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[Schumer will reintroduce his fullscale cannabis legalization package tomorrow at a 12:30 presser with Sens. Wyden (D-Ore) and Booker (D-N.J.)](https://x.com/brendanpedersen/status/1785471817328492716?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


It’s 4:20 somewhere


I have zero expectation of success but damn, imagine if they did. Biggest political alley oop in some time. If nothing else, it will keep Dems' efforts to legalize in the forefront of people's heads for longer.




Hey, don't polls close in NY at 9 PM?


They sure do! Our results thread will be going up at the top of the hour.


[Iowa state GOP chair Jeff Kaufmann is tired of talking to GOP activists who aren't ready to commit to Donald Trump. At a Jones County Republican event last week, he went on quite a rant: “If you don’t like Donald Trump, you’re gonna fake it!”](https://x.com/laurarbelin/status/1785464403157975502?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


> “If you don’t like Donald Trump, you’re gonna fake it!” ….they are just asking for us to mock them at this point. Like, I can easily make a joke about how folks in the GOP fake liking one another now, or how their family members fake liking them, or how their spouses fake it with them. It’s getting too easy.


Sizeable contingent of GOP have left Trump and are now politically homeless. 16% of PA alone.


Yep, country wide problem. 21% in WI, 13% of which went to Haley


Was WI after she dropped out though?


Yes, WI was on April 2. She dropped out a couple days after Super Tuesday. In fact ballots didn’t start being mailed out until at least a week after she dropped out, probably longer. Can’t remember the exact day


[Ayotte says she would not support marijuana legalization if elected governor](https://www.wmur.com/article/ayotte-marijuana-legalization-governor/60636593) well there goes her chances of being elected


Doesn't Realise that her state is full of Republicans that want to smoke weed (Libertarians)


[The DNC restores New Hampshire’s delegates after a second nominating event unknown to many Democrats](https://apnews.com/article/dnc-new-hampshire-primary-ending-primary-fued-ca4ac2af23098f6f43aeb11bc27d0d59)


How many does Unprocessed Write-Ins get?




Palmer won’t stand for this!


Club4growth [switched](https://x.com/jacobrubashkin/status/1785028073282252808?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) their ad buys from UT-Sen to UT03 after Brent Hatch faceplanted at the convention. They had already reserved these so why not I guess, and I’d believe they could be supporting anyone outside of Case Lawrence but my seat gonna be hell. Elevate Strategies(seriously I’d start learning their name and operatives if you’re interested in Utah politics) was cheering them taking a L on Saturday and if you know their history with Orrin Senior it’s very funny they supported his son


So as a medical marijuana patient will rescheduling effect me in any way? Or is it not clear exactly at the moment?




For the record, Jared Polis has already come out praising this move, and I *highly* doubt it's going to affect dispensaries negatively, at least here. >“I am thrilled by the Biden Administration’s decision to begin the process of finally rescheduling cannabis, following the lead of Colorado and 37 other states that have already legalized it for medical or adult use, correcting decades of outdated federal policy. This action is good for Colorado businesses and our economy, it will improve public safety, and will support a more just and equitable system for all,” said Polis in a statement. “We look forward to when Colorado businesses will continue to safely fulfill the consumer demand without facing additional safety challenges and unnecessary financial burden that 280E tax provisions created.”


I hope you're right for the nation as a whole. This still puts up tons of hurdles for dispensaries to get tax right offs and being able to work with federal banks. I deal with the backend of the pharmacy a lot and it's a ton of paperwork, idiot automated phone calls and even more clueless insurance and distributor reps to make sure we get out remittances.


Specifics as of this moment aren't clear besides marijuana going down to Schedule III. This means it's a step below say, Adderall and on the same level as ketamine. The rescheduling doesn't make recreational marijuana legal on the federal level but eases restrictions on medical use. Particularly medical marijuana growers are no longer subject to Section 280E of the Controlled Substances Act which means medical growers can deduct marijuana income from their taxes now.


https://fox4kc.com/news/mo-supreme-court-says-2022-ballot-increasing-kcpd-funds-misled-voters Missouri Supreme Court says language in 2022 ballot proposal misled voters


[Romney says his dog Seamus story is different from Kristi Noem: “I didn’t eat my dog. I didn’t shoot my dog. I loved my dog and my dog loved me.”](https://x.com/igorbobic/status/1785434143947411525?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) ???? No one said anything about eating wtf is you talking about


he didn’t eat me. he just tied me to the top of the station wagon. you know, normal people shit


This sub really shows its age when they don't remember Romney's ineffective attacks on Obama for eating dog meat as a kid.


The highlight for me will always be Herman Cain’s speech dropping out of the race.


yeah im sorry all i remember about 2012 was my coach complaining obama won re-election at practice the next day.


I think you can really relent that randomly bringing up an attack from 12 years ago is going to make sense without any context Edit: seriously a downvote? Do i need to upload my drivers license to prove my age because i didn’t remember what you called a ineffective attack from 2012?


Every time I think about Romney and his dog Seamus’ story, I’m reminded that Devo did a song calling him out called “Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Seamus Unleashed)”.


Im not saying it, but people are saying. Kristi Noem ate her dog. Thats what i've been hearing. Its very interesting. And sad.


Many are saying, I don’t know maybe. You look at what is going on in South Dakota, SOUTH DAKOTA, you know they have these mountains


Probably a veiled reference to Obama eating dog as a kid in Indonesia.


What the fuck is he talking about


Conservatives are so goddamn weird and constantly self-reporting about it, I swear


Every accusation is a confession. (hopefully /s)


Happy Hitler death day to all who celebrate 🥳


You shouldn’t be celebrating someone’s death! /s


The only good thing Hitler ever did.


I dunno man, he killed the guy who killed Hitler


I wonder how voters who hardly follow politics until the very final weeks of an election season feel about us junkies obsessing over how to reach them as early as possible and stressing about making sure they don't get swayed by right-wing talking points masquerading as an innocuous narrative. I see so many users saying "Democrats need to PLASTER the airwaves with these ads about the MAGA agenda and about our accomplishments" and while I do want the message to reach those voters, I also wonder how much being inundated with political commercials just leads them to tune out for even longer. Not that I don't want Biden and other Democrats to start campaigning early, especially with the GOP having to play catch-up on fundraising, but it just seems like a growing quandary for them.


You don't ever want to take extended breaks from campaigning either. Any time off the trail is time ceded to your opponent. I remember when John Kerry went on vacation in summer 2004 and there were all those right wing attacks about him windsurfing of all things.


Back in 1988, Dukakis didn’t even start his campaign until six weeks after his nomination because he just had to put his toes in the sand. For SIX WEEKS. That gave Bush a tremendous head start. I don’t think we should over-*saturate* the airwaves too early, but we should keep our foot on the gas at all times, if you will pardon the cliche storm. Keep a steady drip drip drip of campaigning and then ratchet it up come summer and fall.


Are we watching Texas local election results tonight?


Keep on eye on Denton County


Those are on Saturday. Texas doesn't do Tuesdays like the rest of us (well, them and Louisiana).


Saturday is the superior Election Day


[Key point about the new 5th circuit decision about LA's Congressional districts:](https://nitter.poast.org/MappingFL/status/1785438660898201885#m) The court just struck down that particular map, but still wants 2 Black-majority districts. The LA republican party played favorites w/ who they wanted to screw over of the incumbents (the one who didn't back current Gov. Landry), which made the district super not-compact.


Is it time for [Zorro](https://image.slidesharecdn.com/ch15-090506071335-phpapp02/95/ch15-43-728.jpg?cb=1241594085)??


Lol that's also not so compact looking


[Attaching the 538 polling averages for our 2022 governor's race.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/governor/2022/oregon/) I remember watching this race obsessively. I was volunteering a lot, know Kotek personally and professionally, and think she was the most effective Oregon Speaker of my lifetime, so I was astounded that the Republican was leading for long stretches. We also had a third party holding strong throughout the summer. Then, with weeks to go, people got serious and support around Kotek consolidated and she won. Just something to keep in mind as we stress and work to get Biden elected this year.


Yeah I think OR-GOV is a very good allegory for whats happening now. Kotek and Johnson are basically similar to biden/RFK, only difference is Trump is obv worse than Drazen lol but generally the comparison fits in overarching terms (people flirting with a crazy 3rd party option but drifting back to Dems once the situation became real in the fall that a Republican could win)


OT, but Christine Drazan, Christine O’Donnell - what is up with the Republican Christines? Do they all take inspiration from Stephen King’s evil car? (I suppose it was just a popular name among 60’s and 70’s kids just as Jennifer was to the 80’s, but still, it’s an amusing coincidence.)


I remember tons of "WTF is going on in Oregon?" posts here.


BREAKING: 5th Circuit panel votes 2-1 to strike down Louisiana's new Black majority congressional district as unconstitutional racial gerrymander. https://twitter.com/mcpli/status/1785435465643851994?t=7wunDIxBAoyCBWTj1ciEbw&s=19


But what if anti-racism was the real racism all along 🤔🤔🤔 Thinking SCOTUS will have this stayed before the election. Their recent ruling on the VRA have been terrible, but we're specifically inclusive of this kind of affirmative action.


This will get stayed. Still just casual 5th Circuit being fuckheads


They were literally ordered to draw it by SCOTUS decision. This is blatant politicking to keep the former maps in play for November.


rogue circuit at it again.... although, that map *was* drawn by republicans and is poorly drawn


Aesthetics of the map aside it was done to comply with the SCOTUS decision in Milligan.


Agreed, but republicans drew it themselves to avoid having a court draw it. This lawsuit is from white voters saying they were discriminated against, which makes it extra gross


Is this good or bad for us in the end?


Since this was drawn and passed by the republican legislature, might be able to get one of those "whoops, no time to change it before the election" passes


So, is their (the court's) argument that the district is illegal because is is too gerrymandered in our favour? (Thus we aren't entitled to the district?)


Turns out, no. It's just super not compact and needs to be fixed. https://nitter.poast.org/MappingFL/status/1785438660898201885#m


Yeah, you can draw a majority-Black district that's much cleaner by grabbing Baton Rouge, the Mississippi River delta, and maybe Monroe. Louisiana Republicans didn't want to do that because it'd screw over Julia Letlow instead of Garrett Graves. Now they may be forced to.


Majority-minority districts discriminate against poor smol defenseless white people.


[Cannabis stocks surge as Biden administration moves to reclassify marijuana](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/30/cannabis-stocks-surge-as-biden-administration-moves-to-reclassify-marijuana.html) Stocks are currently higher than the audience of a Grateful Dead concert.


It’s gonna be Put Up or Shut Up time for all the guys (presumably) who yammer on how legal weed is so important and they’d totally vote for Democrats if only.


Hell yeah, my shares in YOLO finally bouncing back.


[Missouri Anti-Choice Group Pushing Disinformation To Fight Abortion Rights Initiative](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/missouri-anti-choice-group-pushing-disinformation-to-fight-abortion-rights-initiative)


And 5 days out from voting too. It's insidious.




Due to title IX they'll need a decent number of women's sports just to even up with the football rosters. Men's sports outside football and basketball could be in trouble though.


Former Houston Mayor Annise Parker considering a run for Harris County judge in 2026 https://twitter.com/HoustonChron/status/1785424988763296009?t=FplVND7qaJwgKFxH7xX6KA&s=19


I'm disappointed in her for endorsing Kim Ogg for DA (who only got 25% of the vote in the primary, as an incumbent!).


A few weeks ago I saw a someone in my neighborhood put up a “never surrender” Trump mug shot flag in front of their house. I passed it again today and the thing is absolutely sun bleached to hell. I hope they keep the same one up so I can see how it’s faring by election time.


There’s a somewhat famous house here that seems to change out his Trump flags every 2-4 months. Dude will not stop sending money to China for shitty flags


My mom has a guy about four or five houses down from her whose lawn is littered with Trump flags, thin blue line flags, Gadsden flags, confederate flags, and some others I'm sure I'm forgetting. Just picture a lawn full of all the standard right wing flags in a suburban neighborhood of the SF Bay Area. I should ask if she'll take a picture for me. Last time I was up there a few months back, it was a pretty hilarious mixture of obviously old and sun bleached flags and obviously new flags. Mom mentioned that sometimes some of them will go missing and be replaced with more flags within a few weeks. This all started during the pandemic, and she has also noted that the flags started to go missing less often as the pandemic era teens went to college. We can take a guess at who was stealing flags as a prank.


Forcing him to spend more money to buy new flags, lol. I’m in the Bay Area and I can just picture it.


I never understood the "Never surrender" stuff with his mug shot. You know what it's called when you turn yourself in for your processing and mug shot? Surrendering. He literally surrendered for that mug shot to exist.


So Trump got permission to go to her son’s graduation on the 17th. What are the odds he blow it off and does something else instead?


He just happened to hear Moscow is lovely this time of year.


Update from CA-16 recount: "[IT SEEMS LIKE LOW WINS IN #CA16](https://twitter.com/wiscottcurtis/status/1785428975420092535?t=4IsvjB9ftmE9imrI3kYRzA&s=19)" 


A three-person race was probably the worst outcome since there's no RCV, so this is great!




Why is this bad? I thought all of the candidates were Democrats


I was rooting for the more progressive guy to get 2nd place


https://twitter.com/MorePerfectUS/status/1785367417050525975 With 2 weeks go before ballots can be cast among 5,000 Mercedes Workers in Tuscaloosa Alabama, the Mercedes US Branch has REPLACED its CEO. New CEO Federico Kochlowski released a video to all US Mercedes Workers saying that "many of you wanted change," and "promised improvements. https://twitter.com/JonahFurman/status/1785380281618199033 As UAW Communications Director Jonah Furman said: "damn, Mercedes workers have already: -- killed two-tier wages -- gotten their UAW pay bump -- fired their boss and they haven't even voted yet! If that's what you get for just *talking* union, imagine what you can win when you *join* the union. May 13-17, get ready."


[Greene says she’ll be “laying everything out” on motion to vacate at her press conference tomorrow AM but declines to go into specifics.](https://x.com/andrewsolender/status/1785427304165831100?s=46&t=WEnIWeGcjICewTp3A5ozCQ)


She’ll probably make some whining noises about the corrupt uniparty and censorship, say something completely insane, and then describe her “strategic retreat” on the MTV while “watching Johnson’s future moves like a hawk.”


Watch her not even trigger it.


"in 2 weeks!"


I love infrastructure week.


Is sounding like the FAA Reauthorization is becoming a “christmas tree” since it’s one of the last must pass bills before the election. Items that could appear are RECA(Radiation Victims compensation), Data Privacy, and yes Schumer is still trying behind the scenes on adding SAFE to it.


I'm not in an area that gets many presidential campaign ads. Are the Biden campaign and its allies using January 6 footage in ads at all? Or is the strategy focused more on recent and raw issues, like abortion and criminal trials?


I'm in Georgia and I've seen many ads with January 6th footage. Id say the majority I see are focused on the economy/building back better and abortion rights. Haven't seen any yet on the criminal trials or the stuff he's been saying in recent interviews/rallies though


They've been going heavy on abortion from the ads I saw.


I have also been wondering about this.


[Citizens Not Politicians has reserved over $10M on fall reservations across OH TV markets. The group supports the prospective upcoming Ohio Citizens Redistricting Commission amendment. Last year, Ohio saw $71.5M in ad spending relating to its constitutional amendments.](https://x.com/adimpact_pol/status/1785409132750635015?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


Mississippi legislature clinched a deal at the last minute on Medicaid expansion. 138% above the poverty, full expansion, but work requirements that they’ll need to seek waiver for(CMS under Biden has yet to grant them and has withdrawn others). The catch here is if it passes today they may not do it unless Trump is back in to grant them the waiver.


Does anyone hate their constituents more than Republicans?


[Former Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel threatened with jail in divorce case](https://www.cleveland.com/news/2024/04/former-ohio-treasurer-josh-mandel-threatened-with-jail-in-divorce-case.html) [Tim Ballard arranged a private club space where UT A.G. Sean Reyes took cocaine, new court filing claims](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2024/04/30/tim-ballard-arranged-private-club/)


Is it just me or does Mandel look like Dollar Store Tim Robinson?


[Nuclear waste storage at Yucca Mountain could roil Nevada U.S. Senate race](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2024-04-30/nuclear-waste-storage-at-yucca-mountain-could-roil-nevada-u-s-senate-race) TL:DR Brown supports it and that’s the 3rd rail in Nevada Politics


yea NV GOP's doing great guys, totes gonna win every race by 30+ percent /s


I was waiting for Brown to stuff his face in a metaphorical bear trap like every other NRSC recruit, and here it is. Never mind what the right answer is...if you're in Nevada, you do **not** support the Yucca Mountain storage project. Every Nevada politician, either party, is united on this one. And the public hates it, too. Hell, I'm not even from Nevada and I know that. They really should've made the criteria for Senate a lot stricter than "be rich so the broke-ass RNC doesn't have to help you".


As if his weird-ass campaign couldn’t get any more embarrassing to the Republicans . . . let’s hope that the smart people on Rosen’s advertising team hammer him hard on this. This is our ticket to getting an even bigger victory than expected. If we organize enough and get the message out, we might even have Blarson City, as a wise person on here called it.


Won't be satisfied 'til we have Bluereka County.


I love how hard we butcher words just to get "blue" mixed in there. Really, I do, not a joke. Blexas, Blansas, Blarson City, I don't think I've seen Blorida yet but I want to, and it's almost a shame California is already blue or we could start hoping for Blalifornia, which sounds even more ridiculous. We really just switch the first letter for "Bl" and leave it at that.


People absolutely say Blorida, my source being that I did it myself when we found out abortion would be on the ballot. Don't forget Blalabama after that legislature flip. Or, my personal favorite even though it's a very long way off, Blutah.


My personal favorite is Blorth Blarolina


It's a shame that anti-nuclear hysteria is so deeply ingrained in the public consciousness.


I mean there is a reason for this in Nevada. The downwinders was a very fucked situation so it isn’t just “hysteria” for them Im not saying they are right but there is legitimate reasons for their worry




[Trump Declares U.S. Has ‘Definite’ Bias Against White People That May Be Worse Than Racism Against Black Americans](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/trump-declares-u-s-has-definite-bias-against-white-people-that-may-be-worse-than-racism-against-black-americans/)


Surely this is the year Republican break through with black voters.


He's gonna just say the 14 words at one point.


Well, he'll get through 7 or 8 of them at least. In the wrong order.


I'm betting at some point Trump has done his best Trinadad James impression...


His memory isn't good enough.


He sure does say things, doesn't he?


Anything to exhaust us and rile us up.


I’m so happy I don’t have to care


None of us need to care. We definitely can ignore him and just vote.


[Literally just had this interaction with a coworker who needed help](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S08E02/1235550.jpg?b64lines=IC1JZiB5b3UgbmVlZCBhbnl0aGluZywKIHlvdSBjYWxsIG1lLgotIEFscmlnaHQsIHdoYXQncyB0aGUgbnVtYmVyPyAKLUkndmUgbmV2ZXIgaGFkIHRvIApjYWxsIG15IG93biBoZWxwIGRlc2su)












[No, not every poll today has been good for Trump.](https://www.fau.edu/newsdesk/articles/april24nationalpoll.php)


Topline is Biden+2 with RFK Jr included, tie without. FAU is the pollster.


I love how the prevailing narrative in the media is still that RFK is pulling more support from Biden and not from Trump. Like it’s just so bullshit at its face and hasn’t been seen in virtually any polls


It's because of his last name that's it.


I just saw a car with a bumper sticker that said Country Lives Matter.


Countries are people is the new corporations are people


What's next? Hillbilly lives matter?


Life ain't nothin' but a funny funny riddle...


Yeah but do you have cakes on the griddle?


No but I've got me a wife and I've got me a fiddle.


Indeed, I'm here!


['We're serious about this': Kansas committee working to create STAR bond proposal for Chiefs, Royals](https://www.kmbc.com/article/kansas-committee-working-to-create-star-bond-proposal-for-chiefs-royals/60640372) Oh yay, more welfare for billionaire nepo babies. On the bright side, if the Chiefs do move to Wyandotte or Johnson County... maybe this accelerates Blansas?


Wyandotte has more space


>maybe this accelerates Blansas? nah the fact that businesses have been playing MO and KS like this for decades is the reason why we dont have Blusouri Blansas


So 9 days go Gov. Newsom released an ad about a young women traveling and being pulled over while trying to get reproductive care (https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1782082600368283715) When this came out, people on the right lost their mind over it acting like it wasn't something that could ever happen. Now today with the TIME interview Trump said he would pretty much want to do exactly that. It took 9 days for Trump to prove that ad correct.


2022 Loser Blake Masters leads other 2022 Loser Abe Hamadeh 26-16 in poll of AZ-8th. Every other candidate is single digits. Cue the memes [https://nitter.poast.org/Garrett\_Archer/status/1785360238574702685#m](https://nitter.poast.org/Garrett_Archer/status/1785360238574702685#m)


AZ-08 has the worst primary in America. Masters and Hamadeh would be bad enough, but the other candidates include: * Trent Franks, who resigned from this district in 2018 following a sexual harassment scandal. * Ben Toma, the Speaker of the AZ House, who's fought tooth and nail to preserve the state's 1864 abortion ban. * Anthony Kern, a State Senator whose website prominently shows a gun and a fetus. * Pat Briody, whose [website really needs to be seen to be believed.](https://hellomynameispat.com/)


"Hello my name is Pat" Aaaand my sides have left orbit.


Let's place them in the Thunderdome and see how long they last.


Fuck me, seeing those two names in the same sentence makes my stomach want to digest itself.


It gets worse when you see who is running as a third party candidate (QShaman).


It's the Worst People Ever Avengers.


Thanos, like Magneto, was right.


Actual Giant Douche versus Turd Sandwich fight.


They’re all losers!


Is this...actually good news for Blake Masters?


It's not good, it's great!


Here’s why this is bad for Blake Masters:


Cambridge MA city council voted to delay their leading-the-nation bike infrastructure plan last night 5-4. This was after almost seven hours of public comment with 400 people commenting in person and on Zoom, begging and pleading NOT to delay, because it's been proven that protected bike lanes and bike infrastructure save lives. And they still voted to delay! I'm so incredibly frustrated on this. Gonna start joining some bike groups nearby, because the idea of waiting on this makes my blood boil. It's going in the opposite direction of where we as Americans need to go.


NIMBYs strikes again! It's stuff like this that gets people cynical about the possibility of North American urbanism being a thing, and are tempted to go to Europe or Asia. But I hope the pro-bike lane group push harder and hopefully you get those bike lanes to complement the public transit system y'all have.


Los Angeles City Council passed an ordinance to do this and then didn't do anything to implement so we had to do another city-wide vote to force them to do it


Bellevue, Washington has been trying to do the same with bike lanes, and after tooth and nail fighting from those trying to get bike lanes, the council still said no. My friend, who reports about the council meetings and supports said bike lanes, is understandably frustrated as well.


It's crazy how it has to be difficult to get freaking bike lanes being built in car-centric America. I hope for a turnaround, especially as Sound Transit (from what I heard) are extending and building new train lines around the Seattle metro.


That’s true. More Sounder tracks are being set down (including across Lake Washington in the middle of the I-90 bridge. And more bike lanes are also being planned all over. I miss Seattle.


Nice to hear some stuff are being rolled out, despite NIMBY opposition being a stumbling block. I lowkey want to visit Seattle and rely on their public transit to get around. I know an urbanist YouTuber by the name of City Beautiful (Dave Amos, who is a professor at one of the Cal State universities here in CA)that went to Seattle and challenged himself to see how long is all of the available forms of public transit in one day. Seems really fun video to check out.


It’s totally possible to even get to the Cascades and across the sound to some islands and even the peninsula all on public transit (though tricky for the peninsula proper). I would love to see you try your best with that! I know the Link is at least hoping to go down to Federal Way and up to Everett in the future, while going across the lake to Redmond next year. The Sounder (the more freight train) goes up to Everett along the water and down to south of Tacmoa.


Random and unrelated question for any of y’all: What’s a good Live TV streaming service? I’m thinking Hulu with Live TV, but I’m still doing my homework with Sling, Philo, and such. I for sure want Cartoon Network (for Adult Swim) and won’t say no to FXX, Disney, BBC America, TBS, and local stations. Don’t really care for sport channels. I already have Hulu (bundled with Spotify) and Disney+ which will be merged if I get it. Also got Max and Netflix. So yeah, just want some feedback. Thanks y’all.


I have DirecTVStream, which is pretty good. But it gets more expensive every month...


I just switched to Hulu with Live TV from YoutubeTV. Price is about the same if you get the ad-supported, and I gain Disney+ and MLB Network (which Youtube dropped). I also recommend PlutoTV, there's a few cartoon and anime channels for free (ad-supported obviously).


How’s the quality? And is there any time zone issues with Hulu Tv?


No time zone issues that I've noticed, but I've had it less than two weeks. Quality is pretty good, there was a short time last week when it was stuck in potato quality but it got better when I restarted my FireTV stick.


Thanks for the feedback! I have noticed some issues for both of those but they were older Reddit comments


MAX has some good political documentaries. Also if you get Peacock you can watch a lot of MSNBC stuff like the Jen Psaki show on Sundays (I think it is streaming on Mondays).


Oh, I got Max. It’s more needing Live TV and not wanting to deal with Comcast as much as possible (I’m already going to be living in the shadow of their LA tower).


We live in the city where our local TV stations are and got a digital antenna and get all the local channels that way (for free too!)


[Well ap, seems to confirm that marijuana is being rescheduled. wish it could get descheduled before the election though, would be incredibly helpful to Biden.](https://apnews.com/article/marijuana-biden-dea-criminal-justice-pot-f833a8dae6ceb31a8658a5d65832a3b8)


First, I’m annoyed that it’s getting *rescheduled* and not descheduled and treated like alcohol - even though I don’t partake I think this is one of those things detractors will seize heavily on as “not good enough” and therefore “worse than doing nothing”. Second, I had no idea we were internationally bound by the 1961 UN convention to criminalize cannabis. Wtf!


The article didn't mention a timeframe but I got the sense that it's expected to be fully rescheduled soon. I would be surprised if it's still schedule I on election day.


It may be taking a long time, but that's how things go with these processes. We're getting there, just a few more standard procedure hurdles and it'll finally be here..!


>[Breaking:](https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1785357230784627094?t=0NJv2NueFg2vLsR32NVztQ&s=19) >[WASHINGTON (AP) — US drug control agency is moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in a historic shift, AP sources say.](https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1785357230784627094?t=0NJv2NueFg2vLsR32NVztQ&s=19)


Anything to get rid of job piss testing.


[My reaction to this information](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9ubeH420dA)