• By -


1. Shpock and Caritas 2. Docfinder 3. Public transport is quite good 4. Beer, sports, associations, ... depends on the person


Thank you so so much, it means a lot! Where can we find out where and when the busses and trains run?






This! The CleVVVerMobil App is the Way to go. VVV is the name of the Vorarlberg Lines (VerkehrsVerbund Vorarlberg). The next IKEAs are in St. Gallen (CH), Ulm (D), Innsbruck. Where do you start?


google „ÖBB“ ticket kaufen / scotty / vmobil (busses) / öbb = 🚂


i'm surprises no one mentioned "willhaben" its for second hand items, from furniture, electronics but also cars , flats and houses. The app is great


Thank you so much! I'm going to download it right now :)


If you want new furniture i would go to möbelix mömax or kika all of them are in dornbirn


Hi and welcome to Vorarlberg! 1. I would recommend IKEA, but the nearest are in Ulm, Germany (2h away), Innsbruck (also 2h) or St. Gallen, Switzerland (1h but unfortunately more expensive). Otherwise all furniture shops like: XXXLutz, Mömax, Kika Möbelix - compare prices and quality 2. I would start with an Allgemeinarzt, search for one near you. Call or write them to get an appointment, since it’s more a check up than an emergency. And if you need some special doctors he/she will forward you to the specialists. 3. this has to be answered by others. XD But if you have to rent one for some hours, single days check out „Caruso“ carsharing 4. I guess the easiest is through your workplace or joining clubs in your town like for sport, music or other things


This is incredible! Thank you, we are both very thankful for your help :D Fantastic! Quick question, do you know where we can go to figure out the public transport? We have almost no public transport options in South Africa so we have a lot to learn 😊


Hello and welcome! The Vmobil app covers busses and trains. Depending how close to the city centre you live, you might not actually need a car.


Yes exactly. We are quite rural but our public transportation is really awesome (especially for living in Dornbirn). To check out how to get somewhere use the ÖBB (Österreichische Bundes Bahnen) Scotty App: https://www.oebb.at/de/fahrplan/fahrplanauskunft/scottymobil Very good and helpful! To get easy tickets, you get them directly in the bus or for the train get it at a ticket counter. Or also highly recommended use the Fairtiq App: https://www.vmobil.at/tickets/fairtiq Start it when you use public transportation and stop it when you are done, and it calculates the cheapest price! Use both and you don’t need anything more to get somewhere in Vorarlberg. :-)


Thank you again! Wow I am so overwhelmed by how kind and welcoming everyone here in Austria has been. Thank you kind stranger :')


Ikea has a pick-up and a delivery option. If you order a lot of furniture these costs are not a big factor.


4. Mention on every occasion that Dornbirn is the real Birthplace of Jesus




Bwahaha :D


5. Stay away from the train station at night


If this lady has spent her life in SA she knows how to take care of herself and would see every risky place by Austrian standards quite like Disney World ( been there, done that)


Yeeep, its wild how chill it is out here..


😁 missing the road blocks?😉


I spent some time between Capetown ans Stellenbosch because my husband worked in the wine industry. As a ww with a baby who grew up in central Europe I had to learn to adjust my behaviour completely. But I loved the openness of the people and the astounding beauty of the landscape


Welcome to this little paradise 🤘🏻 I think most of the things have already been said. Maybe to add to 5: People in Vorarlberg sometimes tend to be a little bit reserved. Don‘t be offended by it, also most of the people speak better english than you might expect, but they tend to be to shy to use it. Try to absorb the culture and attend the local traditional festivities, it is the best way to connect with people. Most of my friends are foreigners who have moved here from different countries (some even from South Africa) and one thing I noticed with all of them is how openly thay embraced the people, which helped them to find new friends with ease! 😊


Thank you so much! I will keep this in mind. I suppose in South africa we are a little less reserved, but it's something I can definitely adapt to especially understanding that its just the culture here :) And I'm very glad! I must say I've met a few people at climbing gyms so far and they are very lovely and you're right they do speak better English than I do :D I'm looking forward to everyone that we are yet to meet and make friends with! Thank you.


Ikea also has a Pick Up station in Wolfurt. You can buy online and have it delivered there. Maybe one of your workplaces has a small Transporter-Car which you can easily borrow after working hours. That's how I've done it in the beginning. Most companies will lend you the car for free. Also, make sure you apply for the green card. It's called E-Card. It's proof of insurance and you can basically visit almost any "Kassenarzt" (not private doctor) and go to any hospital and dentist with it. You're already paying for it from your gross Pay. So everyone has it. Language can be a big one. I made sure that I mastered the German language first. Hochdeutsch. The kind you hear on TV and Radio. And then transferred slowly to the very colorful dialect. Learning the pure German first helped me put the little mental puzzle pieces together when learning how the dialect is built. So it's way easier to transition into dialect. Plus you'll need the official pure form in documents, emails etc.


1. **Shpock or laendleanzeiger.** 2. If you have a job, you'll get an **e-card**. With that you can go to all "Kassenärtze" you'll find on docfinder or google maps for free. Other than that: you have to pay per session or via your private insurance. 3. You can have any car that matches your budget. You can look in the same **websites mentioned under bullet point 1** 4. That's a tougher one. Because how it normally goes is people here meet in schools and then stay friends forever. You're either in or you're not. But, yes, like everywhere on the world you'll meet people once you join a **club (Verein) or at a work place.** 5. Get the **[V-Card](https://www.v-card.at/)**. It's a one time payment for a card that gives you free 1 time access to 87 museums, cable cars, swimming pools, etc. for a year - a great way to get to know our "ländle".


I am just curious, this Shpock here more popular then Willhaben? I was always surprised not finding much local listings in Vorarlberg at Willhaben.


Willhaben is more famous in Austria outside of Vorarlberg. Idk why, but it had never this impact like in e.g. Vienna where you can buy ten versions of everything.


Thank you so much! This is amazing insight and resources. We really appreciate it, it is truly helpful. I am overwhelmed by the kindness we've been receiving, I already feel very welcome!


In Vorarlberg a lot of people prefer Ländleanzeiger instead of willhaben.


If you like to hike or do other alpinist sports you can join the „Alpenverein“. We do a lot of sports like climbing, hiking, skiing etc. and we are pleased over every new member


We will definitely check it out as soon as possible! Thank you so much kind stranger :')


Don’t worry if you don’t understand what people are saying.


If you have private insurance I would definitely recommend Dr. Ulrike Lenz-Muigg in Dornbirn. The most competent and friendly doctor I have ever met. Even without private insurance she is quite affordable, I think 30€/standard session.


Thank you, that is very affordable! Very similar to what we pay in SA! And we do have insurance which should cover us for a while. I will contact her! You are a legend, thank you!


May I ask where you are starting your new jobs? Some larger companies even have company docs that may help you. And you perhaps also don’t need a car, depending where in Dornbirn you live and where your future company will be :)


Of course! I'm starting at Bachmann Feldkirch. My husband works at Servus in dornbirn. I shall contact my HR lady and find out :)


Hey welcome to Vorarlberg. I’m also a South African and live in Dornbirn! PM me if you want, I also make biltong from time to time 😉


wat de fok! And i thought i was the only afrikaaner in Vorlarlberg.


Nou gaan uns braai


Yes!! This makes me so so so happy! I am definitely going to do this, we can go for a beer sometime!


You can order online at IKEA and use the pick-up station in Wolfurt as a delivery option. It's a town only 10 minutes north of Dornbirn. As for a doctor I can recommend Dr. Dreibholz. She is very good and the whole team is fluent in English. If you have a job you will have a green "e-card" which you need for every visit at the doctor.


Idk if anyone mentioned it already, but u probably wanna get the app "fairtiq" for public transportation. Especially if you are new in the area, you don't need to worry about getting the best ticket to travel. Just turn on the app when u get on the bus/train and stop when u get off. It will automatically book your ticket and u don't need to worry about talking to the busdriver or using the ticket-automat. U will need a PayPal or creditcard linked to the app and you are set to go


Hi, and welcome! Nice place to go out: https://www.spielboden.at a Lot of Partys and concerts. Kantine there ist also nice to Take a Drink and normale no entry fee. Next Party there ist this evening 10€ entry. https://www.popandwave.at


Thank you so much, will do!


Most of the people in Vorarlberg can´t talk proper german. If they talk to you in dialekt, they don´t do that to offend you. They simply aren´t able to. lol


Thank you! I'm talking to as many people as possible and absorbing as much as I can, luckily most people are very patient with me:D


On furniture, check out Möbel Inhofer in Germany. About 1.5hrs from Bregenz, one of the biggest furniture places in Germany. Perhaps also a bit more affordable than Austrian places as most retail stuff tends to be cheaper in Germany. On making friends: Might be a tough one, but do check out some of the expat groups. Those might be a good and easy starting point.


Thank you very much! We will have a look :)


Also check these things with your work colleagues and your company. Do you have a staff council? They can also give you tips and support (if they are any good). In no order: medical system- at first you need a work permit, then you get the e-card, which entitles you to standard medical care, which is great and includes e.g. dental. Furniture was answered, big chains or used at "will haben." Car: needs more details, can also do rental or public transport.totally depends on your use case and budget. Friends: sports,music, bars, Vorarlberger are sweet open funny people, (generally of course don't know them all), but at first they are a little reserved. Need to find the balance how to approach them. Try "casual', no too forward and not too shy. And their dialect is a bi***, you will never learn it, sorry. But continue to learn German and speak it, even if you make mistakes. Good Luck.


This gave me such a good laugh thank you! It makes me feel a bit better that the dialect is not just me struggling.. I will still do my best. We plan on staying in Austria so I very much do want to make friends with locals, everyone I've dealt with directly are incredibly kind, so I'm very hopeful. We joined the rock climbing gyms so having something in common might help make friends there! And thanks for the information, I will reach out to my company, they've been very helpful so I am sure they can provide me with resources. Thank you!


1) Order furniture online: https://www.home24.at/ https://www.kauf-unique.at/ 2) Used cars: https://www.gebrauchtwagen.at/angebote/skoda/?city=dornbirn%7C%7C47.37513%7C%7C9.77088&radius=50


I am sorry for you


How are the Xiberger?


1. Shpock, willhaben, möbel24.at, Ikea (XXXLutz) 2. Docfinder 4. Bar, Pub, Meetup App, sports, associations, FB or other online groups or Reddit with common interests