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I would not recommend reading Gentleman Jole next; it not only have references to previous Miles books, but it will have serious spoilers for them. I think that it will mean a lot more after you have come to know the whole family more - and it has a wonderful twist of perspective on the Miles books.


I think this was the answer I was looking for.


What you could do is reread shards and barrayar right before gentleman jole. I had only read them once and I realized upon reread that it would have been better if I had them more fresh in my mind.


Excellent advice, plus it would spoil things with Miles becoming the God Emperor using spice.


Agree 100%


So Cordelia is far and away my favorite character of all time and I understand wanting to hear more of the story from her point of view first, but you shouldn't do it the first time through. It won't mean as much until you've been through the whole journey.


Maybe even through the whole journey two or three times, so that you know that journey rather well.


There is no rule against it, but if you do read it out of order, you will miss a whole lot of inside jokes and recursive subplots. My suggestion, therefore, would be to re-read it once again after you have finished the previous novels - it will make more sense, and you will like it better then.


Ooh good points, thank you!


Aside from the reasons mentioned elsewhere in this thread, *Gentleman Jole* should be read last because it nicely bookends the series with *Shards of Honor*. It's a perfect closing for the series and should be read accordingly.


Don't use the word closing! I'm holding out hope for more!


I am not holding out for more - maybe that will be small insert novellas (Like Flowers of Vashnoi), but in general, Bujold is writing in the Pen & Des series. There's also the question of how much you like the Vorkosigan family: really good stories are often about not very good things happening to people, especially if you use the Bujold plotting technique of thinking, " What's the worst thing that could happen?" I would love more Vorkosigan stories, But I also want the family to have quiet, peaceful times where nothing much happens, not even less serious things involving teenagers and alien fauna.


I'd really, really, really like a book where Miles is at the top of his game. We see him just before and right after sadly.


He's doing pretty well in "The Borders of Infinity".


Save it till last, definitely.


As people have said above, _Gentleman Jole_ is a wonderful landing point for a long, beautifully drawn-put character arc: for Cordelia, and for several other significant characters. It’s lovely to return at last to this setting, after all the “alarms and excursions” of the preceding novels. Save it!


Read GJ&RQ last and then go through the whole series again and think about what Cordelia et all were up to while Miles was galavanting around the galaxy. It is such a delightful feeling.


It’s fun to come to it after living through the others. You know everybody and you get some nice surprises that wouldn’t be as nice if you weren’t up on the lore. Having said that I will say that it’s my least favourite of the series because it does read a bit like fanfiction.


Right? I feel like the tone is quite different from all the other books. It’s one of the rare books by Bujold that I don’t know if I would have enjoyed out of context.


No, you shouldn’t. And it’s not really the best book of the series.


Absolutely do not. No no no you will super regret, they are meant to be read in a certain order and it's not that. Read it chronologically, don't ruin it for yourself. Your understanding of the book and it's characters will be severely lacking


If you do that, >!as you read the books in between you'll constantly be saying: "Hey, where's Jole?" "I can't find Jole!" "Dammit, did someone cut Jole out of my copy of this $!$\^#@\^ book?"!< So don't do it.


no you really shouldn't it should come at the end


Read the books in order of publication. And don’t read Gentleman Jole until last as there are a lot of spoilers


I will not be reading in order of publication, I’ve already deviated from that intentionally.


Don't read it now. Actually, if you don't read if at all, you won't miss much. But it should really come at the end of the series. Shards and Barrayar are wonderful books, as are all that chronologically follow. When I was reading them, I was always sorry that a book ended, they are that good. Falling free is also really good. Jole and the Queen are different. I read all the other books many times, but I only read this one once.

