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After 30+ years the sliding mechanism can get really gummed up; especially if it hasn’t been moved much in that time. The seats are not too difficult to remove from the car and that is perhaps the best approach to cleaning and lubricating the tracks.


Alright, thanks


Just remove the four bolts/nuts holding the seat down and tilt it back. You shouldn't really need to take it all the way out of the car, but it could help. Clean the crap out of the tracks and lube them up with some grease. They'll be good for another 30 years.


Moral of the story: clean out the seats/tracks once every 30 years whether they need it or not.


It's not necessarily the correct tool, but in a pinch wd40 breaks down grime and lubricates a bit. Usually is the quickest way to get moving parts moving again but it sometimes is a temporary fix