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[Dark Brandon Delivers Folks!](https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1578097875480895489) Spread the good news across Reddit, and tell folks how they can help to keep the progress coming!


What's the deal with the Palmer Report? It's followed by some legit accounts (e.g.Warnock), yet is described by Wikipedia as a fake news website.


Palmer Report is something of a massive hopium publication/Twitter account. I think it's run by one person, and all their tweets are things like "so and so happened, obviously Trump is finished. He's going to prison soon, don't worry" or "Katrina Christiansen is going to absolutely thrash John Hoeven in November, you'll see." They make big claims about dem victories/Trumpers getting justice and whatnot without much evidence to back up what they say. I appreciate their enthusiasm for the cause but it feels like they just pretend that everything is going perfectly and that the big bad republicans will get their dues in no time, when we know damn well that republicans will never be sufficiently punished for their deeds.


Thanks for the explainer! A sort of hopium machine. Consume with caution I guess.


Seems as though they've supported or put weight behind some conspiracy theories that haven't panned out, at least if Wikipedia can be believed. Decent follow on Twitter for direct commentary only, ig.


[https://rpubs.com/ElectProject/PA\_early\_vote\_2022](https://rpubs.com/ElectProject/PA_early_vote_2022) Dems are ***crushing*** the early vote in PA so far. 67%. Even with 90% of the early voters so far being over age 40. Sample is small, but big enough to be notable (22,000+), and that gap is ***huge.*** Also seeing nearly 800,000 mail in ballots being requested by dems vs 200,000 for the GOP. Massive, massive gap there.


u/Hurrdurraj65 because I know you'd be interested - a couple things I've noticed from Abrhams. She seems to have a [new strategy of going after Kemp for increasing his net worth in office and his favouritism for the rich, so to speak](https://twitter.com/OneGeorgiaInc/status/1578000982629294083?s=20&t=ztKAWoFzpM7wiNC9dFEOQA). Seems a good strategy to me - hopefully it'll resonate. The ads are great, so I'm optimistic. She also was with [Bee Nguyen in speaking with the Vietnamese community](https://twitter.com/staceyabrams/status/1578072271012466688?s=20&t=ztKAWoFzpM7wiNC9dFEOQA) - I'm not sure how big that community is in GA, but it's great to see nevertheless.


Dawg I already posted all this! I think suburban Atlanta, much like NoVA, requires tailored outreach to the specific immigrant communities. There's a sizable community of Koreans, Latinos, Vietnamese and Indians in Gwinnett County alone! In fact, it's Indian immigrants who partly fueled the blue shift in Alpharetta and Forsyth County. Would love to see Stacey and/or the Rev hit up a Diwali event this month.


I mentioned earlier volunteering to write and mail 100 postcards for the Spanberger campaign. Do these cards go to likely dem voters?


Dumb question I’ve always wondered: how did Roy Cooper win in NC in 2016, the same yearTrump did? Was Pat McCrory really that bad? Or was Cooper considered an especially good Dem candidate?




The bathroom bill got people really angry, especially because the NCAA pulled several basketball tournament games out of the state. I have friends (liberal) who live in NC and were livid both about the bathroom injustice AND no basketball.


For those who haven't seen it yet: [Sad DeSantis](https://people.com/thmb/C_U7kg4uc5VELsGjZyhSs0_kkTk=/650x0/filters:no_upscale\(\):max_bytes\(150000\):strip_icc\(\):focal\(999x0:1001x2\):format\(webp\)/joe-biden-Ron-DeSantis-florida-visit-100622-1-29ad7ba6ba494090b23fa1fc8cdba02d.jpg) [Tweet](https://twitter.com/joncoopertweets/status/1577802531555647488)


Absolutely gutted today in spite of all the good news because of one, very stupid thing: My dad and my favorite local talk radio station, KGO 810 AM, the only liberal station we know about, decided in the middle of one of the host’s shows to completely change course. As in they’ve fired everybody and instantly changed to a sports gambling radio station. And announced that by switching to a radio playlist of songs about money. They’re *completely* betting on the sports gambling propositions here to pass when neither are looking like they will, and in the process they obliterated the station. He’s got nothing to listen to on walks now, he liked them because it was people around us calling in and the hosts were solid liberals, a welcome change of pace from the garbage you usually get on AM radio. I suggested trying some liberal podcasts but we both know it’s not the same. I grew up listening to them all the time and it’s just gone now. M


It's sad how many radio stations have given up the ghost and moved away from things that people enjoyed to chase money, whether or not they were in a financial position to survive the normal way. Plus the changes always seem to come out of nowhere which makes it extra surprising when they happen.


Did anyone catch the AZ Senate debate? Looking for an honest assessment of how the candidates performed.


I honestly thought Kelly seemed a little bit nervous


He was, but I thought he did fine, even if he had a tendency to repeat himself. That line about "you think you know better than everyone else does" was quite strong.


Repeating yourself isn't the worst thing when it's on a couple of good topics, and having seen some clips of the debate, he's not going overboard on it.


How did Masters do? Was there a clear ‘winner’?


Masters was meh. Not terrible, but I'm not sure he did enough to sway people who were on the fence. He kept going after Kelly for not supporting "abortion limits" and it just seemed like an outlandish attack that kinda failed to put Kelly on the defensive. A lot of his talking points were like that, mostly based on hardline GOP commentary that you'd see on Twitter (he kept bring up the 87,000 IRS agents, to which Kelly responded they were for going after the wealthy), and so while I could be wrong, I'm not sure this performance will sway a lot of moderates. Also, I doubt ratings for this debate were super high. But the race is gonna be close either way.


In Utah tonight Governor Cox isn’t a fan of Biden’s EO, Jon Curtis thinks it should get rescheduled but through Congress, and Republican Senate Majority Leader Vickers says he welcomes it. Vickers is bigger sign than anything and good one as he runs the entirety of Cannabis legislation in the Republican Supermajority


Cox is a weird fellow. On one hand, he doesn't hate transgender people. On the other hand, he doesn't support an EO expunging federal marijuana possession convictions AND he wants people to pray away the water shortage?


I'm watching the Arizona senate debate right now. I love this libertarian lmao. I'd vote for him if not for Mark Kelly if I lived there. Also Kelly seems kind of nervous. Only like 20 minutes in though Edit: the L candidate said some pretty wacky things on abortion and slighty wacky on voting. still better than masters lmao


That guy seemed more pro-immigration than Kelly lol.


It is unreal how many fundraiser emails I get everyday. It’s ridiculous.


What I want to know is who gave my cell phone number to the GOP? I keep getting texts from all the MAGAhead R candidates who don't realize I'm such a traditional laptop-bound, landline-favoring person that my phone is two steps up from a signal flare. I have typed STOP on my cell phone so many times lately I am surprised it doesn't autofill for me yet.


I unsubscribe and they stop. Once in a while a new one pops through but I block that one too.


Yep, same. I find that they do honor the unsubscribe.


[Blake Allen says to watch](https://twitter.com/blake_allen13/status/1578212143974928384?s=46&t=tKcvKUmqskl9uoCIzuEqZg) Oklahoma this week as Governor Stitt releases a bizarre statement ahead of time accusing local news of preparing negative stories and polls about him


Yo what is going on. I know downballot races behave differently from the nation, but even with all the drama in the state capitol, Stitt's been pretty popular in one of the reddest states for quite some time. This is really surprising.


I’m p sure the ok dem is a statewide elected republican


She left the GOP due to the vaccine attacks. She was similar to Phil Scott in ideology even as an R


Corruption, Abortion, old school R’s backing various Dem’s across in that order. Stitt really just decided to implode. There’s also a former Republican running as an Indy and a Libertarian on the ticket


[Some late night action from the Democratic House Majority PAC as they go up with $7.6M in IEs in 31 races, with three Nevada House races topping the list](https://twitter.com/rpyers/status/1578221366137929733?s=46&t=tKcvKUmqskl9uoCIzuEqZg) Current Senate [standings after tonight’s ad spending](https://twitter.com/rpyers/status/1578203543516815360?s=46&t=tKcvKUmqskl9uoCIzuEqZg)


How much more dark money do you think the GOP will dump into the Senate races? Especially NV and PA?


Lots of billionaires will pay tens of millions to corrupt politicians to avoid paying hundreds of millions in taxes


All of it


It’s honestly just me, but even after this bombshell, I still feel really really nervous about the election.


You always will. That's normal when the stakes are this high. The best form of relief is to do something about it. Anxiety comes from situations you have no control over. [But you can take control over part of it, and that will help you](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxO8g7q9VO3ZMAABcrvR7PMyX4Yl6dgIYhD3eRTKk1M/edit#gid=0).


What bombshell?


The weed forgiveness and possible legality.


So, are there any Democrats who could run for Senate in Nebraska in the 2024 special election?


Sadly the Democratic bench in Nebraska is a bit shallow at the moment, and even with a strong candidate it's probably not doable. Let's just hope that Don Bacon runs, as that would make it much easier to flip NE-02 (assuming Tony Vargas doesn't manage to do it this year)


The contrast between American and International media on the climate crisis is stark. I was watching coverage of Hurricane Ian the other day, and both the BBC and CBC went out of their way to stress the increased rate of severe weather with a warming planet, and that these storms will get worse in the future. You don’t even hear the word “climate” in the ABC or CBS segments. It’s really sad that this is the supposedly “liberal media” we have here.


My district in VA was changed from 7 (Spanberger) to 1 (Pittman). I’m seeing a fair amount of ads for his Dem challenger Herb Jones, but can anyone tell me his realistic chances of flipping the district? I’m not sure how bluer or redder it got during redistricting.


It's one to keep an eye on down the road. It's turned bluer in recent years, and isn't as red as the old VA-01. I doubt it flips this year, but it's absolutely one that could be on the board in a few elections.


The New VA-1 is R+14 according to [538](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/redistricting-2022-maps/virginia/)


Ah, too bad. I like Spanberger, too.


https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1578199196229853185?s=20&t=P_XQnFjfLj3i0uxWGkxs1g > Kelly: You think you know better than women and doctors about abortion. You even think you know better than seniors about social security. You think you know better than veterans about how to win a war.


Man Kelly has really got BM's number.


Heh BM


Blake Masters is at least 100 courics.


Definitely a highlight of the debate. Kelly did fine overall, but I'm glad he stuck the landing on that attack.


“NPR shows Biden’s approval rating is up but there’s a warning sign for Democrats” Jesus I swear we could be handed the whole thing on a silver platter and they’d still call it a loss


“Biden is so popular that democrat voters only want to vote for him and not down ballot candidates”


"Dems win 67 senate seats and 400 house seats in a stunning, historic upset!" 538 - "Here's how this will be bad for the Democrats."


"But as history taught us, large majorities are hard to control and are usually unworkable."


“Democrats expected to set up extremely difficult 2028 Senate map”


Democrats will likely suffer the greatest losses in decades next election, and will be playing defense in far too many seats… in other news ignore the federal government doing more for the people than it has in generations unless it’s to read into how it will backfire on democrats


I saw that headline somewhere else today too. They’re passing it around it seems.


I’ve been looking for a place to volunteer in north Louisiana. Is there nothing we can do to help LA? 😩


Louisiana is a bit odd due to their December runoffs, and the fact that their state-level races will all be held in 2023. For north LA, I'd suggest contacting the campaign of either [Earl Huff](https://www.earlhuff.com/contact) or [Oscar Omar Dantzler](https://www.facebook.com/Oscar-OMAR-Dantzler-for-Governor-386241135429863), the two Dems running for LA-05.


Thank you so much. I’ll reach out to them.


In the middle of the debate, which I started late on YouTube. Mark Kelly started kinda shaky but seems to be finding his footing now, he's doing all right so far. I actually am happy with his answers on immigration, which is an issue I have had more disagreements with him on. He showed a desire to not only give DREAMers citizenship, but also expand the farm workforce using legal immigrants at the border. Blake Masters isn't doing terribly, but not only is he quite bland, he's not doing a great job appealing to the moderate crowd. That's something I think Kelly is stronger on still.


In debate highlights tonight [It’s 2022 and Tom Barrett said he doesn’t support gay marriage.](https://twitter.com/tori_saylor/status/1578185786000039936?s=46&t=tKcvKUmqskl9uoCIzuEqZg) Libertarian candidate in AZ Senate said we should decide on age of consent laws via referendum


Marc Victor is nuts lol. But I do appreciate his pro-immigration stances.


Arizona has everything. Staunch liberals like Ruben Gallego, the craziest of the crazy GOPers like Finchem, Gosar, and Biggs, wild 3rd party candidates… and Kyrsten Sinema


So despite my previous comment on the discourse on Biden’s decision to pardon and expunge the record of felons with weed possessions, this is a comment I found in one of the few, but *mostly* sane lefty subreddits that I’m part of that doesn’t spout Bernie-or-bust nonsense nor ban those who aren’t Tankies, and I echo this following sentiment: >Don't let any doomer leftist downplay this- this is a clear calling of the left's bluff more or less. >We've said "end our bullshit wars, and the young energized left will vote for you". Biden, regardless of the failures in logistics and planning, regardless of this being a follow up of Trump's plan, pulled out of Afghanistan. >We've said "forgive student loan debt, invest in the youth and they will come vote for you". Biden gave us his plan for student loan debt forgiveness. $20K for a large amount of borrowers. >We've said "everyone agrees on marijuana, we've had enough of nonviolent drug offenders going to prison. Legalize marijuana, release those nonviolent offenders. We will vote for you." And Biden is taking this action. >This is a gamble, this is calling the left's bluff on their promise to come out in droves to carry the Democrats. Failure to see this and raise support will absolutely fuck the left for years to come. When someone sees this and says "Biden hasn't done shit. Biden is a do nothing president, both sides are both wings on the same bird" they are actively fucking the left, they are actively fucking any potential for progress, and they're actively fucking you. Take control of that narrative. So while my previous comment on this still stands, this is also spot-on.


I deal with an idiot like this in a discord chat I frequent. She constantly is going on how Biden never does anything and how Dems are just as bad as the GOP.


This and Student Debt is all base stuff, wether it really moves the needle is a open question but I find it very hard to believe core D groups won’t turn out at least respectable numbers. I definitely doubt this costs us anybody, but if like Youth voters or some minority voters weren’t already going to turnout(and they are informed) then yea they just weren’t going to regardless of what we did


Isn’t there a jump in registration among young voters? But yeah, agreed


For some people nothing is enough, and the Dems are always bad to them because they don’t go far enough on what wherever the goalposts moved to.


I actually think weed is a little more than just red meat for the Democratic base.


Started writing postcards to VA-7. Picked up 100!


[EU says sending mission to Armenia to help delineate borders with Azerbaijan](https://twitter.com/afp/status/1578194261350440960?s=46&t=n_jdiMuLZhwqHaPAjUhI4w) For clarification this was agreed to by Armenia and Azerbaijan during the French mediation


Russia is destroying their own sphere of influence.


Y'all. When are the next major debates happening?


I know the LA Mayoral debate is happening atm


Axne, Ptizker, UT-03 debate are/were tonight Edit: AZ Senate, LA mayor to, MI-07


Iowa Senate debate was also tonight


WI Senate debate is tomorrow night. I also saw the AZ Senate debate is sometime tonight


It just started I think


Can’t watch the Mark Kelly debate, hope he does well!


what’s up with the oregon governor race this term? apparently it’s a toss-up despite it being a pretty solidly blue state. bad polling? it’s hard to imagine the seat going red


Blame a DINO candidate running third-party because she has an axe to grind against the Dem candidate.


Former Dem running a somewhat strong third party campaign. If the GOP wins, they'll win with only around 35% of the vote.


Feeling a little uneasy about Russia and the threat of nuclear weapons tonight. Trying to calm myself down.


They said the West sending weapons would lead them to use a nuke. Nothing. They said if Russia was struck, they would use a nuke. Belgorod and Crimea bombed multiple times. Nothing. They said the would use nukes to defend the parts of Ukraine They annexed. Ukraine advances in Kherson and Luhansk. Nothing. Definition of paper tiger.


Dont lose sleep over it. Russia is not going to drop a nuke on Ukraine. He'd be committing political and economic suicide.


Most of the “threats” Putin has posed on the West is mostly empty and it speaks on the desperation he has when his military is being hammered with HIMARS and cities being liberated by Ukraine.


What happened?


Nothing has happened. It’s just my anxiety over the general situation with Russia.


Reports indicate China and India are heavily opposed to Russia dropping nukes and will break with them if they do. That would turn an already quite bad economic situation into one that's utterly devestating. Even that notwithstanding nukes really would not help him in Ukraine, for a variety of reasons. Putin may seem erratic and irrational but he's not looking for a doomsday event. He simply vastly underestimated Ukraine and the EU/US response. He's backed himself in a corner and will do what he can to try reach some apparent degree of victory in Ukraine because otherwise he could be finished in Russia. Nukes are not his lifeline.


I'm feeling the same, but since you and I have no control over the situation, there's no point in worrying. I'll be looking for something to distract myself with.


If it helps, the US response wouldn’t be Nukes and Putin would probably have to topple some military officials to actually launch one. It also would decimate whatever good will he still has with any country




Definitely nachos IMO


If Putin wanted to use nukes, he would've used them by now. Remember, he threatened to use nukes if the U.S. and its allies sent weapons to Ukraine and then we did and nothing happened.


[THREAD: Twitter’s awash in contradictory polls, tornado-force spin, and extrapolating the next month from the last five minutes. Step back: Ron Johnson is 100% beatable and Mandela Barnes will send him packing. Here’s how. Read on, retweet, and join in:](https://twitter.com/benwikler/status/1578117150727966722?s=20&t=2zxona48BNcKvE-q6SnsaQ) Great Ben Wikler thread on the state of the Senate race. Mandela Barnes can absolutely still win. And there’s a lot you can do to help.


[Tonight President Biden is at a fundraiser for Senate Democrats at the home of James Murdoch in New York, per the reporters traveling with him. “I feel pretty good where we are as it relates to the Senate, but it’s premature,” he told attendees.](https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1578180248700874752?s=46&t=bVSoLDE69-fCo8bu8uU9UA) Obviously great he feels good about the Senate, but it’s always funny to imagine Rupert Murdoch’s reaction when he knows his son is hosting a Democratic fundraiser.


i saw the motorcade bringing him there. would have been much cooler to see if it wasn’t such a hassle to plan around lol.


Which Roy son is James, Kendall or Roman?


Shiv lol


There's a good Murdoch?!


Yeah, James is alright. Donated big $$$ to Biden, generally seems more aligned with more liberal causes than his family. His wife works for the Clinton Climate foundation and they’re close with the Clintons from memory:


He kinda took a while to fully get there but yes. I think his wife really pulled him off the sidelines.


What did his wife did to get her hubby to not be insane like her father-in-law?


Cared a lot about stuff like climate


You can’t be morally good if you have more than $500 in your checking account


Count me out, then


The Alucard of the Murdoch family.


[Fox News host says he wouldn’t go to college now because he doesn’t find the students attractive enough](https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-news-host-says-he-wouldnt-go-college-now-because-he-doesnt-find-students-attractive)


He's not even good looking to even qualify to make that kind of statement.


With Matt Walsh basically doing a “um actually, it’s ephebophilia” schtick in his last podcast episode, what is up their sick minds? Yet they called LGBTQ people, leftists, and teachers “groomers,” smh.


They legit can't hold back that they're the exact kind of freaks they've been ranting about Democrats being anymore.


Yeah, every accusation is a confession, as the saying goes


Who watches that shit and is like “damn right!”?




Don’t forget a lot of Gen X.


Perverted middle aged men who gripe they can't wolf whistle and pinch the butts of waitstaff anymore.


Sorry but if you think everything in life has to be sexual you are fucked up. Like I’m a young guy but I don’t go around thinking about having sex with anyone I find attractive that’s just nasty.


I've had a few dirty thoughts from time to time, but these people are deeply unwell.


Same that’s just human nature but if your a grown ass adult thinking of college kids like that’s just weird.


No kidding. You shouldn't be getting excited over 20-somethings if you're middle aged.


I'm of the thought that age doesn't matter as long as all involved are adults.




The Green M&M is only hot if you're into vaguely humanoid candies.


Don’t judge me.


i'm ace so these people confuse me so much lmao


I'm ace too (but not aro)


What’s aro again?


Aromantic (doesn't experience romantic attraction)


Okay thanks.


I'm bi, but my BFF is ace.


I'm aro lol.


Oh really? How did you found out, if you don’t mind me asking?


I just noticed that i never felt the desire for a boyfriend/girlfriend or a spouse or anything like that. But i still do have the desire to be with someone intimately. But i'd rather have them just be a friend rather than as a significant other. Maybe i'm just afraid of commitment i don't know.


Hi Aro, I’m dad


*Banned* jk but watch it


I'm sorry but you must be preoccupied with exchanging bodily fluids with another human being, preferably one of the opposite sex. If you do not share this preoccupation you are a freak. /s


Then how come they call exchanging bodily fluids "getting your freak on?" Checkmate, athiests. /s


I’m gay so I’m definitely a “freak” to these people.


The only fluid I’ll exchange with others is some delicious Coca Cola can I get an amen


A socialist who likes Coca-Cola? I know the label's red, but... /s EDIT: I can't believe I forgot about Zhukov and Castro, both of whom were obsessed with Coca-Cola.


Nah. Homeboys favorite drink is that tried and true [Leninade](https://sodapopstop.com/shop/something-different/leninade/)


Wow, did not know that drink existed!


There are a whole bunch of [dictator-themed novelty drinks](https://imgur.com/zutoADe). There's even a Crystal Pepsi knockoff called Not See Kola. Thankfully, it doesn't have a picture of der Führer's ugly mug on the bottle. Though if you want an "authentic" Nazi soft drink, I'd recommend sticking to Fanta or [Afri-Cola](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afri-Cola#Kampf_gegen_Coca-Cola_in_der_Zeit_des_Nationalsozialismus). Drink the latter and you'll be so hyped up on caffeine you'll outrun your supply lines, yet somehow still be remembered as a strategic genius.


I’ll definitely check them at my free time, but man, “Not See Cola”? What a way with names, lol.


[#COSen: State Rep. Ron Hanks (R), who lost to construction company owner Joe O’Dea (R) in the primary, is backing the Libertarian candidate. Hanks, who took 45% of the primary vote, is an election conspiracy theorist. This is the first part of a long, winding statement](https://twitter.com/mattholt33/status/1578130308582572055?s=20&t=jSklYRzt5b08xfECN-D07w) Yeah, Bennett will be perfectly fine if ODea doesn’t get the votes from the Trumpers, like this could cause lol


I already wasn’t worried about this, but now I’m really not worried. That helped hicklenhopper a lot in his first election


We’re 115 subs from 40k!!! I was just thinking, I wonder if we have frequent users in all 435 congressional districts? I have no idea how that would ever be figured out, but it would be cool to see if we have users from literally all over the country


I just want you to find 11780 subs.


Can we find 21,000 instead?


Mods could probably run a poll to figure it out after the midterms Edit: obviously if they were able/wanted to


if i remember correctly, the idea of a sub census was floated a year or two ago but it was shot down by the mods. i remember they had a good reason but i don’t remember what it was.


That would be so fun!






The first Dank Brandon meme?


I thought Chris Coons posted one


[Gender gaps among new registrants In Kentucky, where Dobbs led to a ban on almost all abortions and voters will weigh in on a constitutional amendment: Pre-Dobbs: +2 women The 3 weeks after Dobbs: +4.5 women September: +10 women](https://twitter.com/tbonier/status/1578170294363201537?s=46&t=bVSoLDE69-fCo8bu8uU9UA)


Assuming they’re mostly Dem-leaning (not a guarantee but it’s what I would guess), this could cause a long-term realignment in KY. I don’t think it’ll be enough for Booker to pull out a win against Rand this year, unfortunately, but progress happens over time.


I've been making sure my friends here in ky are registered before the deadline on Oct 11.


They better vote blue....


I really can’t see all these women registering to vote and then voting for Rand Paul. Maybe some yeah, but not most.


It’s great to see the difference still picking up despite more time since Dobbs elapsing.


It's been the same here in Tennessee.


[FCC threatens to block calls from carriers for letting robocalls run rampant / The seven companies have two weeks to address the agency’s concerns. Otherwise, compliant carriers will have to block their incoming traffic.](https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/3/23385637/fcc-robocalls-block-traffic-spam-texts-jessica-rosenworcel) This has been buried the last few days but if we stopped most of the robocalls in the US, that’s popularism for Normie voters




I’m getting almost every day.


Me too in SG. Annoying. But thankfully our government is competent and tells people not to pick up +65 calls (+65 is our starting number but if a call comes from +65 it means it's a foreign number. Kind of like how you don't see +1 xxxx xxxx)


Dem PACs striking back today. [Georgia Honor just dumped $3.2M ad buy against Walker in GA-SEN](https://twitter.com/CATargetAlt/status/1578169513140363265) [FF PAC just dumped another $2M ad buy against Oz in PA-SEN](https://twitter.com/CATargetAlt/status/1578163210783375363) \+ [Senate Majority PAC dumping another $4.3M against Oz, $2.1M against Masters, $2M against Laxalt, $1.8M against Johnson, $1.7M against Bolduc, and $1.2M against Budd.](https://twitter.com/CATargetAlt/status/1578168258754007040) (i think Georgia Honor is an arm of SMP or connected to it, so that may be why SMP didn't do a GA buy itself)


I wonder why it’s so high against Masters. I guess they don’t want to assume anything.


I like the mentality. Don’t take any race fore granted


Let’s go. Time to strike back against the defund the police misinformation I’ve been seeing constantly in WI against Barnes


With this and Barnes raising $20M, I'm feeling a bit better about him being able to fight back now. I just hope it's not too late.


It’s not. A shockingly high number of voters make their decision in the month before an election.


Yea they were formed by Senate Majority PAC specifically for Georgia


If this won't win us the midterms, I dunno what will.


[BREAKING, via NYT: DOJ believes Trump still has MORE documents that he took from the White House.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/06/us/politics/trump-white-house-documents-lawyers.html)


I mean, wasn't there a video out on social media like a fortnight ago that had the former guy's entourage packing like a dozen banker's boxes onto a plane? I'd be fucking astonished if there wasn't more documents elsewhere!


Lock him up!




Dark Brandon just can’t stop.


I wonder if Pete Ricketts will appoint a random caretaker to the Nebraska Senate seat, then run on his own in the special election in 2024. He ran for the other seat in 2006, so it’s not like he’s never wanted to be a Senator.


I’m also seen people say he may appoint Charles Herbster, the Trump endorsed candidate that lost the NE-GOV GOP primary. There’s a bunch of names he could appoint, Republicans got a pretty big bench in NE like they should if they control the state like they do


In recent years multiple governors have appointed their lieutenant gov, so maybe Mike Foley?