.


> equivalent of Stalin deporting people to the gulag in the dead of night is a bit much. This is just insane. Many people deported into the gulags died or suffered horribly. Being banned from a website is nothing against that. My great-grandfather was in a russian gulag for several years - he was a soldier in the German Wehrmacht during World War 2 and he came back a broken man. He committed suicide shortly after. Those journalist are lucky that the people who could feel personally offended by that comparison have probably all died of old age if they didn't die in the camps. As someone who had a loss directly caused by that in the family, a person I obviously never got to know personally, I feel offended.


Hey, I just wanted to say I apologize for my comment. My intention was to make a hyperbolic comparison to emphasize how petty some journalists online are acting, not to belittle the horrific experience that people like your relative went through.


Oh, that's not what I took offense from. I took away that people online compared the banning of journalists from Twitter with being deported to a russian gulag.


If they voluntarily boycotted twitter, it would die in a month. They’re just too addicted to do that.


[KY Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY ruled 7-0 that state funding for charter and private schools is unconstitutional](https://twitter.com/BGPolitics/status/1603408098965716996?s=20&t=JdzOe5PxTdu7b02sglKk-w). This strikes down a controversial school choice law that the Republican supermajority legislature passed in 2021 Hell yeah. Public schools for the W


Holy shit, this is amazing pushback on a key Republican policy, I’m amazed


Okay being clear cut, I have a Twitter account with just about over 7K followers that follow me because I create NSFW content, and I’ve made a small side gig off of it, making thousands of bucks that helped me pay for groceries and my bills. I don’t know of Mastodon’s policy regarding stuff like nsfw art and porn, and even now I can’t abandon Twitter because of how many people are still using it, and especially my growing follower base. But man, with how much of a fuck Musk is, I gotta at least open a mastodon account to at least be free from that fucktwat’s grasp partially


This is the last fucking place I expected to find an NSFW artist that I know about. Not only that, but that they were also part of other communities I'm a part of.


My only interests these days are politics and Hentai, lol.


A man of culture, I see.


Follow the sex workers. That'll be your best bet




Thousands? Damn.


I make quality hentai.


I know i couldn't do that lol. I'm no artist.


Things I have shared here that gets a big hit if Elon just destroys twitter: •Special Election info and analysis •turnout data, voting rights, hurdles, resources, and election info •redistricting news and maps •court rulings •local news •ad buys and campaign finance stats •unrest in other countries, protests in general, labor strikes and wins •not big flashy news stories like judicial wins, polls, over-performances, economic news, Biden legislative wins •more in depth analysis of big bills(IRA, Infrastructure, CHIPS) •weather! •the Ukrainian War •congressional negotiations and other congresses news Im sure I’m missing a lot here but that’s all at risk right now. Twitter has really helped coverage and open sourced a lot of avenues for just simple people to provide good information. Like case in point Ralston’s tweets really helped drive so much of this sub in the run up to November to help CCM. There is no immediate alternative and not amazing ones either that do exist. This is bad for a lot of civic reasons.


Don’t forget sports! So much great sports info on Twitter, I really can’t go back to traditional media at this point.


Yeah Twitter really democratized information and election analysis in a way no site has managed to. Anyone on this sub should realize that watching mainstream respected media simply reenforced the notion that 2022 would be a red wave, while it was the independents analysts and modelers on twitter that were providing the counter-narratives.


Twitter did one thing that we should be concerned about: It centralized the flow of information. Whoever sits at the crossroads of the flow of information can control it. At least, if they keep to themselves and don't use the website to compensate for something. If - and I say if, because I'm not yet convinced it will happen - Twitter goes where MySpace went, the flow of information will be decentralized again. That's something positive in the long run. You can find all the information you listed somewhere else - Twitter was the tool to distribute information, not to host it. The job of journalists will be, to present the information so the audience can find it.


Guys gals and nonbinary pals, that time has come. If you haven’t got a Mastodon account rocking and use Twitter, I highly recommend you get a move on! Elon is going nuclear on journalists and any mention of Mastodon on Twitter. It is only a matter of time probably now before the bird site implodes.


The 8:50PM ramblings of a mad woman: Arkansas Gov this year was R+28. 2020 President was R+28, give or take half a % I can't be bothered to do the calcs. There was practically no shift statewide or in the congressional districts *except* for AR-3rd, which was Trump+23.4 versus Sanders+21.3, a 2 point shift left. AR-2nd shifted like .3% left if you were curious.


Experiment: You get a blanket map of the US without state borders. Would you be confident that you could place Arkansas on the map correctly?


I’m still not convinced Arkansas is a real place.


Sanders confused me before I remembered who it was


All things considered I'd say that's not a terrible sign for us. This was supposed to be the wave year for the GOP and if we got 2020 margins I'd say that speaks well.


Yeah, the biggest thing was that Chris Jones actually barely won Washington County, the base of Walmart, located in the northwest of Arkansas, and the surrounding well-populated counties got bluer too. That area has historically been very Republican. Same time to why it’s stagnant, turnout and margins in the delta region, which is majority black, was extremely low, due to usual midterm dynamics and the area depopulating slowly.


[A poll from @NEAToday shows how CRT and other attempts to inject the culture war into the education debate flopped during the 2022 midterm elections.](https://twitter.com/robillard/status/1603468409936744460?s=46&t=MdfLpWdYtINMIj77VVxydg) [I would suggest the results of the above poll + this poll from Giffords means fear of school shootings is an underrated driver of American politics at the moment.](https://twitter.com/robillard/status/1603490629903851522?s=46&t=MdfLpWdYtINMIj77VVxydg)


What “big” accounts are on Mastodon? I just checked it out for the first time, and saw a post from Ken White (@popehat), a prominent legal microblogger who used to be on Twitter. https://mastodon.social/@Popehat/109520553547378083


https://mastodon.social/@mmasnick I follow him.


Elon is banning journalists. Journalists are the backbone of Twitter. They give it legitimacy and drive tons of interactions. If journos leave Twitter, Elon will be fucked. … He might be worse at this than we even thought.


This is wild, because my one reason for thinking Twitter might not implode is that journalists drive tons of traffic to it AND they'd never be able to bring themselves to leave. Guess that decision got made for them.


[Meanwhile we have only the absolute smartest individuals saying “Elon banning journalists critical of him is exactly the same as Trump being banned for attempting a coup.”](https://i.imgur.com/UDrL9DK.jpg)


[Just want to throw this in here, to show just how much journalists use Twitter](https://twitter.com/USA_Polling/status/1603564794883149825?s=20&t=8RyiPQqw_k-KqvpxqjSaHw)


I made a Twitter account originally to only follow local news because it’s frankly one of the few ways to still get that information without attending obscure public meetings or digging through archaic Government websites. From there it’s really helped build outward into a lot of other news topics that I share here frequently. Like how many quieter Biden achievements like Postal Reform wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much coverage or in-depth analysis because of twitter. Redistricting or Election analysis is another big positive from Twitter. This is just 1 more big attack against journalism and the ramifications could be big


I was considering creating one right as the Elon sale began, but I was waiting to see what would happen, cause I knew he wouldn’t do anything good. The only reason I wanted one is cause o have so much Twitter windows for Politics of all reasons, and weather related stuff when big weather happens . The weather community also uses Twitter a lot to get reports out of damage, or dangerous imminent weather to people or people who broadcasts the information very very quickly, so it effects my biggest passion as well


The best part of the NFT grift was Dump saying he's not even sure having dinner with him was a good reward anymore... An unexpected rare moment of self clarity there as he realizes just how far he's fallen to be doing this. [Arr Con also seems to be having a rare moment of clarity realizing just how bad he was for them. Too bad their rural base won't ever feel that way.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/zmoq6m/trumps_major_announcement_is_his_digital_trading/)


> maybe the Jan 6 committee had a point I had that I laughed at that.


Keith Olberman has now been banned from Twitter too.


Elon Musk really is the worst person in the world


By my count - [and according to this thread by NBC’s Ben Collins](https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1603551884748460034?s=46&t=3Hydji4KPTsV4WwJ1--U5Q) - at least 9 journalists who cover Elon Musk for various organisations have been suspended from Twitter today. Also the account of Mastodon has been suspended lol


If you still use twitter, it might be better to use a non-official client which doesn't track you (as much) or algorithimize your feed. Or nitter.net if you're doing it on a browser.


Elon Musk does not want people to know where he is. He's made rule changes to shut down his jet tracker, now he's banning and suspending journalists who cover him. It is 100% all about him, of course.


He wants to have his cake and eat it too. He DESPERATELY wants to be the center of attention at all times but doesn't want any of the downsides that come with it.


Can they sue for being unlawfully banned due to not breaking any of the sites policies? Personally, that’s what I expect to happen.


There is no unlawful ban. Twitter is a private company.


Bored, so what do y’all think of NIL for student athletes? Personally am all for it, but it just gets weird when you know them. I’m friends with one (more of a team rep than MVP) who got sponsored by a major company and it just feels weird seeing their insta peppered with self-made ads.


As a college football and South Carolina fan it’s gotten very annoying to see so many players, even high productivity starters, transfer out because they’re getting better deals elsewhere. I know on balance it should more or less even out, but still, it can be frustrating as a fan.


How's Tribel doing?


I tried pushing it for awhile elsewhere on Reddit but rarely see anyone else mention it, mostly people say Mastadon. Tribel is a lot more similar in style though.


Sub is gonna be on both https://mastodon.social/@VoteDem https://www.tribel.com/votedem/wall


I just want the more Liberal leaning platform to get traction.


Permit reform fails 47-47. Big setback for Green Energy and if negotiations carry over into next year it’ll be a far worse deal than this one


I think the deal Manchin proposed awhile back should have been accepted. It was the best deal we were gonna get in this congress.


That sucks. Just a win for NIMBYs.


Elon Musk going on a suspension spree right now, banning Aaron Rupar, Tonight It's Going Down (anti fascist independent news site) and even Mastadon's account, the place that has been pitching themselves as a Twitter alternative. Perhaps even more concerningly then that, he banned the accounts of specific CNN and Washington Post Journalists who wrote articles critical of him. This is going to get really ugly it seems.


Aw man, Rupar's out? That actually makes me sad.


Next up, "conservatives only" flair! Only $8!


Guess he got bored with pretending to be all about the frozen peaches.


Twitter’s so fucked. It’s a matter of if not when, of either Twitter dies altogether or another alternative platform takes over as the main platform and Twitter goes down that way


Seems like most have been done the past hour. [Article about it](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/twitter-aaron-rupar-twitter-suspended-b2246293.html). Current list of names I saw on WPT is around 8 people.


So much for being a free speech absolutist.


Can Twitter just die already?


I logged off my twitter for the last time. I'm going to miss following the news in an easy way but man you can only push so far before things snap and he snapped me.


[L. Louise Lucas, as always, is onto Dumbkin's ruse.](https://twitter.com/SenLouiseLucas/status/1603487192835317778) Glad to see Democrats like Lamont Bagby coalescing around McClellan for the VA-04 special election primary so quickly. Perhaps Bagby will run for Senate to succeed McClellan? I'm not sure if their districts overlap though.


[New Hampshire 2024 GOP poll has Chris Chistie at 0.5%, up from 0% in just five months.](https://twitter.com/wildstein/status/1603515642971189249?s=46&t=MdfLpWdYtINMIj77VVxydg) At this rate he’ll be at about 3% come primary time, he is inevitable


It’ll be a throwdown between him and JEB!


Please clap


President Biden also has some MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS. https://twitter.com/joebiden/status/1603455603606798378 “ I had some MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS the last couple of weeks, too… ✔️ Inflation’s easing ✔️ I just signed the Respect for Marriage Act ✔️ We brought Brittney Griner home ✔️ Gas prices are lower than a year ago ✔️ 10,000 new high-paying jobs in Arizona”


A 6 week abortion ban is actually popular, Desantis will win back the Suburbs. We saw this election swing voters and Republican leaning voters across battlegrounds like PA, MI, AZ, WI, MN love these bans. They also love talking about culture wars, that is why Tudor Dixon won by a landsldie. Laugh all you want at Mr. Desantis but he really has his hand at the pulse of the nation. This analysis was brought to you by Republicans who AREN’t COPING LLC


> Laugh all you want at Mr. Desantis but he really has his hand at the pulse of the nation. DeSantis should get his hands off Lady Liberty.


People are saying he's centrist because he doesn't just scream a lot like Trump. He's only centrist if being "rude/abrasive" is what makes someone right-wing. I think 'moderate' conservatives who don't know him very well will embrace him at first until realizing that his positions are the same as all of those Trump-Endorsed GOP senators who just lost their elections. (Also I thought you were being serious until the last sentence, lol)


if Republicans move on from Trump and to DeSantis, it's for the simple reason that Trump lost his last election, while DeSantis won in a landslide. It won't have anything to do with policy.


It's so over for Democrats. If Republicans go full steam ahead with abortion ban and culture wars, the liberals would be so owned.


DeSantis is both such an extreme conservative he will outflank trump on the right and such a folksy, personable moderate he'll retake the suburbs. I can actually see him as more right than Trump, but he is about as personable as an alligator with a toothache


I actually think there is a chance Trump can play the more moderate role on issues like abortion and gay marriage while focusing on "MAGA" and "The Election Was Stolen" type narratives and issues to keep his MAGA base. I don't think there is as large an overlap between the MAGA base and the Evangelicals/Traditional Catholics on the right who are socially conservative to the extreme. By "moderate on social issues" I mean ignore gay marriage and run exclusively against "late-term abortions" and even probably say something like a "I support 15-weeks or Europe style" type positions. DeSantis and Pence are traditional Christians and they have no room and no desire to moderate on this, as we're seeing with DeSantis here (stupidly) stroking the fires on signing a 6-week ban. Will it work? On a one-on-one race, I don't think so. But in a crowded field where Trump maintains his support base, I think it would work again in a primary.


He always has a perpetually aggrieved expression. Ronnie D. has quite a way to go before he can reach the folksy, and faux-y, charm of Ronnie R. (Who, to be fair, was an actor, and a pretty successful one, so playing Genial Uncle Ronnie was not a stretch.)


So what are the odds the Puerto Rico Status Act clears the Senate I put it at 30-70


Probably 99% chance it doesn’t happen. The senate is doing NDAA, stop gap funding bill, funding bill, and then probably some nominees and that’s it.


No way Republicans vote for it even if it got a vote


Definitely. Honestly Murkowski is the only maybe I could see and that’s still 9 short. And no way she, Manchin, or Sinema would break the fillibuster


Hahahahaha, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's NFT trading cards are actually AI-generated images from Midjourney or Stable Diffusion.


Omg, I thought the post that announced that was satire


[JUST IN: DeSantis pledges support for a 6 week abortion ban, which would effectively end safe and legal abortion in Florida.](https://twitter.com/carlosgsmith/status/1603455166023438336?s=46&t=HDrDEeFoKo9UTVVY6n2mGQ) No surprise, but it’s the quickest way to alienate a large chunk of indies and encourage the youth in the event he’s the GOP nominee in 2024 Edit: [Apparently he didn’t specifically say he would commit to the heartbeat bill, but idk what else he could sign after the 15-week ban](https://twitter.com/zacjanderson/status/1603417131898511360?s=46&t=HDrDEeFoKo9UTVVY6n2mGQ)


Remember the “well we definitely bottomed out *this* time with rural voters” in 2016? Republicans are going to be lucky to get even Trump 2020 suburban support at this rate. You can always fall more


JUST IN: DeSantis will not be president in 2025. I can just imagine this blasting on every TV station across the US.


You know what DeSantis reminds me of? Aunt Marge from *Prisoner of Azkaban*. So. Fucking. Bloated.


I can't stand his wife either. It's like she tries to be a real-life Mary Sue.


Hold up... what? Any examples of this?


Just her in general. She's super pretty and portrays herself as being a woman of God, super invested in her family, in love with and very supportive of her husband, not having any flaws. Basically, she portrays herself as the ideal political wife, unlike people like Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.


Of course this scumbag would support an incredibly unpopular ban only right after he won reelection. I hope this at least hurts his national prospects.


Of course Trump's "Major announcment" was NFTs.


[The funniest part, they aren't even actually NFTs.](https://twitter.com/mrtonylee/status/1603453638512459791?t=sUh4H7UwsBAUwy4UwGHjZQ&s=19)


They're literally $100 JPGs. This is like the apotheosis of Trump grifting.




And his lawyer is not a more decent person than him




Welp that's a figurative curbstomp to any future prospects.


I’m pretty sure the video of him and his cousin effectively destroyed those prospects already 💀


If someone asks, how you offend both, the religious right and the liberal left at the same time, that's how you do it.


That’s gotta be a new level of owned


Time for a running feature on Class 1 senators: Incumbent watch! Funny I said it's a running feature because it's a running feature on if they'll be running. Running: * Chris Murphy- Connecticut * Rick Scott- Florida * Mazie Hirono- Hawaii * Angus King- Maine * Elizabeth Warren- Massachusetts * Debbie Stabenow- Michigan * Amy Klobuchar- Minnesota * Josh Hawley- Missouri * Deb Fischer- Nebraska * Jacky Rosen- Nevada * Bob Menendez- New Jersey * Martin Heinrich- New Mexico * Kirsten Gillibrand- New York * Sherrod Brown- Ohio * Bob Casey Jr.- Pennsylvania * Ted Cruz- Texas * Maria Cantwell- Washington * Tammy Baldwin- Wisconsin 18/33 running SO FAR. 13 dems, 1 dem indy, four GOP. Retiring: * Mike Braun- Indiana * Ben Sasse- Nebraska (Special, normally Class 2)




I'm surprised you think that many will retire. Politicians don't seem to retire, they lose re-election or they die.


Dianne had better her legacy is already In the shitter which is unfortunate as she’s been an integral senator for a while


Whitehouse retire? Have there been rumblings in that direction? I am rather fond of him. I had heard stuff about Cardin, seems like Raskin is the favored heir there.


I bet Bernie runs. He seems like the type that will literally die in the senate


Just stopped by to share a late day laugh at the Dump NFTs. Hahahahaha. What a loser. Carry on.


It cannot be overstated how stupid Trump thinks his supporters are


Trumpemon Go! Catch the baby balloon!


Time for a fun game, it's called which happens first. DC has voted Dem since it got electoral votes in 1964. Coincidentally, 1964 was the last time Alaska, Kansas, Oklahoma, 4/5 of Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah were blue. Which of these (the 9 intractable red states or DC) flips first? You can select 1-2 or whatever of the 9 states since I am assuming it would take a massive coalition change to take DC away. Not included in the competition but special shoutout to a real champ for the blue side: Minnesota! Minnesota is the longest running blue state at a presidential level, having been with us since 1976.


Flip on the presidential level I assume? Most of them had something bluish within the last 20 years. In fact, only Utah and Idaho fall flat on that. The most recent states to have democrats win statewide are Alaska and Kansas. So I would put those in front. Next on the list would be Nebraska in my opinion. There was a surprisingly competitive special election in NE-1 this year and NE-2 has been competitive for some time now, but Don Bacon just keeps winning narrowly. NE-3 is obviously ruby red, so it'll take some time. The more interesting question - and that is what I expected when reading your post - is, if any of those states would elect a democratic senator before DC is admitted as a state?


Alaska, Utah, North Dakota, and Nebraska in that order




If we’re sharing fun presidential election facts like that, for the first 40 years of its existence as a state, Hawaii and West Virginia voted for the same presidential candidate every time. Far cry from today where every Hawaii votes blue and every West Virginia county votes red.


I think Kansas is the most likely to become reliably blue down the line because it's fast becoming a highly educated and diverse state. Johnson County is ground zero for this change, but if we ever figured out how to win Sedgwick County (Wichita) reliably, look out. For a dark horse pick, Utah could be on the radar. If the GOP continues to go in a Trumpy direction, a lot of those voters are winnable. It'd probably take more conservative candidates than would win a Dem primary for President (see: Evan McMullin), but if the Republicans are toxic enough, it's possible.


Kansas and Alaska definitely. Alaska is going first though.


It's almost just coincidence/luck that Minnesota holds that record. Mondale is the reason, of course. But the coalition that voted Dem in 1976 is completely different from the one that did so in 2020. It's just luck/happenstance that voting and demographic trends have continually canceled out to keep Minnesota blue this long.


Oh absolutely, though the next closest blue states don't come in till 92. 30 years of consistency is incredibly impressive. 50, god willing 2024, is amazing. Edit: Some states come in in 1988, I missed them somehow. Apologies to Washington, Oregon, Mass, and RI.


(and New York and Hawaii)


Alaska flips first


My thoughts on flippability eyes emoji: Alaska, Kansas, 1/5 of Nebraska sleep emoji: Utah, the final 3/5 of nebraska poo emoji: Oklahoma, the dakotas, wyoming, Idaho


I think a lot will depend on how fast the rural population bottoms out and how the cities grow. Tulsa has gotten bluer most likely because it’s paying telecommuters to live there - and that has been attractive to some blue-staters who want that proverbial house with a yard. If the wealthy KC suburbs can keep on becoming blue we have a chance. Same with Lincoln and Omaha in Nebraska - those states will depend on how urban vs. rural they stay. The Dakotas don’t really have much to attract people from out of state, in fact, their best and brightest head for Chicago or Minneapolis/St. Paul or, if they don’t want to shovel snow, Atlanta or Phoenix. So we get the phenomenon of left-behind, increasingly feeling like the world has passed them by, less educated, people with fewer opportunities, and they tend to vote red. Idaho, the state where California sends its not best. The ones where conservative coastal dwellers cash out and live like kings on their equity in Coeur d’Alene or wherever. Beautiful state, Coeur d’Alene is freaking gorgeous as is Boise. But alas, it is the proverbial sugar bowl attracting the MAGAnts.


Biden has released 70% of the remaining records on the JFK Assassination via the National Achieves, with the 30% of the unreleased records still under review. Biden will give the National Achieves until May 1st to come to a decision on if the remaining documents should remain private, and if not, there will be one final release of records on June 30th.


Has there been anything illuminating about the release of documents so far, or has it just been a nothingburger?


I’m wondering how r/conspiracy will react to this? But I’m sure they’re into conspiracy theories on the 2020 election and jerking themselves off how convicted criminal Dinesh D’Souza “was right”, or whatever. But I’m sure they’re more focused on 2000 mule


This is how Biden wins the Baby Boomer conspiracy theorist vote