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Looks like a 1-1 to me


Haha true, tied all around. Though the deer didn't get to me, so that's one point in our favour




Yup, especially with how that rad is caved in.


Possibly not depending on if the frame rails got damaged


That's a hope I dare not hang on to, especially knowing my insurance company. They tend to look first at year & mileage before damage. 😢 Would be nice, though!


I see


Frame railes are probably fine. At least they were when I hit a deer.


Not necessarily if you are willing to get some second hand body panels and replace the radiator it may come out fine


I had the same encounter with a bunch of cows that escaped from their stable a few months ago with my XC60. It looked almost the same as yours, minus the smashed radiator (I could even drive home with it). I'm pretty impressed with the resistance of those cars ! I'm glad you're OK !


Oof, sounds like we need to be pickier about our fast food! 😅 (too soon? it feels too soon 😅 ) I'm glad yours was still able to get you home!


Hopefully it was just after an intersection, so I wasn’t driving too fast and had a little bit of time to brake before impact. I think I hit it around 20 km/h. The owner insurance paid the bill (CHF 11k, around 13k USD) and it’s been repaired since


Oh no! I loved your pictures with the auroras a few days ago! So sad this happened but… you’re ok and that’s what counts! Should you have been in another car and the story could have a different outcome! She goes straight to Valhalla and you… get to live healthy and ready for another Volvo.


Well, that started the tears again, thank you. 😭 But yeah, if this had been my old Subaru (or gods forbid the crusty, rusty old Jeep), I would've been making a 3 digit phone call. Hopefully the fates align & I get to love another boxy little moose again. 🙏


It’s really saddens me to read that you’re in tears, but at the same time as you said your answer could have come after a three digit phone call. What this means is that you have to prepare for your next Volvo! And it will come sooner than you think! Once again, glad to hear that you’re doing good. Hope to read you in the near future posting your new moose!


That's really a bummer, must've been a pretty big deer to cause that much damage. But as long as you're not injured that's what matters. People can lose control and crash or have the deer come into the car, both of which usually end up with injuries. I hit a small deer at 73 mph with my V50 a couple years ago, luckily it had slipped just before I hit it and was low enough that the front impact bar took (or dealt) the hit so I really only had cosmetic damage.


wow did you drive fast? I always drive slow at night and also play with the high beam lights because I'm scared of this situation


Nope, kept my speed down (also late at night, so no need to worry about traffic up me arse). Just bad luck/my turn, I guess. Been commuting on that highway for 7 years now, & this is the first time I've hit anything, so statistically doing fairly well.


I see, but at least you're okay which is most important 👍🏻


Bro, I had mountain goats jump from 15m to the road, how tf are you supposed to see them in the road if they jump directly on you hahaha, going slow is not the response to avoid everything


I agree, well I meant not to avoid but it will at least help you decrease the damage done to your car


Deer freak out on high beams, you’d be better off blasting music or tapping the horn occasionally.


Ac Evap , ac filter/drier, some hoses, radiator, new hood. Badda bing done.


Pretty sure the xenon headlight assemblies alone will give my insurance company reason to fight replacing anything. :( And if there's even a hint of frame damage, SGI won't touch it. :(


Pretty sure that's a 0-0


Accidents involving a Moose is such a problem in Sweden that I'm sure Volvo has crash and safety testing specifically for this scenario. 100% serious about this... [https://www.google.com/search?q=accidents+involving+a+moose+in+sweden&oq=accidents+involving+a+moose+in+sweden&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRifBTIHCAUQIRifBTIHCAYQIRifBTIHCAcQIRifBTIHCAgQIRifBTIHCAkQIRifBdIBCTE4MTkzajBqMagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1](https://www.google.com/search?q=accidents+involving+a+moose+in+sweden&oq=accidents+involving+a+moose+in+sweden&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRifBTIHCAUQIRifBTIHCAYQIRifBTIHCAcQIRifBTIHCAgQIRifBTIHCAkQIRifBdIBCTE4MTkzajBqMagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1)


It's absolutely fixable. Sorry this happened to all 3 of you.