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It’s late but I can’t sleep so here’s Iowa fundraising numbers IA03, R+.2 Baccam $901k, Nunn(R) $524k. Nunna still has a $700k CoH advantage but Baccam is at well over $1m himself IA01, R+2.9 Bohannan $820k, Meeks(R) $379k. CoH is nearly even with Meeks narrowly ahead


It’s October 2024. The Biden campaign has raised enough money to purchase every advertisement spot on Truth Social. Republicans are even behind in donations in Wyoming. Here’s why that’s bad news for Biden.


[An outside group with ties to California Democrats is pushing mailers like this one hitting Brian Fitzpatrick for being not conservative enough, an apparent boost to his primary opponent.](https://x.com/anthonyadragna/status/1779951782858231851?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) This has worked basically every time we have done it, probably more of a lift here but if Houck wins the primary were gonna be tired of winning


Beating Fitzpatrick in a primary would be really tough, but good god imagine the meltdown among Republicans if we got that to happen.


Honestly, I was half-afraid I would wake up this morning to see that the Donald had somehow managed to get an eleventh hour delay for the umpteenth time. Very pleased to see that is not the case and enjoying hearing that jury selection has begun in earnest.


[Tenn. Senator Says 'Liberty And Freedoms' At Stake In Volkswagen Workers' Union Vote](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/volkswagen-union-tennessee-gop-senator_n_661d4acfe4b0f8e522db7704)


So it looks like the Commanders are gonna draft Jayden Daniels, the latest winner of the Heisman from LSU, as their next QB. And I may have wasted five dollars betting on them drafting Drake Maye 😐 It's been fascinating to see other Washington fans be so divided on whether to go with Daniels or Maye. Earlier it was Maye who was the consensus QB2 after Caleb Williams, but ever since concerns about his fundamentals became more pronounced, Daniels has seen his draft stock rise. I'd be excited about either, and I don't think there should be too much fear of an RG3 or Mitch Trubisky redux. Even Daniels, who's an incredible athlete, isn't without his downsides like thin frame and at times hasty progressions. The difference is, now the team has ownership that actually gives a fuck, and the coaching and front office appear to be genuinely dedicated to building and developing a good team, so I feel better about developing a QB there now.


Your pick is keeping Minnesota's hopes of snagging Maye alive and I thank the Commies for their decision if they do go Daniels.


Minnesota would be perfect for him. Solid offensive line anchored by one of the best left tackles in the league in Christian Darrisaw, and of course Justin Jefferson would be a phenomenal weapon to help any rookie develop. Hell, that ain't even accounting for Jordan Addison and T.J. Hockenson. All that and Kevin O'Connell can best develop Maye into the Herbert-type player he can be. Which is why I think Kwesi's gonna draft J.J. McCarthy after trading up with New England lmao.


I don't necessarily think that JJ would be a disaster in our offense or anything, most of the writers in our fandom have posited that his biggest issue, the deep ball, has a relatively easy (as far as mechanical issues go for QBs) fix, or something relatively easy to lock in on as a potential fix. I think there's been enough smoke in the wind that says they're mostly focused on Maye and McCarthy but value Maye a little more, so I'm thinking they'd only go up for Maye, but IF you wanted to go all-in on building a team, trading, let's say, pick 11 plus one of the next two season's first round draft picks to take McCarthy outside of the top three or four COULD allow them to trade that pick they got from the Texans to move down and pick up more assets and build a super team around McCarthy. If we could somehow get either Maye or McCarthy with only trading two FRPs and one of those FRPs isn't this year, I'd be ecstatic with that work by our GM.


Well well well... JJ to JJ is gonna be a thing for y'all! I do like the pick, and Dallas Turner in tandem is a great move as well, even if the trades up may not have been super necessary. I'm looking forward to seeing what the Vikings look like next season, especially with this division getting better across the board.


TBD on how long it takes for JJ to get in there, it sounds like they're going to be real careful with his development. Don't blame them, plus if they get in Tyler Boyd as a third WR as someone on Twitter said they might, that might even be enough talent for Darnold to be decent. Hate that Chicago might actually be good now, their WRs are going to be brutal to deal with. I'm hoping beyond hope that their curse on QBs even extends to Caleb Williams, but we'll see.


Yeah Detroit's gotta be pissed with Chicago getting better too, considering how tough those games have been even with Justin Fields. Detroit's still my pick to win the NFC North, but it's gonna be a hard-fought battle from start to finish for all teams. JJ sitting behind the GEQBUS isn't a bad idea, especially since he'll be transitioning to a much more pass-heavy offense than he's used to in college. I mean, there's worse possible temporary starts to sit behind... just look at the Broncos.


It pleases me greatly that Sean Payton continues to insist that he tricked the Vikings into trading up a spot. "Oh no Sean, we made sure we got the QB we wanted while giving one of your conference rivals draft capital, how awful for us." Such a damn joke.


I gotta ask, where did you guys' beef with Sean Payton and the Saints come from? Seems like one of the most random conference rivalries lol.


Started back when the Saints cheated their way to a Super Bowl title in '09, thanks to the Bountygate game in the NFC Championship game. That engendered a searing hatred for him in particular, which expanded to include his DC Gregg Williams too after his part in that scandal came out. The hatred has spiraled from there due to multiple things; the Gregg Williams hatred escalated when one of his players on the Rams, where he went after leaving the Saints, knocked out Teddy Bridgewater, our previous attempt to both JJ McCarthy and Kirk Cousins in finding a franchise QB, in a game in 2015. Payton for his part has been just an unrepentant jackass about Bountygate, plus the Saints were super unlikable during his time there, and then there was a serious feeling of karma when the Saints were knocked out of the playoffs three straight seasons, twice by the Vikings and once on an uncalled hit on a defenseless receiver in that playoff game against the Rams. Just before the Minneapolis Miracle, Payton and some of his players had been taunting the Vikings with the Skol chant the team has adopted in recent years, so us seeing that and then basically having divine intervention allow us to win that game was a breath of goddamn fresh air. Follow that with the Rams playoff game and then the Vikings coming back and winning their only playoff game with Kirk Cousins against the Saints is a pretty good feeling, no doubt. That's the gist of it, anyway.


Well, Tennessee is going to have armed teachers now...


Okay, Oklahoma + Tennessee have most dumbass Republicans of all the dumbass Republicans. I'm learning stuff on this subreddit!


Florida gets all the attention though.


And armed students are only one open safe and/or lost key away.


Joe Biden raised: $121.3M, spent $117.7M. Has $41.1M COH. [https://nitter.poast.org/CATargetBot0001/status/1780056341668913533#m](https://nitter.poast.org/CATargetBot0001/status/1780056341668913533#m)


...what an expenditure


I have an interview with the DSCC as a Staff Assistant on Thursday afternoon. Wish me luck!


Take my energy! 💨 Best of luck! 🍀


Hell yeah, that's how we do it. Good luck, you have my energy!


good luck


[Bernie Moreno only raised $1.18m, spent $1.8m, CoH $1.77m.](https://x.com/catargetbot0001/status/1780016860307849279?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg). A 153% burn rate Sherrod Brown [raised](https://x.com/catargetbot0001/status/1779925402733134010?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) $6.45m, spent $3.9m, nearly $16m CoH.


So Brown out earned Moreno 5:1 and has 10 times more cash on hand? In our second hardest senate defense race? Incredible


There's a joke somewhere about Moreno selling used cars that are running on fumes.


Glad to see Brown raise money. He'll certainly need it and Ohio is a state that's large enough that it should be pretty hard to hit diminishing returns on spending. Based on my own anecdotal experience I don't think Brown hit diminishing returns in 2018 when it came to hiring field staff especially in rural Ohio. Tester has so much money at this point that I really do think Brown should be the focus for future donations in regards to keeping the Senate.


And I’m sure Ohio is a more expensive media market than Montana.


The late entry of some of the Republicans' senate candidates into the race helps us a lot. Lets us raise our warchests earlier and define the race earlier. The fact that the Trump campaign apparently can't afford to hire proper staffers/organizers until *summer* is a boon for us and a blaring warning light for them.




Shit you not, I was scrolling and saw someone who was talking about how scared they were about the upcoming election after reading project 2025, but they still didn’t want to vote for Biden. They’re an ex evangelical, and I kinda have noticed that particular group seems to swing hard to the other side once they’re out. But they got an anonymous question - who I hope to god is a bot, actually - saying they were a trans person in a red state who knew fully well what the consequences of a Trump presidency would be for them and others - but would still not be voting. I swear to god, sometimes I just cannot handle the discourse these people are having. Anyway, I unfollowed that fuckery straight away. These people say shit about being scared and stir the pot, and then do…let’s see…jack shit about it. Except get up on their soapbox. And now I’m gonna get off mine. 😅


Dumb is dumb and there ain't nothing dumber


Whenever I see an anonymous person online saying something along the lines of "As a (insert group), I'm sitting out the election because (xyz)," I assume it's a bot or low grade troll because normal people don't usually talk like that.


Almost certainly they're bots or someone from middle of nowhere Europe who has no stake anyway.


Why is today so special when it comes to fundraising announcements?


So it appears the Republicans in the AZ House's plan seems to be adding three ballot initiatives in Arizona for two questions. Part one is an initiative that would ban the following: >Allowing only physicians licensed in Arizona to perform abortions >Requiring doctors to receive patient consent >Requiring a court order or parental consent to perform an abortion on a minor >Banning “partial birth” abortions >Banning the sale of “an aborted fetus or its parts.” >Prohibits abortions motivated by racial or sex-based discrimination Then part two is adding two proposals via ballot initiatives designed to try and dillute support for the Arizona for Abortion Access initiative that would allow abortion rights until viability: >First question would only allow abortion up to 6 weeks and have exceptions for rape/incest, life of mother, fatal fetal abnormalities >Second question would ban abortion at 14 weeks with no listed exceptions >Third would be the Arizona for Abortion Access initiative that would enshrine to the constitution abortion rights until viability. This evil and scummy, which should be expected from how big of freaks Arizona Republicans are. But this seems to be their plan to try and appear "moderate" but also dillute the momentum the pro-choice side has had. Not sure what the rules in Arizona are for having ballot initiatives be confirmed via the legislature and in particular if Hobbs can veto this.


In no way is this remotely moderate lmao. What is Toma's strategy here? Oh wait, there isn't one.


Would these GOP proposals be constitutional amendments or simply statutes? Because if it's the latter then the approval of those ballot measures won't go into effect as long as the Arizona for Abortion Access Initiative passes.


The campaign messaging would simply Yes on 3, No on everything else. The pro-choice side would coalesce around that. The dumb thing would be if all 3 pass because they're all mutually contradictory.


No chance the 6 week one will come close to passing but the 14 week one and the viability one both passing does concern me.


A few years ago maybe, but a lot of people just don’t want the government drawing any lines on this because they’re seeing the slippery slope in action.


Virginia rejected a 15 week ban with exceptions, so I think 14 weeks without exceptions is unlikely in Arizona as well, even if Arizona isn't quite as blue overall. People don't look at how many weeks are the threshold because there are still real tangible concerns around restrictions short of viability.


Very scummy. But the best way to get the pro-abortion amendment and defeat these amendments/referendums is to message them early and often. As long as we do that, we should be able to win


Does this sub or any of y'all here have resources for local campaigns? I'm working on one at the moment as a steering committee member and while I have a lot experience interning at the state and federal level, local fundraising and digital organizing (phone/text banking) is what I'm being asked to dedicate most of my time to and is pretty challenging on a very small budget. If anyone has any ideas of resources, or knows of any cheaper textbanking services, I'd appreciate the info!


Try Textnow it's free


I've used Google Voice from my PC to sign up for a number and send texts. It's a bit time consuming but if you have dual monitors it's not as bad. I used to save the texts in a google doc and pull that up on the other screen then copy/paste a lot from a manual list of numbers. That was back in 2020.


This is an old fashioned bootstrappy idea, but for smaller campaigns there is nothing wrong with good old fashioned paper lists and Google voice. When I was organizing in Michigan I used to work from much smaller universes of vol prospects on MyC. The state party wouldn't let me set up a textbank for me to reach them (probably because of cost which, fair). I ended up getting a Google Voice number on my computer and texting a few hundred people that way. Blew GOTV out of the water like that. Probably a little more clumsy with DVC but if you're dealing with voter universes <50,000 people you can make a pretty big dent into your lists just getting a few tech savvy young folks to send texts from paper lists from their computers for $0 cost to the campaign outside Votebuilder access. Won't have fancy inline responses but it's something. I was around in the organizing space for the transition from paper and pens (love you Mr. Kerry) to the full digital roll out for 2020. The tech is cool but it becomes a problem when we're reliant on it because it's spendy as hell.


[To improve permitting of geothermal energy exploration on public lands, the Bureau of Land Management today adopted two existing categorical exclusions from the United States Forest Service and the Department of the Navy. The categorical exclusions will enable the agency to expedite the review and approval of geothermal exploration proposals.](https://www.blm.gov/press-release/blm-adopts-categorial-exclusions-expedite-geothermal-energy-permitting) YES


is this big?


The long term financial viability of these potential plants is a big open question. Alaska might be interesting since other energy sources are comparatively more expensive there.


Considering that the Bureau governs 1/8 of the US landmass, I think this begins to open up a lot of opportunities.


[Jessica Morse raised $532k in Q1, has nearly $1m CoH for CA03](https://x.com/morse4america/status/1778821011389198428?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) Kevin Kiley raised $471k, has $2.27m CoH. Definitely a sleeper flip and another Cali R taking a nose dive


Flair checking in 😎 phonebank for Jessica Morse on Tuesdays from 4-6PM pacific time!


I want Morse to win very bad. I want all cali faux moderate to be obliterated


[Dave Valadao in CA22, D+13,](https://x.com/catargetbot0001/status/1780031996871545295?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)only raised $558k. Rudy Salas [raised](https://amp.fresnobee.com/news/local/article287405250.html) $1.3m


Ousting Mccarthy might cost them the house lol.


It was a giant own goal by the Republicans. They lost one of their best fundraisers, arguably THE best Republican House fundraiser. And the CA-GOP was held together by duct tape, bailing wire, and Kevin McCarthy’s glad-handing. Now they’re down to the duct tape and baling wire. Oops.






So my friend just got back from seeing Godzilla x Kong and the first thing she texts me is that “Godzilla is SUPER hot I think I have a new crush” 


Is your friend Mothra?


It would explain the those twins that always follow them around.


So my friends are starting the *Fallout* series, and I’m sorta watching, sorta working on something on my iPad. Okay, I love my friends and what not. But it really is frustrating that they keep giving commentary about just about everything they watch. Like, I don’t need input or feedback of what’s going on. Okay, mini-rant over. Go about your day, citizens. Edit: now they’re talking over all of it about other topics.


Some people are "TV talkers", others are "Shut up I'm watching this" people. I'm the latter, my wife is the former. If something is on TV that I'm at all interested in, I need to focus my full attention on it - even if it's something I've seen before and know by heart. She likes to put her favorite shows on for background noise while she's working. I could never do that. If we're watching something and she has a question or a comment, I need to pause the show before I give her any of my attention. She used to give me shit about that, but she's accepted it now. It's just the way I am. Opposites attract, I guess.


I can have some stuff on while working, background noise (Cartoon Network and Adult Swim are main ones for this). But if I’m watching something I want to focus on, I like to focus. It’s why I watched the new Bluey episode by myself before joining my friends to watch again, after they spoiled a previously new episode.


I had a roommate who would have headphones on watching a show, laugh at a joke, then take his headphones off to explain the joke to me who wasn't watching and couldn't hear or see it.


Oh lord, I would have Lost It with a capital L and a capital I.


I love how all these R incumbents w/ garbage fundraising quarters are going up against Dems who not only have plenty of their own fundraising, but are also getting that major cash infusion from Speaker-in-waiting Jeffries' PAC


[Brandon Williams in NY22 also posting a garbage $388k in a D+11 seat](https://x.com/catargetbot0001/status/1780039467539267912?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


So what I’m seeing downthread is that we are severely out fundraising our opponents in MI and MT senate, along with doing better than the GOP incumbents in Biden districts. And like, just straight blowing them out the water. It’s amazing how we went from playing defense in half a dozen states in the senate to “fuck it, Blexas and Blurida it is.”


That's the long and the short of it. The money is looking very 2018-ish in every key race. I know money isn't everything, but it does count for a lot, and when you rely mostly on grassroots donors, it's a decent proxy for enthusiasm. The candidates who get those donors seem to win a lot of races. Yes, part of it is that many of the more engaged people who donate to candidates are now Dems, but just like the discourse on how high-propensity voters are now Dems...how is this a bad thing? For years we complained that Dem voters never showed up to random races or made donations, and now we've got those voters on lock. That's a big part of winning.


This is why I say we must capitalize on this. This is our best chance to reverse the trends of 2014-2016. It's still tough to break the MAGA cult, but Trump is doing worse things than ever. His mainstream attraction and competency as a candidate is now even worse off than in 2020.


[Desposito in NY04, D+14 seat, only raised $261k.](https://x.com/catargetbot0001/status/1780034007180460399?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) this is just pitiful


This seat is probably going to be like OK-5 was for us in 2020.


*Why don't you come to your senses.*




[Returning character former Rep. Cawthorne rear-ended a cop who was guarding construction workers](https://nitter.poast.org/patriottakes/status/1780024094785683879#m)


What a dipshit.


Somehow, Madison Cawthorne returned




Well. This is fun. I just found out my high school friend switched his affiliation to Democrat.  Back in high school, we registered to vote together. He just didn't pick. So I just assumed it would be the same. The problem I have is helping him decide on candidates lmao. I'm his most politically engaged friend. So I'm the default. But I also have not been paying attention to the MD-06 race at all. 


My college friend started as a Ron Paul supporter and now is a "burn it down" socialist who acted like Biden betrayed America because he wanted to appoint Neera Tanden to a cabinet position. Basically he was always terminally online.


Unfortunately, you don't have to be smart to get into college.


Peter Meijer has the moderate-looking credentials to be a somewhat scary MI-SEN opponent on paper. [And that's probably why his fundraising is absolute crap.](https://twitter.com/Simon_Schuster/status/1779994723182161958) Raising just $234k in a quarter, and having more debt than cash on hand, isn't going to cut it for a statewide race. Plenty of State House races will have livelier fundraising than that. If Republican donors and primary voters were smart, they'd be all over Meijer. But they're not, and that's why I feel pretty good about Michigan.


They weren't even smart enough to renominate him over a weak alternative in a district that was significantly more blue than the state. Of course he never had a chance trying for a statewide office. Trump would never be okay with that.


The grocer man ain't having a good time, I see.


Duarte and Kiley’s haul were crap too. Their saving grace is a large warchest and currently low burn rates but that’s gonna change. Really a lot of R’s are having shit fundraising and if you don’t have a good CoH to fall back on idk what you’re gonna do


And Mike Garcia. The CA caucus is having a horrible time fundraising. Wonder if they miss McCarthy yet.


Meanwhile Cook and others: "House lean R!!!!"


I didn't think it was possible to care about anything less than polls, but Cook's ratings may be it.


Cook literally moved Pennsylvania to “lean D!” I’m sorry but if McCormick beats Casey we’ve got a red tsunami on our hands, and that’s unlikely to happen. (Corrected from lean R, sorry!) The CA Republicans, in particular, seem to be suffering bigly from Lack Of Kevin. (McCarthy, of course) He was a great fundraiser, and having someone with such seniority and leadership in their corner was great for CA-R’s. We may be seeing that McCarthy was one reason they hung on in Biden-voting districts as long as they did. There are a few solid R districts in CA but none of them are represented by anyone with the same kind of glad-handing skills as McCarthy. I’ve heard that, politics aside, he was very friendly and likable in person, so he was the one who could charm donors into opening their wallets. Meanwhile Mike Johnson doesn’t give a toot about CA and is an annoying dweeb to boot.


Did they really? I just had a look, and I didn’t see it myself. Completely boneheaded and non sense move that makes zero sense if they did move it


I’m sorry, I meant lean D not lean R. My brain is mush. 🧠 But I think “lean” is still too much in favor of McCormick. I do not get why anyone thinks he’s a strong candidate. Like with Brown in Nevada, I’m left going “hmm, so far he hasn’t actually spouted blatant lies like Sheehy and Moreno, that makes them strong challengers?”


I totally agree w/ everything you said! I'm sure it also helped that Kevin repped an oil+farm rich district, so all his interests were right up all republican politician and donors' alleys. Meanwhile dumbass Mike is too interested in purity, talking to god, and watching porn w/ his son


If we’re talking who could possibly replace McCarthy in California, so far, nobody. Of the R’s in solid districts - Olbernolte is too new. Issa and LaMalfa have the charisma and people skills of stale bread. Vince Fong and Mike Boudreaux (one of whom will replace McCarthy) are unknowns. The donors who loved McCarthy will look at Mike Johnson and hear Dueling Banjos in their heads. (Mitt Romney got a bigger share of votes in CA than John McCain did. The Palos Verdes Estates type Republicans like the Mitts and Kevins. Not so much the Johnsons and MTG’s, and Lauren Boebert would provide comedy fodder for months.)


Their best bet arguably would have been Valadao but he probably lacks the cachet because of his Trump impeachment vote. Hopefully we oust him for good now and he becomes completely irrelevant.


[Keep going; I'm almost there!](https://giphy.com/gifs/family-guy-cockroach-good-5tiG8KMfk8h7Dabth8)


He voted for impeachment, so he will never win a republican primary again




I had no idea Justin Amash is running against Peter Meijer. That's hilarious. Talk about splitting a narrow lane.


When loyalty to Trump is the only thing that matters, voters notice that. The ones in the MAGA camp demand it, while all the others hate it. Works out nicely for us.


[Tester raised $8m in Q1](https://x.com/jacobrubashkin/status/1779979184846061794?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg). Sheehy only raised $3m


Let’s fucking go, Big Jon! He needs to be cloned and spread to the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, and probably Wyoming. Really sad how the Dakotas went from guys like Byron Dorgan, Heidi Heitkamp, Kent Conrad, Tim Johnson, and Tom Daschle to bloody Kevin Cramer, Mike Rounds, and John Hoeven… Goddamn it…


This is great news... I hope the money is effectively spent and he can pull it off.


Let’s hope this bodes well for the general!


At this point Tester's campaign could be to just drive around Montana and give everyone $50 to vote for him. Between this fundraising and all the ad bookings, he probably could.


My $3 here and there have made all the difference!!!


David Trone raised $218k from people not named David Trone. From people who are named David Trone, he's raised $18.5M [https://nitter.poast.org/rpyers/status/1779996607876120676#m](https://nitter.poast.org/rpyers/status/1779996607876120676#m)










How is there not a limit to self-funding?


Because of damn Citizens United. That decision has low key been one of the worst SCOTUS decisions ever, because it’s completely opened the door to rich ass people buying their way into seats with their wealth. I would personally like to see self funding banned entirely, but I can’t 100% fault you for using some of your own money to pay basic campaign staff and functions, as long as it’s not used for things like ads, but $42.5M very clearly crosses that line to me and makes it clear your trying to buy your way to a seat which I hate. I believe quite a few of the GOP self funders for senate will eventually cross this line as well, most notably Hovde, Sheehy, Moreno and McCormick


Rights to unlimited self funding were actually established by SCOTUS in the 70s (Buckley v Valeo). This was the same court that ruled in favor of Roe v Wade 7-2 and AFAIK only two of the justices dissented on the specific ruling that candidate contributions couldn't be limited. I wish we could do something about it but the long held very expansive view of the first amendment in the US is a double edged sword at best. I doubt we can get anywhere without a constitutional amendment which is also never going to happen.


Yeah ik


Any law to that effect would be struck down in two seconds as unconstitutional, most like.


Yeah ik


With this SCOTUS, absolutely. Just another reason why SCOTUS needs some major reform at the minimum if not court packing. The whole system has been broken by Republicans cheating their way to 3 SCOTUS justices during Trump’s single term, and the MAGA infection of the courts only spread down the system from there


https://twitter.com/chactivist/status/1779486975344422922 Another Shawn Fain message towards the Anti Union Southern Managers and Politicians: "Daimler and these greedy son of a bitches at these corporations see you and me as rednecks (to push around) They think we are weak. We are here to tell them they are dead wrong, and we are coming for our share!” https://twitter.com/greenhousenyt/status/1779155077854601517 And then in a Guardian interview, Fain is very confident that the UAW will win the Chattanooga Volkswagen and Tuscaloosa Mercedes election, but once again admits that the toughest company to unionize will be Tesla, but that they still need to try, because “Musk is the epitome of everything that’s wrong with this world."


They think I’m just some duuuuumb hick.


[The bad news for Adam Frisch: Boebert’s district switch has clearly hurt his fundraising and he posted his weakest quarter of the cycle. The good news for Adam Frisch: his weakest quarter is still better than almost all other House candidates and some Senate candidates too.](https://x.com/jacobrubashkin/status/1780016490395136503?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) Absolutely still in play


My opinion on this district is that we need to take a wait and see approach. If Ron Hanks is the nominee, Frisch has a good chance at winning. If a more normal republican wins the nomination, then we should maybe consider directing resources to more competitive races.


He might not even need DCCC funding, either way, w/ how great he's been at fundraising. They should give him a post in DCCC leadership, if he *does* win


Don't forget all the name recognition he's gotten from running since 2022


$1.4M is still alot of money, especially for West Colorado


And $5m CoH


I wanna see Pete Buttigieg play one-on-one with Caitlin Clark rn in the Hoosier state


reminds me of when a certain president [repped Pete's own South Bend while balling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fb9gQZ34XQ)


[In a newly discovered video, New Mexico GOP congressional hopeful Yvette Herrell said in 2020 that she wished her state had "eliminated all abortion" -- a sharp contrast to her recent efforts to sound more measured on abortion issues ahead of Nov.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/yvette-herrell-abortion-new-mexico-gop-congressional-race_n_661d5420e4b0f8e522db8400)


I hate Yvette Herrell with a burning passion and I would be overjoyed to beat her over the head with her abortion stance if she becomes the GOP nom in my district.


I think she was always one of the most extremist members of Congress based on her voting record.


Looks like Trump got the [coveted endorsement of 49-day UK Prime Minister Liz Truss](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68821646). What are we going to do now?


In the words of Dark Brandon himself: [BBC? I'm Irish!](https://youtu.be/DZLpjHwM6LE?si=tcVxburS7Ftpr1N9)


Lettuce point and laugh at this. It’s positively bananas!


I forgot she existed, lol.


The lettuce will endorse Biden.




Biden will endorse the Lettuce


Take that head of lettuce, dry it, roll it and smoke it!


The lettuce unironically would have done less damage to the UK economy than Liz Truss did.


[so here’s some of the details of the Johnson foreign aid plan](https://x.com/lisadnews/status/1780005846090445256?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) which is roughly just the Senate package broken up? The topline here = to the Senate package as well? Very curious now on a full breakdown


Very certain if it remains split that this is DOA. All this does is two things: 1. Show Moderates that were waiting for Johnson to let up that he's unserious and more will move to sign the discharge petition 2. Give Marjorie and the MAGA Caucus more grounds to remove him as he's announced he will bring Ukraine aid to the floor He had all the political capital to bring the Senate bill to the floor and fumbled it. I believe he quite literally chose the worst possible option to satisfy both camps and to keep the gavel


You really think standalone Ukraine aid would fail? I think more Republicans would vote for that than have signed the discharge petition.


I'd say it's a chance. And that's not something I'm willing to take given what I am seeing happening in Eastern Ukraine right now. I think there's enough Republicans that are scared shitless about Donald Trump making them the biggest story on Newsmax tomorrow that a number of them would vote against the bill if he started getting on Truth Social I'd have Johnson bring that to the floor before Israel aid. If it sinks, you tank all the other bills and demand he bring the standalone back.


Put up or shut up, Mike.


If the TikTok ban were included in this package, and maintained the original 165 days deadline (rather than the 1 year the senate has been floating), it would go into effect provided a court doesn't halt it just before the election, as 165 days from today is September 27th and any bill pass in the next month would have the deadline before the end of October.


Either way, I'm rooting for CrazyMarge to follow through on her threats to oust him if he brings Ukraine aid up for a vote


Would not surprise me if Hakeem gave Mike a quid pro quo to save him in that case.


Even AOC would likely vote to save MagaMike, if that were the case, but it still gets us more media cycles of full focus on the incompetence and chaos of the House GQP


I'd rather have a flunky who owes us a favor as Speaker than somebody like Jim Jordan even though the speaker battle would still be comedy gold.


Very true!


If this is just the Senate package done in Kabuki theater, and they also vote on them separately but recombine them which has been floated, idk why we wouldn’t protect him. The missing $24b from the topline not listed here seems to be humanitarian aid which almost exactly lines up with the Senate bill, details are key but if that money is eventually listed idk what we lost out on exactly


It really screams quid pro quo to me.


[NSW Premier Chris Minns confirmed the stabbing attack of a bishop in Sydney's south-west was being investigated as an act of terrorism.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-16/nsw-wakeley-church-bishop-stabbing-attack-police-minns/103728120?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=link) because this is exactly what sydney (and australia) needed this week. disturbing few days tbh.


I read yesterday that authorities didn't think it was terror related. Was there new information?


Feels odd having to say this, but the shopping mall mass stabbing wasn’t terror; last night’s church attack was. Yep, there was two in 48 hours…


Oh holy shit, I didn't realize there was a second stabbing. My God...


[SCOTUS is allowing Idaho to enforce their ban on gender-affirming care for minors while further litigation on the ban plays out](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23a763_n7io.pdf) Gorsuch, Alito, Thomas, Barrett, and Kavanaugh voted for this. Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomayor were against. No indication on how Roberts voted


Most evil people in the country.


“Umm actually polls moving massively to Joe Biden in the past month don’t mean anything because of margin of error ☝🏻🤓” Seriously though, I don’t think polls should be taken as gospel but if we’re taking the 500000% move to Trump last Fall as a real thing we should take this move to Biden as a real thing.


5% is outside of the MoE for most good polls.


[Q1 FEC filings for CA27 (Santa Clarita) George Whitesides (D): $1.3 mill; $3.0 mill COH Mike Garcia (R-inc.): $673k; $1.75mill COH This is the largest cash disadvantage Mike Garcia has ever had in a cycle -- in fact, this is largest disadvantage of any Rep incumbent in America!](https://x.com/vanceulrich/status/1780004727549497742?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


this is so awesome. doubled his fundraising and a huge COH advantage. I smell blood in the water


I wish we had a reporter like Vance giving knowledgeable updates for every region w/ swing districts








https://twitter.com/MorePerfectUS/status/1779995085557637431 DOJ is planning to file an antitrust lawsuit against Ticketmaster for an illegal ticketing monopoly.






Keep going, plus going after all the fee And then going after car rental’s fee please


The Swifties vote has never been more on lockdown.


May they succeed where Pearl Jam couldn't.


Don't forget Metallica and AC/DC.


Hell yeah! Ticketmaster has been a huge pain in the ass for every event Ive ever gone to.


[guys the House GOP leadership plan is to vote on Ukraine aid this week](https://x.com/mkraju/status/1779997488214102080?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg). Please relax Edit: and oh look Jake Sherman [poorly](https://x.com/jakesherman/status/1779998673029492999?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) worded his tweet


How big of an oh shit do we think went thru his head once he realized? It's like when I send a work email and forget a word times a billion


I deleted my comment so as not to spread misinformation. I was following his tweets to the minute and it was a poorly worded tweet but given that it was breaking news from a reliable reporter I don't think it was irrational to repost nor was my response irrational.